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I was told to 'kill myself with a gun' tonight while playing Rocket League


never left the stone age
It happens. I was told to "Kill Kinessa, then yourself" while playing Paladins, I just sassed back and they shut up after a little while. They think they're these hardcore motherfuckers on the internet lol

No, stop posting this. This theory was thoroughly debunked by counterexample of the very people who authored it. People are assholes whether or not they have an audience. They don't become one because they're anonymous, they just are one at all times and whenever they can get away with it, they'll carry it to the extremes. This is why multiplayer games for a while now have featured report/block/mute functionality, and it's good that the OP availed himself of such, but we can do better than this by making it so that serial griefers get the same treatment as serial cheaters. It sucks that game makers have to spend significant resources on features designed to thwart psychopaths online, but here we are.

Twitter and Facebook especially have disproved this for years
But that's the thing . . . we won the match lol. I missed a save and they scored a goal but I had a higher goal & point total than he did. Still got told to end my life lol. I was shocked by it, but not offended. But I can see how someome might be, you know? I don't necessarily think that putting 'Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB' quite covers the possibility that someone might tell you to pick up a loaded weapon and kill yourself with it.

Again, I get it, I am probably overthinking it. Still . . . what the fuck dude.
Why are you trying to explain. People are real life serial killers for no reason

People are very selfish and will say things for a ton of reasons. No need to explain. I can assume another 1000 reasons why they will say kill yourself, hope your mom dies. It doesn't matter, they are nothing to me and what should I care? Oh, he said die? Mmmmm pizza, nom nom.


I love Rocket League but you do get some total fucktards.

Does Psyonix even ban people? I used to report people but it never seemed to make a difference.

I have even had people come into my steam profile after a game and tell me to kill myself on my profile messages. These assholes would never have the bottle to say shit like that in real life face to face.


Not the main reason why I only play single player games but definitely a contender for a reason to continue sticking to my current gaming habits. People can be so ugly.
It's always the player with the lowest score who rages the most. I just laugh and point to their total.

That is way too common.

Usually when teammates start to whine/insult I just take my sweet time to tell them to stfu or I'll throw the game. Then they either leave or get in line. It's not worth it putting up with asshats teammates for an entire match.


Unless people get permanently banned for this type of behavior, it will go on.

Temporary bans do nothing.

I'm all in favor of harsher punishment.
I mean really?? What the hell?

And by the way, this is the third time IN A WEEK I've been told to kill myself while playing this game.

I love Rocket League. It's my favorite MP game, and has been for a year and a half. But you know what's not my favorite? Being told repeatedly to commit suicide!

I may be sheltered, as I don't play many MP games, but is this a common thing in MP titles? I mean are there folks demanding you 'end yourself' in Destiny matches if you miss that one bad guy in the corner? Overwatch? The Division?

The folks playing Rocket League sure are salty as fuck. And by the way, this was my TEAM MATE. And I had a higher score / goal total than him! STILL I should end my life!

Am I overreacting? I reported him for it. Even one of the opposing team mates posted 'Damn man lol' after he said that. I'm not in the wrong for thinking this is extreme, right? I won't be crying myself to sleep or anything, but I felt compelled to discuss.
Calm tf down, not a big deal man lol


Why are you using voice chat with randoms?

Rule #1 of online gaming: Do not Engage the community.

Communicate only by in game pings. Voice chat is for use with friends only. Randoms have nothing of value to say to you.


Yea people online or on the internet are shit and have no respect or decency. I just mute those assholes and report them because there certainly has not been a movement big enough to fix the horrible shit behaviour and talk on the internet.
Welcome to the Internet. I'm not a Rocket League guy, but if there's a "mute player" button/option in the game use it and don't let the garbage talk get to you. It's my best friend in CS:GO and Overwatch in the rare instances I have to use it.
Calm tf down, not a big deal man lol

Well I don't think I need to be told to 'calm down,' I'm perfectly calm lol. But try and imagine not having that experience while playing the game and then in the span of a week being told to kill myself three times. That warrants an open discussion, doesn't it? That's what this is.


Cowards. Can't act like that in real life so they use the anonimity of internet to show how disgusting they are. The punishments should be more severe. Instant console bans imo.
I don't know why they added the ability to type on consoles. Don't like it one bit.

Rocket League and Overwatch are both two of the most toxic games I've recently played.


Sometimes I get this as well. Doesn't faze me one bit but I never remain quiet about it. I'll outsmart them (which is easy because they are idiots) and make them look like idiots to the other people in the match, making the popular opinion be that they are the ones who are not wanted there.
It's always fun for your mates to suck. Go die in siege in five seconds and then leave you in a five on one where you get shot in the back and they all want to remove you for dying. As long as you run, kill yourself or anything before they die your ok


Someone told me that they hoped I'd 'get lynched while my family watches' the other day over the Internet. People are assholes sometimes, especially when anonymity comes into play. Online gaming chats are no exception. I don't like it, but there's not much that can be done, unfortunately...


