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Halo Infinite | Campaign Gameplay Premiere – 8 Minute Demo

See this:

????? Am I in the real fucking world, I was asked to name another 4k/60 open world game on next gen, most next gen games we don't even know those specs, but Miles Morales we do. Everything else being said is some weird bullshit that is called goal post shifting in many circles.


are in a big trouble

Hoesntly this just looks like a 360 game right here. No wonder you can push 4k at 60FPS when it looks this crap


Graphics look garbage. Gameplay looks like Destiny but without everything Destiny offers.

Honestly, what are those graphics, how can you not be disappointed in how they look for a next gen showcase.
We already know Spider-Man Miles Morales is.

If in that spiderman you can enter every building in new york, then ill be truly impressed. But you wont be able too. You'll only go in specific mission area buildings.

In this, the point is that everything you see can be explored, including buildings, structures, etc. Its seamless.

Not the same type of design at all. Spiderman is a great looking game, but its action happens in very specific areas. Halo isnt like that.
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Not sure if hype is the word I'm looking for here but it looks fun. Nothing that screams next gen...just open world Halo, which sounds fun. Another reason to keep Gamepass while I think I'd probably wait for a sale otherwise. Eh. I'll give it a good shot.


We will see how much is cut from that game(lighting, etc) to achieve its 4K/60. If they start talking that "technically it is outputting at 4K" bullshit then its immediately void as an example.
You know, it's nice to see people hang onto 4K/60 that much, but if that means laughable graphics and pop-up/pop-in all over the place, they can keep their frames and res.

But to each their own.


"Full open world" I don't buy at all.

That can mean alot of things. Do they use mountains where you can only see slices of the map at a time? Because that's exactly what was shown, and a trick used before when developing alongside weak hardware like Xbox one.


Gold Member
I'd like to see some of the pop in fixed, but to have an open world Halo in 4K and 60fps is exciting. The short bit of gameplay shown looked more Halo than anything 343 has done thus far (minus MCC porting), and that has me the most optimistic.

Mister Wolf

My question to fans is why have so much faith in this game. They made Halo 4 and 5. 4 campaign was awful. 5 was a okay game but didn't set the world on fire. So what's with the hype. Wasn't there rumours of development issues the director leaving. What's with features being added later like ray tracing, why not at launch. Why are people not suspicious this is just being rushed out to hit launch of Series X.

It makes sense to be excited for a sequel of a game where the previous entry was such a hit for example a Forza Horizon sequel would be hype as we know it will likely deliver. But this the developers have had a spotty track record and there have been rumours of development issues.

I enjoyed both 4 and 5's campaign. I'm positive The Created faction will show up in this and its bigger than just a fight with some Banished General looking for an honorable death on the battlefield.
If in that spiderman you can enter every building in new york, then ill be truly impressed. But you wont be able too. You'll only go in specific mission area buildings.

In this, the point is that everything you see can be explored, including buildings, structures, etc. Its seamless.

Not the same type of design at all. Spiderman is a great looking game, but its action happens in every specific areas. Halo isnt like that.

Uh-huh... so... that's why it looks bad?


The good IMO:

Seamless transition from cutscene to gameplay (character models looked great).
Facial expressions were impressive.
Sound design.
Open world (opening sequence game me HALO 1 vibes).
Gunplay looked solid

Will reserve judgement until I see more.


Visually, and even artistically, I have doubts. Getting away from that for a moment, though, the concept here is easily the most exciting 343 Halo has ever been.

Exploration, free roaming, and player choice (in the context of gameplay) are at the heart of Halo's DNA, something 343 never seemed to realize from my understanding, and this seems like a modern evolution of that.

Exploring the ring, 19 years later, with all the things we've learned technically and in gameplay, with full wildlife, giant vistas (sorely mostly missing here), new mechanics, sounds like an excellent place to start for making a good, satisfying Halo game.

My counter concern though, is how generic that map screen looks. I want Halo, original soul and all, without limits, not Far Cry with a Halo skin, and that needs to be an important distinction.


It looks like Halo at 60fps with open world. Being cross gen probably holds it back but to me it still looks good. A little texture/foliage pop-in is not a big deal.

Worth noting that this Halo Infinite demo was the most gameplay shown at either next generation conference by a significant margin.


Meaning by default it doesn't run at 4K 60? You need to toggle a mode that likely reduces things to get it running at that.

Well, it's not like Infinite is a good looking game by default, I doubt Spiderman will look any worse in its performance mode. And Infinite would have made cut backs to get to 60fps too.


