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Halo Infinite Multiplayer is out NOW


Man can’t get to diamond. Always just right there….

lowered my sensitivity back to default and playing waaay better. I think the slow turn speed turned me off at the beginning coming from apex.


Even if they put the bots at the highest setting they are still stupid. They just aim better. They should be on the second highest instead of the lowest to at least somewhat shoot like a normal person.

You aren't going to please everyone. Usually if someone quits pretty good chance everyone will quit eventually especially if you are getting crushed.


Running Riot
Running Riot you mean :) and I also got my first one somenights back playing slayer 4v4.
as said in the post above, it's Running Riot... but I mean... i want a Running Wild medal now, and every time you get one this starts playing lol:

You guys are right haha, also quite looking that running wild song :D

After more time with halo ranked though, I do wish they would add a surrender option, as you get some bad players trying that will time out an objective game type to try boost their K/D in a 3v4 that quickly became a 2v4 in oddball.



*Refreshes biennially
After more time with halo ranked though, I do wish they would add a surrender option, as you get some bad players trying that will time out an objective game type to try boost their K/D in a 3v4 that quickly became a 2v4 in oddball.

I was playing Oddball on Streets 1v4 yesterday. I decided to just hide in the bushes and wait until it's over. :messenger_grinning_sweat:


I just want to play Zone control. I think 12 BTB matches and not a single Control.
Hate the battery map. edit: also worst chat ever. just let it be like Destiny overlay.
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The most insane thing I've seen so far in this game is an enemy player hiding in a bush whilst HOLDING THE BALL and my teammate running right by him like he's not lit up like a christmas tree, that and me shooting a rocket out of the sky with a motion sensor
Is it weird that I found Ranked to be easier than normal quick play? I absolutely killed it my first night in ranked. Idk, maybe I just need stiffer competition because that BR fitted like a glove in slayer.
10 matches before you get given a rank. Then they pair you up after the 10.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
that and me shooting a rocket out of the sky with a motion sensor
Fred Savage Insanity GIF by The Grinder


*Refreshes biennially
voice chat seems to be disabled for me even if all the settings are on. Anybody else have this problem?

I haven't changed any settings but in 86 hours that I play I encountered someone speaking on 3 occasions:

  1. Creepy breathing dude
  2. 2 x British dudes being amazed that there's someone else using the mic
  3. 2 x Italian dudes playing together (this was actually funny)
I can't even imagine what kind of sick strategies you can pull off if you're playing with other human being and you communicate using your voice. Must be nice.
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Is it weird that I found Ranked to be easier than normal quick play? I absolutely killed it my first night in ranked. Idk, maybe I just need stiffer competition because that BR fitted like a glove in slayer.

Could it be that in quick play you could get players above your skill level where in ranked, if sbmm os working, you get players at your level..


I’m on Xbox, haven’t heard a single person since the launch.

Same.. it jusrt shows everyone muted but I am on PC, so i thought there was something wrong witht the PC version but I guess not. Could be an account setting of some sort but I have no idea.


voice chat seems to be disabled for me even if all the settings are on. Anybody else have this problem?
I have that too, I can hear others on my team, but I'm muted oddly, despite never having a Comms ban or anything like that.
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Gold Member
Absolutely love this game but they really need to expand the playlist come Wednesday, not even more modes, just the ability to choose what I want to play.


thank you ^

At first I didn’t care you can’t pick modes. But don’t give me challenges for oddball then never have oddball in the rotation


*Refreshes biennially
I was Platinum I after the initial 10 matches. Played few more today and I’m almost Platinum IV. Still a long way to go.

I got promoted to Diamond I today. I ranked through all of Platinum in just 2 gaming sessions. I wonder how different Diamond will be? Anyone can share their expierience?


"dunno why this stuff isnt in the game for the 8th." Yeah, it's not like they are trying to come up with stuff out of thin air. SWAT has been around for a bit one would think it's just an adjustment to shields and BR starts boom done??

I suppose they have some method to their madness.


Snake Oil Salesman
Does anyone know when those Wasps spawn on BTB maps? It feels like if you can steal the other teams Wasp so your team has 2 going at once, it's an automatic W.


Gold Member
"dunno why this stuff isnt in the game for the 8th." Yeah, it's not like they are trying to come up with stuff out of thin air. SWAT has been around for a bit one would think it's just an adjustment to shields and BR starts boom done??

I suppose they have some method to their madness.
I just want ranked slayer and a couple more maps and i'm set. THB tho the campaign will (hopefully) keep me busy for a couple of weeks.

I'm guessing the play lists are the way they are is so that they can drip feed everything back in over time. Thats GAAS for you. This time next year the game will be in a great state, weather or not you find this acceptable or not will be down to the individual. They HAVE to be holding back a ton of maps, even Staten said the MP was more or less ready to go last year.
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So tiered of this player base, between the aimbot cheaters forcing me to play hide and make them come to me in pvp which I hate cause I love jumping in the middle of a firefight and walking away, everyone playing for challenges and very few actually playing the objectives in the game, and the idiots running around in circles in bots wanting everyone else to carry them so they can get thier 6 games a day and level up once a day I have come to the inevitable conclusion it is the player base that is broken in this game.

can’t wait for campaign to finally unlock. I’ll jump back to halo 3 and 5 multiplayer and get back into this in 6 months once their short attention spans run out and they move on to the next flashy thing



Not exactly what i was hoping for (ranked slayer) but its a start. dunno why this stuff isnt in the game for the 8th.

