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All Cyberpunk 2077 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.


Why does this game look so soft and blurry? It's like looking through a fogged plastic lens.
Really hoping we can disable a lot of the post processing going on here...
To be honest, all leaked footage is kind of a mess right now. I think people actually enjoy giving out lo-fi footage like some stolen alien abduction video with an "I Want To Believe" watermark.
We all talk about our cyberpunk future and people can't even record a still image from their freaking phone.

That's not a stool.
Piranha Bytes games(Gothic series, Elex, Risen), Arx Fatalis, Ultima 9(not the best game, but still). In the original Deus Ex you can't sit on stools, but there's lots of interactivity with the environment there.

And you know what? They all suffer hard from consolisation and cutting corners
I legitimately have never heard of or played those games you mentioned aside from deus ex - I gotta look into them they’re like first person immersive rpgs?


Yeah on second thought I just looked up a few videos these games look terrible. But I’ll take his word that the stool mechanics are amazing

Dude. Let's face it CP2077 is a bust...severe lack of stool action. Save yourself the $60 and cancel that pre-order and spend the time you saved getting a bit of that top tier stool action instead.
but rly how so much diff between what they show gameplay trailers , and what is real current gen gameplay?

vs what is now on consoles

i dont believe that PC will make it look like new game just because it will be pc version ..

This is a much better comparation, its is the same place.
There are actually more npcs visible in the lower picture
Same place, how about that?


The corporate video with no Audio really shows the size of the world and the quality they've created, it's pretty awesome.
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I can't say that yet, I need to see how much of all of this world is interactive, and how much is repeated filler. But that video really won me over to almost a Day 1 purchase.
Right? Just the way it looks as a whole is insanely awesome. Though honestly I've never looked at CP:2077 and compared it to GTA or a GTA-like title. It's a different experience. As far as mechanics go, we'll see some things we've seen before, but we'll see new things as well. But as far as I'm concerned this entire package is a new experience because of the world and what it entails alone.

Link me to the video, please.

Part of Corpo intro without sound. City looks fucking amazing.

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No, it's not. The original post that included the link is on another page in this thread. I didn't see it because I hadn't visited this thread since before it was posted.

The corporate video with no Audio really shows the size of the world and the quality they've created, it's pretty awesome.

Not sure why J jaysius edited out of his post, but that's what was on my other tab


It looks like the only version of the game that will feature the dense crowds of pedestrians will be the PC version, at least until the proper PS5 and XSX versions are released next year.


Well that screen is probably from last gen console. The ps5/xsx and PC is obviously going to smoke the ps4/xbone.
Yeah I am not worried about. After seeing the atmosphere they created in action they could have all NPCs look the same and I will still play it. I already pre-ordered and will be playing on PC in 4k.


Something tells me that this game shouldn't have been released on last gen consoles.
Nah, I think that's a bit harsh. For those that aren't interested you can get it on your preferred (and better) platform of choice. I mean, hardcore fans won't get it on last gen consoles.

I think CDPR just wanted to make CP:2077 available to as many people as possible, which I respect. That being said, I can't imagine the amount of stress they were under trying to provide all versions on the same day, oof.


Or....just stick with me here...maybe it just wasn't part of their design?

If they can't learn from others in terms of established immersive design, no reason to be hyping this shit to holy hell. They are not even aiming to be GTA III at this point with that type of narrowminded thinking.

Sitting down isn't part of their design.
Customizing cars isn't part of their design.

Starting to sound like a lot of common sense isn't part of their design......

This is Deus Ex with cars. I felt that years ago and its starting to sound like it legit is just that.


I thought you could, I swore I saw footage of this? Can you not? Or was this sarcasm? 🤔

If so, pardon my *woooooosh* lol.

Yea its not part of the game. You are able to tune cars, but they can't be customized, like changing hoods, color etc, but thats just what I'm talking about. This game is trying to be "immersive" yet lacks clear features that one would expect in a thriving city based on other games that clearly have features like this in their cities.

I think its like what another user stated, window dressing. They are not saying exact features for this, simply implying or suggesting etc. They will cop out to "we mean immersive like da people be walking and junk". I don't see enough to really say this game is doing anything we haven't see before in a open world title, I'd even argue its lacking expected features and would be lessor then most open world titles tbh.

I get its not GTA, but one should expect some of those features as GTA didn't fucking invent customizing cars or robbing people. That is simply a concept that exist, thus would be expected to exist in a future city.
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If they can't learn from others in terms of established immersive design, no reason to be hyping this shit to holy hell. They are not even aiming to be GTA III at this point with that type of narrowminded thinking.

Sitting down isn't part of their design.
Customizing cars isn't part of their design.

Starting to sound like a lot of common sense isn't part of their design......

This is Deus Ex with cars. I felt that years ago and its starting to sound like it legit is just that.

What are you going on about. Are you suggesting they didn't include a third person mode because they chose not to "learn from others in terms of established immersive design"?

