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Atomic Heart |OT| From Russia With Love


Man... if enemies pin you up against a wall, that's pretty much it. You're KO'd. Nothing you can do you can't move, you're stuck while they just slash away at you.
I had this problem until i used Telekinesis.
Which melee weapon do you guys like best?
Pashtet, because it has a ranged special attacks that makes it very easy to defeat enemies that are almost immune to guns.
Crispy Critter finally finished it. Story was interesting, they created a highly potential lore for future sequels, Im guessing either space or underwater because there were a lot of reference to Bioshock as well as space colonization. Good ending as well, the long one I mean. Gameplay was fine but I finished it on Hardcore which has 0.6% completion on steam and Im am shocked because the game was a fucking cakewalk. Absolutely brain dead AI, bosses were a fucking joke. Most places were empty and the only time I felt a slight challenge was when there were lots of spawning enemies and thats just later in the game when I had most of my stuff upgraded. The powers, are a joke, compared to Bioshock, lousy attempt, but w/e. Guns felt good to shoot, especially the shotgun. The side zones where u get the upgrades again, just same shit over and over and they were extremely easy. Open ended part of the game was mostly a waste of time but it was good to have for diversity sake. Audio is great, music is perfect, most of the sound effects are fine and the voice acting, I liked it, yes the english VO and yes especially P-3's. They do talk too much and it ruins the immersion but I kinda started laughing at some of their shitty talking. Level design is ok, nowhere near Prey/Arkane levels, but decent enough for a shooter that was inspired by Bioshock. Looting all that stuff did get a bit tedious even if the mechanic is great. Performance is amazing, visuals are great but environments feel dead, uninteractive. Nothing ever happens in these static-like places.

Overall I am inclined to give it an 8/10.


Neighbours from Hell
So I finally got outside and I have a question. If you trigger an alarm how the hell do you get the enemies to stop coming? Every time I trigger an alarm they never stop coming no matter what I do. Even if I take out the cameras.
So I finally got outside and I have a question. If you trigger an alarm how the hell do you get the enemies to stop coming? Every time I trigger an alarm they never stop coming no matter what I do. Even if I take out the cameras.

Just dont stay in the same place. There are 0 reasons for you to linger in the open world in one place. Just go to your objecctive, loot quicly and thats it or go do the training zones with the question mark. Always shoot the cameras before they detect you. Not that hard. Its not like in Bioshock, they wont trigger the alarm if you destroy them and by the time they get repaired youre long gone. Cameras around the training zones should not be destroyed because you'll have to hack them and open up the areas. Basically try to avoid wasting ammo and lignering in the open world map. Infinite respawns and repairs. No point. No secrets. Nothing of high value to find. Training areas and main objectives are all you need.
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Neighbours from Hell
Just dont stay in the same place. There are 0 reasons for you to linger in the open world in one place. Just go to your objecctive, loot quicly and thats it or go do the training zones with the question mark. Always shoot the cameras before they detect you. Not that hard. Its not like in Bioshock, they wont trigger the alarm if you destroy them and by the time they get repaired youre long gone. Cameras around the training zones should not be destroyed because you'll have to hack them and open up the areas. Basically try to avoid wasting ammo and lignering in the open world map. Infinite respawns and repairs. No point. No secrets. Nothing of high value to find. Training areas and main objectives are all you need.
I wasn't planning to, but I was trying to get into this small device to raise this thing and every time I went into it I got swarmed by bots and couldn't get out. So I was trying to make the area clear before I went in and they wouldn't stop coming. I eventually got past it though.


Alright so i just started this yesterday and i have some thoughts, just left the first facility.
Honestly its a rough time with this, i was excited after i saw the videos but my gripes currently are:
- They talk too much! really they never shut up, one moment Charles and P are talking about whats happening, the other is i pick some audio device, the other someone is talking around, the other is the machine is talking, the other is some dead body is talking, like WTF?? can i have some quiet moment and absorb the atmosphere, the game actually feels so lackluster on the atmosphere because of this constant gibberish talk.
- It does not help that a lot of the dialogue is also marvel tier and cringe but you already heard this, i guess its slightly better than Forspoken but its not good anyway.
- So much of the storytelling is conveyed through the most generic and lame ways possible and there's lots of it, every room there's two of these screen computers where you read mails about some shit that barely matters, can they chill a bit with lore dumping? too much lore its tiring, at first i was reading them but later i said fuck it, i wanna play ffs.
- The combat seems to be fun on the paper, lots of abilities and stuff, but so far its floaty and unsatisfying, idk even in Cyberpunk the guns feel satisfying to shoot, thats one thing i praise there, here when i shoot with the shotgun it feels like a toy instead of real shotgun with impact, but based on early hours with the right weapon and enemy variety and bosses i can see this improving.

