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Have you ever cheated?

Have you ever cheated?

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Gold Member
Yes back in the MW2 days when you had to host the cheats to work. I would force host so we could play legit matches and I would get spammed messages from other hackers asking me to leave so they could cheat. Usually the last two games I would fuck about by going invisible and spamming smoke
Could you also change the level of the players? This is what happened to me. After that, unfortunately, I no longer had any desire to play the game.


Years ago when some games were really hard lol, i will look at some video guide's now and then, to do some choices in RPG's the better way, but i don't make myself invincible or overpowered cheats that defeat the purpose of playing a game.


are in a big trouble
Could you also change the level of the players? This is what happened to me. After that, unfortunately, I no longer had any desire to play the game.
Yes, you could I never did that to anyone or messed with their account/stats thought that was a scumbag move. You could give any player in the lobby a mod menu. There were admin VIP and basic menus you could provide to players. Godmod, unlimited ammo, rapid-fire, give weapon, give killstreak, and more. This truly was the first and only time I would be part of the whole "well if you can't beat them join them" club.

The PS3 at the time was flooded with hackers so getting the mod menu just to be able to play legit. It was the only option which was sad. Again if I wanted to have a game of MW2 legit I would have to force host and which blocks all other hackers.
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Gold Member
I’ve never cheated, as there’s no point to doing so.
I like to feel like I accomplished something due to me outplaying my opponents. By cheating you accomplish nothing, nor did you outplay anyone. You simply suck at games and need a program to get a fake win for you.

I’m speaking strictly online competitive games.

In single player games, do whatever you like. I’ve certainly entered God mode codes in games before, because it was so much fun.

Due to how obvious it often is that a person is cheating, and that they really don't seem to care or even wear it like a badge, it doesn't appear to me that winning or getting a free trophy is really the reason in most cases.

I think it's more taking the win away from someone else, being a troll basically. Getting a high from messing up other people's day, because if you can't win, at least you can have fun being a little bitch to everyone else, and getting off on that power that their game is ruined because of you and there's nothing they can do. It's completely consistent with a criminal mindset.

Edit: Holy shit I can't believe this SafeOrAlone guy is looking for my posts to laugh at. He shouldn't even be seeing my posts because mods instructed to put each other on ignore, which I did. This is fucked.
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Back in CS 1.5 and 1.6 days I used to aimbot and wallhack my ass off. Me and my cousins would go into a server and just go crazy until we got banned. Was fun as heck.

And I used to use godmode hacks in maple story.
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It doesn't count as cheating if you put it in her butt right?

Only cheat codes to mess around with things like NBA Jam big head mode or Operation Inner Space ammo/gas/etc.


i've cheated a number of times but not nearly equal to the amount i've had people cheat against me with aim bots / wall hacks / boosting etc

i don't make it a thing, but i've never felt guilty about it and never will, why should i, i find no "honor" in playing video games, they're toys for kids

also, if i see someone else cheating, i don't take it personally or hate, i just laugh and move on (unless there's only like one server to play one i.e quake2 and your only low ping server has ppl aimbotting on it), i find it amusing knowing all the people who are getting so mad and running and crying to the mods, it's an entertaining spectacle.
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I once used a wallhack on a friend's Insurgency server, the Source mod not the standalone game.
it was hilarious seeing him confused how I insta killed him as soon as he was out of cover


When I can enter the Konami code I'll do it!

Answered the question before reading that you ment online cheating lol. I've never cheated online, but I'll cheat in single player games if I can.


I tried some ESP hacks on the DAYZ mod back in the day. Did not last long, maybe 5 min and *BOOM* battle eye strikes my arma II keys. Been having a good chuckle watching all the tarkov hacking as of late.


I remember wanting to cheat around when COD:MW1 was about to become irrelevant.
Didn't want to get my legit account banned, so I googled for MW1 keys and once I found one that actually still worked online, cheated for about 3-4h till I got banned.
It was fun for a while, but no way as fun or satisfying as I imagined. I think that thanks to that experience, I never really felt the urge to cheat as the curiosity of doing it was out of the bag and the whole experience was rather lackluster.




I don’t play multiplayer but sometimes when I’ve had enough of a game but want to see the ending, I’ll change the difficulty to easy.
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Online no never. I have used cheats in single player games because those are just for my enjoyment and one aspect might be annoying, i.e encumbrance etc.


Due to how obvious it often is that a person is cheating, and that they really don't seem to care or even wear it like a badge, it doesn't appear to me that winning or getting a free trophy is really the reason in most cases.

I think it's more taking the win away from someone else, being a troll basically. Getting a high from messing up other people's day, because if you can't win, at least you can have fun being a little bitch to everyone else, and getting off on that power that their game is ruined because of you and there's nothing they can do. It's completely consistent with a criminal mindset.