Because they don't allow you to sit on stools they are lacking common sense in their design? It sounds like you know better than the massive team at CDPR that has spent years crafting this game. Why not put a resume in? You can go from Irrational Internet Complainer #35198 to Lead Project Manager and get to add all the third person views and stool sitting you could ever hope for.


Are you suggesting they didn't include a third person mode because they chose not to "learn from others in terms of established immersive design"?

Are you suggesting that because it exist in another game, its not allowed in CDPR's game as "maybe it just wasn't part of their design?"

It sounds like you know better than the massive team at CDPR that has spent years crafting this game.

How the fuck do the spend years crafting a game claiming to be sooooo immersive only to have a list of features they can't or won't do that others have established as very obvious things to have in a city? So robbing people can only exist in other games, but "maybe it just wasn't part of their design" to have humans behave as such? Starting to sound like LOTS of things are not part of their design that have already been done bud.

To keep saying its not GTA, Elder Scrolls, Fallout etc only continues to expose they simply can't build a world like those teams.

Tell us more about what the game CAN'T do and how many games its NOT LIKE, while telling us how immersive it is. :pie_raybans:

There is a simple fact that there is nothing like it on the market - there has never been a full fledged open world rpg set in a futuristic megapolis. Cyberpunk wins just by existing.

Ehhhhh, I understand what you're trying to say but I would disagree. Just by existing? Ok then. I would argue the original Deus Ex was a full-fledged "open world" rpg. It was not full fledged as it is now but that game came out 20 years ago and still trumps most games in terms of writing, story, and freedom. So, in my eye, Cyberpunk doesn't just win by existing. Guess we'll see soon enough how close it gets to Deus Ex.
Are you suggesting that because it exist in another game, its not allowed in CDPR's game as "maybe it just wasn't part of their design?"

How the fuck do the spend years crafting a game claiming to be sooooo immersive only to have a list of features they can't or won't do that others have established as very obvious things to have in a city? So robbing people can only exist in other games, but "maybe it just wasn't part of their design" to have humans behave as such? Starting to sound like LOTS of things are not part of their design that have already been done bud.

To keep saying its not GTA, Elder Scrolls, Fallout etc only continues to expose they simply can't build a world like those teams.

Tell us more about what the game CAN'T do and how many games its NOT LIKE, while telling us how immersive it is. :pie_raybans:


I just dont understand how you came to the conclusion that because something is in another game (sitting on stools, 3rd person mode etc) that it automatically means it will be in this game. I'm getting the impression you have zero understanding of how game development works.


I just dont understand how you came to the conclusion that because something is in another game (sitting on stools, 3rd person mode etc) that it automatically means it will be in this game. I'm getting the impression you have zero understanding of how game development works.

I think Fragile EDMIX set me to ignore a while back, but maybe you can ask him how many stools you could sit on in TLOU2. He's a big fan IIRC 🤔

To keep saying its not GTA, Elder Scrolls, Fallout etc only continues to expose they simply can't build a world like those teams.

LOL, the game isn't even out, and the leaks barely show anything...


Also GTA V really? I mean I had some fun times with Trevor and all, but that game is the definition of world of wallpaper. Whom exactly are you hoping to convince here? Does Bethesda make games packed to the gills with stuff? Sure, but they're buggy as hell and far from immersive.

Honestly, you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and realise for all the conjecture you throw up, hardly anyone at GAF buys into the nonsense you peddle. You're ratio'd to shit.
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I just dont understand how you came to the conclusion that because something is in another game (sitting on stools, 3rd person mode etc) that it automatically means it will be in this game.

I never claimed anything like that would be in the game..... Simply questioning why its not.

If they are the ones telling us how immersive it is, one would assume such a feature would be on that table if they are seeking to be immersive. Why lack features already established in this concept? So maybe ask CDPR why they are making those statements, yet not having those features to support such a concept.

Sounds to me like classic PR BS, as someone put it earlier, its simply window dressing.

Miles708 Miles708 actually confirmed you can sit down. But hey, why would I assume because it exist in another game, it would be or should be in this game? I don't know, fucking logic....

I get the impression that you think in cities people don't get robbed, thus shouldn't be in this game. :pie_raybans: Sound logic there /s

AutumnLeaves AutumnLeaves Agreed. By that logic Watchdogs 3 wins by existing. We need more then just a setting.
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If they are the ones telling us how immersive it is, one would assume such a feature would be on that table if they are seeking to be immersive. Why lack features already established in this concept? So maybe ask CDPR why they are making those statements, yet not having those features to support such a concept.

Sounds to me like classic PR BS, as someone put it earlier, its simply window dressing.


You're conflating freedom of action with immersion. Those are distinct things. No Mans sky is incredibly immersive, yet I can't kill any of the sentient alien races, or pull a gun out on the space stations. By your ridiculous yardstick, I should be able to do all those things and then some. You simply want Sandbox the game. That just doesn't work for all titles.
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but rly how so much diff between what they show gameplay trailers , and what is real current gen gameplay?

vs what is now on consoles

i dont believe that PC will make it look like new game just because it will be pc version ..
looks like they removed your picture
I never claimed anything like that would be in the game..... Simply questioning why its not.

