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FF7 Remake Removed From PS Store "Console Exclusives" Section.


It's even less comparable because you don't need an Xbox to play any of the titles Bethesda makes. That was true before and after the acquisition. Who knows if you'll even play an Insomniac title away from PlayStation. It doesn't look like the Bethesda purchase should make anyone upset.
I don’t think anyone believes this argument holds any water. Either way you look at it, you’re forcing the userbase to buy either an Xbox or a pc. That’s a really lame excuse. Before the acquisition, the games would come to PlayStation. After it, not anymore. This argument is pure BS.
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Insomniac is more comparable to playground games. Insomniac was already mostly an exclusive playstation developer and playground games was already making exclusives for xbox. These acquisitions make sense. Bethesda and Activision is a whole different ball game. Sony have done nothing comparable to it and maybe they never will.



Bungie was set to stay multiplate since the beginning, and FTC didn't need to enter the chat for that like with MS/Acti, Bungie was bought mostly for movies stuffs support and give their experience in GaaS stuff.

So it's still not comparable.
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It's even less comparable because you don't need an Xbox to play any of the titles Bethesda makes. That was true before and after the acquisition. Who knows if you'll even play an Insomniac title away from PlayStation. It doesn't look like the Bethesda purchase should make anyone upset.
Lognor is back with his other account 🤡

Imagine comparing Bethesda and Insomniac after Spider-Man and Miles were just announced on PC. You will be able to play it even on Steam Deck. Both already available on PS+ Extra and streaming too.

That argument is outdated. HQ needs to update your firmware.


Look how popular gears and Halo used to be and look where they are now. That's on Microsofts bad management of the ip. Sony and Nintendo ip are more stronger than they have ever been even though they've been around for a long time.

Yes it was. It was ported to PC later. Which means it was exclusive for a certain period. The period where it counts the most.
I think you are correct that it came to PlayStation first. Not sure how long until it was on pc. That said I disagree that makes PlayStation more important.


I guess that depends on where the sales are. That would determine which platform is more significant.
Are we at the point to dispute PlayStation was obviously the significant platform at that point in time for FF7 since it was the most popular console and the one that marketed the hell out of the game? Pc gaming had nothing going for it at the time and that port was trash. Please, this is revisionism.
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Gold Member
Are we at the point to dispute PlayStation was obviously the significant platform at that point in time for FF7 since it was the most popular console and the one that marketed the hell out of the game? Pc gaming had nothing going for it at the time and that port was trash. Please, this is revisionism.
Come On Reaction GIF by NBA


Are we at the point to dispute PlayStation was obviously the significant platform at that point in time for FF7 since it was the most popular console and the one that marketed the hell out of the game? Pc gaming had nothing going for it at the time and that port was trash. Please, this is revisionism.
This is the peak today on Steam. Mega Flop.


That untapped PC/Steam market you always hear about? They absent.


Swift_Star is 100percent right though. FF VII the original... came out exclusively on PlayStation in 1997. Consoles dominated the 90's by a landslide, followed by Arcade gaming. If you are refuting this then you clearly don't know your gaming history. That's NOT to say people weren't playing games like Duke nukem on PC back then. But lets not kid ourselves here CONSOLES absolutely dominated the scene and PC gaming really did not make a resurgence until the pre -teen 2000 era.
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Yes it was. They weren't gonna let Starfield, one of the most anticipated games of the generation, not release on Xbox. That was likely the final straw. And then it turned out that a purchase even makes business sense, so they went through with it.

If only to not need to worry about entering bidding wars with Sony for future Bethesda games, it was worth it for MS to buy Zenimax.

It was an extreme option technically, but if Zenimax were already shopping for a buyer, Microsoft seemingly wanted them enough to pay the most. Might as well take that opportunity when it presents itself.

I guess the only thing that could be comparable if it does happen is if Sony buys Square. Unfortunately with Square selling off those devs and IPs they have a lot less franchises to give to Sony. I’m only aware of Final Fantasy. Not sure what else Square owns that’s significant.

Even if Sony bought Square-Enix there are some games they would pretty much need to keep on Nintendo Switch, like Dragon's Quest, Octopath Traveler and some other non-FF games like new Chrono games or the Live-a-Live & Chrono Trigger-style remakes.

