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Burnout 3 for GameCube!

BeOnEdge said:
u gotta be kidding me. i mean seriously. you REALLY can't be serious.

Do you really believe that there will be more pple buying this game to play online than pple who will buy it to play it offline???
BeOnEdge said:
this is another game that falls into what i'll call the pandora category since SCPT was the first game where online play was like 1/2 the fun of the game. BO3 will suffer the same fate wether it be ending up not being released or wether it being GC fans paying full price for 1/2 the game. why? why pay for 1/2 the game just to be loyal to your gamecube?

Were you actually at E3 playing the game? Did you actually talk to a developer? Did you actually notice how awesome the A.I. was? The producer I talked to had mentioned that the team wanted to create an online atmosphere in an off-line environment. Ask any of those who actually attended E3 and actually played BurnOut 3 and they can tell you that the AI was very different. You have those ready to knock the crap out of you, and others who will avoid your advances.

Online is a great bonus to the game, but I really don't think it will be half the game. Since I know more people who don't play games as often as I do, online or off, they will enjoy this game without ever having to go online cause they don't want to play with f***tard cheaters and lamers who won't STFU during the games.

As for why the game isn't going to GameCube (as of this posting), it's likely to be a developer decision. Need for Speed Series is still running on GC, so I don't think it is EA's decision not to make a game for GC.


BeOnEdge said:
how many GC broadband adapters have been sold? how many of those are even being used? why waste time adding LAN play when theres a "chance" that no one will use it?
Well, PSO's sold around 500k+ on GameCube worldwide, and I'd guess likely most of those people bought a BBA or Modem also. Probably 300-500k worldwide for a guess (which wouldn't be too bad actually)?


as recently as last thursday, when criterion brought it into the office and we asked them about it, burnout 3 is NOT COMING to the gamecube, and there are NO PLANS to do so in the future. this was said multiple times.
skip said:
as recently as last thursday, when criterion brought it into the office and we asked them about it, burnout 3 is NOT COMING to the gamecube, and there are NO PLANS to do so in the future. this was said multiple times.

ok then.

Anyways the question is why would anyone get the GC version if they have more than once current Gen console?
skip said:
as recently as last thursday, when criterion brought it into the office and we asked them about it, burnout 3 is NOT COMING to the gamecube, and there are NO PLANS to do so in the future. this was said multiple times.

I don't believe you.


Even if you don't believe skip, Matt at IGN had a similar answer after calling Ward himself. For whatever reason, Criterion is done with Nintendo.
skip said:
as recently as last thursday, when criterion brought it into the office and we asked them about it, burnout 3 is NOT COMING to the gamecube, and there are NO PLANS to do so in the future. this was said multiple times.

Still a lamme excuse for not do a GC version......if the previous games sold bad i would understand but since that was not the case.......well you be the judge.....


Queen of Denmark
Kabuki Waq said:
Anyways the question is why would anyone get the GC version if they have more than once current Gen console?
Unless they didn't want to go online and wanted better graphics than the PS2 version (assuming that ended up being true), they really wouldn't have any reason to.

Anyway, it seems as if all this is moot anyhow, going by skip's information.


if it makes ya feel any beter, there's no animosity involved. they just are really emphasizing the online play, which is difficult to do (so they say) with an online-anemic system.


No additional functions
BeOnEdge said:
how many GC broadband adapters have been sold? how many of those are even being used? why waste time adding LAN play when theres a "chance" that no one will use it? As far as "beefing up" a possible GC version, Its possible and would be cool for GC only gamers but what could you add to make up for the lack on an online component? a nintendo sponsered street racer? :)

Maybe people (myself included) are waiting for some online games to come out before actually buying one. There's only two online games on GCN and both are rpg's. That's kind of limiting the audience would'nt you agree? We need some variety. If SCPT, BO3 or TS3 were to come out and have online play, I gaurantee you that more people would put their Cubes online. I don't see why third parties (excluding SEGA) have'nt at least tried. Don't they have to have their servers set up for PS2 anyway? Saying Nintendo won't put their games only is just an excuse. This is the perfect opportunity for third parties to find a market on GCN that does'nt compete directly with Nintendo. I don't see what have they got to lose. With or without online, I hope both BO3 and Black make it to GCN.


No additional functions
Kabuki Waq said:
Anyways the question is why would anyone get the GC version if they have more than once current Gen console?

