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I don’t get gamepass… I want to own my games am I the only one here?


I do both. Buy games I want to own. Rent games I'm curious about or just bored with. This has been a regular practice since Blockbuster Video. How is this all of a sudden a weird thing?

Game pass isn't analogous to movie rentals. If you could just rent the one game you want to try then it might be.
My issue with any rental subscriptions is that I play games on my own timetable and sometimes I take years and years before i get around to finishing a game. Plus the games I really wanna play right away are not in the services.
I'd be better off with more demos and time trials tbh. At least then I'll know if I like the game and can get it and finish it whenever without anything leaving a service.


Gold Member
Game pass isn't analogous to movie rentals. If you could just rent the one game you want to try then it might be.
Ehhh, Potato, Potahto to me. In the SNES and Genesis days, my dad would take me to rent a couple of games every weekend. I'd imagine that would come out more than the $10 I spend a month on PC gamepass and that was almost 30 years ago. BlockBuster turned to Hollywood Video, then came Gamefly, now it's Xbox Gamepass. You're right, it's not analogous. Xbox PC Gamepass is cheaper then what my family spent 3 decades ago.

Movie rentals you would pay 3-4 bucks to have the movie for what...1...2 days? I've had Death Stranding on Gamepass for what, damn near a year now? Blockbuster would be garnishing my checks by now if that were the case. Also, to be clear. I do OWN Death Stranding. I have a Physical Copy on PS4. I would have double dipped too on PC if it didn't come out on Gamepass.

People really need to work their brain a bit more...stop thinking in binary solutions. There are more than 2 ways to skin a cat.
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Gold Member
My "gamepass":


It's wonderful, nothing leaves and I don't need to worry about paying an ongoing subscription to maintain access.
For now.

Fox Tv Fire GIF by Bob's Burgers
I like owning my own games, the problem is that there are alot of games that come out I would like to play so game pass allows me to try them without having to pay full price. Starfield is a good example for me, I wouldn't normally think i have time to play a game like that so wouldn't bother buying it, but through game pass I was able to play it and enjoy it for around 30 hours so far.
Games that I do enjoy I buy such as Hades which I played via game pass and enjoyed.
Why buy a game brand new when you can play on a pass for a month, then buy it later for a fraction of the price if you truly do want to own it?

I paid fuck all for gamepass ultimate stacking gold for 3 years (managed to do that twice). It's a no brainer. Nothing about "low income" it's about trying games i'd have never bothered with for free. Plus getting some great brand new games I would have paid for, for free. A years game pass is less than a new AAA game price.

"Owning" your own games is a digital library is an illusion anyway.


Gold Member
These subs mostly end up being glorified demos, it's great for kids but for adults with limited time and being able to afford a game they want, it's mostly "oh this game is on gamepass/ps+ let me quickly download" 1hour later "ah, that is why I didn't buy this originally" escape/delete/Uninstall.

Doesn't mean both subs don't have winners, sea of stars Is great, dead space remaster soon is great, I do however spend most my time on these subs scrolling through the lists of games and feeling like I don't want to play any of it.
I don't understand the "for people with limited time it's better to just buy games" perspective. Even if you can afford it, why are you electing to spend up to $70 per game, or more with some editions, if you barely have to play them? I also have limited time so I end up waiting until games are on sale to buy them because my backlog is so full. It's a total waste of money for me to buy at release knowing that by the time I get to finish them they'll cost half as much. Even $40 for some games seems like a stretch unless I'm absolutely sure I'll love them.

Sub services have helped me budget my time and money. For less than $200 I've spent on them in the past 20 months I've been able to try and play what would have cost me well over $2K without a subscription to buy new just to be able to try them. Developers still got paid for the time I spent and I saved money. The difference is that I don't own everything I played, but so what? It's not like I'm going to have time to go back and play most of it again anyway. But I have purchased more than I would have otherwise.

I do understand the scrolling through a list of crap to find something you want to play concern, as PS+ and game pass both have loads of stuff I don't think I'll like. It's like going to Netflix or the Redbox and scrolling through the never-ending list of movie poster thumbnails and not seeing any pictures that jump out at you. But I've found that in a lot of cases I enjoy something I didn't think I would like, and would never even have tried, if I had to buy it first. I try 6 or 7 different smaller, less popular games per month and end up loving so many of them. It's a really good option to have.


