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Dating-Age |OT5| Halp me pls. In the bathroom.

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(We're both Canadian lol)

Ended up going with what my friend suggested. "Do you know what else has the same effect as painkillers? Orgasms."

I will definitely use the line again in the future, but I will definitely use these other responses to see what kind of effect they garner. Another girl said "Are you in pain?!", so I said if "You're prescribing them, I'll take them twice a day, doc" (but less corny than that, can't remember what I said right now)

God bless you GAF, will post updates as they come


(We're both Canadian lol)
Canadians say eh when they type too?! Can't believe I called it!

I'll be in Vancouver 24-26th. Won't use your painkiller lines but I'll be tindering and tantaning.

Vancouver dating gaf hit me up, leeness I think that means you. I don't do coke though.


Canadians say eh when they type too?! Can't believe I called it!

I'll be in Vancouver 24-26th. Won't use your painkiller lines but I'll be tindering and tantaning.

Vancouver dating gaf hit me up, leeness I think that means you. I don't do coke though.

If you can stand to be around me for more than 10 seconds, sure. Grab a coffee after work or something.


Canadians say eh when they type too?! Can't believe I called it!

I'll be in Vancouver 24-26th. Won't use your painkiller lines but I'll be tindering and tantaning.

Vancouver dating gaf hit me up, leeness I think that means you. I don't do coke though.

Vancouver is a casual dater's paradise. Hope you like Asian girls. I installed Tantan on the urging of a friend and now feel like the ultimate creep.
Got 2 likes on OkCupid with my shitty gym selfie. This gives me hope that better ones will give me some positive results. Wonder if I should get premium so I can see what they look like though


Why does tantan make you feel like a creep? Tantan is the bees knees.

Because I feel like my limited ability to speak Chinese just isn't enough justification to be on there. That being said, the girls on there are very cute. My morals are flexible
You poor men. You'll be looked down upon if you hang out with me, just FYI. If you plan on having a social time while visiting, save meeting me for last so you aren't outcasts through your trip.

It's okay. I fully expect Zackie to buy me a drink if he's ever in the DMV area. Vern too. That's how this thread works. Just, you know, enjoy yourself.


It's okay. I fully expect Zackie to buy me a drink if he's ever in the DMV area. Vern too. That's how this thread works. Just, you know, enjoy yourself.

And if anyone comes to Pittsburgh, I'll buy them the drink!
Empty promise. Ain't no one comes to Pittsburgh who hasn't already lived here.


I may actually be in Pittsburgh in mid-April. I went to law school there. By my estimation, I dated half of the Rachels in Squirrel Hill.
Depending on when in mid-April, coincidentally may be out of town. Hitting up Japan for ~ 2 weeks starting the 14th.
I'm just warning them.
For how much you put yourself down, they better come back with stories of a three headed snake-woman wearing a "Hitler was right" t-shirt who doesn't use turn signals when driving.


Because I feel like my limited ability to speak Chinese just isn't enough justification to be on there. That being said, the girls on there are very cute. My morals are flexible

Most girls in "the west" on tantan are students so their English is good enough. Plus they are 富二代 lol...

You can meet the elusive pariah of Vancover. Lucky (?) you!

I'm stoked. Never met a piranha before.


"I did know that one" in response to the orgasms are also painkillers line.

How do I seal the deal on this one? I hate that I can only open strong or close well, never both (and often neither).

"Then we should find out which one is more effective by trying both"? Is that good?
I know I lead all my posts in this thread this way, but I can't help it, I'm an anxious and overly self-conscious person, so I'll probably end up deleting this post after a few days. I ask that if you quote it, please remove the text so I can delete the post if I so choose.

...and deleted.


I know I lead all my posts in this thread this way, but I can't help it, I'm an anxious and overly self-conscious person, so I'll probably end up deleting this post after a few days. I ask that if you quote it, please remove the text so I can delete the post if I so choose.
Suggest cooking dinner together/for her. Bring a two player board game or card game (search the internet for good ones) and a bottle of wine. It's a classic move.

Just about any date can work, as long as you know how to end it. That's where most of the non-planned-for escalation tends to happen (in my experience, at least). Walk her up to her door, ask to come in for a little bit, sit down on the couch....