I've got the other two on GCN and I would rather have the third on it as well, online play or not. Plus the GCN controller is my favorite. If I have to I'll get it for XBOX, but I would rather it be on GCN. For all the rave SCPT got for it's innovative online play, there's a lot of people who say it got old quick. I also put my XBOX online a while back, and while it's a nice bonus, I don't think it even compares to good single player or split screen/lan multiplayer game.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Sales of Burnout series on GC in North America as of June 2003 NPD:

Burnout 1 (released Apr 02): 61,692
Burnout 2 (released Apr 03): 16,262

Granted, my spreadsheet is old, but it covers the initial launch period of both games during which sales should be the highest.


kaching said:
Sales of Burnout series on GC in North America as of June 2003 NPD:

Burnout 1 (released Apr 02): 61,692
Burnout 2 (released Apr 03): 16,262

Granted, my spreadsheet is old, but it covers the initial launch period of both games during which sales should be the highest.
Can we see XBox sales for comparison?


kaching said:
Sales of Burnout series on GC in North America as of June 2003 NPD:

Burnout 1 (released Apr 02): 61,692
Burnout 2 (released Apr 03): 16,262

Granted, my spreadsheet is old, but it covers the initial launch period of both games during which sales should be the highest.

I can't speak for Burnout, but Burnout 2 seemed to have a very quiet launch, not at all unusual for a late "port". I only found out about it a few weeks after it launched, and that was mostly by pure chance. I think word of mouth and the $20 price tag probably helped bolster sales. I'd be shocked if sales haven't significantly increased by now. I hope it reached 100k... though I wouldn't hold my breath. :(


"GAF's biggest wanker"
jarrod said:
Can we see XBox sales for comparison?
Yikes! I should have done that in the first place. Sorry:

Burnout 1 (released Apr 02): 46,173
Burnout 2 (released Apr 03): 26,424

Burnout 1 (released Oct 01): 226,087
Burnout 2 (released Sept 02): 156,909

Edit: fixed the release month for Burnout 2 on PS2.
Well I guess, taking risk even if you are as big as EA is out of the question. The lack of a headset may be apart of the reason. Nintendo has to go to these third parties and asked that they implement the feature and say they'll release a headset to along with it. I think thats the problem, they're not requesting it.
kaching said:
Yikes! I should have done that in the first place. Sorry:

Burnout 1 (released Apr 02): 46,173
Burnout 2 (released Apr 03): 26,424

Burnout 1 (released Oct 01): 226,087
Burnout 2 (released Sept 02): 156,909

Edit: fixed the release month for Burnout 2 on PS2.
Where's Dev's Cut? (new Xbox one) ?
Project Midway said:
There cant be that many GCN -only players. If you are one, well, tough luck. Buy a PS2 or Xbox.

You say that likes its a drop in the bucket, its easier said then done for some. It would be understandable if BO3 was the only game they're interested in but its not.


yes to all ur questions wasabi. spin it all you want but the fact is online play is more than just some "bonus feature". if GC did indeed have some sort of official online component i bet it wouldnt just be a "bonus". theres no huge mass of GC gamers waiting to buy a BBA either. i dont think more people will play online than off BUT the option is easier to use on a ps2 or xbox if you didnt plan on playing online than it would be on the cube at this point.

Agent X

Gold Member
BeOnEdge said:
this is another game that falls into what i'll call the pandora category since SCPT was the first game where online play was like 1/2 the fun of the game. BO3 will suffer the same fate wether it be ending up not being released or wether it being GC fans paying full price for 1/2 the game. why? why pay for 1/2 the game just to be loyal to your gamecube?

You got that right!

None of the dyed-in-the-wool Nintendo hornblowers have been able to give a satisfactory explanation of why third-party game developers (apart from Sega's Sonic Team) are unable to produce online games for the GameCube even when they've shown a clear desire to do so.

It's not a hardware problem, as the modems and Ethernet adaptors exist on the market.

It's not lack of precedent from the software side, because Sega's already got two games out there.

What is the reason, then?

Bluemercury said:
So if that's the reason, then whats the excuse for no GC version of Black? Is this a very centric online game too?

Maybe it is. Or maybe they just figure the game won't sell on GameCube--other than TimeSplitters 2 and EA's James Bond games, virtually every first person shooter that was released on GC has floundered in sales compared with the X-Box and PS2 versions.

Let me ask you something. If they release Black on the GameCube, will you buy it? If you don't have any real intention of purchasing the game, then don't try to ramp up imaginary demand here. Too often do I see people asking why a developer doesn't release such-and-such game on GameCube, when they never had any personal interest in the game anyway.

Bluemercury said:
Does that really matter?i can ask you how many people will play it online on ps2 and xbox, because i bet with you that there wont be that many.......

The answer is "More than the number of GameCube owners that will be playing it online." :) Heck, you could even drop the word "online" from that answer, and it would still be correct. :D

Bluemercury said:
Do you really believe that there will be more pple buying this game to play online than pple who will buy it to play it offline???

I plan to play it both online and offline. I'd bet many other Burnout 3 purchasers will, too. It's not an "either/or" situation here. That seems to be the point you and many others are missing--just because they include online play for those who want it, doesn't mean that the offline game is crippled or otherwise lacking compared to a game that was developed as strictly "offline only." PS2 and X-Box owners will still be able to gather a crowd of friends in the same room and have a rollicking good time with Burnout 3, without ever having to connect to the Internet.

