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Nissan ad features Brie Larson, gets tons of dislikes

I know, brother, I know...

You said that "by definition" anything that "gives women a pep talk" or "encourages them to be assertive in their careers" is "feminist propaganda."
I think the ad itself is quite okay. I don't have a problem with it.

It's just with Brie Larsons past, it's hard to see anything she stars in without the context of "wokeness" and "SJW" bullshit.
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You said that "by definition" anything that "gives women a pep talk" or "encourages them to be assertive in their careers" is "feminist propaganda."

The general response of this thread, you included, seems to be that "feminist propaganda" is just about the worst thing ever (and also that that this specific celebrity is a bad person because of different politics and the way she looks.) Nobody wants it, nobody wants to hear about, you're offended at even the mention of it, etc..

Therefore, encouraging women or allowing them to aspire higher in their careers is undesirable. That seems to be the temperature of the room.

And then, of course, posts like this which drop the pretense altogether.
I'm mostly fucking around. Also, I've never had a pretense to drop. Women should not be encouraged to go be a wage slave, and have a corporate master. It creates unnecessary competition and division between men and women.


You said that "by definition" anything that "gives women a pep talk" or "encourages them to be assertive in their careers" is "feminist propaganda."

The general response of this thread, you included, seems to be that "feminist propaganda" is just about the worst thing ever (and also that that this specific celebrity is a bad person because of different politics and the way she looks.) Nobody wants it, nobody wants to hear about, you're offended at even the mention of it, etc..

Therefore, encouraging women or allowing them to aspire higher in their careers is undesirable. That seems to be the temperature of the room.

And then, of course, posts like this which drop the pretense altogether.
I’ve got no problem with women being encouraged to “aspire higher” in their careers so long as the encouragement is coming as part of a general message to people. When the message is presented exclusively to women, it: a) assumes that they need that advice in the first place (from a car manufacturer, no less); and b) comes with the not-so-subtle implication that their lack of aspiration is someone else’s fault. Both of these things infantilize women, which should be the exact opposite of what feminists want to achieve, assuming they’re actually telling the truth about their goals (spoiler alert: they aren’t).

This ad is by no means the worst offender, but the comments in this thread weren’t painting it as that. People are rolling their eyes and/or pointing and laughing at it. You and your other retarded NOTHING TO SEE HERE friends were the ones coming in and screeching about nothing. Are you really surprised that people have a keen sense for the subliminal messaging after being bombarded with it for years? Pull your fucking head in.

Btw when can we expect your next hysterical meltdown? I missed you while you were banned for your last one.
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It wasnt really meant as a no u response. The response was exactly what I said it was. If something involving women is brought up here sure enough the same people come out the woodwork with the same schtick everytime. Shit, I wasnt even necessarily denying what you said haha.
When you look up the term 'Tactical Retreat' that post will be used as the example.

Again, the continued flocking and squealing of the "nothing to see here" brigade is the very evidence that their protests are self-defeating.

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Standing up for yourself is now "feminist propaganda"? Just watched the ad, not seeing what justifies the hate boner some seem to have with it. Hating something because of the person who says or does it is "problematic", typical SJW reaction.


Standing up for yourself is now "feminist propaganda"? Just watched the ad, not seeing what justifies the hate boner some seem to have with it. Hating something because of the person who says or does it is "problematic", typical SJW reaction.

I believe my points a and b above address your question


You said that "by definition" anything that "gives women a pep talk" or "encourages them to be assertive in their careers" is "feminist propaganda."

I said that that type of content does fit the definition of propaganda.

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Is it mild? Sure. Saying this fits the definition of propaganda though is hardly "...straight-up saying that I don't like women having careers or standing up for themselves"
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When you look up the term 'Tactical Retreat' that post will be used as the example.

Again, the continued flocking and squealing of the "nothing to see here" brigade is the very evidence that their protests are self-defeating.


Alright tough guy. Keep up the irrational hate of a woman who has done nothing to you. Keep fighting the evil scourge that is women targeted advertising, this menace needs to be stopped. It truly is a good look.
Alright tough guy. Keep up the irrational hate of a woman who has done nothing to you. Keep fighting the evil scourge that is women targeted advertising, this menace needs to be stopped. It truly is a good look.
I've not expressed hate at all. Quite the opposite.

So it appears we can add projection and misrepresentation to your impressive "no u" and 'tactical retreat' offerings in this exchange so far.

