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E3 2009 Nintendo Conference Thread


New Metroid looks extremely interesting, and Mario Galaxy 2 is sure to be good but lets be honest here, this was an extremely, extremely weak conference.

Lots of re-announcements of stuff that we already knew about such as Wii Motion Plus and Mario and Luigi 3 and announcements of obvious stuff such as Warioware DIY and Girls Fashion.

Even Mario Galaxy 2 I think has a bit of an uphill battle to win my support I think. From the movie there was lots of awesome stuff such as Yoshi and the ghost house, but at the same time there was also obviously A LOT of reused art assets. If this is Mario Galaxy 1.5 this could backfire for them....

In comparison, Microsoft's conference destroyed this. I expect Sony's to destroy it as well.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
I'd give it 6 or 7 out of 10. Two new Mario games and a Team Ninja Metroid game can't be bad but there was no new third party stuff at all and the vitality peripheral announcement was embarrassing.


for a second, just a second, I thought that was gonna be that futuristic zelda game people have been wanting..glad it was metroid.

I have a feeling retro and EAD maybe collaborating on the new zelda game together.


The game they have wasn't too bad, LOVE METROID!
they show could have benefited from better pacing though. The presentation was pretty dull. With the games they have they could make it much more exciting.
Also 2 Mario games is a bit too much, especially Galaxy 2 seems like a reharsh.

Davey Cakes

Danielsan said:
-Everything else
Dude, they covered every single base. Hardcore, casual, and people who aren't even playing games yet.

Nintendo successfully satisfied both DS and Wii audiences at the same time.


Super Member
bottles said:
Microsoft briefing >>> Nintendo briefing

I mean, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid were all kinds of awesome, but the rest was utter shit. Where the fuck is Zelda?
Spirit Tracks

and all the things the hardcores didn't like was just a ruse

people knew about NSMBWii but did they suspect Galaxy 2 after that?

*kneels before Nintendo*
... Metroid: Other M... yeah, that was surprising. Team Ninja with Samus? Yeah, I'm not so sure about that... maybe without Itagaki there's a chance, but we'll see (on the whole 'how they treat women' thing, not gameplay). Gameplay looks good (2.5d, in parts at least? Or did it just look that way?), but really this could be good or bad... either way though, it's definitely both surprising and interesting, for sure. :)

Mario Galaxy 2 was awesome too. They kind of faked people out with the whole NSMB Wii thing, I think, so it was pretty surprising, and awesome, to see Mario Galaxy 2 announced at the end... and it looked great. Overall this year's Nintendo conference was an amazing improvement over the awful one last year, that's for sure! It's good to see Nintendo not pretty much completely ignoring core gamers, like they did last time... we didn't hear of the Zelda game, but other than that, a pretty good, interesting conference. :)


Hmm, the GSDS, MG2, new Metroid, and couple of others were awesome.

What the hell is Retro doing? They have no involvement in the new Metroid? It's their franchise dammit :/.


Masked Man

I said wow
Too hard to tell about Metroid Gaiden because the stream quality was so shitty at that point. =/

Makes me wonder what Miyamoto has in store at his little roundtable later today.


BlazingDarkness said:
SMB Wii/ SMG 2/Golden Sun DS/Metriod Wii = WIN
Nintendo exceeded my expectations and just matched MS.
Sony incoming

Agreed. No disappointing conferences so far. Nintendo actually went out of their way this year and announced a 2010 game to please the internet.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Zelda can wait. Take your damn time. You know what this means? We get some awesome games in the next year... when Zelda Wii does finally show up, it'll be a full-on Zelda reinvention.


I dunno, out of all their franchises they decided to give us ANOTHER Mario and ANOTHER Metroid (What's that, like 3 Wii games each at least). Oversaturation total.

jax (old)

MMaRsu said:
As cool as those three titles looked, are you really satisfied with 3 core games at a hour and a half press conference? It's plain bad.

I used to be a Nintendo fan, but after they hardly ever announced anything anymore I jumped to 360. I still have a gamecube which has an amazing library.

Aside from those three games from Nintendo, everything shown was bad.

yup. Its like lets throw some scraps out there and the nintendo fans is eating it up. 3 wii games over a year. Have fun! And the 3rd party stuff ... well...

After MS's show (with like 20+ games) and we know SONY's show (also lots of games), that Nintendo showing was appalling

Rez said:
surely I'm not the only one who thought that looked really, really bad.

goodbye subtly, hello Team Ninja

Team ninja was largely good because of itagaki. He's not there anymore and he took all the talent. As for Tecmo, their games are hit miss. You got to wonder abou that brand/developer


Not Wario
Well, that was a pretty decent conference in my mind. Struck a nice balance between trying to extend a hand to the hardcore, reaffirming their position to the guys at Wall Street, and giving casuals more of a reason to keep buying up their machines. Those that called this a horrible conference... I really don't know what you guys expected.

