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Fishie, Idiot in Exile, Disses Nintendo Drama Queen Johnny Nighttrain. ME-OW!

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Haha, Nighttrain's destruction as a credibile source for BS has left a massive void in the rabid Nintendo fan universe that can only be filled by one omniscient, insane messiah: me.

The Revolution will be marketed alongside a new flavour of Pop-Tarts. Even more exciting, the Revolution will include the ability to toast Pop-Tarts in its CD tray. According to secret documents my uncle, a lead designer for Nintendo's Z team, has obtained, Nintendo plans to fatten America's youth to the point of morbid obesity, which will force them into a life of slothfullness. The only voice these children, raised on videogames and Pop-Tarts, will listen to will be Nintendo.

OpinionatedCyborg out.


Unconfirmed Member
Mejilan said:
Whoa. Missed this one before, but, quoted for TRUTH.
forgot to press submit the first time I edited the pics in, I should have just reposted it at the thread bottom ;)
OpinionatedCyborg said:
Haha, Nighttrain's destruction as a credibile source for BS has left a massive void in the rabid Nintendo fan universe that can only be filled by one omniscient, insane messiah: me.

The Revolution will be marketed alongside a new flavour of Pop-Tarts. Even more exciting, the Revolution will include the ability to toast Pop-Tarts in its CD tray. According to secret documents my uncle, a lead designer for Nintendo's Z team, has obtained, Nintendo plans to fatten America's youth to the point of morbid obesity, which will force them into a life of slothfullness. The only voice these children, raised on videogames and Pop-Tarts, will listen to will be Nintendo.

OpinionatedCyborg out.



Running off of Custom Firmware
scola said:
forgot to press submit the first time I edited the pics in, I should have just reposted it at the thread bottom ;)

I forgive you, for I caught the images the 2nd time around, and it was good.


drohne said:
i don't have anything against johnny nighttrain. cranks who lie on the internet are neither novel nor particularly interesting. that he still has a following of sorts, however, that you still can't go into a gaf nintendo thread without someone telling you what nighttrain said, is hilarious and possibly unprecedented. how horrendously, consistently, obviously wrong does someone have to be before you stop believing him?

This is the best part. That there is still defense for him in this topic is just outright appalling. Face it, the BS was transparent before E3 2005, and it's even clearer now. The guy is directly responsible for some of the worst and most anticlimactic hype this forum has ever seen and then also indirectly responsible for the backlash, including the Thursdayton and Fridayton threads.

Let's face it gents, not everyone can get as balls out lucky with false rumors as Willco did with the whole Megaton thing. I don't see why Folder should be banned and why Jonny shouldn't be.


The Abominable Snowman said:
And what if he was right only because of second hand information?

His Revolution controller quote is probably based off of Teddman's chance sighting..

Mizuguchi referenced his DS game in a blog long ago, and NightTrain probably saw that, and decided to break the story.

I remember a comment about that earlier on when Nightrain was lauding his information as if it were special.

so you are saying its not just good enough to bring te news to the board, but it only counts if you get it spinter cell style by sneaking in or having high tea with Iwata :lol .

he brought us info and it was accurate...who cares how or where he got it from?


Wellington said:
This is the best part. That there is still defense for him in this topic is just outright appalling. Face it, the BS was transparent before E3 2005, and it's even clearer now. The guy is directly responsible for some of the worst and most anticlimactic hype this forum has ever seen and then also indirectly responsible for the backlash, including the Thursdayton and Fridayton threads.
Johnny was not responsible for Thursdayton or Fridayton.


monkeyrun said:
Johnny was not responsible for Thursdayton or Fridayton.

IIRC, Drinky partially made it in response to the complete let down of the Nintendo E3 press conference. Part of the let down came from what Johnny had promised.

Again, no judgment from me. Just tellin' you what happened.


monkeyrun said:
Johnny was not responsible for Thursdayton or Fridayton.

The guy is directly responsible for some of the worst and most anticlimactic hype this forum has ever seen and then also indirectly responsible for the backlash, including the Thursdayton and Fridayton threads.

