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Fighting Games Weekly | April 7-13 | Smash our expectations

Nah, they actually put time into Injustice.

It's pretty weird, lol. Aside from myself, there's 3, maybe 4 people in the store who play Injustice. Only one of them is any good, and he hasn't played in nearly 6 months (he uses Nightwing). The two others, according to the good player, are pretty bad. I played one of them the first day we got the PS4 in the break room and won thanks to cheesing with Deathstroke. The other player, who was bragging about his 4-0 undefeated streak in the store, lost to me when I used Scorpion.

The one who is actually good at the game is too used to rushdown with Nightwing, so his blocking isn't all that great. But none of us are really trying to blow up tournaments in Injustice or anything, so it's still fun. I just wish I didn't suck with remembering Grundy's chain grapples. :(
Is that all you're allowed to play, or something?
Is that all you're allowed to play, or something?

We have two PS4 games in the breakroom: NBA2k14, and Injustice. Those were the only two multiplayer games that people wanted to play when management asked us which games we wanted.

Madden was out of stock, which meant we were stuck with NBA.
We have two PS4 games in the breakroom: NBA2k14, and Injustice. Those were the only two multiplayer games that people wanted to play when management asked us which games we wanted.

Madden was out of stock, which meant we were stuck with NBA.

You should bring in a PS3 with Marvel and hustle your coworkers!
You should bring in a PS3 with Marvel and hustle your coworkers!

Ew no, I'm not Fanatiq. Although one of my other coworkers claims to play Marvel competitively and says I wouldn't get a game off of him. I was worried, but then he told me his team is Nova/Spencer/Hawkeye, which I have plenty of practice against thanks to kevo_huevo!

Azure J

Being a competitive player among casuals is always a weird experience. They think it's some sort of wizardry when you keep winning. Like...you're a boss fight with no actual weaknesses because "spam attack" isn't working.

Semi-related, a day or so ago I was playing my brother in Project M and saw me do a moonwalk and thought it was a glitch. When I explained to him that it's an actual thing that can be done by a person, his response was "Melee game play is so overly technical it pisses me off."

I didn't even know what to say especially considering I got it by total accident. (I was just dash dancing with Pit when suddenly I'm 1/4th the distance of Smashville away from him when he was trying to rush down.)
Today I saw this gif:


still can't believe that was an actual ending in SF2

and then they made it even worse in SFEX+@
Ew no, I'm not Fanatiq. Although one of my other coworkers claims to play Marvel competitively and says I wouldn't get a game off of him. I was worried, but then he told me his team is Nova/Spencer/Hawkeye, which I have plenty of practice against thanks to kevo_huevo!

Take his money Beef

Give into the dark side


Mrs. Harvey
Is this one of those things where Beef and Curry's moms had a threesome with their dad and nine months later both of them were born?


now that the dust has settled I'm OK with Decapre. Looking forward to playing her. Ugh.. so Japan got the arcade version today? So long to wait.


Last year I worked somewhere that had a 360 and I played people at stuff in the morning. It got so boring tho because they didn't block or do combos, so if they ever hit me they did no damage while I could easily hit them and do 30-40% or whatever. And when nobody wanted to play me I went into training mode and got to hear "you're beating up someone who isn't even fighting back!?" It kinda feels bad playing people who haven't played seriously ever (especially when they think they have). Don't want to be that guy always giving hints and tips either, a lot of people just want to be good without having to learn anything.


Ew no, I'm not Fanatiq. Although one of my other coworkers claims to play Marvel competitively and says I wouldn't get a game off of him. I was worried, but then he told me his team is Nova/Spencer/Hawkeye, which I have plenty of practice against thanks to kevo_huevo!

Really? You're going to let this fly without a showdown?
Semi-related, a day or so ago I was playing my brother in Project M and saw me do a moonwalk and thought it was a glitch. When I explained to him that it's an actual thing that can be done by a person, his response was "Melee game play is so overly technical it pisses me off."

I didn't even know what to say especially considering I got it by total accident. (I was just dash dancing with Pit when suddenly I'm 1/4th the distance of Smashville away from him when he was trying to rush down.)

Didn't you say earlier that your Marth was getting stuck against your brother, or was that a different brother?
Ew no, I'm not Fanatiq. Although one of my other coworkers claims to play Marvel competitively and says I wouldn't get a game off of him. I was worried, but then he told me his team is Nova/Spencer/Hawkeye, which I have plenty of practice against thanks to kevo_huevo!
The best is when someone you meet says they're really good at Marvel, and then it turns out they play some crap-ass team with Nemesis on anchor.


It has taken PRRog long set matches with Japanese players to realize his character isn't good enough?

I don't know man... he always says this, that he will switch to a better character like Fei Long but then goes back to his bread n butter. It's hard to override years of character experience.

Has someone made a day 1 USF4 Arcade tier list yet? I know Tokido always puts one out like really early.


It has taken PRRog long set matches with Japanese players to realize his character isn't good enough?

I don't know man... he always says this, that he will switch to a better character like Fei Long but then goes back to his bread n butter. It's hard to override years of character experience.

Has someone made a day 1 USF4 Arcade tier list yet? I know Tokido always puts one out like really early.

Balrog is getting some serious buffs in Ultra so I think he's done the right thing staying by him.


Balrog is getting some serious buffs in Ultra so I think he's done the right thing staying by him.
Going by his Twitter complaining he doesn't feel that those buffs are enough.

His comment was something like "Balrog isn't really changing in USF4... I guess I will have to change.."
It's not like he's the only one their using a mid tier character, there's a Ryu, Sagat, E.Ryu, Gen, and Oni. He's just pissed about being outplayed. I would be surprised if he permanently switched to another character.



Going by his Twitter complaining he doesn't feel that those buffs are enough.

His comment was something like "Balrog isn't really changing in USF4... I guess I will have to change.."

-2 on block overhead and -1 dash punch are pretty serious buffs, especially when considering squashing of the higher tiers and the addition of delayed wakeup. I hope he sticks with him.

I mean sure he loses the ability to combo off lp and mp overheads, but balrogs always used ex overhead anyways.


Rog got outplayed it seems, especially in that daigo match (only one I saw) . Yolo overheads for days.

He was doing the same thing against Xian today, dash punches all over the place.

Unfortunately for him Xian was fully aware of how to punish and/or interrupt them.


Rogs nutty gameplay just doesn't work against the gods. Bonchan was pretty much not falling for any of that shit. He punished him for every random dash punch, and fully punished the overhead. Jab checked like hell too.

If rog switches hes gotta start from scratch pretty much.

I love the wake up call though. Happens all the time. You need that kind of wake up call if you want to get better. Same for any game really. No one really challenges him in the US.

Azure J

Yup, working to be good makes you painfully aware of all the ways you come up short from the best.

Sometimes that awareness is the worst. You get so discouraged in the face of all the aspects to staying good/consistent at a certain level. At the same time, it's always a great feeling when you become aware of yourself getting better in an area you know you struggled in.
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