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//: Global Starcraft II Team League 2012 (GSTL) Season 2 - More Foreigners!


YESSSS, I was hoping that song was what this link was going to be.

on topic, Slayers is finally using Brown. I remember a while ago he was said to have the best PvZ in the world but then fell out of Code A and we haven't seen him in a long time.

Best PvZ confirmed in the world.

boiled goose

good with gravy
hey guys,

i am trying to go back and watch some of the more epic games this team league.
any recommendations?

I remember a really late game zvt with mass battlecruiser against mass infestor . very scrapy play where the zerg somehow won.

anyone remember this one.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Finals tonight in 5 hours from post. Wont make a finals thread as Ill be passed out, but if someone else wants to, go ahead.


GuMiho <Antiga Shipyard> MMA
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