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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Hit the gym without a buddy.
I still can't get over doing bench on my own, I always end up doing significantly worse even when I'm doing roll of shames - so I ended up on the chest machine.

Sorry guys :(

You gotta be confident. Usually I just lift the weight back up and push it towards the rack. The hooks are placed at the proper height and just catch the bar. No worries. There's actually nothing to it after you practice a bit and I've grown to prefer doing bench alone. With spotters their crotch is practically above your head and sometimes they might help when you don't actually want help and it just ends up fucking it all up for me (especially if they pull up unevenly).


any staff there that works the floor? they could help. i also hate doing bench alone. I usually need a help with the initial lift off the rack .. if there are people around I ask if they can help. I have never run into someone who said no.


Going to be testing my 1 rep max for the main lifts next week. Hoping to hit a 250 bench, 150 press, 250 squat, and 325 deadlift. I know my squat is weak but I've been making steady progress so it'll catch up to my other lifts soon. I'm switching to 5/3/1 for powerlifting from regular 5/3/1. I think the addition of heavy singles will really help prep me for my first meet.
What's your height/weight? I'd wish you good luck but... luck has nothing to do with it. Just kick ass.

I've considered the 5/3/1 for Powerlifting template. I've been reviewing it this morning, actually. The only thing is I have no intentions of caling myself the Skinniest Powerlifter on Earth anytime soon, so it would be purely for personal inquiry.

Welcome back!


Hit the gym without a buddy.
I still can't get over doing bench on my own, I always end up doing significantly worse even when I'm doing roll of shames - so I ended up on the chest machine.

Sorry guys :(

No shame at all in that. Better safe than sorry, better to do something than nothing.

Although you'd probably get more out of doing DB's on a flat bench, tbh.


All that matters in the "I had to use a chest machine to finish my workout" sentence is the bolded part.
No shame at all in that. Better safe than sorry, better to do something than nothing.

Although you'd probably get more out of doing DB's on a flat bench, tbh.

Fuck, I completely forgot about that.
Will make a note of that next time, or try to find someone working there to give me a hand.

Gonna try to get one of the people working there to check my form during squats on leg day.


Hit the gym without a buddy.
I still can't get over doing bench on my own, I always end up doing significantly worse even when I'm doing roll of shames - so I ended up on the chest machine.

Sorry guys :(

I never have a workout buddy, and actually had to put safety bars on my rack last night because I'm in uncharted waters on my benchpress. Ended up on my second working set failing after 3 reps. So I backed it down on my last set 5 pounds. Sucked but hopefully I can finish 3 sets at that weight next Tuesday.

BTW, my wife did work out with me on Tuesday. I took it really easy on her, not doing Starting Strength just yet. Had her do some low bar squats with just barbell, then some lunges with 5 pound weights, then benchpress with just barbell. She was dying the next day. But she's keeping up with it. Think will put her on Starting Strength in a month or two if she keeps with it. I knew if I made her do so many complex exercises the first day that she wouldn't do it again.

Friday. Just got back from the gym. Feeling good. Feeling great.


The program I am on is has single-arm dumbbell bench press as an exercise. Now I did them earlier this week and they were fine but I question the purpose behind it. I don't understand why you would do single-arm or what benefit they have. Thoughts?
Weight: 220
Current Training Schedule: Cardio -Light Weights Daily 1-2 hrs
Current Training Equipment Available: Gym with full equipment stocked
Comments: My doctor requested I do "Light Weights" as part of my workout routine. I see that the suggested routine requires a day break after each workout. With a light weight routine , should I do the same ? Or add to daily cardio routine?

I had to bump myself.I guess I should have put my comment in the beginning of my post.Any advice Fitness Gaf?



Friday. Just got back from the gym. Feeling good. Feeling great.


The program I am on is has single-arm dumbbell bench press as an exercise. Now I did them earlier this week and they were fine but I question the purpose behind it. I don't understand why you would do single-arm or what benefit they have. Thoughts?

Well, what's the position is the non-pressing arm?

If it's prone against your body, then the concept is that your core muscles will also contribute to the workout.

If you're holding another dumbbell with your arm extended, then it will provide some stability work for your rotator cuff.



Friday. Just got back from the gym. Feeling good. Feeling great.


The program I am on is has single-arm dumbbell bench press as an exercise. Now I did them earlier this week and they were fine but I question the purpose behind it. I don't understand why you would do single-arm or what benefit they have. Thoughts?

I'd say muscle imbalance, most people doing bench tend to favor a certain side of their body, splitting the whole movement into two isolating movements will make sure both sides get equal work,but for this to happen you would need to limit the reps to what your "weak" side can do and not do more on the strong side just 'cause you are stronger there


I'd say muscle imbalance, most people doing bench tend to favor a certain side of their body, splitting the whole movement into two isolating movements will make sure both sides get equal work,but for this to happen you would need to limit the reps to what your "weak" side can do and not do more on the strong side just 'cause you are stronger there

Well, in that case, Falling should add more weight to his right side. He needs to build up the power level for the Rainmaker lariat.
Well, what's the position is the non-pressing arm?