Take a candy and move on.

Yea people online or on the internet are shit and have no respect or decency. I just mute those assholes and report them because there certainly has not been a movement big enough to fix the horrible shit behaviour and talk on the internet.

Yes because the "real world" is all nice and candyworld, only the Internet is evil and shittyland.
Cowards. Can't act like that in real life so they use the anonimity of internet to show how disgusting they are. The punishments should be more severe. Instant console bans imo.

Honestly, I feel like this is more on the game's developer's side in terms of management. I don't think this dude should be banned from any online gaming full-stop for saying it. But, I think Psyonix should definitely have a ban procedure in place to take care of shit like this. Would not be anything but a good thing for the community if you know getting reported, with proof (this was a text comment) will result in a two week online play ban for first offence, then a perma for the second. Nothing wrong with instituting a zero-tolerance policy covering this.

Again, I'm not crying over it, but do I want to be told repeatedly to kill myself? No. Do I feel like I'M the one who has to turn off the text chat feature to avoid it? No!


It shouldn't happen, but it does. People can say and do pretty much whatever the hell they want behind their internet anonymity.

Nintendo is the only company that has put in the effort for this sort of thing. But they have swung too far in the other direction with too much censorship and moderation. But as a family focused company I don't blame them as there is a fair amount of kids and young teens on Miiverse.


Report and move on. Happens in every popular multiplayer game.

Mute and never go back. I'm curious what people's experience with Dischord (or similar apps) has been. I will never unmute multiplayer video games again.


Trucker Sexologist
No, stop posting this. This theory was thoroughly debunked by counterexample of the very people who authored it. People are assholes whether or not they have an audience. They don't become one because they're anonymous, they just are one at all times and whenever they can get away with it, they'll carry it to the extremes. This is why multiplayer games for a while now have featured report/block/mute functionality, and it's good that the OP availed himself of such, but we can do better than this by making it so that serial griefers get the same treatment as serial cheaters. It sucks that game makers have to spend significant resources on features designed to thwart psychopaths online, but here we are.
The thing that allows them to get away with it is their anonymity. Literally no one would do this is if the cops would show up to their house afterwards.


That kind of behaviour is pretty much expected when playing online, just ignore it, seriously, it's just some trolls saying/writing something. The more people react to this, the more they wanna do it.
That's not very nice.

Why are people people telling him to move on and forget about it when we don't even know whether he's a hot lesbian?


I turned off the text chat with the other team in Rocket League about a month after the game came out. It was good natured at first, then it turned to salty comments, then gradually I saw more and more just straight up messed up comments. It doesn't bother me, I have pretty thick skin when it comes to that stuff but I just turned it off at that point because I play RL to have fun, not see that that stuff constantly.


Report and move on. Happens in every popular multiplayer game.

Accept a friend request after winning a game in Hearthstone at your peril lol.

Never been raged on more than Hearthstone. I still accept all friend requests though it's always hilarious to see how tilted they are. Funny thing is I usually can't even respond because they say a bunch of shit then unfriend.


I have never been told that in all of my online play time. Rocket league or elsewhere but I don't doubt it. Move on. Ignore it and don't waste your time thinking about it.
you're not overreacting but yeah you get some hugely trollish behavior in online games. Ebb and flow, I haven't really seen anything in a few months but there were a few bits of racism and typical kill yourself, your momma, homophobic slurs, etc in the spring in varied games - Overwatch, Destiny, Rainbow Six, Division, BO3, GTA Online, etc.

I guess I'm just inured to it, it would have to be a really exquisite insult for me to really even notice anymore - just report, mute, and problem solved as far as I am concerned.

I actually am kinda happy if someone takes the huge amount of time to send me an actual MESSAGE on a console or PC to whine, only had it happen a few times but its pretty glorious to think that some kid or guy took the time to write down my name, quit the game, and send a message detailing the florid ways in which I am cheating/hacking and why I should quit playing/die/etc. Sadly my skill is so poor that the number of times its actually happened I could count on one hand.

To me the bigger problem always is people who leave their goddamn mic open and have the TV on or conversations happening in the background. I play with the sound off 50% of the time but damn if listening to some guy and girl yell at each other about dinner or the kids isn't sad/hilarious.


It sounds like you were getting under their skin. This can lead to hilarious results in online MP as competitors act like petulant children. Ignore or report and have a good laugh about it.


Welcome to online multiplayer.

For a better experience, just do party chat with your friends. Otherwise, just turn off voice chat completely.

Even when playing alone I start a party and then set it to private. It's easy and you get to game in peace.


Take a candy and move on.

Yes because the "real world" is all nice and candyworld, only the Internet is evil and shittyland.

Did I say that? No, people in general are shit. The world is not a kind place and I would hope that's obvious. The anonymity of the internet lets people act more openly in their shitty ways.
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