"I did know that one" in response to the orgasms are also painkillers line.

How do I seal the deal on this one? I hate that I can only open strong or close well, never both (and often neither).

"Then we should find out which one is more effective by trying both"? Is that good?

"They say that I should notify my doctor if I have an erection lasting more than 4 hours. I'm sitting here at 3 and a half hours. What are you doing now?"

"I just stubbed my toe and am in need of painkillers. The way I see it is I have two options, send my mom to the pharmacy to get mess, or you come over and milk my prostate. Your thoughts?"

"I wouldn't date you seriously but DTF?"


For how much you put yourself down, they better come back with stories of a three headed snake-woman wearing a "Hitler was right" t-shirt who doesn't use turn signals when driving.

I don't drive.

I'm stoked. Never met a piranha before.

an outcast.
"they were treated as social pariahs"
synonyms: outcast, persona non grata, leper, undesirable, unperson, nonperson
Suggest cooking dinner together/for her. Bring a two player board game or card game (search the internet for good ones) and a bottle of wine. It's a classic move.

Just about any date can work, as long as you know how to end it. That's where most of the non-planned-for escalation tends to happen (in my experience, at least). Walk her up to her door, ask to come in for a little bit, sit down on the couch....

I've mulled around the making dinner together idea. I'm an awful cook, but I'm sure I can find a recipe out there there that is fairly easy (but maybe doesn't APPEAR super easy) and practice it a few times.

As for knowing how to end a date, that is something I know for certain I'm no good at, but it's frankly due to my inexperience.



So I got a girl's number that I met at the beginning of the school quarter (this week was finals week) yesterday. Only day I talked to her before yesterday was the first day, never saw her again.

I was studying at the lounge I usually go to and I noticed that she walked by, went up to her. We chatted for a bit before I headed to my final, told her that we should hang out, she agreed and I got her number. She initially wanted me to add her on facebook before I asked for her number instead, I'm only turning 23 and not new to social media but wtf. Is that common? lol

Anyway, after my final I got her some coffee and something small to eat and thankfully she was still in the study room where we talked. At first she was hesitant (it seemed like out of politeness) to take my offer, I insisted and left the stuff there anyway. We chatted for a bit more, told I had to get going (I live 45 min away from campus, it was 8 and I still had to study for a final I had this morning.), told her I'd be in touch and wished her good luck on her papers.

I haven't texted her yet and it's nearly 10 pm, took a huge nap when I got back home from my final. Should I text her tomorrow morning or is it too late?

Still not used to college dating, broke up from my five year relationship nearly two years ago. I dated a few girls since but nothing really took off. I like this girl though and would like to follow up from yesterday.


I don't drive.

an outcast.
"they were treated as social pariahs"
synonyms: outcast, persona non grata, leper, undesirable, unperson, nonperson

I know. I was making a very bad joke. Par for the course for me.


I've mulled around the making dinner together idea. I'm an awful cook, but I'm sure I can find a recipe out there there that is fairly easy (but maybe doesn't APPEAR super easy) and practice it a few times.

As for knowing how to end a date, that is something I know for certain I'm no good at, but it's frankly due to my inexperience.

Simple stuff can appear fancy in the plating. Get some of those rectangular plates, learn how to drizzle stuff with a spoon, and even barbecue chicken breast can look gourmet.


So I got a girl's number that I met at the beginning of the school quarter (this week was finals week) yesterday. Only day I talked to her before yesterday was the first day, never saw her again.

I haven't texted her yet and it's nearly 10 pm, took a huge nap when I got back home from my final. Should I text her tomorrow morning or is it too late?

You got her number on Thursday, and wonder if Saturday is too late? No, no it is not. you're already overthinking. Even if it was too late, text her anyway. Worst thing that can happen is you get ignored.


I've mulled around the making dinner together idea. I'm an awful cook, but I'm sure I can find a recipe out there there that is fairly easy (but maybe doesn't APPEAR super easy) and practice it a few times.

As for knowing how to end a date, that is something I know for certain I'm no good at, but it's frankly due to my inexperience.