For the most part thats it, i would say i liked the intro here better than Bioshock Infinite, also visually the game looks amazing, the soundtrack is good and im enjoying the aesthetics overall, just a shame that a lot of this talented is probably wasted on a mediocre product, but lets hope for the better later on, and i hope they tune it down with the all this talk.
Oh one more thing that seems promising is that the minigames here dont suck.
I actually replayed Bioshock 2 Remastered not too long ago, like in October or something and by the end i started to feel they talk a bit too much, here my god its on a whole another level. So far i would say this is Infinite levels, worse than Bioshock 2.

I'll keep playing because i just now got out of the first dungeon, the game surely has some cool ideas in it.


Neighbours from Hell
Should I get the Kalash or Dominator? Can only get one right now.

Also how do you equip cartridges. Think I’m not getting how to do it.
Should I get the Kalash or Dominator? Can only get one right now.

Also how do you equip cartridges. Think I’m not getting how to do it.

Your choice. I used shotgun kalash the pistol and the railgun. Make sure you upgrade your inventory space.

If you have the cartridge upgrade, just have the cartridges in your inventory, whether its fire,electric,ice u'll easily notice them. Pick the weapon u want and press middle mouse button and you can select which one u want and right click to install. Its done outside of inventory.,
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Decided to rewatch the trailer from the Xbox showcase now that I've completed the game:

I always find it interesting to look at what's changed since the final release, particularly
interesting that P-3 has his gun in Limbo, could be just for the trailer but maybe at one point those sections had combat?The painted Lootyagin is in a different spot than it is in-game too.

Even more interesting is the snippet of a cutscene where P-3 and the girl are watching a man float down in front of them using a Pchela. Who is this guy? This also seems to point to the game originally having more time spent together between P-3 and the girl as in the final game you really only interact with her a bit at the beginning and then near the end at the AoC site, but here it looks like they're out in the open world together.


Neighbours from Hell
Your choice. I used shotgun kalash the pistol and the railgun. Make sure you upgrade your inventory space.

If you have the cartridge upgrade, just have the cartridges in your inventory, whether its fire,electric,ice u'll easily notice them. Pick the weapon u want and press middle mouse button and you can select which one u want and right click to install. Its done outside of inventory.,
I’m playing on PS5, do I need to unlock it in upgrades first? Or do they all have it at start?


Finished this today, it had its moments, it was pretty fun to play, some wierd gamedesign and choices here and there. Played it on gamepass, would not pay fullprice for this. A solid 6/10.


Neighbours from Hell
I'm guessing there's no fast travel? I haven't found a way yet. I'm trying to track down these upgrades and they say "Found at Polygon ___" but I don't see any easy way to get there but drive all the way. Also, it would help to be able to place markers on the map to guide you.
I’m playing on PS5, do I need to unlock it in upgrades first? Or do they all have it at start?

Yes, you need to install the upgrade as far as I remember.

I'm guessing there's no fast travel? I haven't found a way yet. I'm trying to track down these upgrades and they say "Found at Polygon ___" but I don't see any easy way to get there but drive all the way. Also, it would help to be able to place markers on the map to guide you.

No fast travel, there is no need. It takes like 5 minutes to go the polygons and you dont need to do them all in one go. The main mission will take you to the zones around them. Unlocking them tho or finding a path inside them is a bit tricky.


Has HDR been added in a patch? it's showing as HDR and I have it turned off so it only plays in HDR when the game supports it


Has HDR been added in a patch? it's showing as HDR and I have it turned off so it only plays in HDR when the game supports it
There are no patches since day 1, I'm about to finish the game so a second run will be needed after the next update


Neighbours from Hell
I'm enjoying the game more once I got outside. Honestly, to me the best part of the game is going around and doing the Polygons and solving the puzzles. Once I clear those out I'll probably just want to blitz to the finish and end the game. I find most of the other stuff outside of this tedious. Those dot lock pick puzzles are so fucking annoying.