OK, seriously. Why the grass is disappearing once it reaches the edge of the field of view?
It's about stupid "optimization". When the object it's not on the screen, they stop drawing it to save GPU resources. Obviously the 343 studio are amateurs at this. I think the limit to draw the grass on the screen it's set only at the bottom end. :messenger_astonished:


Imagine looking forward to seeing those sweet next-gen Halo visuals for years and this is what you got. Got damn. Something about that original cutscene with the pilot, I knew something was off about it.


They fumbled the visuals so hard that it will dominate discussion for some time I believe. To me this was there big chance to get more mainstream players that stick around for much longer than usual. Their 10 year plan makes it seems like they intended to make that happen as well. What they showed really works against that. Idk if it will be huge past launch week even with gamepass. We'll have to wait and see I guess.

Even if it's not big after launch they'll still have time to pull people back in with content updates but that's not great for an IP such as Halo.

Hoping for the best.


Sounds like you don't it will be native 4K 60.
I don't what?

If you mean think, Sony confirmed 4K/60 for Miles Morales.
Personally, I don't even care for Spiderman, haven't even ever played a Spiderman game.
But he asked for an open-world 4K/60 game that looks better than HI.
Even with reduced lighting, Spiderman would run circles around HI graphically.
bro, you dont know the first thing about game design, and it shows.

Okay, wtf, can you guys calm the fuck down with the personal attacks because this Halo looks like shit? Like I get it, you want to excuse this as badly as possible but your argument tactic of "well you can't enter all the buildings in Spider-Man and in Halo you can enter the three buildings that will be on-screen at a time" and shit like that is nauseating. What are you going to say when Horizon Zero Dawn 2 shows gameplay? What will be the excuse?


I'm so disappointed, not just because I think it looks really bad graphically (artistically too, not just technically), but because gameplay wise it looked so outdated.

From a reboot I was expecting something that would have blown me away, especially after these teasers of the new engine that somehow gave me a feeling that something fresh was happening, but after this presentation my hype is deflated. Also, the world looks like is made with some editor, with these huge flat iron pillars all over the place.

Mister Wolf

I don't what?

If you mean think, Sony confirmed 4K/60 for Miles Morales.
Personally, I don't even care for Spiderman, haven't even ever played a Spiderman game.
But he asked for an open-world 4K/60 game that looks better than HI.
Even with reduced lighting, Spiderman would run circles around HI graphically.

You saying that but I will wait for you to show the proof.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Making it GaaS and crossgen will bite them in the ass. Thats a lot of work for one studio and it seems that they arent getting a lot of third party studio help with this.


Yes entirely open world 4k60 and no other game is 4k60 open world

When you consider this, plus the fact that it also has to run on Xbox One (at 60fps also?) then it's not that surprising that it looks the way it does.

There were two negative things that really stood out to me in terms of graphics (other than the pop in).

The first was how completely static and lifeless the environment felt. The trees and foliage had no life to them at all. They didn't seem to move or even gently sway at all. It all just looked very sterile and lifeless. The grass also looked poor and last/current gen.

And secondly the blood splatter. It didn't pool on the ground like old Halo games which really disappointed me. I know it's a small detail but it was included in the original CE and it helps to sell the world in my opinion.

Small details like that make an environment feel more alive and 'real'. If you're making an open world game, your environment needs to feel exciting and not flat and static.

I just expected the Series X version to have more bells and whistles, more cool little effects. When I shoot an enemy I want blood and sparks to come flying off them. When I stick them with a grenade I want armor to fly off the body. I want the trees and foliage to sway in the wind. Leaves to blow around in the air. Some small things in the environment to break or scorch from gun fire and explosions.

This gameplay looked very much like a higher res version of CE running at 60fps. I just expected a bit more from next gen.


I love how I can't be critical of a company that's been constantly poor at developing the Halo franchise. Somehow that makes me a troll. It must be nice living in a bubble where you can control the narrative. One day life is gonna bite you in the nuts hard, and what a shock you'll get.

If you like the look of game fine, great. But some of us have been waiting a decade for 343i to make a Bungie tier Halo game so you;ll have to excuse me if I'm rough on them.

the only people living in a bubble are the ones who think this halo reveal wasnt a flop


do we actually have a source for 500 million?????
Nothing solid but I don’t think people will make it up



There's so much talk of graphics in here. Personally, the game could look like a turd and I would still buy it if the gameplay and mechanics were good. 343 has clearly just hooked into the advanced garbage never to let it go. That was their downfall and they still haven't recognized it.


There's no recovering from this on the visual side. It's too deep in development and the Xbox one has to run it.
The internet is all over it, and anytime its mentioned the poor visuals will be brought up after all the bragging.

I honestly think the game concept was slightly different, bigger in scope when this trailer was revealed

Notice how full of life everything is in this concept

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Nothing solid but I don’t think people will make it up

Oh come on that is just a BS rumor. People will believe anything. The exact same thing was said about Destiny when it first came out
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