Doesn't matter if you're an awful cook, man. It's the creation of the dinner that's important. You're doing it together, that's what matters. She could help you out. It's a great way to try and get somewhat physical. From my experiences I really enjoyed those cooking sessions as did my GFs/dates. Heck, go for a quiche or something. Pretty easy to make, and you can go for wildly different and easily available recipes. You prepare it together, pop it in the oven and drink a glass of wine while you're waiting. If the quiche turns out to be total crap, you could still order a 'za, some chinese, or whatever. You'll at least have a good laugh and you'll have had a good time.

You can even propose to start those puzzles. I'm just spitballin' here.
Please respond.

Start with this.

On tinder, opened with "Cuddling has the same neurological reaction as taking painkillers." How do I continue this train of thought? Nerdy? Direct? Laugh it off like I didn't mean it?

Her sole response was "Oh really eh". This is a girl whose name is Chloe and for her bio "The C and L are silent".

Oral sex is good for cancer.


Oral sex also fights depression in women.


Send her those links and thank me later.
Is it normal to lose the hope a bit that you'll ever have a standard relationship again? Been dating on and off (mostly OFF) for over a year now, and... nothing I find seems to click. Friends are single, and suddenly find someone instantly who's right for them. My last date was an absolute disaster.

It makes me feel like there's something wrong with me, y'know? I was in a really good place with it, perfectly happy to be free and single, but lately it's just been playing on my mind, I miss intimacy and romance, I really really do aha.
Is it normal to lose the hope a bit that you'll ever have a standard relationship again? Been dating on and off (mostly OFF) for over a year now, and... nothing I find seems to click. Friends are single, and suddenly find someone instantly who's right for them. My last date was an absolute disaster.

It makes me feel like there's something wrong with me, y'know? I was in a really good place with it, perfectly happy to be free and single, but lately it's just been playing on my mind, I miss intimacy and romance, I really really do aha.

Maybe do some introspection, it never huts to consider that the "problem" might lie much closer to home.

After doing this, make a mental list of what you really want from a relationship and potential partner. Once you've done this, accept that you might not find someone who ticks all the boxes but ticks a few of the most important ones and go from there.

And most importantly, don't look at what others have let it get to you or think why can't I have that. As clichéd as it is, there's a lid for every pot, some people find theirs, some people are happy with lids that just about fit and others try to force a lid that was never going to fit and end up bitter and angry when it finally dawns on them it was never going to...
I know I lead all my posts in this thread this way, but I can't help it, I'm an anxious and overly self-conscious person, so I'll probably end up deleting this post after a few days. I ask that if you quote it, please remove the text so I can delete the post if I so choose.
Surely, there must be something extravagant you both are into that isn't that far out of your comfort zone. Something sports related like mini golf or hiking on a hill, high spots are really romantic where you both introverts can chill and see a beautiful city from all the way up peacefully. Gaze into each other's eyes with no one else to bother you, and all that. Or just go to a quiet park and look up at the stars at night. Doesn't have to be some activity.


The librarian didn't reject you. You didn't ever ask her out. You asked, as far as I can recall, whether she had a moment to talk to you alone. Before that, you thought, for some stange reason(s), that she was completely into you. Both of these things -- the appearance of invitation and the illusion of rejection -- speak towards your difficulty with reading people. Midterms have nothing to do with it. You shouldn't even feel bad. Unless you directly ask someone out and they say no (or obviously demur), you don't really have the right to feel terrible about it.


Is it normal to lose the hope a bit that you'll ever have a standard relationship again? Been dating on and off (mostly OFF) for over a year now, and... nothing I find seems to click. Friends are single, and suddenly find someone instantly who's right for them. My last date was an absolute disaster.

It makes me feel like there's something wrong with me, y'know? I was in a really good place with it, perfectly happy to be free and single, but lately it's just been playing on my mind, I miss intimacy and romance, I really really do aha.

I'm like you, dude. I'm 28, it's been over 5 years since I've had a relationship. I've had some flings, fuck buddies and adventures. While those are fun and nice to have, lately, I catch myself posing the question if I'll ever have something that even resembles a relationship ever again.

Maybe do some introspection, it never huts to consider that the "problem" might lie much closer to home.

After doing this, make a mental list of what you really want from a relationship and potential partner. Once you've done this, accept that you might not find someone who ticks all the boxes but ticks a few of the most important ones and go from there.