So I think them owning SE would be closer to what they're seemingly doing with Bungie; not quite that level of multiplatform support but more than some people are thinking, at least when it comes to Nintendo support (unless Sony decide to seriously compete in the handheld space again).

It's even less comparable because you don't need an Xbox to play any of the titles Bethesda makes. That was true before and after the acquisition. Who knows if you'll even play an Insomniac title away from PlayStation. It doesn't look like the Bethesda purchase should make anyone upset.

But outside of Sunset Overdrive, Insomniac made games exclusively for Sony consoles. So any Xbox people who played those other games, were already playing them on PlayStation systems anyway.

Those Xbox gamers in your example aren't really losing anything with Sony buying Insomniac. If they were Insomniac fans, I can bet you they also had PlayStation consoles to play those games (and bought a PS5 to play future Insomniac games even before them getting purchased by Sony).

Technically speaking, PlayStation gamers aren't losing anything with Microsoft buying Zenimax since most of them probably have a smartphone and tablet so they can play those Zenimax games via xCloud, but it does shift their access point to something radically different and outside the traditional console market, which might be jarring for a lot of them.


aka IMurRIVAL69
People still having a hard time accepting that PlayStation is still the go to place for JRPGs.

pc gaming was irrelevant on 1997. Let’s not pretend this is false, specially for JRPGs.

fallout, GTA, monkey island, dark forces, age of empires..... all released in 1997. irrelevant? lmao

maybe you weren't alive in 97 but PC gaming was thriving in the late 90s.


fallout, GTA, monkey island, dark forces, age of empires..... all released in 1997. irrelevant? lmao

maybe you weren't alive in 97 but PC gaming was thriving in the late 90s.
"thriving" Lol. noone said it was dead but thriving? come on are u serious? Most games werent even designed or available on PC back then, do u need me to start listing games? And NO im not talking about ports that came to pc years and years later........

Wheres your gaming knowledge?
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Street fighter, Mortal Kombat, Mario, Sonic, Final Fantasy, Tekken, Chrono Trigger, the list goes on and on and on, these games were not on PC. and u ppl really think PC was thriving over console in the 90s? cause of what quake and a few other select titles? lol im really not shitting on pc but stop being disingenuous about what that era was really about, if we are being honest PC was 100 percent a niche way to play in the 90's without question if compared to console and arcade scene.


aka IMurRIVAL69
"thriving" Lol. noone said it was dead but thriving? come on are u serious? Most games werent even designed or available on PC back then, do u need me to start listing games? And NO im not talking about ports that came to pc years and years later........

Wheres your gaming knowledge?

Half Life, Doom, Diablo, AOE, Starcraft, Everquest, Warcraft, Sim City.... entire genres were exclusive to PCs. Huge franchises that are still around today selling a ton of copies were birthed on PC exclusively in the 90s. Where's your gaming knowledge?


fallout, GTA, monkey island, dark forces, age of empires..... all released in 1997. irrelevant? lmao

maybe you weren't alive in 97 but PC gaming was thriving in the late 90s.
No it wasn’t. Not even close. PlayStation was the beast and pc gaming was, yes, irrelevant. The biggest games of that time were released on PlayStation and n64.
And funny you mention GTA… a game that exploded on the ps2…


Half Life, Doom, Diablo, AOE, Starcraft, Everquest, Warcraft, Sim City.... entire genres were exclusive to PCs. Huge franchises that are still around today selling a ton of copies were birthed on PC exclusively in the 90s. Where's your gaming knowledge?
bro u only proving my point right now, those were very tiny markets at the time, Consoles were booming, and the list of games across all systems dwarf what pc had available.


