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Another Big Delay Incoming?


Gasp, could it be Bugsnax???
Better not be 'Goodbye, Volcano High"...i'll cut some bitches..

I know you guys jest about Bugsnax and Volcano High, but I can see a following for both of these games and a community around them. I can even see TV shows being derived from these titles if Sony wishes to push it...
I was pissed off at Cyberpunk not because of the delay, but how crap tue comvat looked and how sparse the environment looks. If it's delayed again until next year, you'd hope that would give them time to fix the combat.

The empty streets can't be fixed because of the netbook CPUs this game is built around.
Yeah, I think it's Cyberpunk. They got hard complaints about the combat. They were lucky reviewers overlooked it in Witcher 3, but after Witcher 3 and RDR2, reviewers will come down hard on games with so-so combat and movement and they realize that...Also CDPR have never had a smooth development schedule, their first two Witcher's were terribly buggy and had to go through a million patches, same thing happened for Witcher 3. So for Cyberpunk it's not surprising that it shares the same fate.....

Also, MS banked hard on crossplatform games as a selling point, but it seems that many developers are delaying their games to make them look or play better than just a crossgen game, even MS has now backtracked and done the same thing with it's main franchise......They all fear going up against ground up exclusives made for next gen......

In what world is Cyberpunk not as big as halo? Cyberpunk will likely sell at least 20 million copies, halo will struggle to do 5 million.
You heard it here first folks. A new IP from a game that has not yet released is just as big as the iconic Halo. We don't even know if CyberPunk will even hit 80 on Metacritic yet, but it's bigger than Halo and will sell a tonne.....I heard some mad things about Titanfall, Evolve and Anthem......They were the next big games to eat lunches and make bullies stay home, but reality is always different than pipe dreams.......People think Witcher 3 denotes huge success and reception for everything that comes out of CD Project Red.....Some people never learn do they.......CDPR is getting hammered for the same reason Witcher 3 got flak for, the combat.


How many here will get pissed if it's Kena?
A lot of people are anticipating Kena but we have no idea about the scope of the game, if the core gameplay is good and they want to delay to add more content polish, then that is fine.... it has potential.


I'm pretty sure its Spiderman MM. One of the official articles that had the raytrace puddle pic mentioned that it will be releasing later this year (unless covid impacts) - or to that effect. The bit in brackets definitely implies that it could be impacted (delayed), so we shall see.
I know you guys jest about Bugsnax and Volcano High, but I can see a following for both of these games and a community around them. I can even see TV shows being derived from these titles if Sony wishes to push it...

Yeah, I think it's Cyberpunk. They got hard complaints about the combat. They were lucky reviewers overlooked it in Witcher 3, but after Witcher 3 and RDR2, reviewers will come down hard on games with so-so combat and movement and they realize that...Also CDPR have never had a smooth development schedule, their first two Witcher's were terribly buggy and had to go through a million patches, same thing happened for Witcher 3. So for Cyberpunk it's not surprising that it shares the same fate.....

Also, MS banked hard on crossplatform games as a selling point, but it seems that many developers are delaying their games to make them look or play better than just a crossgen game, even MS has now backtracked and done the same thing with it's main franchise......They all fear going up against ground up exclusives made for next gen......

You heard it here first folks. A new IP from a game that has not yet released is just as big as the iconic Halo. We don't even know if CyberPunk will even hit 80 on Metacritic yet, but it's bigger than Halo and will sell a tonne.....I heard some mad things about Titanfall, Evolve and Anthem......They were the next big games to eat lunches and make bullies stay home, but reality is always different than pipe dreams.......People think Witcher 3 denotes huge success and reception for everything that comes out of CD Project Red.....Some people never learn do they.......CDPR is getting hammered for the same reason Witcher 3 got flak for, the combat.
Halo's reputation and sales have been in steady decline since 3, and particularly badly since 343 took over.

Meanwhile CP2077 has been the most hyped up, preordered, generally talked about and highly anticipated game for the past two or three years, hot on the heels of the massive sales and glowing reviews of the studio's previous game, arguably the best of the generation.

