when the company disrespects the archetype themselves in favour of financial gains and the devs are forced down a certain path (catering to different styles on a superficial level),
The archetype is there, you don't have played the game it shows...And brute force was there too in old AC. It was the brain dead and a lot more deepless counter to kill mecanic every body hated at the time....i suspect the a huge part of vocal whiner are in fact missing this brain mecanic that is the only that has disappeared.
their attention and resources are divided and the game begins to lose its formula and identity.
i disagree you just need to make the right choice to have it...but it's too hard for some people
you cannot one-kill a soldier anymore in the beginning unless you "toggle" an option, which affects everything else as well (bossfights, campaign battles,etc.)
And boss fight and campaing battle where the strong point of old formula ! omg...
it would be idiotic to claim that it is the same experience as say AC2 where the whole game was designed around manually crafted stealth missions with a great deal of freedom in them. there is no sense of empowerment.
it's still there and brute was possible (but a lot worse) in older assassin creed games.You can claim otherwise but this will not be an opinion but a lie.
yes I have a particular liking for less freedom and choice as it narrows the missions down to what the devs intended them to be. I am a 30-year-old teacher and do not have any time to spare or waste on meaningless grind
to each its own , i don't and i'm older with a job taking as much if not more time but i like exploration in games
I would happily spend hours on another playthrough of ME or DA because I know the RPG elements were not an afterthought.
in term of narration of course but exploration is not a focus in those games and outside BOTW that is in own league no open world offer what AC does imo (with POI deactivated).
If you can't see Ubisoft's intention to justify MTX through their enforcement of pseudo-RPG elements, or the company's policy to go F2P across virtually all titles then I don't want to discuss this anymore.
both sides have a vocal majority by the way. we had tons of discussions on NeoGAF about how inferior recent entries have been. you can check them out.
I am just happy that you were given a subpar experience (story-, graphics-, animations-wise) but enjoyed it anyway
Of course they do that. But making the world more open with more RPG elements doesn't make it a lesser experience. It's a different one.
And it's sad for fan of the license who are more liking focus / corridor action games....but calling it a lesser experience is displaying mostly resentment not correctly looking at the game itself. It's not worst that before , it's different with more ways to do and more things to do.
And it's better on a good amount of things especially for the huge amount of people who played the game brute force with the counter to kill brain dead mechanic
I think we will never agree....i will let you think the consensus is more is lesser here....i don't care about it (and i doubt it's really the consensus)