There’s been a plethora of indie games I wouldn’t have played without Game Pass.
I’m sure they’d get more money if I purchased the game instead of playing it on Game Pass, but I wouldn’t have done that.

If you like a game and want to digitally “own” it, then do that. Nothing stops you.


Gold Member
I had GamePass Ultimate for 3 years, and it works if you are totally happy to play the games on the service and only the games on the service and when they disappear you just forget they existed, of course with a heavy reliance on MS' games. This is the only use case that really makes any sense to me. Like even if I loved AOE4 (and I do, it's great), it makes more sense just to buy AOE4 and play that a lot than it does to stay subscribed to GP to play AOE4.

I know it also lets you try a lot of games, like say Cities Skyline 2 this month, but then it just becomes yet another competitor for your time, and if you're also buying games on Steam or PS or whatever then it just doesn't make sense. For example, Spiderman 2 looks like an absolute must play, if I buy that, then my GP is going to waste. And of courrse, this is the situation that MS wants you to be placed in, obviously choosing to stick with GP and stay there excusively.
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are in a big trouble
As a collector I find the future of gaming sad. I've said it here so many times by 2028 onward cloud gaming will be the norm in most countries but at this stage I'm sort of getting used to it because I'm mainly a pc gamer.


I try to avoid subscriptions whenever possible. They are setup to make money not lose them. So even if it seems like a good deal it requires careful financial planning. Of course if you are on that 1 EUR/USD for years program its different. But I am talking about the standard fees. I tend to buy more games per year than I even play, and even that is maybe 5-10 games a year nearly always on sale.
As the original buyer of a physical game you are probably not going to get your moneys worth compared to playing on a sub unless you play that game for years and years, i'm sure we can agree that the number of games we fully get value out of compared to the amount we spent is going to be a small amount of games. If you buy many games, you cannot play every game for years so on average you will spend more on games than you would if you played on a sub for the same cost sunk.

However, when you think about the second hand market, one physical game that you buy new and then later sell is bought by someone else who then plays it and sells it on and on down the line. Only the money from that initial sale goes to the publisher. So, if a game ends up being played by 10 people the publisher could in theory have charged each of those people 1/10th of the money that the game cost new to subscribe to play it and still make the same amount of revenue. Each of those 10 consumers could have played the game for the same amount of time and effectively had a greater enjoyment/cost ratio whilst also giving the publisher the same revenue. In essence yes you are right, a sub service is setup to make the publisher more money but that doesn't mean that the customer has to equally lose that amount for it to pay off.

If anything the sub providers are stealing that revenue away from brick and mortar shops, Ebay, courier firms etc. rather than the consumer.
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Gamepass is a demo service, rental service, hit it and quit it service for me. I don't renew often and only pay when i'm interested in something.
I have purchased zero XBOX games since last gen.

I like to own my games and Xbox makes it so i don't. So i wont invest in the platform.


Cool... Buy your games then.

Basically sums up the entire debate for this thread.

If you play the games you buy over and over again, GP might not be for you. If however, you mostly play the games you buy once or twice through and are finished with them (totally me), than GP is perfect for you.
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Gold Member
For me, it's not about owning vs. renting so much as the time and variety issues. If I gamed for hours every day and enjoyed a wide variety of genres, GP would be a great deal. But I only play for maybe a few hours per week, and my tastes are pretty defined. So GP (or PS's service) have never seemed worthwhile for me. I've signed up for both of them at times, then always ended up feeling as if it wasn't for me.

I do like owning games, because it gives me the option of popping them in whenever I want. Many are not available on sub services.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Yep I feel sorry for all the people who wasted their money on renting movies from blockbuster, meanwhile I have my collection of VHS movies I purchased to keep me warm at night.


The existence of some exceptions doesn't make it 'not true'.

Most of my games are digital, I can still play all of them. One day the servers will go down, sure. One day I will die too. One day the sun will go out. In the long run we're all dead. Until then, we have games we - to all intents and purposes - own and can play whenever we want.

Nothing is forever, we know that. Even physical game discs will cease to work over time. Consoles themselves will die out, when the internal soldered SSD on the PS5 dies, the whole thing will have to go into landfill.
Yeah, but I was talking about your other point.