If it's prone against your body, then the concept is that your core muscles will also contribute to the workout.

If you're holding another dumbbell with your arm extended, then it will provide some stability work for your rotator cuff.

It would be extended. So the stability work makes sense.

I'd say muscle imbalance, most people doing bench tend to favor a certain side of their body, splitting the whole movement into two isolating movements will make sure both sides get equal work,but for this to happen you would need to limit the reps to what your "weak" side can do and not do more on the strong side just 'cause you are stronger there

Interesting. Thanks.

Well, in that case, Falling should add more weight to his right side. He needs to build up the power level for the Rainmaker lariat.


You watch wrestling?


Definitely one of my favorites out there right now.


smh, my setpoint is so much higher than it was last year. Myfitnesspal alone isn't going to cut it here(no pun intended). Time to Unleash the Shaun T. I hate Insanity and Shaun T is my mortal enemy.

Damn, my gym only goes up to 120. If I ever want to increase the weight, I have to find twin blonde Russian women to sit on my palms.



Saw my first insecure bro at the gym today.

Thirty-five year old white guy makes it a point to start screaming at these two teenage kids doing full ROM db curls because they got in his way. They said wtf and then he screamed again to get out of his way. They stopped working out near the DB rack and he took their spot and weight. Didn't see if he was doing them correctly.

Later on, he approaches them to say they were doing it wrong and that he deserved the spot because he could lift the same weight better. The kids say okay, and try to defuse the situation, but no Mr. Insecure Bro has to tell them how much of a better lifter he is than them and that he's stronger than he looks. The rest of the gym just rolls their eyes.

By the end of my session, he makes it an issue to give these two really good looking girls with muscle on them some pointers on what they're doing. He starts grabbing them and tells the teenage kids from before that he's allowed to talk to them and they can't because he can lift more.

What the fuck?

These guys just make my blood boil. Fuck off and learn how to exert confidence without shoving it in front of everyone's face in such a creepy and intimidating way.


Saw my first insecure bro at the gym today.

Thirty-five year old white guy makes it a point to start screaming at these two teenage kids doing full ROM db curls because they got in his way. They said wtf and then he screamed again to get out of his way. They stopped working out near the DB rack and he took their spot and weight. Didn't see if he was doing them correctly.

Later on, he approaches them to say they were doing it wrong and that he deserved the spot because he could lift the same weight better. The kids say okay, and try to defuse the situation, but no Mr. Insecure Bro has to tell them how much of a better lifter he is than them and that he's stronger than he looks. The rest of the gym just rolls their eyes.

By the end of my session, he makes it an issue to give these two really good looking girls with muscle on them some pointers on what they're doing. He starts grabbing them and tells the teenage kids from before that he's allowed to talk to them and they can't because he can lift more.

What the fuck?

These guys just make my blood boil. Fuck off and learn how to exert confidence without shoving it in front of everyone's face in such a creepy and intimidating way.

Is this real life? I would have straight clowned his ass and made hm rage quit that gym. God, I'd love to put someone like that on blast.


Today there was another girl next to me using magnets to micro load her OHP's. I regret not asking her where she got them (or how she made them) cause I can't find anything like them online :(

(though I just ordered some 1 1/4 plates this morning, so I guess it doesn't really matter :lol)

Hunter S.

Getting back to the cardio hard lately. I got to train for good cycling, mountain biking season again. Coming so soon as the weather is finally hitting the 60s. Followed by 5 inches of snow tomorrow.

Running and jumping rope so far. Yeah, that is right, I love to jump rope!


if youre repeatedly doing rolls of shame to the point where you have to work out on a machine for chest to mentally stay focused... I would significantly lower the weight you're pressing and slowly work your way back up...


I had to bump myself.I guess I should have put my comment in the beginning of my post.Any advice Fitness Gaf?

Weight: 220
Current Training Schedule: Cardio -Light Weights Daily 1-2 hrs
Current Training Equipment Available: Gym with full equipment stocked
Comments: My doctor requested I do "Light Weights" as part of my workout routine. I see that the suggested routine requires a day break after each workout. With a light weight routine , should I do the same ? Or add to daily cardio routine?


Well your goal here seems to be weight loss, or more accurately fat loss. I'd recommend against going as low as 150, as you'd be quite thin at 5'10"; maybe aim for something like 170 with a little muscle on you, which would fill out your frame.

To do this, you're going to have to do some weights. I'm not sure if you have real issues with your health that preclude using any heavy weight, but if you're physically capable of doing so I'd recommend a barbell strength program, similar to the one in the OP. Starting with weights you can easily handle would be wise, and let your body get adapted to moving.