Got to the Hospital. Love that level because you pretty much have all the weapons/abilities by now and just play it as a pure action game. All the Mick Gordon remixes of stupid Soviet rock/pop songs give it that Doom energy, too.

It's funny, I like interior levels better than the open world. Just less stressful.


I finished the game and was a great experience, the plot twists are great and I didn't see them coming, it has some technical flaws but overall the game is a great experience.


Gold Member
Did anyone else stay in testing ground 1 for a while just listening to the fat house song? That shit was brilliant. Did not expect that at all. Felt like I was back 20 years ago in a London nightclub :messenger_tears_of_joy:

And then you find the trippy loot crate..

The games a head fuck. I love it.

I actually put down my controller busted out my glow sticks and had a house party in my house.


Gold Member
I actually put down my controller busted out my glow sticks and had a house party in my house.

Finished it last night, overall I enjoyed my time with it. At times it was frustrating, at times it was utterly fascinating, ultimately it was a memorable experience and something to greatly expand/improve upon in a sequel. Allow me to first talk about the things I *didn't* like:

- Security cam/respawning enemies in open-world. Bizarre design decision. If I clear out an area I then want to explore it at my leisure and not deal with a constant cacophony of incoming drones and the hassle of bots being revived.

- Melee combat. While I appreciate the damage system/physics the weapons just weren't all that fun to use. Vermintide, Dying Light etc are great examples of how to have impactful melee where each swing of the weapon feels kinetic and visceral, I didn't feel that here.

- Map. Absolutely atrocious and unacceptable, not worthy of being called a map. I don't need something complex, just give us something simple that has actual utility.

- Jank. Do we just accept this because "euro-jank"? Getting stuck on invisible rocks underfoot doesn't make for a smooth playing experience. Beyond that a good portion of the trophies are completely bugged/broken on PS5.

- Weapon/power variety. This is pretty basic stuff when you really break it down. A pistol, a shotty, an AR, a rocket launcher. Given the setting I would have liked to see weirder, more unique versions of these staples, other FPS' (yes, I know it doesn't strictly belong in that genre) more often than not put their own spin on these things. Powers felt vanilla too, Telekinesis was the coolest.

Now for the stuff I absolutely loved:

- Art direction/world-building. Gorgeous and distinct, they nailed the alternate Soviet timeline and I fully believed it. From the giant, imposing statues to the variety of robots that almost seem like they were cobbled together, this is a fascinating world I enjoyed getting lost in for hours at a time.

- Story. I found the narrative engrossing and filled with memorable sequences (limbo ftw). Towards the end the rabbit hole gets deeper and I wish it didn't end so abruptly. The technological path the Soviets pursue vis-a-vis the rest of the world is cool stuff, especially if you dig into the many computer terminals and read through the emails, I read absolutely everything.

- OST. Wow, what an eclectic and unexpected sonic pleasure! Whether pumping euro house, Russian folk songs, moody synth, classical or metal there was so much packed into this soundtrack and every track choice fit the situations they were played *perfectly*.

- Combat. Despite my criticisms of weapon variety I quite enjoyed eviscerating the hordes both organic and mechanical. Physics and animation play a huge role here. Lifting a mustached freak with Telekinesis and popping him with my pistol until his head pops off while he's stuck helplessly flailing midair never got old.

There is a whole lot more I could write but I think I've said enough. Atomic Heart wears it's love for Bioshock on it's sleeve from it's Infinite opening to
an underwater sequence later in the game where a similar violin track kicks in and P3 literally says "rapture" lol
but it does enough to create it's own identity and I hope if we get a sequel it feels confident enough to fully embrace it.


Finished it last night, overall I enjoyed my time with it. At times it was frustrating, at times it was utterly fascinating, ultimately it was a memorable experience and something to greatly expand/improve upon in a sequel. Allow me to first talk about the things I *didn't* like:

- Security cam/respawning enemies in open-world. Bizarre design decision. If I clear out an area I then want to explore it at my leisure and not deal with a constant cacophony of incoming drones and the hassle of bots being revived.

- Melee combat. While I appreciate the damage system/physics the weapons just weren't all that fun to use. Vermintide, Dying Light etc are great examples of how to have impactful melee where each swing of the weapon feels kinetic and visceral, I didn't feel that here.

- Map. Absolutely atrocious and unacceptable, not worthy of being called a map. I don't need something complex, just give us something simple that has actual utility.