This has helped me a lot over the last year. I've been seeing a therapist twice a month for the same period as well. I've made some leeway, but I'm far from being there.

It turns out that it's some form of an emotional defense mechanism. Peanutbutterlatte, have you been badly hurt in the past by partners/ex-partners? Or did you yourself hurt somebody really badly?
I'm like you, dude. I'm 28, it's been over 5 years since I've had a relationship. I've had some flings, fuck buddies and adventures. While those are fun and nice to have, lately, I catch myself posing the question if I'll ever have something that even resembles a relationship ever again.

This has helped me a lot over the last year. I've been seeing a therapist twice a month for the same period as well. I've made some leeway, but I'm far from being there.

It turns out that it's some form of an emotional defense mechanism. Peanutbutterlattle, have you been badly hurt in the past by partners/ex-partners? Or did you yourself hurt somebody really badly?
My ex of 5.5 years left me for someone 10 years older than her and yeah, had cheated on me in the past. Makes sense! But nice to know others feel the same.
Maybe do some introspection, it never huts to consider that the "problem" might lie much closer to home.

After doing this, make a mental list of what you really want from a relationship and potential partner. Once you've done this, accept that you might not find someone who ticks all the boxes but ticks a few of the most important ones and go from there.

And most importantly, don't look at what others have let it get to you or think why can't I have that. As clichéd as it is, there's a lid for every pot, some people find theirs, some people are happy with lids that just about fit and others try to force a lid that was never going to fit and end up bitter and angry when it finally dawns on them it was never going to...

Thanks Miles, yeah introspection is definitely a good idea. I don't know if it's a matter of perfectionism, like I need X things to happen in a relationship, my last relationship was a terrible fit but it still managed to make me feel content, or at least like I was going somewhere.

I guess generally being with someone just felt more exciting than anything else I could do. I mean it's been over a year since I was with anybody, and it's weird but I'm forgetting what it was like so I'm romanticising it maybe.


My ex of 5.5 years left me for someone 10 years older than her and yeah, had cheated on me in the past. Makes sense! But nice to know others feel the same.

Thanks Miles, yeah introspection is definitely a good idea. I don't know if it's a matter of perfectionism, like I need X things to happen in a relationship, my last relationship was a terrible fit but it still managed to make me feel content, or at least like I was going somewhere.

I guess generally being with someone just felt more exciting than anything else I could do. I mean it's been over a year since I was with anybody, and it's weird but I'm forgetting what it was like so I'm romanticising it maybe.

Shit. Sorry to hear.

What do you think impedes you from getting that "click"?


Junior Member
I've had such a better time in the dating scene the past month once I stopped worrying about every little detail. It's such a relief now...I haven't been nervous in first dates like I used to be, and actually end up hitting it off with most girls now.

Basically haven't worried about why someone isn't texting me, don't overthink everything, and be confident when you meet up. :D

This is me right now. I not worried about rejection anymore and I just go for it no matter where I am (within reason of course). I also don't sweat a girl ghosting me or flaking (I just delete and move on).

Speaking of confidence, I went to get a Philly at an American Deli that I barely go to and the cashier was cute as hell. I figured that since I don't frequently eat there and YOLO that I would just go ahead and give her my number. I wrote it on a receipt she gave me with my name and number and handed it to her on my way out with a smile ;) (I didn't want to make a big deal out of it or put her on the spot).
I don't drive.

an outcast.
"they were treated as social pariahs"
synonyms: outcast, persona non grata, leper, undesirable, unperson, nonperson

If you did drive, I bet you'd be texting the whole time. You monster.

It's okay. I fully expect Zackie to buy me a drink if he's ever in the DMV area. Vern too. That's how this thread works. Just, you know, enjoy yourself.

DMV is DelMarVa? I thought the host was supposed to buy the guest a drink! You're the rich lawyer, anyway. I'm the poor one ;)
Fuck me.

It's been about eight years since I have met someone I liked and she seemingly liked me as much as I liked her. Lots of dates in between, lots of hookups but no one where it eventuate into a relationship of any sort of meaning. But last night there was a spark, as stupid as it sounds.

I met her at a bar, my mate brought her over after he started chatting to her and her friend. It's going great, she is funny and cute and we have a good laugh. She was there for a birthday party but didn't really like the girl whose party it was. So we talked for about a half hour and she goes to back to the party.

