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The Last of Us: Part II Remaster likely in Development based on ND Lead Outsourced Artist LinkedIn Profile


Gold Member
These 4k remasters are going to be on PSN for the next 10-20 years.

Sony are futureproofing key titles much like movie studios do 4k/8k remasters of classic movies.

There will be a proportion of hardcore fans who will purchase the title day one. But that isn't the reason they're being made, it's a longer-term project. Gamers like to talk about preservation and retro gaming, but outside of the 16-bit pixel art era, most game age terribly. To bring anything PS3 or earlier upto current standards is a huge task. Remastering PS4 titles is a relatively simple task as assets are available (likely downgraded to run on PS4) and console architectures are the same. It's a no brainer business move and something gamers will be grateful for years down the line.

Come on man. Remastering a PS4 title to PS5 standards is a "relatively simple task" because the gap isn't that large. This is obvious. That's why it makes some sense to wait a while before you can take a true generational leap if you're going to go ahead with this. The 4K remasters are not going to hold up for 20 years, maybe not for 10. That's how this technology stuff works, and ray tracing is going to change all the lighting/shadows/etc. in the near future.
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Makes sense. If they were updating only the PC version, then people would complain about there not being a PS5 version.
Exactly, and there were rumors about this alleged remaster since quite a while now via Tom Henderson, but back then it was called TLOU 2 Director's Cut.

Anyway, for a $10 upgrade I wouldn't mind getting a better experience which adds:
  • Unlocked VRR mode
  • 4k 40fps quality mode
  • Haptic feedback and adaptive triggers like in TLOU Part 1
  • Game help and Activity Cards (I used them a lot in TLOU Part 1)
  • Faster loading
  • 3D audio
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As this console generetion moves foward i'm considering saving a few bucks and change to PC for main gaming. At this point, playing GTA VI Rockstar games on day one is my only hook for keeping a console. Just not worth it.


Seems he updated his profile, but still mentioned "two iconic titles" in the language there. Funny.

I am continuously surprised at how this kind of info is put on profiles before it's announced. They breaking NDAs right?
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Gold Member
no big tits for abby , no buy



The Last of Us part 3 releases in 2027. PS6 releases 2028-29. Remaster double pack of Part 1 and 2 first for PS6. Then a few years down the line the remaster for part 3 comes out.


Gold Member
their baked lighting is already great

Not for this gen it isn't. Especially since they are pushing towards more dynamic environments and physics based assets. For example, in TLOU remake it irked me to see books displaced by an explosion still glowing when relocated into a shadowed region. They also need RT reflections because the SSR was so distracting it took away from everything else. As I've said before, if there's no RT in the new iterations, it's a no buy for me.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
they tried to pawn off TLOU1 because they were focusing on Factions. Then they had to take it in-house and devote resources to it. Well, now Factions is in the trash bin and supposedly they are pawning off TLOU2, I have a feeling what will happen there. Based on all known information, I see reasons to be pessimistic.
ND was forced to finish TLOU Remake after another studio failed to complete it.

Fractions MP was being developed along side another major single player title. Since the MP was put on ice eailer this year, they have been moved to other projects at ND.

This Remaster is being outsourced and the cost is a drop in the bucket. It will likely generate 10 times the money that it took to develop this.

If it's being outsourced for cheap then there should be no reason for anyone to complain, unless they charge full price for it.


ND needs to generate money, they planed to deliver Factions by this year but got cancelled by good guy Bunjie...

Since they have nothing to deliver the remaster of TLOU2 is the fastest way to get money...but there must be something new that justifies for a consumer double dip the game so its possibble that ND takes the dead body of Factions and include it with the remaster as multiplayer expansion with just the same mechanics as TLOU 1 multiplayer.
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Damn, I've read it as "The Last of Us: Part I Remastered" and immediately thought Sony must have been in some kind of race with Rockstar and Bethesda who will break the record of re-releasing the same game
Watching current AAA devs trying to keep huge IP's of the past made by talented devs afloat is both hilarious and sad. It's all they have.

"Create something new? What, are you out of your mind?!"
Seriously. These AAA publishers painted themselves into a corner and their execs choose to act like its all fine. Sooner or later things aren't going to be so "fine" if they're inclined on staying on this path.

They need to rename themselves into "Remastered Dog"
More like Neutered dog. Modern day Naughty dog is distant from where they used to be creatively.


Why did they not just outsource the whole thing? Why is ND wasting time and resources on this….

Hermen you damn monkey 🙊
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Why is there a remaster of a game that came out 3 years ago and that still looks better than most current gen games on a last gen system?
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It was always going to be released for PC and therefore PS5 eventually. Not sure why anyone is surprised.

I'd say they will hold it back from releasing until season 2 of the HBO show is out.

One idea I had is if they where considering not releasing Factions anymore then they should just include it in this version of Part 2. That would be better than not releasing it at all.
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I bet the success of the show has a bit to do with this.

Tired of all the remakes. Industries in a weird spot right now. Great games coming out but too many publishers looking for easy money.


Damn, when did this studio fall off this hard??

Relying on ports and remasters for like half a decade? Meanwhile, Insomniac is announcing and releasing new projects left and right.
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Ill just echo the 80% in here that agree the 60fps update they did for the 5 is enough to suffice. I get how they could get it to look better, but it really, really doesn't need it in my opinion.

Dr. Suchong

Rubbing chilli's into my eyes and plunging my nuts into a brazier of white hot coals is literally my only recourse for remaining conscious in this snooze fest of a generation.


ND went from goat to shit under Druckmans lead. Nothing you say can convince me otherwise, the proof is in the output.
Calm down, last new title was 2020. Hardly anything to be alarmed over. many other studios have taken way longer to release some mediocre crap. Give them time make something great they have earned it.


Did you see the sales thread when this happened.
It was TLOUR on PS4 that was selling, no TLOUPT1 on PS5

It was #11 in January and jumped to #6 in February. The PC version wasn't released until March 28th so the PS5 version did see significant gains. Also to note Part 1 was out of the Top 20 in December 2022 just before the show was released.
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Gold Member
Why is there a remaster of a game that came out 3 years ago and that still looks better than most current gen games on a last gen system?

Because technology is moving fast. So fast that said 3 yr old game from a high caliber, tech centric studio is showing it's age in key graphical areas.

Ray-traced reflections and GI would be transformative for this game. It would be worth a repurchase consideration imo, depending on where price lands and how far they push the tech.


Another old game from Naughty Dog.... yay?

At least remake the original uncharted trilogy if you're going to re release more stuff.
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