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God of War Sequel and Gran Turismo 7 are Cross Generation Titles


Also, this phrase looks very much as all titles will be timed exclusives or not exclusives at all. He doesnt say will be the "only place", he says it will be "the best place" as Phil told us about Gamepass.
But I want to emphasize that PlayStation will remain the best place to play our PlayStation Studios titles at launch.
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Gold Member
This is some turgid shit right here, gang.

The video games industry is run by a bunch of ultra greedy fucks, who clearly have no confidence in this generation of hardware, and no idea what exclusive actually means.

I think it’s probably best we just accept that video game console generations are dead.

And if you have been critical of Xbox’s greedy, self serving actions in the past, but let Sony off the hook on this, then have a word with yourself. Vice versa obviously also applies.
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I think the only games that are held back would be those coming out on switch as well. Ps4 can handle games like last of us part 2.

Still Sony shouldn’t have said they believe in generations and pull this shit


I understood Horizon, possibly even God if War, and I’m really bummed about GoW. But GT7?? Wtf is Sony thinking. This should be the first REAL PS5 coming out party, full force.


People saying "We believe in generations" can't read, can they?

"We have always said that we believe in generations. We believe that when you go to all the trouble of creating a next-gen console, that it should include features and benefits that the previous generation does not include. And that, in our view, people should make games that can make the most of those features.

"We do believe in generations, and whether it's the DualSense controller, whether it's the 3D audio, whether it's the multiple ways that the SSD can be used... we are thinking that it is time to give the PlayStation community something new, something different, that can really only be enjoyed on PS5."

It's about features.
Poppycock, good sir.
The implication is that they will be using the full power of the PS5 to design next-generation games. When you have to develop with last gen in mind, you are limited greatly. That is why Ratchet and Clank can do awesome things like let you "hop" from universe to universe in the blink of an eye. That is the power of the SSD you speak of. They don't even have the option to use that type of power with God of War.

Mr Moose

Sound like excuses to me
That was from last year, where the whole "we believe in generations" came from.
If people can't read, that's fine, get glasses or something.
He also said this in the same article:

"We have always felt that we had a responsibility to serve that [PS4] community for several years after the launch of PS5 and that it represented a huge business opportunity for us," Ryan says. "The numbers are quite straightforward. If you say in broad brush figures that we have a community of 100 million PS4 owners right now, and in the first couple of years... I don't know, somewhere between 15 and 25 million might migrate to PS5, that still leaves a huge number of people with PS4s."

Yes, this news sucks and yes, cross-gen holds games back. If anyone says otherwise they are talking out of their ass (or the game is simple and not demanding at all).

Astral Dog

I fully realize I'm posting on a video game forum and am out of touch probably, but I can't think of a single person who WANTS to play these cutting edge games on a PS4 anyway. I've intentionally put off playing cross gen games until I get my PS5 (or just buy them on the Series X). The PS4 is a completely obsolete system, so it seems weird to support it 3 years past the expiration date when the majority of the big new games are exclusive to the PS5 anyway. What were the miles Morales numbers? That was a launch game and as cross gen as it gets, and I bet the PS5 sales smoked it. It's going to get even worse a year in.

I don't like when Microsoft does it either, but gamepass and their PC side of things at least has some logic to it.
Well,idk if this will make sense to you, i follow the games more than specs , a new generation is exciting but experience has teached me time and time again it SUCKS to be a launch day system owner. Its nice to be able to play the newest game without having to spend money on the worst iteration of a system , i do exceptions on Nintendo systems. But, normally if its a cross gen title the experience on last gen is still solid, no ray tracing, fancy triggers or 4k but playable and pretty. Cyberpunk was an aberration not the norm.

Also Covid, higher costs for developers and gamers,longer development cycles etc.mean more cross gen games.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
you guys owe me and Phil an apology.

last year i said crossing a generation takes a few years. Phil words got trolled non stop. 🤭

But no, you just believed the jimbo hype and made fun of the reality we spoke of.
How many first party PS5 only exclusives will have been released come June vs equivalent XSX|S?

It is disappointing to see these titles being cross-gen, but also no chance missed at mischaracterising the “believe in generation” quote and trolling too :p.


Gold Member
That sucks, but I kinda expected this to be the case given Horizon.
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We believe in generations. But go ahead try to spin it.
But what the hell does "We believe in generations" actually mean though? It means nothing on its own. It's a broad PR statement, you can interpret it any number of ways. Can you actually quote somebody saying officially that all future titles will be ps5 only?