Second is diet. If you're looking to lose fifty pounds, then you're going to have to restrict how much you eat. There are a lot of schools of thought on this, but here's my opinion:

1. Limit carbohydrates. You don't need to slash all your carbs to zero or anything, but skip the rice, pasta, potatoes, sugary pop and juice and pastries.
2. Eat a lot of protein. This is filling, nutritious, and important for your recovery in the gym. Chicken, steak, pork, fish, soy, whatever.
3. Don't freak about fat. A little fat is healthy and is a good source of energy along with carbs. Don't drizzle everything in grease, but a nice marbled steak with a little butter won't kill you in moderation.
4. Pick something sustainable. The idea isn't to drop the weight then go back to bad habits; it's to promote some changes that you enjoy and can keep up.
5. Cheat a little. Every so often, it's good to enjoy something that you know isn't good for you. This doesn't mean every day, but maybe once a week get a couple slices of pizza and a small serving of ice cream. Enjoy yourself in a sustainable way without fucking your progress.
6. Don't worry about slipping up. It happens, it's no big deal. It's a big road, sometimes you stumble, but just keep on walking.
7. Track what you eat. At least for the first week or two, put everything into a food diary so you learn about the properties of the foods you eat and get a handle on your diet. It's important!
8. Remember to keep a handle on your total calories. You don't need to be rigid, but it's hard to lose weight without at least keeping an eye on them a bit!

There you go. Do that for a few months, keep us posted and you'll look and feel like a different person before long.


Beast mode tonight. Pan seared steak (cooked a little too long) and an omelet with sautéed peppers and mushrooms then an avocado and hot sauce on top.



That looks so delicious! I'm having the same thing sans eggs.
Good decision. It was one of the best meals I've ever had. Was just going to do steak and eggs, but had some veggies to use up so did the omelet too. That was a big steak, so my dog got a little corner of it when I couldn't finish it. So... Maybe not quite beast mode.


Since going back to full body routines, my bench is now progressing nicely. I bench every other workout, similar to SS/SL, plus I'm doing more tricep assistance with CGBP and Skullcrushers. 5/3/1 just wasn't enough volume for me.


I'm doing 3/4 GOMAD and even then I'm actually losing weight. WTF.

I just had 2 McChicken McMenu meals plus 2 cheeseburgers. Need. More. Food.

Since going back to full body routines, my bench is now progressing nicely. I bench every other workout, similar to SS/SL, plus I'm doing more tricep assistance with CGBP and Skullcrushers. 5/3/1 just wasn't enough volume for me.

It's definitely weird to start 5/3/1 after doing SS or GSLP. It feels like it's so little volume, specially on squats. But so far the program has worked for me after an initial slump.
Inverted rows are great, but you have to put your feet up on something to really get the full affect. I do them and bring my chest to the bar, hold for 1 second then go back. It's a great back exercise.

Yeah I use them as a finisher on back days and your right, bringing your feet up to at least make your body level is the way to get the effect.

I normally just get under some dip bars, tuck my knees to my chest and do them. I find I feel it more using the "neutral" grip


Well, I had an interesting workout tonight.

I just did some light cardio and supplemental weight routines.

However, instead of finishing off with some more cardio, I decided to try a combination calisthenics routine.

1. Stand under a pull-up bar.
2. Drop down for a burpee,
3. Do 5 push-ups.
4. Return to neutral position and jump.
5. Grab the pull-up as you jump.
6. Raise legs to position parallel to the floor.
7. Do 2-3 pull ups.

I repeated this 10 times. I also occasionally switched from pull-ups to chin-ups.

Yeah, my blood was pumping at the end.


I hate people who load up on cologne before going to the gym, I can barely breathe with their shitty body spray.

Anyways I pressed 145 for 5 on my 3 week of 5/3/1.I already can't wait for 155 next week.

Also got 32 pull ups in 5 sets wearing 45 pounds on the weight belt.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

Try to last at least a week before you get banned big guy!

Seriously though, glad you're back. You were missed.

You still doing the carb back loading? How's it working out?

Re: chimps

If I had balls that big I wouldn't work out either. I'd just sit around all day admiring my gargantuan balls.

Welcome back!

Thanks guys, unfortunately after I posted last night I got deathly ill. Some really severe food poisoning or something. About 4 hours ago I had lost 5lbs in less than 24 hours. I'm finally able to keep fluids in me, so hopefully I'll be able to get back to work tomorrow.

As for carb backloading, kinda. I'm not able to keep a regular schedule because I'm on a rookie rotation so my sleep/work/workout/eat schedules are out of whack something fierce. I do skip "breakfast" and I keep away from "most" carbs until late in the day/post workout though. It seems to be working well.
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