Yeah, I agree there’s certainly those types.
Actual cheating online should get no mercy from the providers. In an ideal world I'd give one warning, then one second offense brick the machine, delete all associated accounts, and revoke all purchases. I wouldn't advise doing that retaliation in practice though because it's possible to detect a false positive, or to have someone hack another person's machine to destroy them. So, sadly while the hackers deserve total immediate destruction, they won't get it.

Using an exploit (no tools required, just exploiting a bug) in an online game is different of course. As annoying as that is, and while other players should feel free to block you for it, you're just exposing things the devs should fix.

Cheating in solo games is obviously not the same at all. I grew up in the days of Gameshark, when cheat codes were like ways of extending and modding a game for more fun.
I've always been good at game, never really felt the need...

I mean I was never really top of the leaderboards on anything but I was always the top dog between my friends and that was enough for me...


Yeah I used to break the FIFA TOS all the time by buying and selling coins (virtual currency), gameplay wise no,

No but I did try exclusively team killing for about a week and had the time of my life.

Was this in Siege? I miss the good old days when it was the wild west and there was no bans or penalties for stuff like this :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Was this in Siege? I miss the good old days when it was the wild west and there was no bans or penalties for stuff like this :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Nah at the time I was playing a good amount of time playing warhawk and UT3, which both had plently of friendly fire games going. Someone here had posted and ode to lolman at the time and I was like "i wonder what that's like". It was awesome. You start just racking up this string of hatemail in your messages box, get used to everyone yelling your name and calling you the dirtiest things they can think of on chat, your own team turning their attention to killing you and losing even harder, and other joys I did not expect to come from it.


Nah at the time I was playing a good amount of time playing warhawk and UT3, which both had plently of friendly fire games going. Someone here had posted and ode to lolman at the time and I was like "i wonder what that's like". It was awesome. You start just racking up this string of hatemail in your messages box, get used to everyone yelling your name and calling you the dirtiest things they can think of on chat, your own team turning their attention to killing you and losing even harder, and other joys I did not expect to come from it.
Sounds awesome, everyone takes it way too seriously nowadays to be able to have fun like that.
Used to cheat in Diablo 1 when I was a kiddo. Someone teached me how to dupe items in a game and I was super excited and felt like a hacker.. I kept duping items... ah being young and naive lol
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Never cheated on neither online games neither My girlfriend.

Hopefully she hasn't cheated me though 🤣


Once, around 2001 Asus released a graphics card driver with a builtin wallhack. Tried it in quake 3, it was disorienting, you could see straight through all the walls through the whole map at once. Still got stomped and was called out for it.


Aimbotting and wallhacking was fun for about a week in CS 0.6 or 0.7. And I regularly use trainers/cheatcodes in SP city builder games like anno.


Hard to Kill
I have always felt if I ever needed to cheat in an online game I would quit playing online

I have however "cheated" in single player games to make my experience more fun like getting unlimited resources or money or something along those line but strictly in single player games
My experience too, never online but for single player games , I don't really care, if it helps me avoid farming and things like that why not.Because for single player if it fuck the experience at least it fucks just my experience, if it were online I'd be an asshole not deserving any "win".cheat toi avoid tediousness and it is barely even cheating.
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Never cheated on online games. Always hated cheaters and ruins the purpose of trying to git gud and to me thats where i get fun from. Even in offline games on PC i just used mods for cosmetics or some QoL improments.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
I’ve exploited shit (destiny Lightfall boss under stairs most recent) but never outwardly cheated.


I remember on Gears of War for 360 there was a crab walking glitch. I used to do that to combat other users who used it.

I'm sure I've pushed a few more minor, patchable exploits in my time, but haven't ever used an aimbot, invincibility etc etc.


In Single Player? Sure.

For multiplayer, almost never, definitely not for anything competitive. GTAO money yes, but just enough for the crew to get some fun cars and have enough in the bank to blow at the casinos.


on his gravestone: "never cheated online"

LPT: no one cares if you cheated / didn't cheat and no one ever will, just like no one will ever look at your trophies/gamer score

imagine caring this much about video games


For online game - NEVER!
for offline game - only in the old days when I played PC. On Playstation it's difficult (unless it's paid cheat content that I never bought :D)


My experience too, never online but for single player games , I don't really care, if it helps me avoid farming and things like that why not.Because for single player if it fuck the experience at least it fucks just my experience, if it were online I'd be an asshole not deserving any "win".cheat toi avoid tediousness and it is barely even cheating.
I agree with this as well, for me the big ass AC rpgs are literally unplayable without trainers.


In an online game - never and I'm all for banning people who cheat.

In a singleplayer game - sure, I used cheats if the game was really tough or the cheats allowed to have more fun in the open world.


There was an online FPS I was really into for a few years in my mid teens. Clans, ladder matches, tournaments.

Of course I got curious. I'd just play under a random name on random servers and tried them out. It's pretty obvious when someone has wall hacks and I got banned from a few less popular servers.

That's about it.
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