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Giant Bomb #25 | A Fun Time with Friends

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It has been a solo stream, more or less, for the last two years - so Jeff might as well do it from home.

Producers are always busy editing GOTY, Dan is usually in Kansas by now and Brad is ... (insert your own joke here).

Yeah I shouldn't be surprised. I just love the full crew streams. Home streams just don't feel like real content to me.


Titanfall 2 and Doom are the campaigns I really need to get through before GOTY happens. What order should I play them in, and why? (Bonus credit question: Is DOOM still super fun on the normal difficulty? I'm a bit time constrained and not a huge difficulty masochist in general)

Yup, you def don't want either campaign spoiled for you. Just play Normal for both. Doom gave me a good challenge on Normal. I suggest playing TF2 first cuz it has more stuff that can be spoiled than Doom, imo.


It has been a solo stream, more or less, for the last two years - so Jeff might as well do it from home.

Producers are always busy editing GOTY, Dan is usually in Kansas by now and Brad is ... (insert your own joke here).

Producers dont need to edit. Give me the rawest videos.


Titanfall 2 and Doom are the campaigns I really need to get through before GOTY happens. What order should I play them in, and why? (Bonus credit question: Is DOOM still super fun on the normal difficulty? I'm a bit time constrained and not a huge difficulty masochist in general)

If you're using KB/M normal is too easy.

Yesterday night was pretty swell. Coming back from that to Rorie's stream was a damn good thing.


Mary or Peter joining would be awesome but it would be a major hit for Gamespot. Not sure if they'll do that to GS, tbh.

It won't happen but I would love it if it did. Whatever though, I'm sure whoever gets hired will be great.



i miss this

The nostalgia is blowing my mind.

Real talk, I don't think I have visited Gamespot since, like, 2012 or 13.

I kept visiting it but only for specific people. Didn't know about Danny though until he appeared for the first time on GB. (Bioforge)

Book of Eli:

After Earth:

Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 4:

Who wants to guess that this guy in Rogue One is his doing:

I'm sure Duke would have had a stick-like weapon (or just a straight-up fucking stick apparently) at some point in his version.

I laughed way harder than I should.

Over the last year or so the Valve Free Pass...


.. Has been revoked.

Now they are video game Apple. They are making ALL the moneyz but their old audience kind of hates them and the enthusiast audience just kind of uses them because they are afraid of change and going elsewhere.

I know I have been trying to do a better job shopping around on the PC and using stuff like GOG and Origin more just to try break out of the Steam trap.

I share the same feeling but everybody gives Steam a pass because SALES and well, it's what most people are used to right now.

Hmm death metalist hasnt gotten back to me. Daydream? Maybe?

Daydream didn't reply so it's better if you just go with it, my man. (I'll PM as well incase you didn't read this reply)

The Nier demo is great.

Well, it's PlatinumGames bringing their A team on this shit. Why should anyone be surprised? I still hope that Drew plays Revengeance, someday.

eastern time



Considering NieR and Drakengard, I'm gonna go with "The alternate outfit will be even worse".
I mean, have you seen Kaine in NieR?


I really like Kaine as a character but all of her outfits are just b a d.
I can totally see why someone couldn't see past that stuff when trying to get into Yoko Taro's games.


Kaine is probably my favorite character from last gen, but yeah her outfit is godawful.
All these great woman characters with weird fetish outfits. It's mildly disappointing.

def sim

I feel like I'm missing something about Let It Die. Most everyone seems so positive on it, but the game looks incredibly boring to me.

Yeah, it didn't hold my interest. Maybe I'll give it another go during the break, but I didn't find the combat particularly engaging. Quirky, though.
Seriously it's like one of the main reasons I want a ps4.
Dang, well I'm glad some people are digging it!
Yeah, it didn't hold my interest. Maybe I'll give it another go during the break, but I didn't find the combat particularly engaging. Quirky, though.
Maybe it's just that I have so little time to play games that I wouldn't consider for an instant playing a game like Let It Die.


Let It Die seemed cool from what I played, then the F2P bullshit became apparent and I dropped it.

I think the F2P aspect is actually really generous compared to other games, but overall it is still very grindy. The reason I stopped playing.
death metalist dude can you stop replying to shit in bulk

I'll try to be better about it. Thing is though, I always go to my last post in the thread and then go through all the replies that have been made since then(sometimes I'm away for a day or so). That way, I'll always be up to speed on you guys.

It's the only way to never end up being Myggen'd.


This is Grasshopper, right? I like them, so I might actually have to download this.

Yup, it's weird as fuck

I'll try to be better about it. Thing is though, I always go to my last post in the thread and then go through all the replies that have been made since then(sometimes I'm away for a day or so). That way, I'll always be up to speed on you guys.

It's the only way to never end up being Myggen'd.

Don't listen to Piston. He's grumpy.


I'll try to be better about it. Thing is though, I always go to my last post in the thread and then go through all the replies that have been made since then(sometimes I'm away for a day or so). That way, I'll always be up to speed on you guys.

It's the only way to never end up being Myggen'd.
I like your posts


I'll try to be better about it. Thing is though, I always go to my last post in the thread and then go through all the replies that have been made since then(sometimes I'm away for a day or so). That way, I'll always be up to speed on you guys.

It's the only way to never end up being Myggen'd.

Keep on doing you. Doesn't bother me none.
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