Most people don't play most games for days, months or years on end. You play Kirby, or Mario, or Uncharted or Spider-Man once during a long weekend, and then it goes back on the shelf. It makes as much sense to own those as it makes sense to own a movie on DVD after you've played/watched them.

The games you play for months on end, are games you can't even buy/own since they're mostly gaas or subscription based


I get the point for a service like GamePass and it's nice to have the choice of using such services, but personally I have no interest in it, just like I don't have interest in PS+ outside of paywalled online multiplayer.


Yeah, but I was talking about your other point.

Most people don't play most games for days, months or years on end. You play Kirby, or Mario, or Uncharted or Spider-Man once during a long weekend, and then it goes back on the shelf. It makes as much sense to own those as it makes sense to own a movie on DVD after you've played/watched them.

The games you play for months on end, are games you can't even buy/own since they're mostly gaas or subscription based

Saying something which isn't true a second time doesn't make it any less wrong. I have played loads of games for a long time which I bought. Some of the most popular multiplayer games can be bought. Also there are plenty of single player games with very long play times and/or significant replay value.

Here's my Steam games sorted by most played. (Half Life 2 numbers are wrong because Steam didn't calculate them until years later - it will be probably a few hundred hours as I replayed it loads.)

(despite what it says, the link above should work without being logged in)

On Xbox my most played game is Forza Horizon 4 at nearly 4,000 hours. I certainly did buy it.

On EA (PC) I've played Battlefield 3 and 4 for a gigantic amount of time over the years as well.
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Game Pass was a big part of why I finally ditched physical and now go digital as much as possible. I'd want to re-play some game I bought physical a long time ago, and I'd notice it was on Game Pass and I could just install it from there instead of having to go through a bunch of dusty cardboard boxes from when I moved three years ago, saving me from having a huge pain in my ass. After a while, I was just buying digital versions of games I already owned physically. If there's one thing I don't mind paying for, it's convenience.


Saying something which isn't true a second time doesn't make it any less wrong. I have played loads of games for a long time which I bought. Some of the most popular multiplayer games can be bought. Also there are plenty of single player games with very long play times and/or significant replay value.

Here's my Steam games sorted by most played. (Half Life 2 numbers are wrong because Steam didn't calculate them until years later - it will be probably a few hundred hours as I replayed it loads.)

(despite what it says, the link above should work without being logged in)

On Xbox my most played game is Forza Horizon 4 at nearly 4,000 hours. I certainly did buy it.

On EA (PC) I've played Battlefield 3 and 4 for a gigantic amount of time over the years as well.
Okay, we're kinda talking about different things here.

You're talking about your own experiences, I'm talking about the average player.

I mean, there are people like you when it comes to movies. They've watched Lord of the Rings or Friends at least 20 times, and they probably own the boxsets for those. But for most people watching it once on a streaming service is perfectly fine.


Okay, we're kinda talking about different things here.

You're talking about your own experiences, I'm talking about the average player.

I mean, there are people like you when it comes to movies. They've watched Lord of the Rings or Friends at least 20 times, and they probably own the boxsets for those. But for most people watching it once on a streaming service is perfectly fine.

Multiplayer games have infinite replay value, people typically buy them to play for a long period, that is exactly what the average player of those games does. Also some single player games have a lot of replay value and/or have infinite replay value too (Resident Evil Revelations raid mode for example). You don't seem to know what you're talking about, unfortunately. Nothing you are saying makes any sense. I think I'll end this conversation here.
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I really do wonder how you people played games before game pass was a thing. I hate sub services in gaming and just sub services in general. The idea of never owning something yet paying a company monthly to rent something is absurd.
I hate it in life in general (mobile phones, renting houses etc) but where it can be avoided, I'm not certain why anyone would constantly rent to never own. Each to their own but this isn't the path gaming wants to go down. It hasn't worked out well for the music industry with places like Spotify ruining what artists get paid from physical sales (oh but you can STILL BUY YOUR MUSIC.....) and it is starting to ruin tv/film with streaming (just check out all these strikes with workers not getting paid what they should). If you think gaming is immune (you can still buy games with a sub service yet game sales are WAY down on Xbox) then good luck to you.