I didnt need wiki to tell me this, i already knew this cause i played games in this era along with my friends, BennyBlanco BennyBlanco

A personal computer game, also known as a PC game or computer game, is a type of video game played on a personal computer (PC) rather than a video game console or arcade machine. Its defining characteristics include: more diverse and user-determined gaming hardware and software; and generally greater capacity in input, processing, video and audio output. The uncoordinated nature of the PC game market, and now its lack of physical media, make precisely assessing its size difficult.[1] In 2018, the global PC games market was valued at about $27.7 billion.[2]

Home computer games became popular following the video game crash of 1983, leading to the era of the "bedroom coder". In the 1990s, PC games lost mass-market traction to console games, before enjoying a resurgence in the mid-2000s through digital distribution on services such as Steam and GOG.com.[1][3]

Newzoo reports that the PC gaming sector is the third-largest category (and estimated in decline) across all platforms as of 2016, with the console sector second-largest, and mobile / smartphone gaming sector biggest. 2.2 billion video gamers generate US$101.1 billion in revenue, excluding hardware costs. "Digital game revenues will account for $94.4 billion or 87% of the global market. Mobile is the most lucrative segment, with smartphone and tablet gaming growing 19% year on year to $46.1 billion, claiming 42% of the market. In 2020, mobile gaming will represent just more than half of the total games market. [...] China expected to generate $27.5 billion, or one-quarter of all revenues in 2017."[4][5]

PC gaming is considered synonymous (by Newzoo and others) with IBM Personal Computer compatible systems; while mobile computers – smartphones and tablets, such as those running Android or iOS – are also personal computers in the general sense. The APAC region was estimated to generate $46.6 billion in 2016, or 47% of total global video game revenues (note, not only "PC" games). China alone accounts for half of APAC's revenues (at $24.4 billion), cementing its place as the largest video game market in the world, ahead of the US's anticipated market size of $23.5 billion. China is expected to have 53% of its video game revenues come from mobile gaming in 2017 (46% in 2016).

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aka IMurRIVAL69
No it wasn’t. Not even close. PlayStation was the beast and pc gaming was, yes, irrelevant. The biggest games of that time were released on PlayStation and n64.
And funny you mention GTA… a game that exploded on the ps2…

Yea, PC gaming was not irrelevant. It just wasn't mainstream and the dominant platform that it is now.

bro u only proving my point right now, those were very tiny markets at the time, Consoles were booming, and the list of games across all systems dwarf what pc had available.

Those weren't tiny markets. You're talking out of your ass. What do you think sold more copies? Starcraft or Crono Trigger?


Yea, PC gaming was not irrelevant. It just wasn't mainstream and the dominant platform that it is now.

Those weren't tiny markets. You're talking out of your ass. What do you think sold more copies? Starcraft or Crono Trigger?
u only proving you have know credible knowledge on what you are talking about right now man, and i like how u singled out crono trigger. Thats not even my point, but this discussion isnt worth my time since you are A. just being disingenuous or B. just not as knowledgeable as you think. So you pick


Noone was rushing over to there friends house to play fucking starcraft, as much as even i enjoyed the game. But you know what people were going to there friends house to play? Sonic! MARIO! Final Fantasy! MK! Tekken! Marvel vs Capcom! and thats only the tip of the iceberg.


aka IMurRIVAL69
It was irrelevant dude, just the facts.

According to who? Games were doing huge numbers on PC back then. Idk how else you wanna define relevance. But PC gaming was alive and well in the 90s. It just wasn't the #1 platform like it is now.

u only proving you have know credible knowledge on what you are talking about right now man, and i like how u singled out crono trigger. Thats not even my point, but this discussion isnt worth my time since you are A. just being disingenuous or B. just not as knowledgeable as you think. So you pick

Noone was rushing over to there friends house to play fucking starcraft, as much as even i enjoyed the game. But you know what people were going to there friends house to play? Sonic! MARIO! Final Fantasy! MK! Tekken! Marvel vs Capcom! and thats only the tip of the iceberg.

Yea, nobody was playing Starcraft! Lmfao. They were selling out arenas to play Starcraft. You guys didn't have PCs, so nobody did. What a stupid way to go through life.


^irrelevant game that nobody played with their friends


According to who? Games were doing huge numbers on PC back then. Idk how else you wanna define relevance. But PC gaming was alive and well in the 90s. It just wasn't the #1 platform like it is now.

Yea, nobody was playing Starcraft! Lmfao. They were selling out arenas to play Starcraft. You guys didn't have PCs, so nobody did. What a stupid way to go through life.


^irrelevant game that nobody played with their friends
are we talking about the 90s or not fool? i like how u havent commented on the wiki info i gave you as well. keep trying tho. I know now not to take your posts seriously, You're not a gamer just a pc fanboy and thats fine.

