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Halo Infinite | Campaign Gameplay Premiere – 8 Minute Demo

There's so much talk of graphics in here. Personally, the game could look like a turd and I would still buy it if the gameplay and mechanics were good. 343 has clearly just hooked into the advanced garbage never to let it go. That was their downfall and they still haven't recognized it.
Graphics really don't matter to me anymore. I still play Siege and that game looks like ass compared to most FPS games. 343 have just let me down too many times. At least we still got the MCC I guess. Thank god they finally fixed that mess


Oh come on that is just a BS rumor. People will believe anything. The exact same thing was said about Destiny when it first came out
True my friend. That’s why I said nothing solid. Could be true and could be false, still doesn’t change the fact that it looks embarrassing especially for a Halo game. I believe your username became real :(
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Do you guys still believe Xbox One is not holding back Series X? For real?

It has nothing to do with the xbox one. If the xbox one cant handle extra weather effects, wild life etc, then just turn if off on that console but keep it on for XSX. That doesnt hold the XSX back. Its exactly what the PC has been doing since its been invented.

The problem was that the game didnt look like that first trailer. There was no wildlife, weather effects, etc.
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True my friend. That’s why I said nothing solid. Could be true and could be false, still just change the fact that it looks embarrassing especially for a Halo game. I believe your username became real :(


Is there a gameplay loop, or is it just do the 8-9 missions and you're done? That's my question. The title and slogan imply there's more to this. But they demo'd nothing of the sort. I can let the hitchy visuals go if there's 10 (player controlled) spartans across the chasm taking down a giant Scarab with 100+covies shooting at them..
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It has nothing to do with the xbox one. If the xbox one cant handle extra weather effects, wild life etc, then just turn if off on that console but keep it on for XSX. That doesnt hold the XSX back. Its exactly what the PC has been doing since its been invented.

The problem was that the game didnt look like that first trailer. There was no wildlife, weather effects, etc.
Besides, it's just a matter of scalability. Thought they could just move some sliders and increase foliage and all that.


And I've watched the Halo 4K trailer 2 times. In 4k, it only looks much worse because it's more crisp.

4K only highlights the lack of detail, the jarring pop in, how static the world is. It’s all made the more grating by sub par art direction and boring looking gameplay.

They needed a vertical slice that got people hyped, but nothing was clicking.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
One thing I will say -- Thank god they didn't include the newer, shit enemies from the last 2 Halo games. Otherwise, incredibly unimpressive and not a system seller at all, visually. Cross-gen is really hurting this game, as I and millions of others predicted it would (common sense).

You can tell Halo: Infinite has had a rocky development cycle, to say the least.

I genuinely hope the game is fun to play, and it probably will be, but as a showcase for XsX power, this was a miserable failure.


Killzone Shadow Fall and Crysis 3 look better than this.

Both franchises are pretty much dead, so looks like it takes more than just graphics for a game to be good.

I'm getting Doom vibes. "Looks OK I guess".

Same, every time he was jumping around a swarm of enemies and the finishers made me feel that I already played that game. But I don't know whether that's good or bad, I have a mixed feelings about Doom, it was hell ot of fun that vanished really really fast, and I got the same vibe here. At least the weapons look more fun than in Doom.

Gameplay looks really tight, but those graphics were underwhelming to say the least.

Also the reason this looks generic is because Halo is generic space marine shooter, it always has been...they invented it. It's a testament to it's success that so many copied it and took it further, and while that isn't MS fault...because it's become such a trope, they should know to try and distinguish themselves from that trope more.

FINALLY someone said it out loud, Halo is indeed generic space marine 101 (or should I rather say 117 ;p) - the power armors, the plasmas, lasers, aliens, it's like, the most generic and obvious sci-fi setting there can be, I'll never be able to understand the series' appeal, I know the lore is deep AF, but every time I look at the trailers and gameplays I just cannot see why it's so popular to this day (same for Star Wars, except the original trilogy was something fresh those 30-40 years ago, but now I get the same retching while looking at it). BUT - as you said, the gameplay/gunplay is TIGHT, so there is a solid base for the multiplayer, which I know a lot of hype/appreciation is coming from. I just wish they would offer SP and MP mode separately for guys like me who are not into the franchise but wouldn't mind to play some MP with great gameplay. Or maybe that's exactly where GP steps in?

All that hype and they forgot to add RT? xD


Gold Member
My question to fans is why have so much faith in this game. They made Halo 4 and 5. 4 campaign was awful. 5 was a okay game but didn't set the world on fire. So what's with the hype. Wasn't there rumours of development issues the director leaving. What's with features being added later like ray tracing, why not at launch. Why are people not suspicious this is just being rushed out to hit launch of Series X.