It’s the inexorable march of progress. The good news is that you still have the option of buying what you want despite the existence of those other services.
Didn't I just see the latest headlines in the States that big retailers are starting to phase out selling Blu Ray films now, cause streaming is the preferred way of watching films?
I could have sworn I also saw that here in Australia, Disney are not distributing any of their films on Blu Ray anymore. But i'm sure this is just a temporary thing as sub services are good for everyone and won't stop ANYONE from buying to own what they want...


I am not a fan of GP. Not because of the ownership thing. But because it takes the power away from consumers who when buying per title can vote with their wallet on the types of games they want to be successful. Subscription services hands this power completely to the owner of the service.
I never thought of this actually.... But i guess I should have when Netflix cancelled season 2 of Julie and the Phantoms and put out like season 16 of karate kid...
We are at the mercy of their shitty decisions...
I don't understand the "for people with limited time it's better to just buy games" perspective. Even if you can afford it, why are you electing to spend up to $70 per game, or more with some editions, if you barely have to play them? I also have limited time so I end up waiting until games are on sale to buy them because my backlog is so full. It's a total waste of money for me to buy at release knowing that by the time I get to finish them they'll cost half as much. Even $40 for some games seems like a stretch unless I'm absolutely sure I'll love them.

Sub services have helped me budget my time and money. For less than $200 I've spent on them in the past 20 months I've been able to try and play what would have cost me well over $2K without a subscription to buy new just to be able to try them. Developers still got paid for the time I spent and I saved money. The difference is that I don't own everything I played, but so what? It's not like I'm going to have time to go back and play most of it again anyway. But I have purchased more than I would have otherwise.

I do understand the scrolling through a list of crap to find something you want to play concern, as PS+ and game pass both have loads of stuff I don't think I'll like. It's like going to Netflix or the Redbox and scrolling through the never-ending list of movie poster thumbnails and not seeing any pictures that jump out at you. But I've found that in a lot of cases I enjoy something I didn't think I would like, and would never even have tried, if I had to buy it first. I try 6 or 7 different smaller, less popular games per month and end up loving so many of them. It's a really good option to have.
Well put. This idea of "just buy it!" screams of corporate buggery. And the shaming and accusations of "you broke son" is just average consumers being used as puppets to do free business by higher ups.

I've yet to see a legitimate reason given to buy digital games on day one. Can't sell them, can't lend them, can't refund them. That makes this industry the absolute worst anti-consumer market out there. Imagine buying other products that you don't know the quality of until after you've purchased it, and then not being able to get a refund. Absolutely ridiculous, and if the market accepts that level of service, then that's exactly what they deserve.


I am not a fan of GP. Not because of the ownership thing. But because it takes the power away from consumers who when buying per title can vote with their wallet on the types of games they want to be successful. Subscription services hands this power completely to the owner of the service.

Buy the games then. Games are still being sold despite Gamepass. That is a poor argument.


Buy the games then. Games are still being sold despite Gamepass. That is a poor argument.
Yeah you keep saying this... That wasn't the argument he was making.
Where the fuck am I going to buy Julie and the Phantoms season 2 if Netflix never makes it?


Yeah you keep saying this... That wasn't the argument he was making.
Where the fuck am I going to buy Julie and the Phantoms season 2 if Netflix never makes it?

The thread is about Gamepass not about Netflix. The original post is about Gamepass not Netflix.
All the games released on Gamepass are for sale. So what's the argument?


The thread is about Gamepass not about Netflix. The original post is about Gamepass not Netflix.
All the games released on Gamepass are for sale. So what's the argument?
No sir the thread is inherently about the subscription....
His argument was about being beholden to what the subscription service provider chooses and chooses not to produce!


Meh. I don't give a shit about "owning" 90% of games. Just my favorites. Game pass is great for those games you play and then move on from.


The nicest person on this forum
I personally dont care for it but it will give people choice, to me thats no different than when we used rent games from Blockbuster.


I don't get it either. I don't play games like that. I am not going in and out of a lot of games. I stick to relatively few games if not one game at a time. There's a learning curve with games so switching in and out of games is kind of like starting and quitting job after job. I've never been one to play everything or constantly play games. It would get too repetitive and monotonous. And with a subscription...I would feel like I have to play constantly to make use of it.

I get the math tho. IF you're going to pay $60 for a game and it's on GP for $15/mo and the game is relatively short then ...I get it. But I also know there's no such thing as a free lunch. So not sure how that world works where they can give away $60 games for $15.
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