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//: Global Starcraft II Team League 2012 (GSTL) Season 2 - More Foreigners!


Haha, shiiiiiiit. I have been surprised that zergs don't tend to do these infested terran attacks, and if they do its the terrible two-base burrow all-in. A single infestor being able to throw down 800HP worth of eggs upto 9 range and if they hatch they kill shit quick? Pretty decent spell.

Of course wierd Oz didn't get colossi which help a lot.

Edit: That was a pretty wierd match. Very little action and Coca kind've just died right before BLs...wierd.


So uhm, Alive is good again?

Do we still count Fnatic as the non-Korean hope? Do they even have any of thier non-Koreans in Korea still? :/
Few things are more painful than watching a huge ball of banelings die to a single tank shot. Zergs can take so long setting up a huge flank only to leave their banelings in one big ball to die to tanks so easily. It frustrates me.

So uhm, Alive is good again?

Do we still count Fnatic as the non-Korean hope? Do they even have any of thier non-Koreans in Korea still? :/

Not even sure to be honest lol. I don't really consider them a foriegn team in that sense.


Would you call FXO a non-Korean team?
Hey it definitely was when they sent Sheth etc. over and first competed in the GSTL. Damned fOu stealing dem monies. Now they're a pure Korean team with a crappy eastern europe offshoot, everyone else left/got sacked.

Fnatic actually had a bunch of non-koreans playing at the start of *this* GSTL, lol, and now...nope.


Hey it definitely was when they sent Sheth etc. over and first competed in the GSTL. Damned fOu stealing dem monies. Now they're a pure Korean team with a crappy eastern europe offshoot, everyone else left/got sacked.

Fnatic actually had a bunch of non-koreans playing at the start of *this* GSTL, lol, and now...nope.
Was just TOD and Nightend. Decent players, but way outnumbered by the Koreans.

Always like seeing Ryung win. If not for nerves, he would be best terran.


Huh, I actually thought they had more that just didn't play a match. I just checked Liquipedia and apparently Fnatic only has ToD, NightEnd and another player in their "academy" and the rest are koreans. They've gotten rid of all the other non-koreans (or in reality, the underachievers I guess). For some reason I thought they had a much bigger "foreign" presence than they do.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Game is early tonight - Reminder Starts in like 20mins



Im almost up to date besides some random Code A games Ill probably never watch.

I haven't even been paying attention to this :(

I can't really watch GSL without giving it my full attention, and I'm too distracted to want to spend the amount of time it requires to watch. Ro32/ro16 groups also take so long!

I'll probably just skip everything and try to watch from ro8.


It this because people have just gotten lazy, or that the time investment to crawl the tanks isn't worth it due to giving Zerg time to mass.

IMO it's just people being greedy. "If I can just edge them a bit further I'll be better off in the fight...." and it either works or they get swarmed and horribly slaughtered.


That was just harsh.

I imagine if you scout it early or something you can just wall off the top of your ramp with pylons to completely shut it down though?


Have to catch up on the GSTL VODs when I get home from work. I'm pulling for MVP to make it to the finals. DRG was crushed yesterday that he didn't make the GSL finals in his hometown. Final boss fighting!


Think Thorzain might be preparing to play in the gstl tomorrow for slayers-eg based on a recent tweet, would be really cool to see him do well.


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
Think Thorzain might be preparing to play in the gstl tomorrow for slayers-eg based on a recent tweet, would be really cool to see him do well.

Well JYP did pretty well for Slayers in the last series so maybe.


Can't help but feel like Lure is just playing as much of a long drawn out macro game as possible just to wear leenock out for the final game.


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
Final match, I don't know who will win this match-up. DRG didn't preform too well yesterday, but I am sure he can overcome that. Leenock has been playing well tonight so it could be anyone's game.


Leenock playing sloppy. Not cancelling the third, not blocking the ramp twice. He should be stepping on DRG's neck here.


I said it on TL and I'll say it again here, I really feel for DRG. He had two shots to make it into the finals on his home turf, and he lost them both. Who knows when Gom will host another finals in Busan let alone a double GSL/GSTL finals?


I admit I teared up a bit when I saw DRG GG and then bury his head onto the keyboard. What makes the loss all the tougher is that he lost the game vs MC yesterday. I hope he can overcome these devestating loses and comes back stronger next GSL. It'll be a shame if he fell into a long slump.
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