It makes sense to be excited for a sequel of a game where the previous entry was such a hit for example a Forza Horizon sequel would be hype as we know it will likely deliver. But this the developers have had a spotty track record and there have been rumours of development issues.

If I recall correctly, multiple heads of development on this game left. Rumors were the game was in a shoddy state for a long time. It took them two years after the announcement to show actual gameplay and they gave very sparse details of what the game would be like over that time. The game does not look technically impressive at all. We now know that they are not planning a sequel and it sounds like this game is going to be a GAAS title like many predicted it would be. In other words, this is it. This is the Halo you're getting for the duration of the next generation.

Ray tracing will be added in a later patch which begs the question of how that will impact framerate and what are they giving up to make room for it. Nothing about the gameplay stood out. Unless something happens between now and release that changes everything, I think it's about time we just accepted that 343 will never be what Bungie was and Halo is probably never going to be what it used to be.


There's no recovering from this on the visual side. It's too deep in development and the Xbox one has to run it.
The internet is all over it, and anytime its mentioned the poor visuals will be brought up after all the bragging.

I honestly think the game concept was slightly different, bigger in scope when this trailer was revealed

Notice how full of life everything is in this concept

What happened!?
So, let me get straight. You all shitting on it just coz its not showcase for seriesX in graphics. What if final game is fun to play and got lot more going for it. We just seen a 8 mins demo not whole game.


If I recall correctly, multiple heads of development on this game left. Rumors were the game was in a shoddy state for a long time. It took them two years after the announcement to show actual gameplay and they gave very sparse details of what the game would be like over that time. The game does not look technically impressive at all. We now know that they are not planning a sequel and it sounds like this game is going to be a GAAS title like many predicted it would be. In other words, this is it. This is the Halo you're getting for the duration of the next generation.

Ray tracing will be added in a later patch which begs the question of how that will impact framerate and what are they giving up to make room for it. Nothing about the gameplay stood out. Unless something happens between now and release that changes everything, I think it's about time we just accepted that 343 will never be what Bungie was and Halo is probably never going to be what it used to be.

Bungie to be contracted to make Halo 7 (their magic number) next next gen. You read it here first.


Looks fun. I don't care much about graphics to be honest. I'm glad to see a more traditional Halo game. I will pick this up once it reaches 20 bucks ish.
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Both franchises are pretty much dead, so looks like it takes more than just graphics for a game to be good.

Same, every time he was jumping around a swarm of enemies and the finishers made me feel that I already played that game. But I don't know whether that's good or bad, I have a mixed feelings about Doom, it was hell ot of fun that vanished really really fast, and I got the same vibe here. At least the weapons look more fun than in Doom.

FINALLY someone said it out loud, Halo is indeed generic space marine 101 (or should I rather say 117 ;p) - the power armors, the plasmas, lasers, aliens, it's like, the most generic and obvious sci-fi setting there can be, I'll never be able to understand the series' appeal, I know the lore is deep AF, but every time I look at the trailers and gameplays I just cannot see why it's so popular to this day (same for Star Wars, except the original trilogy was something fresh those 30-40 years ago, but now I get the same retching while looking at it). BUT - as you said, the gameplay/gunplay is TIGHT, so there is a solid base for the multiplayer, which I know a lot of hype/appreciation is coming from. I just wish they would offer SP and MP mode separately for guys like me who are not into the franchise but wouldn't mind to play some MP with great gameplay. Or maybe that's exactly where GP steps in?

All that hype and they forgot to add RT? xD

Leave them alone they're still waiting for them 25 tflops of raytracing performance to get delivered to their home

I think spiderman is delivering lol
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Codes 208

Gold Member

The hot reel trailer has better pacing and looks better for it.

no chance in fuck will this be close to as good as halo 2 or 3. But it does have the chance to be better than 4 or 5 and I can live with that
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if this game is made from the ground with series X in mind i'm a reeeee member with a good and remunarative job, no mental illness and a pornostar with a swastika tattoo as a wife.
Wow. Guess that engine slipstreamed the hype away. But the real take away is that awful dialogue at the end. It's like he's rehearsing for a dramatic "B-movie" villain role.


Honestly, i expected way more.

The gameplay looks ok but pretty similar to older Halo games and Destiny. Another FPS titles from this gen are way more impressive visually, like Doom Eternal.

I'm not liking the hints about the game being a GaaS too.