Waving as a flag something that was never actually said just makes people look silly. Everybody with half a mind knew the first couple of years at least would be cross-gen titles, it's impossible to ignore 100+ million ps4s.


Dis real?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
no it doesn't make sense at all as cpu is so weak that you can forget about advance physics also wonder how dynamic weather will be possible, also we can forget about 30 multiclass cars races etc.
yep. i was wondering why there was no destruction in that trailer and why they were aiming for native 4k 60 fps with ray tracing. that shouldve been our first clue.


Could tell with the pop in, trackside details and what not it wasn't a true PS5 game GT7 and here everyone was saying it didn't look like GT Sport with Ray tracing tacked on, that's basically what it is.


People was like no way Sony gonna put the new god of war on the PS4, they told y’all they believe in generations.


Even though this is a massive PR-blunder from Sony I’m still thinking it’s not that big of a deal for me personally and people in general. So far nothing I’ve seen from Sony makes me doubt their ability to create great PS5 versions of their games.

It is a big deal because they’ve been very deceptive and disingenous when it comes to these titles being crossgen or not. That’s shitty.

But the games themselves, well, I’m actually not very worried about their quality to be honest.

That said, they need a better market strategist and they should avoid shit like this because it pisses me off a bit because of their incompetence when it comes to PR. It’s not a good look.
Everyone keeps talking graphics. It's also the "scope" of what they can do in terms of gameplay, mechanics, and ideas. These will be limited because they will always have to keep the PS4 in mind. Instead of GOW taking advantage of the SSD to its fullest, the set pieces/sequences will be limited by the PS4. No matter how amazing they look, we will always know they would have been tens of magnitudes more amazing if they were PS5 only since the PS4 is so damn weak.
Here's the thing some of you keep missing though; not every game NEEDS that type of SSD throughput to realize its game design feature targets. We've had fast games before sans SSDs, as just one example, but there are various things to a game's logic and pipeline not reliant on fast rate of asset streaming that therefore won't be limited by lack of hard-targeting a specific SSD configuration.

Horizon: Forbidden West doesn't seem like the type of game that really NEEDS the SSD to realize its own creative ambitions; if it were conceptualized that way, I'm pretty sure it'd be PS5-only, like Rachet & Clank: Rift Apart seemingly is.

sony is beyond stupid making gt7 crossgen but explain why it looks so similar to gt sport

Is there anything in terms of game design WRT a fast, continuous asset stream GT7 is doing that would absolutely require PS5's SSD in order to function?

Just chill; "that" GT game will come in the future with GT8/GT Sport 2.

Pretty level headed take in a sea of reactions.

I have no qualms with Microsoft or Sony releasing cross gen games like Forza, Halo, Horizon, God of War, etc. The more people get to play, the better. More money to invest in the next. All fine by me.

This means the true next gen games in 3-4 years by them will really be built from the ground up after getting initial systems and tools in place in-house to harness next gen power. It'll make the finale of God of War and Horizon (assuming that gets a third) absolute banger games.

I really don't think the quality of games will suffer much. Sony's teams have proven that not to be the case before.

I think some people want to justify spending $400/$500 (well, let's be honest; a lot more than that due to scalping) on their PS5 and that's understandable, but they gotta stop getting caught up in their feelings so easily and just slow down, think of it rationally.

Sony and several other companies, I'm sure they may've actually been worried back in 2020 when the lockdowns started going into effect, that a recession would be triggered, meaning less money to go around, potentially meaning less console sales. I'm not personally sure why they'd think that; we had an actual recession following the Wall Street BS in the late 2000s' and I think all three systems back then saw growth during that period, but hey things could've changed.

Anyway, it makes business sense to support cross-gen for at least a little while plus if your dev pipelines are well organized you'll be able to leverage the new hardware regardless, at least in some notable ways. I don't think games like Forbidden West or GT7 have game design features which REQUIRE the PS5's SSD, same goes for GoW Ragnarok. And just because they don't require it, doesn't mean they won't be impressive both in terms of visual fidelity or game design, I mean we just saw how well a technically cross-gen game could look and seemingly play on new generation of consoles last Thursday!

Cross-gen support isn't holding back current-gen at this early a point in the new generation: time and budgets are, and budgets are being curtailed by install base size. Most of the best-looking games last gen came 3+ years after 8th-gen already released, once install bases were big enough, budgets were getting bigger (and therefore teams also getting bigger), and enough time had passed to allow those games to get deep into development. We won't start seeing the more fully ambitious 9th-gen games until starting 2023 IMO, by which point cross-gen will more or less be done with especially by platform holders like Sony & Microsoft.

