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Fighting Games Weekly | April 7-13 | Smash our expectations

Rog said it in one of the tweets, America is mainly 2/3 so he could skate by with Rog but in a long set then he's toast. Especially against other high level players. I don't blame him for sticking with Rog but do you stay with Rog and win American tourneys while losing Japanese ones or switch and start over? It was a hard choice earlier but I think this experience will finally push him to switch.


loves Arcade Sticks
Well since your boys are part of Topanga. You think you could have a talk with them about the whole locking out the world situation? I know it wasn't their call, but I just want them to know that a lot of people around the world want to watch their events and are willing to pay for it. So hopefully they can have a talk with Nico and change their mind about how they've handled this Topanga event.

I've already talked to them and all parties involved. Next time I don't think we'll have this issue.
Rog said it in one of the tweets, America is mainly 2/3 so he could skate by with Rog but in a long set then he's toast. Especially against other high level players. I don't blame him for sticking with Rog but do you stay with Rog and win American tourneys while losing Japanese ones or switch and start over? It was a hard choice earlier but I think this experience will finally push him to switch.

If Eduardo's good enough to make it to Topanga, it makes sense to be prepared for long sets. If he doesn't think Boxer is good enough for that then yeah, may as well switch.


Someone here with an anime avatar gave me a link to a japanese archive full of Ky vs ____ +R matches some weeks ago. Somehow I lost it. Could you toss it my way again?


Probably need to narrow that down some more...

I figure the person would see this post and recognize what I'm asking for.

I feel ashamed for not being able to recall this poster's name for the freaking life of me :/

He posts semi-frequently and I think he said he's a moderator at dust loop forums.


Another eSports team has sponsored another Smash player (and starting a Smash team, of course). This time it's CurseGaming and they've chosen to sponsor Chillindude829

Announcement video
News post on their site

I didn't know about CurseGaming until now but apparently they're really big in LoL and CoD. I wonder if they'll pick up ChuDat and Azen???


Capcom FGC getting left in the dust.

Chillin was cool in the docu, great for him and great for the scene.

And you know this is all because Liquid put em up to it.

Edit: more like talked it up to them.


Setec Astronomer
I figure the person would see this post and recognize what I'm asking for.

I feel ashamed for not being able to recall this poster's name for the freaking life of me :/

He posts semi-frequently and I think he said he's a moderator at dust loop forums.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man

So many logos in my faaaaace


Considering how, in the end, Melee ended up becoming the face of the community in the face of so much adversity; I can't imagine the community won't take the "Let's wait and see" approach regarding the new game. If impressions of its mechanics aren't enthusiastic out of the gate, I can imagine Brawl will be shoved out of the equation, and tournaments will be some combination of Melee and Smash 4, with the premiere game varying by region/tournament.


Do you think the new SSB will replace Melee? What if it is as bad as Brawl?
New Smash would have to be at least decent for that to happen.

If it's as bad as Brawl then hard to say. People will still try to play it for a year before giving up on it.

Melee is an outlier when it comes to competitive games, almost every once competitive game has been replaced by a newer version. From Marvel to SF to DOTA, CS, SC and COD. So really it's hard to say what will happen.


Melee players aren't gonna play any game that isn't melee.

Brawl will see way less play because Smash 4 will be similar to Brawl so everyone will just transition over, then of course you'll get a huge influx of new players in Middle School/High School that were to young to compete before.
Infiltration vs Bonchan. Bonchan got reactions and reads that rivals Diago. Every hit he lands, he maximizes the damage. Ryan Hart take note!!

I also like the way they set up the player cam. Every time hit Bonchan lands, Infiltration is scratching his ear out of frustration. This also was evident in the match between PR Rog vs Daigo. Daigo and Bonchan are just stoned cold, while PR Rog and Infiltration are just getting whiplashed.


Rog's play-style is definitely suited for short bursts. He's fine skill-wise if he wants to compete with Daigo, Mago, and the like but it's his tendency for gutsy, aggressive play can be rough when moved to a longer format.

To an extent, it's not his fault because we honestly don't see many long-set AE matches as often as we do in Marvel in the US. Running casual or off-stream sets is fine but it doesn't replicate the stakes and the tension, I think.


Melee players aren't gonna play any game that isn't melee.

Brawl will see way less play because Smash 4 will be similar to Brawl so everyone will just transition over, then of course you'll get a huge influx of new players in Middle School/High School that were to young to compete before.
Middle/high school players are getting the Wii U? I thought that demographic was more after the GTA/COD type games.


Infiltration vs Bonchan. Bonchan got reactions and reads that rivals Diago. Every hit he lands, he maximizes the damage. Ryan Hart take note!!

I also like the way they set up the player cam. Every time hit Bonchan lands, Infiltration is scratching his ear out of frustration. This also was evident in the match between PR Rog vs Daigo. Daigo and Bonchan are just stoned cold, while PR Rog and Infiltration are just getting whiplashed.

This guy has all matches in his channel....now I know what I'll be doing this friday night


I've been kind of busy today so I didn't get a chance to but don't link directly to the Topanga matches. As asinine as it is, still gotta respect their legal right to it. Talk about'em all you want but don't post the links.

I just realized that NCR and Civil War are both on the same date. Well this sucks.

Isn't CW this weekend and NCR next?


I've been kind of busy today so I didn't get a chance to but don't link directly to the Topanga matches. As asinine as it is, still gotta respect their legal right to it. Talk about'em all you want but don't post the links.

Isn't CW this weekend and NCR next?

got it boss, and I don't think NCR is next weekend, maybe the next one


Ono mentioned PAX East announcements, so we may have some USF4 information coming out of there. (Would make sense, given that the conventions are glorified press conferences.)

edit: Now he's in hyper-troll mode regarding the PS4 version, so it may be that.
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