Considering it was bred by the same type of "Just wait until E3 guys :)" type BS he was spewing, then yeah I'd say indirectly is a good way of putting it.
holy shit, this is great.

anyways, i just got in. what's the deal? exactly what are we trying to prove here? that im a fraud? or that ali doesn't like me?

something else perhaps? c'mon guys, we're this far in, get some stuff off your chest :lol

im gonna go get a beer. i want some classic GAF comedy by the time i hit the refresh button.

: gets into the witness stand :
As the only other person there during this exchange (I was the one walking back to the Metro with Ali), I can indeed verify that Ali's assessment of what happened at E3 2003 is actually very true. He really did call Lucas out on his appraisal of the show and Lucas really did start calling him names like a small child. That's not a personal slight on him, as I like the guy, but he did get owned, and he did take it way too seriously and get super defensive.

And the stuff about him always riding into E3 on someone else's coattails is true too. For an industry insider, he seems to always be trying really hard for someone to get him into the show.
name calling sure, but i wasn't the only one talking shit. after all, he kept insulting my intelligence for not digging Sega's booth that year.

also, Chojin was there as well, it was 4 of us, not 3.
Johnny Nighttrain said:
holy shit, this is great.

anyways, i just got in. what's the deal? exactly what are we trying to prove here? that im a fraud? or that ali doesn't like me?

something else perhaps? c'mon guys, we're this far in, get some stuff off your chest :lol

im gonna go get a beer. i want some classic GAF comedy by the time i hit the refresh button.

: gets into the witness stand :


And by 'beer' I hope you don't mean 'gun'. lolzzzzzz


JN was also the one talking about the wireless output to (possibly multiple) TV's. So was I, but the topic would've never occured to me unless I argued with him about it back way before E3. Ahh well...

I dunno what else to say. Let's change subjects back to what Fishie original was talking about (a Nintendo conference).

I don't think there will be one until the hardware specs are finalized, the features are finalized, the controller is finalized and the games are playable at whatever event it is. In otherwords, I think it'll be like the NDS unveiling, only in Japan (like the "Touch! DS Tour"). They'll probably call it the "Feel! Revolution Tour" 'cos the interface is something that you will have "feel to believe"...which probably makes sense with how the controller looks "normal" yet has features you won't be able to fully realize until you hold it & play with it yourself. That way, Nintendo can get away with a normal looking controller and not be called out on the Revolution being revolutionless. Plus they'll probably reveal that the "interface" means beyond just the controller and into other non-controller revolutionary aspects of the system...like it being a psuedo home console/mobile gaming system as well as how the hardware makes it comparable to the competition yet cheap, fast & easy to program for. Like with NDS, we probably won't get actual specs nor will they give specifics on them, but they will show stunning visuals to qualm the fears that it would be underpowered. Plus they can hold out on unveiling it for a while (to get lot's of playable games/demos ready) that way. This totally fits with what Nintendo has been saying without being too unbelievable right?


Johnny Nighttrain said:
name calling sure, but i wasn't the only one talking shit. after all, he kept insulting my intelligence for not digging Sega's booth that year.

also, Chojin was there as well, it was 4 of us, not 3.

Sounds like you didnt even go into Sega's booth...
Johnny Nighttrain said:
name calling sure, but i wasn't the only one talking shit. after all, he kept insulting my intelligence for not digging Sega's booth that year.

also, Chojin was there as well, it was 4 of us, not 3.

I thought Chojin was mentioned in Ali's rant. My bad. Anyway, Ali didn't get personal on you, he just called you out on judging Sega without playing any of their games, and rightfully so.
tetsuoxb said:
Sounds like you didnt even go into Sega's booth...
yeah, i apologize for not liking Sonic Heroes, Billy Hatcher, and what esle....Vectorman perhaps? can't remember.

but yeah, over all, i didn't like what i played that year.


Johnny Nighttrain said:
name calling sure, but i wasn't the only one talking shit. after all, he kept insulting my intelligence for not digging Sega's booth that year.

also, Chojin was there as well, it was 4 of us, not 3.

Just come on, man. Do you know shit, or don't you? Please no non-answer like "I never asked anyone to believe me" or "you can think what you want."

