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Giant Bomb |OT33| LOOK AT THAT CORN!

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its okay
a bit chewy
sauce and onions are good
a little heat

i imagine its a lot better when it isn't prepared for a fast food joint lol


Romeos and Juliets was probably what won me over in nier automata. Came out of nowhere. It's actually where I first started to get the main premise of the game and how tragically hilarious these robots are.


I was playing Fire Emblem Warriors and then a blackout hit but I just kept playing it in portable like nothing happened. Switch ain’t bad.


the holder of the trombone
Like the Romeos and juliet thing is actually a pretty good example of how some of the sidequests put you through a whole bunch of bullshit only to blindside you.

Not that it really excuses the bullshit but it made me enjoy it!

That and also the haw haw haw.

Overall my sidequest highlights are those 2, amnesia, wavering couple, find a present, play with us, retrieve confidential Intel, the recluse, and probably a few more I can't bring to mind for now.


Anyone else find it funny that all the issues they’re throwing at Shadow of War like how easy it is, how bad the story missions are, how forgettable the story and environments are, applied to the first game in 2014 too.

It’s video game junk food. A turn your brain off, feel good, nice time waster with no lasting, meaningful impact in any way, video game. Even in a weak year like 2014, to give it GOTY, yeesh.

A 3/5 burger.


hmmmm what about it has made you feel lukewarm.

I felt the gameplay was quite chaotic but pretty fun. Honestly, most of it was because it was a retread of the demo I already played on PS4 which made it kinda boring.

I'll give it another honest shot tonight.


I think I can pick out a few great games from every year. 2014 was definitely a weak, transition year, when everyone was still releasing cross gen games and really ramping up for this gen.

It’s all relative brahs.
Anyone who watched the Mortician's Tale QL so far - I know there's a warning about it handling death/actually involving death.

How intense is it? I can't handle that kinda stuff at the moment.


Anyone who watched the Mortician's Tale QL so far - I know there's a warning about it handling death/actually involving death.

How intense is it? I can't handle that kinda stuff at the moment.

I haven’t watched it but based on the Waypoint article it seems to be very much about preparing bodies, talking about the death industry, and attending funerals.

Which is to say I’m guessing it’s gonna be too much for you right now. Hell, my grandfather passed away 4 years ago and I’m not really sure I’m up for it even though I do want to play it.


Monster Seeking Monster seems extremely over complicated for the average party gamer.

It seems like a more serious hidden role game, which I’m totally down for. It is a bit of an odd fit with the other games though and probably should have an option for slower/clearer instructions the first time around?

it’s funny because Dan loves Avalon though and this is the same sort of game
I haven’t watched it but based on the Waypoint article it seems to be very much about preparing bodies, talking about the death industry, and attending funerals.

Which is to say I’m guessing it’s gonna be too much for you right now. Hell, my grandfather passed away 4 years ago and I’m not really sure I’m up for it even though I do want to play it.

Right on. Thank you for the info.


It seems like a more serious hidden role game, which I’m totally down for. It is a bit of an odd fit with the other games though and probably should have an option for slower/clearer instructions the first time around?

it’s funny because Dan loves Avalon though and this is the same sort of game

Yeah but you wouldn't expect that type of game from a Jackbox Party Pack. Taken in the right venue with relatively accurate expectations as to what the game is (and explained better) would cause it to be received much better, I think.


I mean saying all is more overstating it, but there are quite a few that is pretty smartly written.

Quite a number are pretty funny as well.

There's a lot of great writing in those side-quests, I just wish they were voiced, and that the quests themselves didn't involve so much wondering around that dull open world.

Please Stop 2017: Open World Games that really have no reason to be Open World


Yeah but you wouldn't expect that type of game from a Jackbox Party Pack. Taken in the right venue with relatively accurate expectations as to what the game is (and explained better) would cause it to be received much better, I think.

Yeah, that’s fair. For me it’s just that the main friend groups I’d play it with are either 1. extremely into hidden role games as is (and play a ton of video/board games besides) or 2. adjacent people to that group who are still down for slightly involved board/card games anyway.

then there’s my family who likes a few of the Jackbox games and I have no idea whether this’d be too much for them or not


Yeah but you wouldn't expect that type of game from a Jackbox Party Pack. Taken in the right venue with relatively accurate expectations as to what the game is (and explained better) would cause it to be received much better, I think.
I think Jackbox could definitely be a lot better about tutorializing and setting expectations, it's frustrating to see them wonder how points work in every game the first time they play it. For instance, when you select a game, it could show you things like recommended num of players, avg. playtime, and a rating of how complex it is, etc. just to start.

I definitely don't want to see the devs shy away from creating deeper and more interesting party games just because it doesn't fit with the perceived notion of what Jackbox is. They could also try making a pack of purely more complex games like Monster seeking Monster and call it something else.



From the makers of



I'm glad we got Ben. He's made DotA and Fighting games content fun and interesting in a way GBW didn't really do before. It doesn't seem like anyone else on staff on either coast has the time or desired to pick out a couple games and like "seriously" understand the mechanics. Even when you think about how much they played PUBG they still were frequently misunderstanding or misremembering what guns do what. As someone who plays mostly mechanically complex or high-skill ceiling games I appreciate Ben being able to talk intelligently about those kinds of games, even if they're not the specific genres of games I play.
It's a bummer they attach J to the less tempting opening level choice because so many people missed out on those scenes.


I had to be told to pick the dork by a friend. I totally wouldnt have otherwise.

Whinny dork or grizzled Captain Price stand in. I would pick Captain Price every day of the week.

The game has styyyle though. Cutscenes are super slick. And BJ Blazkowicz being a legit character is also awesome.
Which Shenmue ER episode features the lift simulator that apparently makes Vinny lose his mind? I'm watching it but it's hard to keep paying attention as everything is so boring.


It's a bummer they attach J to the less tempting opening level choice because so many people missed out on those scenes.

Yeah. I had no idea they even had a different character like that based on your choice.

The neurotic lady was interesting, but J was much better.

It doesn't help that he's tied to armor upgrades when the health ones are way more important.
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