- Jank. Do we just accept this because "euro-jank"? Getting stuck on invisible rocks underfoot doesn't make for a smooth playing experience. Beyond that a good portion of the trophies are completely bugged/broken on PS5.

- Weapon/power variety. This is pretty basic stuff when you really break it down. A pistol, a shotty, an AR, a rocket launcher. Given the setting I would have liked to see weirder, more unique versions of these staples, other FPS' (yes, I know it doesn't strictly belong in that genre) more often than not put their own spin on these things. Powers felt vanilla too, Telekinesis was the coolest.

Now for the stuff I absolutely loved:

- Art direction/world-building. Gorgeous and distinct, they nailed the alternate Soviet timeline and I fully believed it. From the giant, imposing statues to the variety of robots that almost seem like they were cobbled together, this is a fascinating world I enjoyed getting lost in for hours at a time.

- Story. I found the narrative engrossing and filled with memorable sequences (limbo ftw). Towards the end the rabbit hole gets deeper and I wish it didn't end so abruptly. The technological path the Soviets pursue vis-a-vis the rest of the world is cool stuff, especially if you dig into the many computer terminals and read through the emails, I read absolutely everything.

- OST. Wow, what an eclectic and unexpected sonic pleasure! Whether pumping euro house, Russian folk songs, moody synth, classical or metal there was so much packed into this soundtrack and every track choice fit the situations they were played *perfectly*.

- Combat. Despite my criticisms of weapon variety I quite enjoyed eviscerating the hordes both organic and mechanical. Physics and animation play a huge role here. Lifting a mustached freak with Telekinesis and popping him with my pistol until his head pops off while he's stuck helplessly flailing midair never got old.

There is a whole lot more I could write but I think I've said enough. Atomic Heart wears it's love for Bioshock on it's sleeve from it's Infinite opening to
an underwater sequence later in the game where a similar violin track kicks in and P3 literally says "rapture" lol
but it does enough to create it's own identity and I hope if we get a sequel it feels confident enough to fully embrace it.
This is pretty much my thoughts as well. I think a sequel, that’s more focused, and have less door puzzles, would be awesome.


Gameplay was fine but I finished it on Hardcore which has 0.6% completion on steam and Im am shocked because the game was a fucking cakewalk. Absolutely brain dead AI, bosses were a fucking joke. Most places were empty and the only time I felt a slight challenge was when there were lots of spawning enemies and thats just later in the game when I had most of my stuff upgraded.
Well, damn. I just uninstalled it after rage quitting pretty early on. A scene with damaged cable cars or some sort of fairground rides whizzing around everywhere.

It kept spawning me on a ledge with two robots and zero health, which took a few tries to get out of there. Then there was an annoying bit of climbing / jumping, including a scripted fall so you have to go back and do the climbing / jumping again. A bit of ducking into holes to avoid some tunnelling worm thing. Then some other robot appeared from nowhere, caught me by surprise and lasered me. Stupid game then spawns me back on the ledge with two robots and zero health.

That's a nope from me, I have no tolerance at all for that kind of shit in any game. Give me quicksave or get off my hard drive.
Well, damn. I just uninstalled it after rage quitting pretty early on. A scene with damaged cable cars or some sort of fairground rides whizzing around everywhere.

It kept spawning me on a ledge with two robots and zero health, which took a few tries to get out of there. Then there was an annoying bit of climbing / jumping, including a scripted fall so you have to go back and do the climbing / jumping again. A bit of ducking into holes to avoid some tunnelling worm thing. Then some other robot appeared from nowhere, caught me by surprise and lasered me. Stupid game then spawns me back on the ledge with two robots and zero health.

That's a nope from me, I have no tolerance at all for that kind of shit in any game. Give me quicksave or get off my hard drive.

You can pretty much defeat any enemy in the game by just dodging nonstop and melee'ing them. Youre still early on so, it might be a bit janky then/annoying but if you have poitns available just get the shield and the extra dash and the extra inventory space in that order. Loot everything, using alt to check for blue spots. The ledge thing is annoying, its just shitty padding. Youll encounter those quite often.