If they are the ones telling us how immersive it is, one would assume such a feature would be on that table if they are seeking to be immersive. Why lack features already established in this concept? So maybe ask CDPR why they are making those statements, yet not having those features to support such a concept.

Sounds to me like classic PR BS, as someone put it earlier, its simply window dressing.

Miles708 Miles708 actually confirmed you can sit down. But hey, why would I assume because it exist in another game, it would be or should be in this game? I don't know, fucking logic....

I get the impression that you think in cities people don't get robbed, thus shouldn't be in this game. :pie_raybans: Sound logic there /s

AutumnLeaves AutumnLeaves Agreed. By that logic Watchdogs 3 wins by existing. We need more then just a setting.

Do you generally tend to question things with such an offputtingly abrasive and accusatory tone?

I'm not going to ask CDPR anything. There is more than enough here to interest me so I'm going to get the game, play it, and judge for myself.


CDPRs idea of immersion comes much more from the world building

Like what exactly?

I don't see having more features to interact with the world as "gimmicks". So you wish more people understood they meant not actual features or interactions with the world but "great characters"? Thats a bit of a reach.

Using the term so loosely, any fucking game can just scream they have "immersion". The more people question this, the more I see this walk back into making it seem as if the term was really to imply "great characters" as to avoid bring up actual solid interactive features.

Phunkydiabetic Phunkydiabetic "There is more than enough here to interest me" Thats nice. More then enough for me as well (not even sure what your getting at as I've had the game pre-ordered since 2018)

Simply sounds like many are going pretty deep out of their way to not exactly, specifically, within context bring up those "immersive" features. I think T Terenty was correct. This sounds like PR talk and nothing more. I don't see enough factual elements to argue that the immersion is anything significant, in fact more evidence argues its lessor then other titles.

I don't think anything is wrong with pointing this out, someone needs to keep the hype of this game in check and honest, not simply exaggerating PR talk or trying to be defensive about missing elements. So I'm excited for what the game is too, but I have no issue voicing clear issues that break immersion. Robbing people is not a GTA exclusive idea, that is a human behavior. When telling us they have this immersive city that has gangs and its wild and corrupt etc, sounds really odd to then tell us we can't fucking rob people lol

When you couldn't ROB BANKS in the open world in Red Dead Redemption 2, I brought that up. Its odd to tell us this person is a outlaw, yet lock us out of actually robbing banks in the open world despite us being able to rob actual stores and other NPCs. Soooooo this questioning isn't exclusive to Cyberpunk 2077. If a game is lacking something I feel is pretty fucking obvious, it needs to be brought up.

You telling me in a fucking sequel where you could be a cop or a gang member, rob people or put people in jail, buy apartments and use the metro system etc, you telling me you don't want those features in Cyberpunk 2077-2 aka 2079? lol So you want less features? The less you could do the better? No real world elements at all make it more immersive to not able to do stuff that other titles have already done? Come on now man.

If the sequel does any of this, I'm doubtful you'll be angry or pissed man. It makes sense for those elements to be in the game.
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Like what exactly?

I don't see having more features to interact with the world as "gimmicks". So you wish more people understood they meant not actual features or interactions with the world but "great characters"? Thats a bit of a reach.

Using the term so loosely, any fucking game can just scream they have "immersion". The more people question this, the more I see this walk back into making it seem as if the term was really to imply "great characters" as to avoid bring up actual solid interactive features.
They are massive gimmicks. I play rpgs for the story, making my character op and sweet loot. I could care less about how many things can be interacted with.


They are massive gimmicks. I play rpgs for the story, making my character op and sweet loot. I could care less about how many things can be interacted with.

Thats not really an either or though. Many of those things can add to the story.
Being able to customize the car can lead into a story element, like you use the car in a murder and needed to disguise it.

Other elements that could be used like robbing someone could be something that's use the later if you robbed the wrong gang member or something.

Even being able to kill random NPCs can very much lead into something.

So it's not simply about mindless interactivity it's about that these elements can be used in the story to convey ideas much better.

So I'm buying it more so for the story, setting as well, doesn't mean I want less features that can help build that world.
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Like what exactly?

Because you're taking on the role of a character in a situation and you're invested in the narrative outcomes, versus breaking immersion by rifling through every NPCs panty drawer for odds and sods (whilst they passively stand there and watch you) because some games have skinner boxed you into thinking that's the only way to play games.

So it's not simply about mindless interactivity it's about that these elements can be used in the story to convey ideas much better.

Yet mindless interactivity is what you are demanding. I mean what's your next complaint? That you can't break into every building in the game?
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Wait - 60fps console version in the corpo video above? Guessing that's PS5, but also I thought next gen was just going to be using BC (which presumably means 30fps)? What's going on here?
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Wait - 60fps console version in the corpo video above? Guessing that's PS5, but also I thought next gen was just going to be using BC (which presumably means 30fps)? What's going on here?

Maybe the video is sped up to 60fps and its not the game running 60fps.

I'm ok with it running 30fps as I'm playing on PS4 Pro anyway, but would be hype if indeed it did run 60fps on base systems.
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