Carry on.


Unconfirmed Member
I have no idea what an incel is.

Based on what I've learned online it would seems that any man, for any reason, to fit any scenario or support any argument one way or another, can indeed discover that he is now an incel. It confuses me.

Am I now an incel because Brie Larson's performative wokeness makes me chuckle and roll my eyes? Do I need to sit down and come clean to my wife?

Wait, shit... My wife chuckles and rolls her eyes at Brie Larson as well. Is... Is she an incel?! Did I marry a God damn incel you guys?! WHAT DID I DO?!!!
I have no idea what an incel is.

Based on what I've learned online it would seems that any man, for any reason, to fit any scenario or support any argument one way or another, can indeed discover that he is now an incel. It confuses me.

Am I now an incel because Brie Larson's performative wokeness makes me chuckle and roll my eyes? Do I need to sit down and come clean to my wife?

Wait, shit... My wife chuckles and rolls her eyes at Brie Larson as well. Is... Is she an incel?! Did I marry a God damn incel you guys?! WHAT DID I DO?!!!

In this context it's the same as "white knighting" anyone who vocalizes that they don't have a problem with the video. We're basically just throwing insults. If you wanna be frank many people here have a "problem" that goes past rational thought, reminding others of incels.
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Unconfirmed Member
I have no idea what an incel is.

Based on what I've learned online it would seems that any man, for any reason, to fit any scenario or support any argument one way or another, can indeed discover that he is now an incel. It confuses me.

Am I now an incel because Brie Larson's performative wokeness makes me chuckle and roll my eyes? Do I need to sit down and come clean to my wife?

Wait, shit... My wife chuckles and rolls her eyes at Brie Larson as well. Is... Is she an incel?! Did I marry a God damn incel you guys?! WHAT DID I DO?!!!
brap brap stop calling everybody an incel


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Screw Nissan anyways.

Get 'The Freeman' or Alyx (and hey she's an Asian black woman) to advertise Dodge.


Yeah I'm kind of on a Half-Life kick lately.
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Unconfirmed Member
I love it how car ads encourage us to drive dangerously, as if we are king of the road.


Btw when can we expect your next hysterical meltdown? I missed you while you were banned for your last one.

You confuse a willingness to see an exchange through to its end with a "hysterical meltdown."
It's not my fault you can only interpret someone caring about an issue as hysteria, and it's not my fault you read anything disagreeing with you in an angry, shrieking voice rather than just... Normal human conversation.

Besides, my overarching point was that this place has slid to a weird, aggressive "Right" place in a contrarian reaction to the split off with ERA, and the ban directed me to read the Trump Rally thread to "learn how to argue."
I don't think anything could be my Exhibit A more perfectly than the moderation staff basically saying "Participate in our political pep rallies or there might be trouble."

I mean, look at this:

Tracker warning: Sporadic poster, who returns purely to drop hot takes into topics then circle strafe away from engagement. Suggest removal of community if they persist (https://www.neogaf.com/reports/16234/)

So, I'm "under surveillance?" "On probation?"

Isn't this basically just a description of how a message beard is used? I don't look at GAF everyday; I pop in, browse, and respond to things that catch my attention.

Apparently the staff's mental image of me is someone who shows up out the the blue randomly to disagree just to cause upset? You think I'm trying to "troll" or bait you into some sort of text-based internet masochism fetish of mine? What does "circle strafe away from engagement" even mean? It totally ignores the fact that it's impossible to engage with everyone and once someone has a dissenting enough opinion suddenly everyone's dogpiling on that one person causing them to try to basically have several discrete, subtly different conversations in parallel, should they actually be getting thought provoking responses and not just memes and sick burns. It's also definitely hard to "engage" when you're forcibly silenced in the midst of it all.

"Suggest removal of community if they persist."

What does this even mean? I assume you meant if I keep daring to argue points while coming from a different direction I'll have my ability to post in the non-Gaming forums revoked?
There's absolutely no methodology there. There's no rubric to gauge situations by. It's entirely subjective.

Basically I'm being told that, if I want to continue to associate with this community I've been a part of for quite a while, I can't post "sporadically," it's not believed that anyone could actually have the beliefs and values that I speak from, and it's frowned upon to ask questions or expect an attempt at explaining a thought process on a political thread in the Politics-specific section of the site. Why even have a politics section, then? If going against the local grain isn't allowed and you're not permitted to argue different methods or play Devil's Advocate, it's not a discussion forum at all - it's an agreement forum. Just GIFs and drive-by one liners and an orobourous of patting each other on the back for vanquishing the "other" that has different ideas or wants an explanation of why someone has theirs.

