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Sony Blacklists Colin Moriarty


Listening to the podcast - 10mins about his Patreon, then straight into some entitlement shit about his rights to a response to emails from big corp..

This is his own website

Take a look - why the fuck would a corporation interact with this ? It's a big page of nothing with presumably some content behind a paywall.

Why would Sony give them any exclusive details, or even interact with this - it's crazy

You seem absolutely triggered about him. So he talks about his Patreon on his podcast? No way?! That's how he keeps being able to fund the podcast. I see absolutely nothing wrong with the Patreon you posted. What on there has got your panties in such a bunch?

He has the only video game podcast I can currently stand. He's one of the few who are not a massive shill to certain brands and companies and calls crap out when stuff should be called on. I listen weekly and I'm not even a Playstation fan.


Gold Member

You guys keep talking about the tweet. Uninformed, misquoting, like if using Google was so fucking hard.

The # was trending, he added that. That's it.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Now he is leftist just because he wants lol
He never said that. People of different political persuasions can still have diversity in thought over policy.

I for one think Moriarty's libertarian ideas would absolutely not work well in the real world at all, but that doesn't have much to do with gaming.


He never said that. People of different political persuasions can still have diversity in thought over policy.

I for one think Moriarty's libertarian ideas would absolutely not work well in the real world at all, but that doesn't have much to do with gaming.
His backslash had nothing to do with games too... it was about his political "ideias".

Great comeback. Can you explain what is far right about them? Or can we conclude you're talking out of your ass and lying about him?
You can think what you want about me and that won't change the exemple I give you is extreme right.
Maybe your ideia of left, center and right is not that right after all.
But I'm not here to teach you that... you will find it alone or not... I don't know.
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His backslash had nothing to do with games too... it was about his political "ideias".

You can think what you want about me and that won't change the exemple I give you is extreme right.
Maybe your ideia of left, center and right is not that right after all.
But I'm not here to teach you that... you will find it alone or not... I don't know.
So you can't explain it. I'm glad we've established you're a lying far leftie
That would probably have been more funny had you not selectively quoted my post


I'm pretty sure it was about a joke that you would have Al Bundy painted as Altright for.
That joke was possible the final trigger... he was already having small backslash with other "posts" before.
It just that joke was the the one that triggered his left of his own channel.


I'm in the right here and you acuse me of lying lol
You are really that low.
How do you figure you're in the right? You can't even answer the most basic questions about your claims. You claim he is far right yet you cannot produce any evidence to support it. Instead you pull up some tweets that have nothing right wing in them and claim it's not your job to educate me. Short of simply labelling me an alt-right nazi transphobe, you'd be hard pressed to be more wrong


How do you figure you're in the right? You can't even answer the most basic questions about your claims. You claim he is far right yet you cannot produce any evidence to support it. Instead you pull up some tweets that have nothing right wing in them and claim it's not your job to educate me. Short of simply labelling me an alt-right nazi transphobe, you'd be hard pressed to be more wrong
Let me guess... you are American?


Explain how those tweets are racist
I try one time... let's see how it works.

First he is wrong... not all White are less educated, make less money, live in less affluent areas, and live lesser... in fact a lot of American Asians suffers the same and even more harsher situations than most Whites.
Second... the ideia of Americans Asians are better than Whites is racism... direct and clean racism.
That is a opinion that is found in most far right politics.

Not even close
Ohhhh... you really looks like American... so I was curious.
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If all this shit is really about that completely innocent joke on Twitter all those years ago then it is one of the most ridiculous over reactions I've ever seen.
His joke wasn't remotely offensive and was fucking YEARS ago.

Surely there has to be more going on behind the scenes that we don't know about?


If all this shit is really about that completely innocent joke on Twitter all those years ago then it is one of the most ridiculous over reactions I've ever seen.
His joke wasn't remotely offensive and was fucking YEARS ago.

Surely there has to be more going on behind the scenes that we don't know about?
The joke was the trigger not the sum up.


Yea, I heard him mention this.

Also, kind of surprising, he also mentioned that Druckman and the folks at Naughty Dog are still friendly with him.
I try one time... let's see how it works.

First he is wrong... not all Asians are less educated, make less money, live in less affluent areas, and live lesser... in fact a lot of American Asians suffers the same and even more harsher situations than most Asians.
Second... the ideia of Americans Asians are better than others Asians is racism... direct and clean racism.
That is a opinion that is found in most far right politics.

Ohhhh... you really looks like American... so I was curious.
Huh? That's not what those tweets are saying at all. He's comparing average Asian American to Average White American. Right?
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I try one time... let's see how it works.

First he is wrong... not all Asians are less educated, make less money, live in less affluent areas, and live lesser... in fact a lot of American Asians suffers the same and even more harsher situations than most Asians.
Second... the ideia of Americans Asians are better than others Asians is racism... direct and clean racism.
That is a opinion that is found in most far right politics.
He is saying the opposite of that though. He is saying that the fact that asian americans do better on average than whites proves that the whole white supremacy narrative of the crazies on the left is false. Not only that, but he doesn't even mention other asians, what are you even talking about? If you're going to label someone something at least make sure you've understood what they're saying


Rapid Response Threadmaker
That joke was possible the final trigger... he was already having small backslash with other "posts" before.
It just that joke was the the one that triggered his left of his own channel.
What other posts? The tweet that got him #cancelled was March 2017. The only other offending tweet posted here was from September 2017.