She comes back about half an hour later with her friend and some other guy. The other guy seemed like a good guy but was high on MDMA. I knew this because he told me this, and it was the reason he fell over the birthday girl with a glass of red wine, and these three took it as an opportunity to leave the party. The guy says he likes me so gives me an MDMA capsule. I haven't had one of these in years but used to take pills when I younger and started going out (early 2000s). I'm having a good time so decided to take the pill then and there.

The dude goes to the bar and the girl who I like says "I'm going to act like I am all over you, so that guy gets the message I don't like him". I'm fine with this. The dude comes back and we are laughing and she is standing real close I had my arm around her and was talking in her ear. The dude gets the message and leaves after a minute or two. She tells me she know the guy but doesn't like him because he is always high.

I'm thinking "fuck". Out of all the nights I decide to have some fun, I meet a girl who I like but I know won't like me when she sees I'm high too. I put that thought aside and keep chatting to her. It's going great, she is close and smiling, we have broken the physical barrier and really I probably should have kissed her by now.

She tells me that she is assertive and it puts a lot of guys off. I ask her how she means that and she says that she usually will tell a guy that she wants to go out on a date with him, to give him the message to ask her out. That's my cue. I ask her out on a date and she says "yes, of course". Then we talk about what to do on the date, we decide that going to a bar for a meal and drinks is a good idea. We start talking about the ideal second date. I told her I would like to cook for her, and she loves that idea. Then she brings up that on the third date she is paying for that, whatever we do.

This is on a fucking platter. However the drugs now start to kick in. I am starting to really get the body tingling and dry mouth and the lights are blurring. It feels great but I am losing my charm. I am getting paranoid that she is sensing this as my answers are getting shorter, I can't really hear exactly what she is saying now and my eyes are probably starting to look bent.

I go to the bathroom but am now really getting the buzz. I'm in the process of washing my hand and looking in the mirror when I realise I am pretty high and I convince myself She is going to know and probably lose interest. I decide the best course of action its to ghost out of the place without saying goodbye. It's a double edged sword, I still haven't got her number but on the other hand, she won't see me high.

I stumble out of the toilets and sneak/stumble out of the bar. It's not until I have walked halfway home, for about an hour, that I start to come down and realise I just fucked it up. My mate who was with me has been calling but i didn't answer as I know I would have to tell him I was high (he doesn't do or like drugs either).

What should I / can I do? I am hoping my mate at least got her friends number as there would then be some sort of way of getting in touch with her, but ihavent spoken to him yet (it's currently early morning after I met her). I reckon I could probably even find her on Facebook, but I'm no longer on it myself so would need to set up and account again.

I think I fucked it up. Fuck!

tl/dr - met a girl I really liked, asked her out on a date, she says yes, but then I walk away before getting her number because I have taken some drugs and didn't want her to see me high. Have I screwed it up?


Has anyone ever had this experience: I sent a message to someone on OkCupid last night, got a response, went back and forth with a few messages and then I went to bed. I saw she had sent me another reply this morning, so I sign in to OkCupid and I see that her profile is now gone. I have no other way of contacting her. What the hell? I don't think I said anything that would have set off a scorched earth campaign.


Fuck me.

It's been about eight years since I have met someone I liked and she seemingly liked me as much as I liked her. Lots of dates in between, lots of hookups but no one where it eventuate into a relationship of any sort of meaning. But last night there was a spark, as stupid as it sounds.

I met her at a bar, my mate brought her over after he started chatting to her and her friend. It's going great, she is funny and cute and we have a good laugh. She was there for a birthday party but didn't really like the girl whose party it was. So we talked for about a half hour and she goes to back to the party.

She comes back about half an hour later with her friend and some other guy. The other guy seemed like a good guy but was high on MDMA. I knew this because he told me this, and it was the reason he fell over the birthday girl with a glass of red wine, and these three took it as an opportunity to leave the party. The guy says he likes me so gives me an MDMA capsule. I haven't had one of these in years but used to take pills when I younger and started going out (early 2000s). I'm having a good time so decided to take the pill then and there.