Even so, getting back to Sony here we're still getting some great stuff like Forbidden West that looks comparable to Rift Apart in terms of fidelity and a lot of aspects relating to scale, image quality etc. That's actually pretty good, even if Rift Apart will be doing some thing something like Forbidden West won't (but at the same time, maybe that's because Rift Apart felt it needed to do them and Forbidden West doesn't really need to do them).
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The reactions to this are so funny... yall should have kept your ps4s to play GOW at 30fps that you all love so much


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I mean you have gobbled it up for over a year now.

Take it for what it is, but the Xbox team has been very up front on what they are doing and when. The Sony team has been slow rolling info out hoping that the slow burn works.

It's not like they just figured this all out now. They've known for awhile this was the case. They just preferred to have the warriors out there fighting the free PR wars.
Bryank is actually one of the few sony fans who have been highly critical of sony throughout the past year or so.

i only wish MS fans were that harsh.
tis but a scratch .. a simple gfx PS5 fix. Core gameplay, AI, interactions, physics are 100% PS4 bullshit.
I'll take 'PS4 bullshit' anyday over 90% of what the rest of the industry is currently developing.

I'd like anyone to show me the first full new gen game that can't run on a PS4 one way or another. Where is it? Does it even exist?
I understand not wanting to leave all that potential untapped cash from ps4 owners, but if not now, when? What metric are they using as the exclusive jump off point?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
We believe in generations. But go ahead try to spin it.
No need to spin, if you actually quote the entire statement :p.
“We have always said that we believe in generations. We believe that when you go to all the trouble of creating a next-gen console, that it should include features and benefits that the previous generation does not include. And that, in our view, people should make games that can make the most of those features."
"We do believe in generations, and whether it's the DualSense controller, whether it's the 3D audio, whether it's the multiple ways that the SSD can be used... we are thinking that it is time to give the PlayStation community something new, something different, that can really only be enjoyed on PS5.”

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Called it. The whole, Horizon looks like a half-step comment I made got shit on by the fan boys and this all but confirms what I said.

Some of you need to take your head out of the clouds and just call a spade a spade. Just because it's new doesn't mean it can't be criticized for what it is and makes everyone a hater or a troll.

Saying Horizon doesn't look mind-blowing and looks like a half-step is not the same as saying it looks bad.

Waiting to pick up a PS5 is getting easier and easier.
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Here's the thing some of you keep missing though; not every game NEEDS that type of SSD throughput to realize its game design feature targets. We've had fast games before sans SSDs, as just one example, but there are various things to a game's logic and pipeline not reliant on fast rate of asset streaming that therefore won't be limited by lack of hard-targeting a specific SSD configuration.

Horizon: Forbidden West doesn't seem like the type of game that really NEEDS the SSD to realize its own creative ambitions; if it were conceptualized that way, I'm pretty sure it'd be PS5-only, like Rachet & Clank: Rift Apart seemingly is.

Is there anything in terms of game design WRT a fast, continuous asset stream GT7 is doing that would absolutely require PS5's SSD in order to function?

Just chill; "that" GT game will come in the future with GT8/GT Sport 2.
Still missing the big picture. If a game is PS5 only, the game design possibilities are that much greater than on the very weak PS4. A PS5 only GOW taking advantage of the PS5 will always be leaps and bounds better than a GOW that has to keep the PS4 in mind even if they are doing PS5 first and porting down.
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Boss Mog

As long as it doesn't create a Halo infinite reveal situation where the Series X graphics were clearly gimped to accommodate the OG XB1 (looking forward to the re-reveal at E3) then I can live with it. From what I saw of Horizon, it looks next gen enough. The problem will lie more with the fact that it will limit the design of the games to accommodate the PS4's mechanical hard-drive.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Called it. The whole, Horizon looks like a half-step comment I made got shit on by the fan boys and this all but confirms what I said.

Some of you need to take your head out of the clouds and just call a spade a spade. Just because it's new doesn't mean it can't be criticized for what it is and makes everyone at hater or a troll.
Sure, I would want more PS5 exclusives and I am unhappy at three more big titles being cross-generation. It holds them back.

We still have next generation exclusives, so there is a mix and the titles on PS5 that are cross generation are not looking like crap at least and they do support the DualSense which does add to the experience a lot.
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Wait you are telling me they decided to go with the decision that would give them the most profit?

Well I for one am SHOCKED.
That’s not the point here pal.

They deceived people into thinking that these new games would be PS5 only, and only possible on said PS5. If you’re all good with that kind of deceitful messaging to have you as a willing customer then so be it.
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