See, I typed this on the side while fiddling with some of my hydroponics and doing medical paperwork and research.
31 days from now I get to travel to see a neuro-oncology specialist and see just how much of me we're going to have to amputate.

If anything, I was bored typing this. I get the feeling people equate "effort" to histrionic shrieking, but I'm just a dude who types relatively quickly enough to keep up with his stream of consciousness.

EDIT: And the site owner shows up with impeccable comedic timing to respond with a sarcastic emoji. I mean, c'mon; Exhibit B.
I don't know what this place is anymore. It's bizarro time. Feels less like a place to post thoughts and reactions and more like an elaborate inside joke.
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It's just with Brie Larsons past, it's hard to see anything she stars in without the context of "wokeness" and "SJW" bullshit.

Yeah, because you're conditioned to see things that way now with those convenient label-lenses you try to see most situations and people through.

You've made it part of your identity not that you have any specific beliefs or values, but just to be in aggressive opposition of a vaguely defined "type" that everyone defines differently, and mostly only exists on the internet. Not everyone is that woman screaming into the sky as the election results come in. (And, honestly, about that. People have loud emotional reactions to inconsequential sporting events and concerts and the like all the time, but that woman gets posted over and over to represent millions and at least why ever she's banshee-crying it's at least over something that could have a significant impact on...everyone.) The moment you think you've got a match you belittle, berate and blow off. You don't consume content on its own merit, but to scan and scrub it for ways to take offense at how intentionally non-offensive things try to be. By being so single-mindedly against a nebulous concept, you've defined yourself by this thing you hate and you need it to keep existing or...what would you be against? What would you do with all that anger with nowhere left to point it? Who would you meme at?

Hell, go back to the thread I was banned in and look at the guy angrily declaring that he knows everything about my stances and who I am and he refuses to acknowledge my voice because apparently the word "unpack" has a very specific, political connotation that I still have no idea about, really. Apparently if you say "Let's analyze that sentence," you're A-OK, but say "Let's unpack that statement" and you're one of them, with absolutely nothing of value to offer - which is super productive for a political discussion forum and amazingly convenient that you can just deem people not worth deigning to for expecting some sort of actual discussion of an issue.

Anyway, I made a bunch of self watering planters out of little plastic ice cream pints, and there's this cool super-absorbent cotton wick rope I'm stringing around in midair with cord snaps and paper clips that'll water things automatically as long as I keep the basin full. I think I might turn one of the spare bedrooms or half the garage into a full on hydroponic farm. I've got Thai basil, Genovese basil, mint, thyme, parsley, bell peppers, 3 varieties of tomatoes, couple types of lettuce, arugula, anise... All growing indoors. I wonder how far I could take making a suburban house, like, self-sufficient... Gardening is fun as fuck and involves a ton of engineering - who knew? Oh shit, I can grow weed! Wait... I can really grow weed. I should probably look into getting a medical card. Tumor suppression is the biggest proven positive of marijuana, and "tumors" is kind of the Word of the Day all day every day until I lose.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Yeah, because you're conditioned to see things that way now with those convenient label-lenses you try to see most situations and people through.

You've made it part of your identity not that you have any specific beliefs or values, but just to be in aggressive opposition of a vaguely defined "type" that everyone defines differently, and mostly only exists on the internet. Not everyone is that woman screaming into the sky as the election results come in. (And, honestly, about that. People have loud emotional reactions to inconsequential sporting events and concerts and the like all the time, but that woman gets posted over and over to represent millions and at least why ever she's banshee-crying it's at least over something that could have a significant impact on...everyone.) The moment you think you've got a match you belittle, berate and blow off. You don't consume content on its own merit, but to scan and scrub it for ways to take offense at how intentionally non-offensive things try to be. By being so single-mindedly against a nebulous concept, you've defined yourself by this thing you hate and you need it to keep existing or...what would you be against? What would you do with all that anger with nowhere left to point it? Who would you meme at?