Inquiring minds want to know.
Kano On The Phone said:
I thought Chojin was mentioned in Ali's rant. My bad. Anyway, Ali didn't get personal on you, he just called you out on judging Sega without playing any of their games, and rightfully so.
calling me a fuckin moron is calling me out?

the only thing ali called me out on was being a Nintendo fanboy. you know, it was right after he said that the only reason Viewtiful Joe was my game of the show was because it was on GameCube.
Amir0x said:
Just come on, man. Do you know shit, or don't you? Please no non-answer like "I never asked anyone to believe me" or "you can think what you want."

Inquiring minds want to know.
of course i do. im not in the industry by any means, but that doesn't mean i don't know people. it is possible to meet people in the industry you know, especially considering how much time i spend on boards. if im not shooting, im either on model, or gaming message boards. that's my daily routine unless chilling is involved.


dabbled in the jelly
Wellington said:
Considering it was bred by the same type of "Just wait until E3 guys :)" type BS he was spewing, then yeah I'd say indirectly is a good way of putting it.

Johnny has to pay for the Great Drinky's crimes now too? Gimme a break I'm willing to say he might not know a damn thing about what goes on with Nintendo but your just some sort of evangelist who is taking this way too personally. This is GAF every damn day someones name and cred is potentially being dragged through the mud.

So why was Fishie exiled from GAF?


Amir0x said:
Just come on, man. Do you know shit, or don't you? Please no non-answer like "I never asked anyone to believe me" or "you can think what you want."

Inquiring minds want to know.

Youve read this whole thread and are still not convinced? jesus Amir0x.

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
I only ask the mods to not ban Nighttrain until after hysteria dies down. This thread could turn out to be very amusing. Thanks.


Johnny Nighttrain said:
of course i do. im not in the industry by any means, but that doesn't mean i don't know people. it is possible to meet people in the industry you know, especially considering how much time i spend on boards. if im not shooting, im either on model, or gaming message boards. that's my daily routine unless chilling is involved.

So your information comes from people on message boards. Jesus Christ. Is that how you know 3rd parties have revolution kits? :lol :lol :lol
tetsuoxb said:
So your information comes from people on message boards. Jesus Christ. Is that how you know 3rd parties have revolution kits? :lol :lol :lol
no dude, i'm saying i've met people thanks to message boards.


Kano On The Phone said:
I thought Chojin was mentioned in Ali's rant. My bad. Anyway, Ali didn't get personal on you, he just called you out on judging Sega without playing any of their games, and rightfully so.

Damn I was hoping for a "Liu Kang Baking a Pie" type avatar...


Johnny Nighttrain said:
no dude, i'm saying i've met people thanks to message boards.

Like Nagoshi? Here is some friendly advice. If you meet people on message boards who are giving you information that is not publically available, then one of three things is happening.

1) They are lying/grossly misstating to you about who they are, what they do.
2) They are who they are, but you are betraying their trust with your activities online.
3) They are looking for new and creative ways to get fired from their jobs.

Honestly, I know you like feeling like you know something everyone else doesnt. Everyone likes that feeling. But stop to think for a few minutes about why people are saying things to you, and what you are doing with it.

And if you are just making everything up for shits and giggles, then you have great guessing ability and a good imagination, but a terrible personality online.


tetsuoxb said:
Youve read this whole thread and are still not convinced? jesus Amir0x.

I tend not to jump in on internet mobs, I just sit back and observe objectively and wait to hear both sides of the story. Compelling stuff from fishie, yourself and others no doubt. But Johnny Nighttrain hasn't always been wrong, so I'm just wondering exactly -what- the source of his info is. He told me Konami would show Botkai DS, but that never happened. But he said they'd show Castlevania DS, and that did.

I'm not trying to judge anyone here. I'm just reading, learning and trying to gauge the situation. No need to mob.


I thought LKBAP made it. Did you make it KOTP? Do you have one but it just hasn't loaded for me yet? :p

*LOL* Mermandala and I said the exact same thing :p

Johnny Nighttrain said:
yeah, i apologize for not liking Sonic Heroes, Billy Hatcher, and what esle....Vectorman perhaps? can't remember.

but yeah, over all, i didn't like what i played that year.