The dude goes to the bar and the girl who I like says "I'm going to act like I am all over you, so that guy gets the message I don't like him". I'm fine with this. The dude comes back and we are laughing and she is standing real close I had my arm around her and was talking in her ear. The dude gets the message and leaves after a minute or two. She tells me she know the guy but doesn't like him because he is always high.

I'm thinking "fuck". Out of all the nights I decide to have some fun, I meet a girl who I like but I know won't like me when she sees I'm high too. I put that thought aside and keep chatting to her. It's going great, she is close and smiling, we have broken the physical barrier and really I probably should have kissed her by now.

She tells me that she is assertive and it puts a lot of guys off. I ask her how she means that and she says that she usually will tell a guy that she wants to go out on a date with him, to give him the message to ask her out. That's my cue. I ask her out on a date and she says "yes, of course". Then we talk about what to do on the date, we decide that going to a bar for a meal and drinks is a good idea. We start talking about the ideal second date. I told her I would like to cook for her, and she loves that idea. Then she brings up that on the third date she is paying for that, whatever we do.

This is on a fucking platter. However the drugs now start to kick in. I am starting to really get the body tingling and dry mouth and the lights are blurring. It feels great but I am losing my charm. I am getting paranoid that she is sensing this as my answers are getting shorter, I can't really hear exactly what she is saying now and my eyes are probably starting to look bent.

I go to the bathroom but am now really getting the buzz. I'm in the process of washing my hand and looking in the mirror when I realise I am pretty high and I convince myself She is going to know and probably lose interest. I decide the best course of action its to ghost out of the place without saying goodbye. It's a double edged sword, I still haven't got her number but on the other hand, she won't see me high.

I stumble out of the toilets and sneak/stumble out of the bar. It's not until I have walked halfway home, for about an hour, that I start to come down and realise I just fucked it up. My mate who was with me has been calling but i didn't answer as I know I would have to tell him I was high (he doesn't do or like drugs either).

What should I / can I do? I am hoping my mate at least got her friends number as there would then be some sort of way of getting in touch with her, but ihavent spoken to him yet (it's currently early morning after I met her). I reckon I could probably even find her on Facebook, but I'm no longer on it myself so would need to set up and account again.

I think I fucked it up. Fuck!

tl/dr - met a girl I really liked, asked her out on a date, she says yes, but then I walk away before getting her number because I have taken some drugs and didn't want her to see me high. Have I screwed it up?

I'm sure you know that there's obviously a specific misstep you made that caused things to end the way they did, but I'm not here to judge your life choices. Do as you please. It's your life.

Regarding the girl in question, she essentially used you as a prop to steer another guy away, which seems a bit catty if you ask me; not to mention the fact that she expressed a dislike for the person the party was actually for. There's something pretty off-kilter about that, regardless of how well you two hit it off. While there's no way to know for sure now, if I had to take a guess, I have a feeling that her personality (maybe a dash of arrogance?) would have eventually caused things to go south in some sort of way. So, to me, I don't really think you missed out on anything super meaningful.

I don't know what your goals are for your love-life, but based on your story, I don't really get the sense that there was any long-term potential that could have been birthed from that whole situation, inebriated or not. Brush it off and move on.


Has anyone ever had this experience: I sent a message to someone on OkCupid last night, got a response, went back and forth with a few messages and then I went to bed. I saw she had sent me another reply this morning, so I sign in to OkCupid and I see that her profile is now gone. I have no other way of contacting her. What the hell? I don't think I said anything that would have set off a scorched earth campaign.

Was her profile deleted or deactivated?

Happens every so often. Dozens of reasons why it could happen. Maybe another guy was acting creepy, maybe she was just lonely and looking for attention for a night. Or maybe she's had bad experiences with stalkers in the past and doesn't like having her profile active for that long (actually happened with a girl I dated twice). All you can do is move on.



Has anyone ever had this experience: I sent a message to someone on OkCupid last night, got a response, went back and forth with a few messages and then I went to bed. I saw she had sent me another reply this morning, so I sign in to OkCupid and I see that her profile is now gone. I have no other way of contacting her. What the hell? I don't think I said anything that would have set off a scorched earth campaign.
It probably has nothing to do with you. Maybe she got exclusive with someone in the meantime, or she got burned out by the whole online dating experience.