It almost feels like it was rushed to scramble something together.

With that said I liked what I saw but it felt SAFE I'm not blown away by what I saw which is what I was hoping for.

Still, the gameplay makes me think of halo 3/5 which I don't mind. I miss the tools playing a part in the sandbox happy to see it here. I remember the bubble shield, radar jammer, or the emp bomb thing, etc. Like it's cool to see those tools playing a part and will probably see more of those in multiplayer.

Was not expecting a full-blown open world though, I thought maybe semi-open world similar to Destiny. Still interested in seeing what the open world will be like.

8 minutes isn't enough for me and I'm sure they're hiding more surprises in this game. With that said I am looking forward to playing it.

Visuals look great but they aren't next-gen but regardless the games look good. 343i looks like they are going in the right direction, need more footage to get a little bit more hyped about it.


So, let me get straight. You all shitting on it just coz its not showcase for seriesX in graphics. What if final game is fun to play and got lot more going for it. We just seen a 8 mins demo not whole game.

The problem for me is that it just looked like 8 mins of basic Halo.
There wasn't anything really 'wow that looks amazing' about it. It just looked like good old classic Halo.

I like Halo but that's not gonna wow anyone.
When you consider that the rest of their conference was pretty much garbage, they should have given us way more than just 8 mins - at last half for that time was boring cutscenes as well.

In reality we got about 4 or 5 mins of gameplay that looked about as good as any other Bungie Halo game. Maybe that's an achievement for 343? For the majority it's not exciting though. It's kinda underwhelming when you've been waiting nearly 5 years to see the next Halo :messenger_tears_of_joy:

They should have shown more and they should have told us more. I had to read on ign that the game was definitely open world. Why didn't they tell us about the other activities that we are gonna be doing in this new open world Halo? Tell us about the stuff that's unique to this Halo game in particular.


Gold Member
People here cant read. They said Spiderman game will have a 4k mode and a 60fps mode. Its not 4k60

They all say the same thing. It's 4K and 60fps


Honestly, after watching the 4k footage, I'm quite ok with the look of the game. Right now , it seems like a straight up high resolution version of the xbox one game. The missing shadows, low res textures on atriox and some enemies should be fixed by 343 before release as they are the most glaring problems right now.
The worry is that so close to release they should be the spit and polish phase and maybe they are running behind.

P.s. The dof seems whack in the final closeup making atriox look worse.
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Honestly, after watching the 4k footage, I'm quite ok with the look of the game. Right now , it seems like a straight up high resolution version of the xbox one game. The missing shadows, low res textures on atriox and some enemies should be fixed by 343 before release as they are the most glaring problems right now.
The worry is that so close to release they should be the spit and polish phase and maybe they are running behind.

Then why show that part of the game? People say they had 5 years, but fact of the matter is most of those years were spent building the actual engine.

343 are really trying ill give em that, but they just dont have Bungies talent. That much is clear.


I can give them the benefit of the doubt that this is open and classic Halo gameplay running crisp and smooth at full resolution and refresh rates.

I just think when you build and boast about the World's Fastest Console, you better have some amazing in-gameplay demos.

Joe T.

The upside side to today's gameplay demo: it looks a lot more like Bungie's Halo games.

The downside to today's gameplay demo: it looks a lot more like Bungie's Halo games.

+ Oldshcool Halo look to it - large, colorful world with goofy grunts, measured (kinda) elites, aggressive brutes, jackals.
+ Solid audio/voice acting.
+ Large sandbox.
+ The world feels alive with various wildlife (can you interact with any of it?)

+/- 4K/60fps open world is sweet, but cross-gen is clearly holding this back to some degree.
+/- Story so far is simple, a good break from previous 343 games, but maybe too simple? Needs more characters.

- A little too much copy/paste in the environment design for my liking (elevator ride/view is a good example).
- Warthog handling looked simplified (faster acceleration, floatier), similar to the GTA IV to V transition.
- No real improvement with enemy AI, maybe even a downgrade (re: not much duck & cover/flanking, lots of suicide grenades).

Didn't look like it was pushing the boundaries (relative to the series) with the number of enemies (and friendlies) on screen which was a little disappointing when combined with what I saw from the enemy AI. One of Halo's strengths is its ability to challenge players on higher difficult settings and we saw absolutely none of that in this demo.

The warthog and grappling hook make me think this game's sandbox won't have the physics it needs to be as engaging and entertaining as I'd hoped. hopefully I'm wrong. I needed a more hands-on demo that focused on some of these areas of the game to show how dynamic that world will be depending on how players approach it.
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