-NSMB Wii could go either way for me. I like 2D Marios as much as anyone and coop is cool, but the level design will make or break it.
-I'm sold on Wii Sports Resort; something I would not have said before the conference. Motion+ should have been there from the beginning, but at least it's here now and it looks to have some potential
-Good to hear a release window for Mario & Luigi 3. Really looking forward to that one.
-Golden Sun DS?!?!? Didn't expect that. Awesome!
-Warioware DYI and Mario vs. DK look interesting. Will wait for more info before purchasing.
-Vitality sensor... wtf? No idea who that was meant for. In fact, Iwata's whole segment seemed pointless. Worst section of the show.
-Super Mario Galaxy 2- the real megaton of the show thus far. Absolutely stoked for this. Trailer showed a game entirely faithful to the spirit of the original while still innovating in its mechanics. Shadow mario? Yoshi? Spinning top thingy? Looks incredible. GOTG#2
-Metroid Other M is undoubtedly the real surprise of the show, but I need to see a walkthrough before I'm officially on board the hype train. Love the IP and Team Ninja has done some decent stuff, but the two don't really seem to mesh. Glad the "hardcore" got what they wanted, apparently, though.

So, in the end, I'd give it a B+. More surprises and balance than Microsoft, but less consistent in terms of excitement and execution. A HUGE step up from last year's. Can't wait to see what Sony has to show later this evening.


Galaxy 2 and Team Ninja Metroid saved this conference from being worse than last year's.

Also: no Miyamoto appearance! Wtf was that about?!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Okay, so:

New Super Mario Bros. Wii check
Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story check
Golden Sun DS check
Super Mario Galaxy 2 check
Metroid Prime: Other M check
Sin and Punishment 2 no check
Virtual Handheld no check

:( Goddammit Nintendo, you make me love you and hate you at the same time.
We just witnessed the redemption of Nintendo... they've shown they can continue printing money from the casuals while more than satisfying their base... looks like all the people whining about Nintendo deserting the hardcore will finally have to STFU.

They should have had Eric Bana present this. FIRE EVERYTHING!!!
Very nice finish. Nintendo opened strong, went into a really boring lull, before finally blowing the doors wide open on awesome. I can't wait for Other M. :D


Junior Member
so a bunch of useless bullshit, more cammie and for some reason she frowned the hotel time instead of smiled like an idiot, and a Metroid game that does look pretty awesome, and you all are saying its brilliant?


DevelopmentArrested said:
Terrible troll.....

Golden Sun DS
Mario & Luigi confirmed

Super Mario Galaxy 2
New Super Mario Bros

Metroid Other M


No. Many (if not most) of the people who posted in this thread feel the same way. The only thing that looked good was Metroid, and the Metroid universe has a lot to do with it. The gameplay didn't look that good.
BlazingDarkness said:
SMB Wii/ SMG 2/Golden Sun DS/Metriod Wii = WIN
Nintendo exceeded my expectations and just matched MS.
Sony incoming

Nah I disagree. Nintendo had a awful conference and saved it in the end with Galaxy 2 (which looks exactly like the first) and Metroid. Microsoft has a much better conference.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Wait, you guys want a Metroid with a Team Ninja story, Samus voice acted and a supporting cast? All of this without the awesome Retro Studios art?

I dunno, I was really, really underwhelmed by Metroid.

Super Mario Galaxy 2, Golden Sun and Bowser Inside Story were great though.



Metroid looked cool
Mario Galaxy 2 is ok
Golden Sun DS awesome

other than these, can't say I am excited about the rest of their showing.


I like how they showed us the Vitality Sensor before the real shit, just to see the reaction. This is epic trolling, tales will be told of this ownage.

Cygnus X-1

New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Super Mario galaxy 2
Golden Sun DS
NEW Metroid game that looks fucking great!

Well, more then enough for me.



Its tons better than 2k3 or 2k8, its not even comparable. Solid conference imo, and the Metroid game came out of nowhere


laserbeam said:
Now its the wait til the Miyamoto event this evening. So weird not having him on Stage this year


The vitality sensor thing was just embarassing, by the way. What the fuck is up with that thing?


Conference redeemed IMO, the only thing that bugged me about the Mario Galaxy 2 trailer was the music. Why wasn't it orchestrated? The final release better have an orchestrated soundtrack, otherwise it's a step back.


Not as deep as he thinks
Stupid GAF 500 errors. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW @ new Metroid trailer. Seriously. That trailer was fucking BEAUTIFUL. :D :D :D :D
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