Has anyone ever had this experience: I sent a message to someone on OkCupid last night, got a response, went back and forth with a few messages and then I went to bed. I saw she had sent me another reply this morning, so I sign in to OkCupid and I see that her profile is now gone. I have no other way of contacting her. What the hell? I don't think I said anything that would have set off a scorched earth campaign.

Yeah, as other posters have said, it happens and it doesnt have anything to do with you. If it did it would have just been a simple non response.
I'm sure you know that there's obviously a specific misstep you made that caused things to end the way they did, but I'm not here to judge your life choices. Do as you please. It's your life.

Regarding the girl in question, she essentially used you as a prop to steer another guy away, which seems a bit catty if you ask me; not to mention the fact that she expressed a dislike for the person the party was actually for. There's something pretty off-kilter about that, regardless of how well you two hit it off. While there's no way to know for sure now, if I had to take a guess, I have a feeling that her personality (maybe a dash of arrogance?) would have eventually caused things to go south in some sort of way. So, to me, I don't really think you missed out on anything super meaningful.

I don't know what your goals are for your love-life, but based on your story, I don't really get the sense that there was any long-term potential that could have been birthed from that whole situation, inebriated or not. Brush it off and move on.

Yeah, I understand where the misstep was. I was having a good night and the culture in Australia is pretty bad (as in a lot of people do it) for drugs. I'd has it a guess that 10-20% of the the dudes in the bar were on something.

The girl in question seemed very like me personality wise. I've been to plenty of parties where I don't really like the person but the rest of my group of friends were going so I went. It doesn't seem that weird to me, though I can understand how some people might not like that idea. When she told me she didn't really like the birthday girl it was more like she told me because she couldn't tell her other friends.

She is a girl with an opinion which is her own opinion. she isn't exactly arrogant, but she seemed like a girl who knew what she wanted, and I am attracted to that.

I've tried picking up probably 100s of girls over my life and only a couple have ever clicked like her. It's like that old seinfeld quote about there never being an awkward silence being great, and it was like that with her. It's not every day you ask a girl out on a date and you are already talking about the third date.

As for my goals, I'm 32 and are one of the last few of my group of mates not married. So, while I am not going out to bars with the intention of finding a wife, I am getting at the age where I would like to settle down. Which has been different from my past, where I haven had the urge for a committed relationship for a while. So maybe I could see her as someone who I would like to settle down with. It's a weird feeling for me.

If my mate didn't get her friends number, I will have to brush it off and move on. So I suppose I can't get too caught up about it until I speak to him. I was really just looking to vent in here.
Simple stuff can appear fancy in the plating. Get some of those rectangular plates, learn how to drizzle stuff with a spoon, and even barbecue chicken breast can look gourmet.

Doesn't matter if you're an awful cook, man. It's the creation of the dinner that's important. You're doing it together, that's what matters. She could help you out. It's a great way to try and get somewhat physical. From my experiences I really enjoyed those cooking sessions as did my GFs/dates. Heck, go for a quiche or something. Pretty easy to make, and you can go for wildly different and easily available recipes. You prepare it together, pop it in the oven and drink a glass of wine while you're waiting. If the quiche turns out to be total crap, you could still order a 'za, some chinese, or whatever. You'll at least have a good laugh and you'll have had a good time.

You can even propose to start those puzzles. I'm just spitballin' here.

Thanks for the advice, I think I'm definitely going to give this a shot. Both of us have fairly small 1-bedroom apartments with small kitchens, so it's a good excuse to stay in close proximity. Didn't even really consider that aspect before.

Surely, there must be something extravagant you both are into that isn't that far out of your comfort zone. Something sports related like mini golf or hiking on a hill, high spots are really romantic where you both introverts can chill and see a beautiful city from all the way up peacefully. Gaze into each other's eyes with no one else to bother you, and all that. Or just go to a quiet park and look up at the stars at night. Doesn't have to be some activity.

What I meant by extravagant was ideas you see when you google "simple date ideas" that suggest meticulously planned all-day dates. The stuff you suggested is far more up our alley - I'm just awful at proposing the idea of some of this stuff. I end up beating myself up over phrasing texts, trying to make sure the date idea doesn't sound corny or some sort of forced romantic evening.
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