Seriously though, you have to admit you fucked up.

I've met people thanks to message boards too. People in the know...like JOHNNY NIGHTTRAIN. It's like a game of telephone. It's a phenomenon I call, "internetaphone".
tetsuoxb said:
Like Nagoshi? Here is some friendly advice. If you meet people on message boards who are giving you information that is not publically available, then one of three things is happening.

1) They are lying/grossly misstating to you about who they are, what they do.
2) They are who they are, but you are betraying their trust with your activities online.
3) They are looking for new and creative ways to get fired from their jobs.

Honestly, I know you like feeling like you know something everyone else doesnt. Everyone likes that feeling. But stop to think for a few minutes about why people are saying things to you, and what you are doing with it.

And if you are just making everything up for shits and giggles, then you have great guessing ability and a good imagination, but a terrible personality online.
wait a sec, you're not that dude that caught me with his girl are you? cause you soooooooo out to get me, it's hilarious.

in any case, people i've met, other journalist. any other questions detective?

oh, and yes, i've met people that create the games as well, and for that, i am very greatful. especially when i meat people who's work im a huge fan of.
Mermandala said:
What menial task will a Mortal Kombat Karacter do next? I vote Sub-Zero Changes The Light Bulb!

No. He's waiting politely for a tip.



1) They are lying/grossly misstating to you about who they are, what they do.
2) They are who they are, but you are betraying their trust with your activities online.
3) They are looking for new and creative ways to get fired from their jobs.

JP you missed one....

4) It's Singh and there is a gay joke at the end of it. ;)


Johnny Nighttrain said:
wait a sec, you're not that dude that caught me with his girl are you? cause you soooooooo out to get me, it's hilarious.

Cute. Juvenile, but cute. Fits your personality though.

in any case, people i've met, other journalist. any other questions detective?

oh, and yes, i've met people that create the games as well, and for that, i am very greatful. especially when i meat people who's work im a huge fan of.

Ok, so then you are getting your information from other journalists who may or may not have any idea what they are talking about. Im sure that respectable journalists are probably not blabbing, so we are talking folder quality.
oh, and what's this blog of mine that people are speaking of? the only blog i have is livejournal, but all that is is a link to my website now, and well, just a way to share my work on the photography communities.


Drinky Crow said:
Nighttrain hasn't done anything banworthy.

Do you mean that in a "ha ha ha, he gives Kidtendo fans false hope only so that their child-like souls are crushed when nothing is revealed" sort of way?

I do believe he knows stuff and he was right, the deck looks smooth, and I also believe that Nintendo had something more to show at E3 (like he said), but decided against it at the last minute. It wasn't really Jonny Nighttrain's false hope that led to that "crushed" feeling, it was more of the way alot of unrealistic Nintendo fans get around E3 time every year...so works the internet.

tetsuoxb said:
So your information comes from people on message boards. Jesus Christ. Is that how you know 3rd parties have revolution kits?

Oh yeah, forgot about that, he said that the other day didn't he?

Shaheed79 said:
So why was Fishie exiled from GAF?

Yes...someone tell us how the son of Shore was bannished?


DCharlie said:
JP you missed one....

4) It's Singh and there is a gay joke at the end of it. ;)

5) It's Singh's evil plan to lure you into an gay orgy of epic proportions.

God that reminds me of a story I have to tell you. Get on MSN when you get the chance.
tetsuoxb said:
Ok, so then you are getting your information from other journalists who may or may not have any idea what they are talking about. Im sure that respectable journalists are probably not blabbing, so we are talking folder quality.
ehy, if you want to think that, that's fine. they're definitely not folder quality, that much i can say. hey, some may even lurk / post here :)

anyways, care to point out how im being wrong now? or do you just want to stick to not believing a word a say?

im guessing a bit of column A, and a bit from column B.


if i can get out of work before 4am, i'll be on tonight.
But if it's another Singh ghei story, not sure i wanna hear it! :)
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