CP2077 may well end up disappointing once released, but right now it has far more people excited for it and wanting to buy it than Halo Infinite does.


Halo's reputation and sales have been in steady decline since 3, and particularly badly since 343 took over.

Meanwhile CP2077 has been the most hyped up, preordered, generally talked about and highly anticipated game for the past two or three years, hot on the heels of the massive sales and glowing reviews of the studio's previous game, arguably the best of the generation.

CP2077 may well end up disappointing once released, but right now it has far more people excited for it and wanting to buy it than Halo Infinite does.
Yes, but unless a game releases you can't give it accolades based on projected sales and reception and use that against tangible results for a living breathing franchise.....Ok, supposed Cyberpunk gets cancelled what happens then, that reception is a useless metric to use to determine a franchise's or a game's popularity and reception. A game can only be judged in that light when it releases.... Anthem and Titanfall got even more praise than Cyberpunk or even the same. If it drops and reviews badly many people will not buy, pre-orders can be cancelled anytime......


Gold Member
It's really hard to not think that it's Cyberpunk, but come on man, there's absolutely no way. Especially after all of the delays. If it's not that, then the only other thing I can think of is Call of Duty. I don't think anyone outside of their hardcore communities for Watch Dogs or Assassin's Creed care THAT much.

Call of Duty kind of makes sense too considering how late in the year it is and nothing has been confirmed. Then again, this could've been planned as Modern Warfare is still incredibly successful and they don't want to overlap.
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The Unforeseen

Neo Member
The not as big as Halo thing could be taken a few ways, not just in regards to the game being as big or hyped as it is. Could be referring to the impact of the delay for example, as Halo was significant because it was Xbox's main (and only) big launch title, whereas Cyberpunk wouldn't have as much of an impact so to speak.

I still think all roads lead to Assassin's Creed in terms of not as big as Halo (debatable I know but isn't unreasonable to say and could be said in the manner I mentioned above). Also there will be some people disappointed as there is a large fan base still, which can't really be said for Watchdogs. It also clearly needed a lot of polishing, it looked worse than the last two games in my opinion. Only other thing is perhaps another 'exclusive' launch game, such as The Medium or Kena. Don't think they would really have created much negativity with a delay though, aside from The Medium now that Halo's gone, that would be a blow to Microsoft. But yeah, leaning to Assassin's Creed, and I hope it is really; it needs it.
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Yes, but unless a game releases you can't give it accolades based on projected sales and reception and use that against tangible results for a living breathing franchise.....Ok, supposed Cyberpunk gets cancelled what happens then, that reception is a useless metric to use to determine a franchise's or a game's popularity and reception. A game can only be judged in that light when it releases.... Anthem and Titanfall got even more praise than Cyberpunk or even the same. If it drops and reviews badly many people will not buy, pre-orders can be cancelled anytime......
Nothing you said changes the fact that right now it's a bigger game than Halo Infinite, which also hasn't yet been released, so all those things you said similarly apply to.


i watch the Karak liveshow, and he says, that the game is smaller than Halo, so it is not Cyberpunk for sure. Watch Dog? Kena? Godfall? Yakuza?


It’s probably CP.

It’s the only game that a new delay would piss off people
Mostly people getting an Xbox SX at launch, cause it is the other big game around launch for them...

But hopefully it doesn't happen. I thought Poland wasn't that bad regarding Covid.


Probably avengers, not as big as halo in gaming and release date is so close. The delay will piss some people off. However there are quite a lot of technical issues reported there so this could be it.


Heard this on the ACG Podcast hosted by our very own Karak. Go check him out if you haven't.

Anyway, he said he knows of a game delay which is yet to be announced, one that's gonna piss people off.

Guesses? I'm thinking one of Watch Dogs or AC. He said it isn't as big as Halo so we can probably rule out Spiderman.