Just so you know though you budded in on rather or not PC gaming was relevant in the 90s conversation. Losing mass market to console and handheld sure sounds like it was relevant in comparison doesnt it?
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aka IMurRIVAL69
are we talking about the 90s or not fool? i like how u havent commented on the wiki info i gave you as well. keep trying tho. I know now not to take your posts seriously, You're not a gamer just a pc fanboy and thats fine.

Just so you know though you budded in on rather or not PC gaming was relevant in the 90s conversation. Losing mass market to console and handheld sure sounds like it was relevant in comparison doesnt it?

I don't think you know what the word irrelevant means. The Ouya was irrelevant. The Vita was irrelevant. PC was spawning huge franchises and selling millions of games.


I don't think you know what the word irrelevant means. The Ouya was irrelevant. The Vita was irrelevant. PC was spawning huge franchises and selling millions of games.
so just to be clear, selling millions of games = having a larger presence than the console space in the 90's? im not trying to put words into your mouth so please inform us. This sub discussion that has been going on IS about the 90s though you do realize that right?

Are you saying PC was the more popular way to game in the 90s over console/handhelds and even Arcade? lol...

Please think carefully!
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aka IMurRIVAL69
so just to be clear, selling millions of games = having a larger presence than the console space in the 90's? im not trying to put words into your mouth so please inform us. This sub discussion that has been going on IS about the 90s though you do realize that right?

Are you saying PC was the more popular way to game in the 90s over console/handhelds and even Arcade? lol...

Please think carefully!

yea you'll notice i never said any of that. i said PC wasn't irrelevant in the 90s.


Gold Member
People still having a hard time accepting that PlayStation is still the go to place for JRPGs.

pc gaming was irrelevant on 1997. Let’s not pretend this is false, specially for JRPGs.
Just ignorant, absolutely ignorant but you goal posted to JRPGs so you know you spoke too broadly. It’s fine.

Swift_Star is 100percent right though. FF VII the original... came out exclusively on PlayStation in 1997. Consoles dominated the 90's by a landslide, followed by Arcade gaming. If you are refuting this then you clearly don't know your gaming history. That's NOT to say people weren't playing games like Duke nukem on PC back then. But lets not kid ourselves here CONSOLES absolutely dominated the scene and PC gaming really did not make a resurgence until the pre -teen 2000 era.
Dude I still have my FF7 discs for PS1 that I bought on launch day so don’t come at me about “gaming history”.

To call PC gaming irrelevant at any point is just ignorant.


Just ignorant, absolutely ignorant but you goal posted to JRPGs so you know you spoke too broadly. It’s fine.

Dude I still have my FF7 discs for PS1 that I bought on launch day so don’t come at me about “gaming history”.

To call PC gaming irrelevant at any point is just ignorant.
Ok well less popular than console/handheld/arcade, is that better?


Is Pepsi irrelevant because Coke has more market share? You sound really dumb right now.
using the word irrelevant is relevant in terms to what we are talking about, is PC irrelevant now? ofc not, but in the 90s as compared to consoles back then? without question. if you are sensitive about the word irrelevant we can use less popular. do you agree with less popular then? lets see now if you are being honest or not 🧐


yea you'll notice i never said any of that. i said PC wasn't irrelevant in the 90s.
He probably didn't have the money to buy a PC or his was way old to play games.

My PC at the time had only 100Mhz processor but I used to love the games I was able to run on it.

Also, his analogy is weird. Like I can use his own logic to say PS5 is irrelevant compared to Nintendo switch.


using the word irrelevant is relevant in terms to what we are talking about, is PC irrelevant now? ofc not, but in the 90s as compared to consoles back then? without question. if you are sensitive about the word irrelevant we can use less popular. do you agree with less popular then? lets see now if you are being honest or not 🧐
So is PS5 irrelevant and less popular than PS5?
Sony literally just announced Spiderman for PC, acquired a PC porting studio, and their execs have made multiple statements about expanding to PC.
It's good to see Sony make some efforts in that area recently. MS has been putting out PC releases day and date for years now. Sony doesn't do day and date and we usually have no idea if/when a game will be ported. So there is still quite a delta between what MS and Sony are doing.