I'm sorry, but how fucking hard can it be to add a social slayer playlist?

I say bullshit to that whole statement. this is clearly them giving in just enough to calm down easily impressed players, while clinging to their plan of drip feeding on content due to the lack thereof.

if it is truly not possible to make a social slayer playlist before next year, they are either even more of an incompetent studio than I thought or their development environment is pure shit, which in retun means that they are even more incompetent than I thought...

so in the end, either they are lying or they are incompetent 🤷‍♂️
the developers of Splitgate can change and add playlists on the fly within days. they once reacted to playlist feedback within a few days and completely remade the whole menu for it and restructured them.

and you are telling me this AAA studio can't add Social Slayer? what a joke
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I'm sorry, but how fucking hard can it be to add a social slayer playlist?

I say bullshit to that whole statement. this is clearly them giving in just enough to calm down easily impressed players, while clinging to their plan of drip feeding on content due to the lack thereof.

if it is truly not possible to make a social slayer playlist before next year, they are either even more of an incompetent studio than I thought or their development environment is pure shit, which in retun means that they are even more incompetent than I thought...

so in the end, either they are lying or they are incompetent 🤷‍♂️
the developers of Splitgate can change and add playlists on the fly within days. they once reacted to playlist feedback within a few days and completely remade the whole menu for it and restructured them.

and you are telling me this AAA studio can't add Social Slayer? what a joke
Nobody said it was hard. Resources are finite.

When a game launchers people take vacations afterwards because often or not they've been crunching or delaying vacations and it's also super common for people to take vacations in december in general. The last two weeks of the year for many corporate jbos especially development is super duper slow. Kids are are off so a lot of parents take the time off and there's many holidays that people have off so they sprinkle their vacation days around it. It's december now and going forward we're looking at two really good weeks of development this year and it's not about how long does this task it's also about what else are they working on. Tasks are prirotized. Reproducible major bugs are high priority for example. Based on the post, the release of the 3 modes in the next few weeks are also higher priority than a social slayer plalist.


Nobody said it was hard. Resources are finite.

When a game launchers people take vacations afterwards because often or not they've been crunching or delaying vacations and it's also super common for people to take vacations in december in general. The last two weeks of the year for many corporate jbos especially development is super duper slow. Kids are are off so a lot of parents take the time off and there's many holidays that people have off so they sprinkle their vacation days around it. It's december now and going forward we're looking at two really good weeks of development this year and it's not about how long does this task it's also about what else are they working on. Tasks are prirotized. Reproducible major bugs are high priority for example. Based on the post, the release of the 3 modes in the next few weeks are also higher priority than a social slayer plalist.

that's too much common sense to spit in reply to a serial whiner/complainer

It's like a division by zero, gaf gonna implode soon
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I'm constantly getting killed after taking cover or killed by an enemy that is fully behind cover, is the game fucked right now or is it my connection?

Also sniped a flag carrier in the head and chest earlier for zero damage


I'm constantly getting killed after taking cover or killed by an enemy that is fully behind cover, is the game fucked right now or is it my connection?

Also sniped a flag carrier in the head and chest earlier for zero damage
Activate the ping display. Sounds like you are playing on servers not in your regon


Activate the ping display. Sounds like you are playing on servers not in your regon
I'll take a look next time thanks, i haven't seen any matchmaking options for connection v search time like Halo 5 has, is it hidden somewhere?


Nobody said it was hard. Resources are finite.

When a game launchers people take vacations afterwards because often or not they've been crunching or delaying vacations and it's also super common for people to take vacations in december in general. The last two weeks of the year for many corporate jbos especially development is super duper slow. Kids are are off so a lot of parents take the time off and there's many holidays that people have off so they sprinkle their vacation days around it. It's december now and going forward we're looking at two really good weeks of development this year and it's not about how long does this task it's also about what else are they working on. Tasks are prirotized. Reproducible major bugs are high priority for example. Based on the post, the release of the 3 modes in the next few weeks are also higher priority than a social slayer plalist.
yes, for instance the community wouldn't shut up about progression so that was launched up to absolute top priority over everything else - as stated by the team.

Imagine the people who complained non-stop about the battlepass now complaining about playable content coming along slower. WE HECKIN' DID IT REDDIT!


Nobody said it was hard. Resources are finite.

When a game launchers people take vacations afterwards because often or not they've been crunching or delaying vacations and it's also super common for people to take vacations in december in general. The last two weeks of the year for many corporate jbos especially development is super duper slow. Kids are are off so a lot of parents take the time off and there's many holidays that people have off so they sprinkle their vacation days around it. It's december now and going forward we're looking at two really good weeks of development this year and it's not about how long does this task it's also about what else are they working on. Tasks are prirotized. Reproducible major bugs are high priority for example. Based on the post, the release of the 3 modes in the next few weeks are also higher priority than a social slayer plalist.
Resources are finite when you have had to throw every able body into getting the game out this year.