Gameplay was fine but I finished it on Hardcore which has 0.6% completion on steam and Im am shocked because the game was a fucking cakewalk. Absolutely brain dead AI, bosses were a fucking joke.
GIF by Giphy QA

It played better than any Bioshock, Arkhane and Deus EX game that I've ever played in terms of combat

Felt snapy, gave you tons of options, and enemies are aggresive and has a variety of attacks

I loved telekinesis, so it was also a cakewalk for me too. But I had way more fun than playing any Bioshock game, Prey, Deathloop/Dishonored/ Deus EX and etc. (still love all of them, but not for their gameplay)

Bosses in particular are WAY better than anything you'll find in one of those games. They were the best bosses that I've encountered in an FPS game in a long time.
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It played better than any Bioshock,
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

Deus Ex games are not combat focused nor are any Arkane games, except maybe the last one. Nor does it do anything better than these games. Bioshock a million years old game can shock water, enemies set on fire, seek water to jump, have better AI overall than anything modern these days. It's a fine game, like I said, an 8/10 overall but considering 10 years old games are better or similar to it, its nothing to brag about.


Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

Deus Ex games are not combat focused nor are any Arkane games, except maybe the last one. Nor does it do anything better than these games. Bioshock a million years old game can shock water, enemies set on fire, seek water to jump, have better AI overall than anything modern these days. It's a fine game, like I said, an 8/10 overall but considering 10 years old games are better or similar to it, its nothing to brag about.
I agree with Deus EX, Prey or Dishonored, but Deathloop is very combat focused

I compared to them because people keep saying that AH is closest to an immersive sim than Doom or Wolfenstein

But fine, I still think it plays better and have better bosses than most combat focused FPS games nowadays

And nah, man. Shocking watter is basic stuff, and you use it 10 times at most during Bioshock (I've replayed it innumerous times). Same with the enemy on fire, then shock them combo.

I'm obviously talking about the majority of the encounters. For starters, you cant dual wield in Bioshock, you either have the plasmid on or your gun. Enemies have 1 form of attack and that's it.

They fixed that with Bioshock 2, where you could dual wield, but enemies still had basic attack parameters and chaining plasmids were nowhere near as satisfying as in AH

And lets not talk about Infinite. Gameplay in that game was atrocious. Gunplay felt like shit. Enemy variety was laughably bad.

I still love the whole series, but the gameplay in Bioshock was always bad, in every entry
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I still love the whole series, but the gameplay in Bioshock was always bad, in every entry

Agree to disagree then. Considering their age, they still hold up incredibly well to a modern game. When we have games like Doom or Doom Eternal its hard for me to consider Atomic Heart great from a gameplay point of view. Its good and I really hope they make a seasovietshock or spacesovietshock but they really need to work better on level design, less chatting, and better gunplay/mechanics.


Gold Member
It played better than any Bioshock, Arkhane and Deus EX game that I've ever played in terms of combat

I don't think you know what you are saying. Bioshock had extremely tight controls and combat. Atomic heart is great but it is not Bioshock.


I don't think you know what you are saying. Bioshock had extremely tight controls and combat. Atomic heart is great but it is not Bioshock.
You should replay Bioshock.

It has aged like old milk unfortunately, I was very surprised when I tried it again this year. Game is full on bad and clunky action for 80% of the time.
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Gold Member
F Flabagast everything has a curve learning the controls and once I learned the controls on Bioshock I thought everything was very consistent. AH just feels a little less precise particularly the blade combat. Shooting is good. I hit what I aim at. I would say the blade based stuff is very strong in the game but ranged it better.


F Flabagast everything has a curve learning the controls and once I learned the controls on Bioshock I thought everything was very consistent. AH just feels a little less precise particularly the blade combat. Shooting is good. I hit what I aim at. I would say the blade based stuff is very strong in the game but ranged it better.
You are seriously saying that you preffer the combat with the wrench in Bioshock?

Man, opinions and all that

Bioshock is one of my favorite games of all time. But the combat was nothing special in 2007, and its even worse now.

As I said before, not being able to equip a plasmid at the same time that you are carrying a gun is enough to make the combat in AH much more fluid and consistent.

Its such an obvious flaw that they recognized it themselves and improved on the sequels.

Agree to disagree then. Considering their age, they still hold up incredibly well to a modern game. When we have games like Doom or Doom Eternal its hard for me to consider Atomic Heart great from a gameplay point of view. Its good and I really hope they make a seasovietshock or spacesovietshock but they really need to work better on level design, less chatting, and better gunplay/mechanics.

Even for the age, it was pretty bad.

But I'm not hearing that "considering its age, its ok". I was hearing that it was better than AH. Which I dont agree at all.