Also there is a significant difference in purchasing a studio and fully funding the development of a title like MS is doing with Starfield for instance and paying a developer to delay or deny a title on another platform. Again Sony and MS are doing different things here and there is far less to be upset with MS over especially since again you don't need to buy their consoles to play their titles day one vs. wondering if a game will come out on PC years later if ever.

I don’t think anyone believes this argument holds any water. Either way you look at it, you’re forcing the userbase to buy either an Xbox or a pc. That’s a really lame excuse. Before the acquisition, the games would come to PlayStation. After it, not anymore. This argument is pure BS.
Many PlayStation gamers ridiculed Xbox gamers claiming they have no exclusives because games hit PC at the same time. Now you are claiming MS is forcing people to buy PCs even though they don't even need an Xbox? This IS BS and I agree that argument certainly is.

You have an option to play MS titles and not need an Xbox when there are many games non-PlayStation owners can't access without that system. Can you name even one title that was officially announced on PlayStation that was canceled once Xbox acquired a studio? Has MS dropped any support for any games already on PlayStation?

I'm thinking PlayStation gamers have it pretty good and get far more games MS publishes than Xbox gamers get PlayStation publishes. Add to it titles like Final Fantasy that Sony pays to keep off Xbox and its clear PlayStation gamers have NOTHING to complain about.
Street fighter, Mortal Kombat, Mario, Sonic, Final Fantasy, Tekken, Chrono Trigger, the list goes on and on and on, these games were not on PC. and u ppl really think PC was thriving over console in the 90s? cause of what quake and a few other select titles? lol im really not shitting on pc but stop being disingenuous about what that era was really about, if we are being honest PC was 100 percent a niche way to play in the 90's without question if compared to console and arcade scene.
In the 80s and 90s each platform consisted of almost all exclusives. It really wasn't until the PS3 and 360 where the majority of third-party games were on all platforms.

PC gaming was definitely a thing, but mostly for a completely different type of game and for a different type of gamer.


Gold Member
its ok i already did it for you guys
All you did was move the goal posts around.

You can’t prove PC gaming was irrelevant then because it wasn’t, you are just trying to frame it differently to be right about something you didn’t even originally post.

There really is nothing more to say on this.


All you did was move the goal posts around.

You can’t prove PC gaming was irrelevant then because it wasn’t, you are just trying to frame it differently to be right about something you didn’t even originally post.

There really is nothing more to say on this.
and you still havent proved it was more relevant than console, you are simply typing empty responses but here ill post this small tid bit for u again, there are plenty other articles about that era of gaming as well.

"Home computer games became popular following the video game crash of 1983, leading to the era of the "bedroom coder". In the 1990s, PC games lost mass-market traction to console games, before enjoying a resurgence in the mid-2000s through digital distribution on services such as Steam and GOG.com.[1][3]"

Noone was rushing over to there friends house to play fucking starcraft, as much as even i enjoyed the game. But you know what people were going to there friends house to play? Sonic! MARIO! Final Fantasy! MK! Tekken! Marvel vs Capcom! and thats only the tip of the iceberg.

What about me? I was indeed rushing to my friends house to play StarCraft. Fun as hell. And I was also rushing to play Tekken. They both were important.


Gold Member
and you still havent proved it was more relevant than console, you are simply typing empty responses but here ill post this small tid bit for u again, there are plenty other articles about that era of gaming as well.

"Home computer games became popular following the video game crash of 1983, leading to the era of the "bedroom coder". In the 1990s, PC games lost mass-market traction to console games, before enjoying a resurgence in the mid-2000s through digital distribution on services such as Steam and GOG.com.[1][3]"

I don’t have to prove that because I never said that.

What you are quoting doesn’t backup the original statement that I had issue with, it’s actually irrelevant to the discussion.
Noone was rushing over to there friends house to play fucking starcraft, as much as even i enjoyed the game. But you know what people were going to there friends house to play? Sonic! MARIO! Final Fantasy! MK! Tekken! Marvel vs Capcom! and thats only the tip of the iceberg.
I get the point you're making, but back then it was far more common for people to get together to play Starcraft and the like than you're making it out to be.
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