Why would be be so vague if he genuinely knew a big game was going to be delayed? Maybe I'm lacking some insider understanding here, but if that game was named how could that be tracked to a source? Seems like pointless teasing (done fairly innocently I'm sure).
It's Cyberpunk 2077. From the demo, the game is not ready. It's playable, but not as polish as CD Projeckt Red would have liked. If it is Cyberpunk, might as well delay the next-gen console launches.
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Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
My predictions for the games that could be delayed in order of likelihood -

1. Cyberpunk 2077

I definitely see Cyberpunk 2077 getting delayed to the Spring which is fine by me. The next gen upgrades won't be available to next year anyway so I would prefer the game to get delayed. May 2021 would be perfectly okay with me and gives me a game for 2021 which im expecting to be slow overall anyway.

2. Assassin's Creed Valhalla

I put this as 50/50. If Cyberpunk 2077 stays for November 19th, then I can see Ubisoft delayed Valhalla to February and then move Far Cry 6 to March. If Cyberpunk 2077 gets delayed, then I believe that Valhalla stays.

3. Spider Man: Miles Morales

With a very short development cycle, the standalone expansion to the 2018 base game may not be finished in itime especially when this year has been a waste due to COVID-19 and everyone having to work remotely. It is using the PS4 base map and assets which will help development but still, I wouldn't be surprised to see it get delayed to March 2021. I have this at 50/50 but could increase if Sony doesn't show actual gameplay by the end of September because in that scenario, I would expect a delay. This honestly reminds me of Infamous Second Son. Was supposed to be a PS4 launch title but was then delayed to March 2014.

4. Call of Duty 2020

While not officially announced yet, we all know it's coming but if they need a little more time which would explain why it hasn't been officially announced and revealed yet. I'll say it releases in November like it usually does but I wouldn't be surprised if it gets pushed to March 2021.

5. Watch Dogs Legion

Was already delayed eight months from March to late October so I don't see this happening and while it's a big AAA release, it's been relatively quiet in regards to hype and whatnot. Expecting this game to stay where it is or at worse, a two week delay if Ubisoft delays Valhalla.


If it ends up being Spiderman then that'd be really crazy, watching two new next-gen consoles release with no first party support ta launch.

I don't think it's Spiderman though, it seems like the bulk of that game is already done. Maybe it's Godfall?


Heard this on the ACG Podcast hosted by our very own Karak. Go check him out if you haven't.

Anyway, he said he knows of a game delay which is yet to be announced, one that's gonna piss people off.

Guesses? I'm thinking one of Watch Dogs or AC. He said it isn't as big as Halo so we can probably rule out Spiderman.
In what universe is a glorified DLC as big as Halo. Spiderman won't get delayed because its a DLC expansion that Sony's packaging as a standalone game.


It surely cant be Cyberpunk again, its already had what 3 delays so far?. He said its not as big a game as Halo, and Cyberpunk would def sell more than Halo.

Yeah that was my take away, CP2077 is probably the most anticipated, so I'd be really surprised if get pulled again.


Neo Member
It's going to be Flight Sim 2020, There are a lot of bugs or missing features in various planes even in the standard version. VNAV doesn't work. It will anger people because it's supposed to come out Tuesday.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
It's either SpiderMan:MM (piss off Sony fanboys), or CyberPunk (piss off everyone) and to a lesser degree, Avengers (won't piss a ton of people off, but impressions seem to be that it needs a delay). Other than those three I don't see people getting 'pissed off' and any other game.


I could honestly see all 3 getting delayed.

Watch Dogs Legion - Delay to avoid Cyberpunk 2077.

Assassins Creed Valhalla - Delay because it really does look unfinished. Not a good look after Origins and Odyssey.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Delay because more time to fine tune one of the most hyped games of the entire gen, ect.

Edit - Also delays allow closer release to next gen consoles.

Edit - Also Covid19 messing everything up.
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I actually don't think they'll delay Cyberpunk 2077 again. In the last Night City Wire they showed the release date several times and this was what, a week ago? No way he means this game.

Watch Dogs looks the roughest from all the games that have been mentioned in this thread, so that'd be my guess.


I would guess Watch_Dogs. I don't really see why AC needs to be delayed, didn't see anything in the demos that seemed broken enough to warrant a delay, quality looked in line with the past 2.
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