And comparing any FPS to Doom and Doom Eternal, two of the best playing FPS on the market is kinda unfair. Sure its not that good. But its more than good enough, imo.

Better than the Wolfenstein games for example. Much better bosses than those games. I honestly cant remember of better bosses in modern FPS games.
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Neighbours from Hell
I finished Polygon 12. Is that the final one? I assume I'm close to the ending at this point, I recently crossed the bridge and I didn't see any other ones to explore on my map.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
There's another 31GB update for the game out today.

What the fuck is going on with this game lol, it's already made me download ~200GB worth of shit.


There's another 31GB update for the game out today.

What the fuck is going on with this game lol, it's already made me download ~200GB worth of shit.

But at least they fixed some stuff on Xbox this time! Tvs in save points are working finally! 😀

Plus field of view slider is very nice addition, probably other fixes too.


Small update on the game from me: My enjoyment increased thanks to the polygons, in the polygons its more puzzles and silent lore which is better imo for this type of game, also the puzzles are neat, there could be more variety in them imo but i dig them.

I already stated most of my issues and they didnt change, still the same but to add to that, the game is buggy sometimes, i got stuck twice and was forced to reload a save, that sucked, the good thing is i didnt lose a lot of progress because i save often.

So imo the game is at its best when you are doing the polygons, you gain upgrades and meaningful rewards, and you do neat puzzles all while the main character has his mouth closed and the game does not constantly dump you with story exposition and snarky jokes. Thats good, the combat gets better as you get to upgrade, but imo it could have been deeper, the abilities upgrades overlap with similar skills and some of them are not useful, but overall the combat is on the good side.

I'm near the end now, i can see where the story is going because its predictable but overall i would say its not a bad experience, the art direction is pretty good, the music "choice" is good, cause idk if the music is original a lot of pieces are taken from house music or classical music so idk, but the original one is decent at best only, and the gameplay gets better later but doesnt imo reach its potential, it could be a lot better, and the story stays on the same level which isn't good.

Sadly after i finish it i dont think i will come back, i may just load a late game save and try some skills, but thats where it ends. Not a bad first attempt for a developer, but those who said this is for people who enjoy immersive sims are mistaken, the game is linear af, the only choice you get is what to use during combat lol.


Gold Member
I wasn't sure about it but I ended up slowly chipping away and got to the credits yesterday. Overall I really liked it, not sure what's up with some criticisms it's getting, like the protag is a total douche - how is that not intentional? Crispy critters. Not sure if that's even in English but who cares.

Combat rocks, most weapons (I haven't tried them all) are very nice and punchy and useful with proper hit reactions and comboing them with plasmid polymer powers leads to some surprisingly satisfying mix of ranged and melee.

Some really bombastic setpieces and boss fights, good stuff.

I do agree the enemy respawn mechanic was a horrible mistake as it's just annoying and ruins a lot of the joy from exploring the open world. Like the devs thought there isn't enough combat to be had in the open? Really weird.
Testing grounds looked nice but I only explored maybe half of them due to their truly trash-tier platforming puzzles, no thanks not worth the hassle.

I feel like I only saw maybe 70% of the game but I'm good. 7/10. Happy to check back in the DLC when it lands.


Cretinously credulous
Just started it. Holy hell what a beginning. That's how you start a game. Absolutely mind blowing. Felt like a AAA game truly. Now on to actual gameplay. Very excited.
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The world building in this game sucked me in totally (something the Bioshock games failed to do)! I don't usually play/like FPS games if it's not Far Cry, but there's something intriguing with these alternative, "What if..." stories when they are well done - like here. There's so much lore! The dialogue between P-3 and his glove is constantly going on, the script must weigh a ton! The protagonist's voice actor is excellent for the role he's been directed to play, but the character doesn't fit the creepy horror mood when you explore the (almost) deserted underground corridors.
Can't believe this game was made by just thirty or so people - what a tremendous feat!

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Yet another game that just sorta came and went even though it was quite good. What a crazy fucking year of releases, just one after another.

But something got me thinking about AH recently. I bought it at launch, got halfway through and then put it down for whatever reason (most likely something else came out that took over). I do remember it being a bit broken, especially trophies/cheevos not popping. Have most of the issues been ironed out? Im going to end up just starting from scratch anyway.

Getting old sucks. I remember jack shit about this experience aside from thinking the art design was dope and it had a good shotgun <--(which really is all that matters in these games).

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