MadOdorMachine said:
Maybe people (myself included) are waiting for some online games to come out before actually buying one. There's only two online games on GCN and both are rpg's. That's kind of limiting the audience would'nt you agree? We need some variety. If SCPT, BO3 or TS3 were to come out and have online play, I gaurantee you that more people would put their Cubes online. I don't see why third parties (excluding SEGA) have'nt at least tried. Don't they have to have their servers set up for PS2 anyway? Saying Nintendo won't put their games only is just an excuse. This is the perfect opportunity for third parties to find a market on GCN that does'nt compete directly with Nintendo. I don't see what have they got to lose. With or without online, I hope both BO3 and Black make it to GCN.

Thank you. Finally, we have a sensible post from a Nintendo fan on the subject of online gaming.

From what I've read, Ubisoft wanted to put Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow online on the GameCube. In fact, some of the Nintendo fans very excitedly posted this news when it was first revealed. I think similar plans were made for the GC version of Rainbow Six 3. But, for some odd reason, these plans fell through, and both games reverted to being offline only.

This illustrates why I've wondered if Nintendo bears some responsibilty for the GameCube's poor online showing. There's a possibility that Nintendo offers poor developer support for their modem and Ethernet hardware. Either their software tools are bad, or the company just doesn't extend the same level of assistance that Sony and Microsoft do with regard to developing online games. Whatever it is, they need to fix this. Even if Nintendo doesn't want to produce their own online games, they shouldn't have to stand in the way of other developers from doing so.


Meh, I'm not interested in online console gaming at the moment, and I prefer using the GCN controller over the PS2 controller for playing Burnout 2, which is why i'd rather get Burnout 3 on GameCube. But if I have to, i'll get the PS2 version.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I have a friend with a Cube (and no other console) and he owns and loves both Burnouts for it. He's greatly anticipating the third, and hopes for a Cube release. I don't see why that would be a bad thing. There are plenty of Cube games that had their online modes stripped out of them and where still complete and engaging experiences. Burnout 3 could be as well.


Agent X said:
Maybe it is. Or maybe they just figure the game won't sell on GameCube--other than TimeSplitters 2 and EA's James Bond games, virtually every first person shooter that was released on GC has floundered in sales compared with the X-Box and PS2 versions.
Well there's also Turok, which did decently in comparison. Really though, have there even been any other notable FPS on GameCube? Exactly which ones "floundered" in comparison to the PS2/XBox releases?

Agent X said:
The answer is "More than the number of GameCube owners that will be playing it online." :) Heck, you could even drop the word "online" from that answer, and it would still be correct. :D
For PS2 possibly, XBox no chance. Who knows though, without a delayed launch maybe BurnOut can finally break that 50k barrier on XBox...

Agent X said:
From what I've read, Ubisoft wanted to put Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow online on the GameCube. In fact, some of the Nintendo fans very excitedly posted this news when it was first revealed. I think similar plans were made for the GC version of Rainbow Six 3. But, for some odd reason, these plans fell through, and both games reverted to being offline only.

This illustrates why I've wondered if Nintendo bears some responsibilty for the GameCube's poor online showing. There's a possibility that Nintendo offers poor developer support for their modem and Ethernet hardware. Either their software tools are bad, or the company just doesn't extend the same level of assistance that Sony and Microsoft do with regard to developing online games. Whatever it is, they need to fix this. Even if Nintendo doesn't want to produce their own online games, they shouldn't have to stand in the way of other developers from doing so.
Er what? Is there actually anything concrete out there to support what your implying or is this just your usual "Nintendo must have/will fuck-up" line of reasoning in action?


50k on xbox? are you serious? those numbers are horrible. are you sure thats not 1 month? and dont count xbox out because of the previous sales either. this has FULL LIVE PLAY AND EAs marketing behind it. expect BOs sales to quadruple. blame acclaim for BOs shitty sales if anything.


BeOnEdge said:
50k on xbox? are you serious? those numbers are horrible. are you sure thats not 1 month? and dont count xbox out because of the previous sales either. this has FULL LIVE PLAY AND EAs marketing behind it. expect BOs sales to quadruple. blame acclaim for BOs shitty sales if anything.
Yeah, I think the masively delayed launch was what really hurt the XBox releases before. That goes for GameCube also, the GC/XBox versions always sold comparably but way behind the PS2 release which had months of exclusivity.

EA behind BO3 should really push it, probably more than anything.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
BeOnEdge said:
blame acclaim for BOs shitty sales if anything.
I'd rather blame gamers for their indifference or outright trashing of the games simply because it was published by Acclaim. I'm quite sure you and jarrod are right, that EA's brand presence on the box will help sales tremendously for the Xbox version but it won't be because these new owners truly believe in the quality of the series on its own, I fear.


hey as long as its released thats all that matters to me. :) but imaging the amount of commercial EA with throw out there and how brutal they'll make the crashes. hell i was playing BO2 today and compared to what was at e3, it doenst even look like the same game. it looks 10 times better! :eek:
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