Are the #cancelled people Minority Report precogs?
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Those sceenshots aren't evidence of far right belief and it's not even possible to fully know what he's talking about because he's responding to something that isn't included.


I had a coworker of mine (great dude, still keep in touch) who is close with Colin, loves the dude. Said a lot of glowing things about the guy. It's a shame to hear about things like this.

Also, while I'm not a HUGE source of everything about Colin, it DOES seem like the MAIN source of people being upset with him was over that stupid tweet, or moreso the hashtag. I remember when he said he tweeted it, he showed it to his wife/fiance/girlfriend before tweeting it and she like shook her head and laughed. It was a silly joke, and people took it WAY out of context. Much like majority do in the current world.

This thread isn't helpful when he made other comments on Twitter and people call him Hitler or right winged. Those honestly just sound like someone's personal opinion and observation revolving around a culture. Does that mean it's racist? Not at all, where's the racist intent behind those tweets? Lol. We have unfortunately lived in a world for a couple of years now where people take stereotypes, opinions/observations and say they're racist, which is hysterical to me.

Don't say HURR DURR YOU MUST BE RIGHT either, cause I'm not. Honestly, I couldn't care less about politics, but the last time I did a test I was a left leaning libertarian. 🤷‍♂️
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We must have a language translation issue here. I can't figure out what you mean.
It does't matter if he is comparing Asians with American Asians or White with Americana Asians... it is the same racism.
And not most American Asians didn't live better than Whites... it is the minority... so he is wrong.

Said that it was really my mistake thinking he was comparing Asians with American Asians but the racism is there no matter the race.


The issue was not the bad joke about a day without woman in the woman day (it was not the first similar joke from him neither the last).
He is extremist right to the point that what he says and the jokes are extreme preconceptions... he did not was compared with Hitler for nothing.
Even his closed friends tried to talk with him without any results to the points that their new channel was failing... so they reached an agreement for him left the channel.
His political ideias is out of pace even if you look at the barbarian world of centuries ago.

Nobody wants to be related with that that of guy.... so Sony and Pax are right but Pax is wrong to invite first to cancel after... they should never invite to begin.

Colin Moriarty created his own grave with that extremism... now he is just suffering the results of that.
Anybody thinking he is being bullied by the society needs to take some time to think about his actions before try to defense him from his own mistakes.
SJW's always manage to amaze me with their insanity. Far right lol


The truth of the matter is that after leaving KF to go on his own to make really amateurish political videos, he came back to videogames and found out that he's no longer relevant.

And people just don't like him because he's kind of a tool, actually. Not because of the tweet.

Also, a cry baby. Sony doesn't own him anything. Blacklisted he says...understandingly ignored is more like it


Rapid Response Threadmaker
What the actual fuck? Did you run his tweets through google translate and judge him based on that?
Clearly what is needed here is


It does't matter if he is comparing Asians with American Asians or White with Americana Asians... it is the same racism.
And not most American Asians didn't live better than Whites... it is the minority... so he is wrong.

Said that it was really my mistake thinking he was comparing Asians with American Asians but the racism is there no matter the race.
Bruv, I don't agree with Colin's conjecture but he factually isn't wrong when referencing median household income.
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No it’s not.

But do you know what *is* racist. Harvard inventing personality tests to purposefully mark down Asian Americans so as to find a way of not having to accept them and give their places to other minorities with worse grades.

Positive discrimination baby.
That is racism too.


Unconfirmed Member
Look at any of his history lol

I get it. He said white supremecist rather than white privilege when making this tweet. Are you gonna punish the dude for being retarded? Or did i miss something?


I get it. He said white supremecist rather than white privilege when making this tweet. Are you gonna punish the dude for being retarded? Or did i miss something?
I think his comparison is racist...
It is really weird to be fair because he use a racism comparison to self defense against being racist lol
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It does't matter if he is comparing Asians with American Asians or White with Americana Asians... it is the same racism.
And not most American Asians didn't live better than Whites... it is the minority... so he is wrong.

Said that it was really my mistake thinking he was comparing Asians with American Asians but the racism is there no matter the race.
Sony's pretty weird to do this to the popular Podcast Creator for a joke about a day of peace without women. It's an old fashioned joke that can be ignored as he isn't saying that Women need to shut up, just a rib on how much they talk sometimes. His wife would probably just laugh at him and probably rib him back with something like "Men can't multitask".

I don't see how that is sexist nor the Asian American opinion (whether it is right or wrong is another matter).

Sony probably has some SJWs looking through everyone's Twitter Accounts to Cancel them which is why you are seeing many Sony people being let go or retiring.
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