Hell, go back to the thread I was banned in and look at the guy angrily declaring that he knows everything about my stances and who I am and he refuses to acknowledge my voice because apparently the word "unpack" has a very specific, political connotation that I still have no idea about, really. Apparently if you say "Let's analyze that sentence," you're A-OK, but say "Let's unpack that statement" and you're one of them, with absolutely nothing of value to offer - which is super productive for a political discussion forum and amazingly convenient that you can just deem people not worth deigning to for expecting some sort of actual discussion of an issue.

Anyway, I made a bunch of self watering planters out of little plastic ice cream pints, and there's this cool super-absorbent cotton wick rope I'm stringing around in midair with cord snaps and paper clips that'll water things automatically as long as I keep the basin full. I think I might turn one of the spare bedrooms or half the garage into a full on hydroponic farm. I've got Thai basil, Genovese basil, mint, thyme, parsley, bell peppers, 3 varieties of tomatoes, couple types of lettuce, arugula, anise... All growing indoors. I wonder how far I could take making a suburban house, like, self-sufficient... Gardening is fun as fuck and involves a ton of engineering - who knew? Oh shit, I can grow weed! Wait... I can really grow weed. I should probably look into getting a medical card. Tumor suppression is the biggest proven positive of marijuana, and "tumors" is kind of the Word of the Day all day every day until I lose.



Fingerlickin' Good!
Yeah, because you're conditioned to see things that way now with those convenient label-lenses you try to see most situations and people through.

You've made it part of your identity not that you have any specific beliefs or values, but just to be in aggressive opposition of a vaguely defined "type" that everyone defines differently, and mostly only exists on the internet. Not everyone is that woman screaming into the sky as the election results come in. (And, honestly, about that. People have loud emotional reactions to inconsequential sporting events and concerts and the like all the time, but that woman gets posted over and over to represent millions and at least why ever she's banshee-crying it's at least over something that could have a significant impact on...everyone.) The moment you think you've got a match you belittle, berate and blow off. You don't consume content on its own merit, but to scan and scrub it for ways to take offense at how intentionally non-offensive things try to be. By being so single-mindedly against a nebulous concept, you've defined yourself by this thing you hate and you need it to keep existing or...what would you be against? What would you do with all that anger with nowhere left to point it? Who would you meme at?

Hell, go back to the thread I was banned in and look at the guy angrily declaring that he knows everything about my stances and who I am and he refuses to acknowledge my voice because apparently the word "unpack" has a very specific, political connotation that I still have no idea about, really. Apparently if you say "Let's analyze that sentence," you're A-OK, but say "Let's unpack that statement" and you're one of them, with absolutely nothing of value to offer - which is super productive for a political discussion forum and amazingly convenient that you can just deem people not worth deigning to for expecting some sort of actual discussion of an issue.

Anyway, I made a bunch of self watering planters out of little plastic ice cream pints, and there's this cool super-absorbent cotton wick rope I'm stringing around in midair with cord snaps and paper clips that'll water things automatically as long as I keep the basin full. I think I might turn one of the spare bedrooms or half the garage into a full on hydroponic farm. I've got Thai basil, Genovese basil, mint, thyme, parsley, bell peppers, 3 varieties of tomatoes, couple types of lettuce, arugula, anise... All growing indoors. I wonder how far I could take making a suburban house, like, self-sufficient... Gardening is fun as fuck and involves a ton of engineering - who knew? Oh shit, I can grow weed! Wait... I can really grow weed. I should probably look into getting a medical card. Tumor suppression is the biggest proven positive of marijuana, and "tumors" is kind of the Word of the Day all day every day until I lose.


Anyway, I made a bunch of self watering planters out of little plastic ice cream pints, and there's this cool super-absorbent cotton wick rope I'm stringing around in midair with cord snaps and paper clips that'll water things automatically as long as I keep the basin full. I think I might turn one of the spare bedrooms or half the garage into a full on hydroponic farm. I've got Thai basil, Genovese basil, mint, thyme, parsley, bell peppers, 3 varieties of tomatoes, couple types of lettuce, arugula, anise... All growing indoors. I wonder how far I could take making a suburban house, like, self-sufficient... Gardening is fun as fuck and involves a ton of engineering - who knew? Oh shit, I can grow weed! Wait... I can really grow weed. I should probably look into getting a medical card. Tumor suppression is the biggest proven positive of marijuana, and "tumors" is kind of the Word of the Day all day every day until I lose.

I'm so confused. Are you saying you have a cancer or something?
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