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Final Fantasy 7 Remake may coming simultaneously to PC and PS5


Hopefully it's a free upgrade on PS5 for those that have the PS4 version. Definitely something I'd replay again, though likely closer to the next part.

I'm not expecting a free upgrade, instead it will be paid but with huge QOL improvements and new content.


Started playing FF7R on PS5 recently. Hope they fix the draw distance and sudden pop-ins (same issue as with TW3 with 4k HDR patch).


Gold Member
Been waiting fucking ages for the PC version. All my FF games are on PC I'm glad I didn't gave in and get it on PS4. Stupid exclusivity deal.
Yeah, same. I fear that this temporary exclusivity bullshit will also carry over to the upcoming parts, unfortunately....

Ryu Kaiba

Please don't give me false hope out here :( I've been holding off on PS4 version in the anticipation of a 60fps patch. But if this happens and it turns out feature 60fps mode for PS5, I'd be all set. If Demon's Souls remake is my first ever souls game, FF7 Remake Remaster would be my first ever FF game. Please be true!
this is water is wet obvious, we've known for years it was a 1 year timed exclusive and its an ongoing game why would they not update it and put it on the new platforms.


Isn't this the same "leaker" who was on about Silent Hill for ages and kept changing their story whenever a huge event passed without it being announced?


I'm not buying it twice, unlike the original which is one of the greatest games ever, the remake is a padded, soulless imitation.


Why’s OP gotta put “REEEEE” at the top of the post? This shits so old and played out give it a rest.

on topic, interested in a 60fps ps5 version... maybe PC but idk I want to play on the big screen with the dual sense

That’s who they are. That’s what they do.

Hoping for some kind of discounted PS5 upgrade.


This would be a pretty good get for Sony, but considering he instantly says its not an acquisition, I don't see how this would work.

You don't pay for 5 per cent of a company and then they become a PlayStation Studios publisher.
who is this tech noir? sounds and smells like bullshit


Still holding for the PS5 version, Hopefully a free upgrade or, at least, a small fee to upgrade it IF there is new content added.


who is this tech noir? sounds and smells like bullshit
Never heard of him, but stranger things have happened than a random being accurate. .

His replies after saying that are extremely fishy though. It's like a Sony fanboys perfect dream.

"Because of MS's actions over the last year."


With what they did for From Software it's not out of the realm of possibility's. Honestly Square joining Sony makes the most sense when you look at sales for products on their platform.
Square is a massive publisher, nothing like From or Housemarque. If we are talking specifically Final Fantasy then I could see some behind the scenes deal made but I very much doubt ALL of SE will become a "kinda" Playstation Studio developer. It makes no sense.

Also, doesn't Sony already own a stake in SE or did they sell it?
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Gold Member
The only reason to play this turd on pc is tifa nude mod.

Hype for the pcmr reaction to those ps1 textures inside the game :lollipop_squinting:


Square is a massive publisher, nothing like From or Housemarque. If we are talking specifically Final Fantasy then I could see some behind the scenes deal made but I very much doubt ALL of SE will become a "kinda" Playstation Studio developer. It makes no sense.

Also, doesn't Sony already own a stake in SE or did they sell it?

No they still own their stake, which is why the exclusive deals still are on going. Would not put it past them to put a much larger stake into the company.
I only need some fixed textures, rest is okay as it is. I don’t normally care about some low res textures, but some of them were just so bad, that it looked more like a bug.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I keep reading this acquisition rumor but... can Sony even afford something like that? I mean they're not MS and Square Enix is not exactly a tiny publisher. I really can't see it happening atm...


Nothing about the PC version, but the rumor seems to be picking up of FFVIIR appearing at State of Play today. Free PS+ for the month of March, along with the remake being announced

Mr. Gematsu


4chan, but some people are saying they heard it as well. We'll see I suppose

And Imran Khan

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