We spoke briefly (you and I) about project management the other day. I still stand by what I said that they have handled this project poorly at best. Yes, the MP is great and I play it every day. But there is no getting around the paltry map/weapon count and playlist famine for MP. Lack of coop is massive too imo.

Even their content team has had no time to work content on season 2. They are so far behind on that front, that season 1 will last 6 months, and they had to implement the shittiest progression system known to man so that people didn't max it straight away,. They even had to spread an event out over 3 parts lol.

There is no doubt in my mind that they have missed milestone after milestone during the duration of this project. The game plays great and I am hooked, but it all feels so bare when compared to other halos.

People do have a right to express their displeasure at what 343 are releasing
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I'll take a look next time thanks, i haven't seen any matchmaking options for connection v search time like Halo 5 has, is it hidden somewhere?
No, there are not any options yet... I say yet because they better implement some sort of region filter if they want to keep an active community outside of the US.

You can activate a ping display though. It should tell you where you are getting dumped


What kind of ping you guys getting? Me 27 on average.
I'm in the EU..

I get 17ms to the datacenter in Holland and 22ms to the datacenter in Ireland.

85ms to East coast US, and I had one BTB that was over 100ms so I assume I connected to a server in the mid US


I'm watching formal play some tourney where they spawn with the sniper riffle.. its impressive what he can do with that on controller, yes its assisted, but still, very very good.


Resources are finite when you have had to throw every able body into getting the game out this year.

We spoke briefly (you and I) about project management the other day. I still stand by what I said that they have handled this project poorly at best. Yes, the MP is great and I play it every day. But there is no getting around the paltry map/weapon count and playlist famine for MP. Lack of coop is massive too imo.

Even their content team has had no time to work content on season 2. They are so far behind on that front, that season 1 will last 6 months, and they had to implement the shittiest progression system known to man so that people didn't max it straight away,. They even had to spread an event out over 3 parts lol.

There is no doubt in my mind that they have missed milestone after milestone during the duration of this project. The game plays great and I am hooked, but it all feels so bare when compared to other halos.

People do have a right to express their displeasure at what 343 are releasing
Project managers are in charge of scheduling and defining scope. Again ultimately the technical and creative people just failed to execute. Things like poor battlepass deisgn that creates unplanned work. And the large amount of bugs or poor graphics quality that creates addtional unplanned work is not really the fault of project managers. It's hard to blame the project managers unless you actually work for them and know they mess up scheduling and planning but if the plans have to keep changing because people are failing to deliver, you can't really blame the project managers for pushing things back. The actual managers are more to blame if they aren't actively doing things but we also don't know if they werne't activately doing things

People can express their displeasure at what 343 is releasesing. I have no skin in the game and I don't care about people critisizing them. I've only been replyng to specific ideas that I disagree with. If people say battlepass sucks or this sucks or that sucks or this should have been done for launch. I'd have no gripe with it. But if have an idea that disagree with or think is flawed in relation I'll reply to it. Like earlier in this thread when someone was making in my my mind lousy comparisons to Halo Reach and like you said when we spoke about the project managers being at fault. It was never about how there nothings wrong with the product.


Gold Member
I'm sorry, but how fucking hard can it be to add a social slayer playlist?

I say bullshit to that whole statement. this is clearly them giving in just enough to calm down easily impressed players, while clinging to their plan of drip feeding on content due to the lack thereof.

if it is truly not possible to make a social slayer playlist before next year, they are either even more of an incompetent studio than I thought or their development environment is pure shit, which in retun means that they are even more incompetent than I thought...

so in the end, either they are lying or they are incompetent 🤷‍♂️
the developers of Splitgate can change and add playlists on the fly within days. they once reacted to playlist feedback within a few days and completely remade the whole menu for it and restructured them.

and you are telling me this AAA studio can't add Social Slayer? what a joke
Cool your jets my friend I swear you'll give yourself a hernia. It's only a game, and a free one at that. Just move on.


I feel they need to buff a lot of weapons to make them more useful. Mangler could use some spread. Disruptor could use more damage. And a couple others.


Social Slayer won't be available until after the Holidays??? 343 gonna 343 I guess...

I really hate this type of community manager speak (let’s talk y’all!) but I’m fine with the rollout of new modes, even if it seems ridiculous it’ll take that long. At least the campaign is coming soon to help keep me busy
I really hate this type of community manager speak (let’s talk y’all!) but I’m fine with the rollout of new modes, even if it seems ridiculous it’ll take that long. At least the campaign is coming soon to help keep me busy
Sure, I'm happy with the new modes but I'm really not asking for much here. This is like basic MP game design. Every single Halo game has released with a slayer playlist on day one. I really thought it was coming out on Dec 8th because we are still technically in "beta".
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