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I was told to 'kill myself with a gun' tonight while playing Rocket League


Agreed. People shrugging their shoulders at this abhorrent behavior is why it's an integral part of gaming online nowadays.

"Grow a thicker skin"
"It's just banter" (AKA, the 'locker room' talk defense)
"Ignore and move on"

Really disappointed with these responses and expected more thoughtful replies from GAF. It's long overdue that we held these companies to the fire for allowing toxic behavior to flourish unchecked.


This thread is a good example of why the bad things about gaming will never change. Multiplayer has always been like an exercise in masochism to me.


You did? I didn't. Did you read my post? Do you not feel like this warrants at least a discussion, why this is a thing? If not, why are you in this thread?

Why is it a thing? Because people are horrible creatures when they know they're anonymous.

It just kind of comes out, who knew.

Highly doubtful anyone's gonna come up with a viable non-human moderation method for every little case, so in the meantime, i think most gamers just naturally...develop a tuning method for it?

I've been having and observing people tell me to kill myself in all sorts of ways online since i was like, 12-14 lol. It's not like it's a new thing, people can just do it on voice chat now.

Doesn't make it any less abhorrent, but what can you do lol


I had a similar story with that game; love the game but the community has gotten pretty sour. I hadn't played the game in months so my first game back I was rusty as hell, timing was way off and just messing up left and right and getting in the way.

My teammate kept typing in the chat 'kys'. Every so often, 'kys' 'kys'. Finally someone on the other team said '?' as apparently they didn't know what it meant either. I don't pay much attention to the chat but just figured it was some new online lingo the kids are saying these days.

When the other team guy asked that question the guy on my team said "not you, hoodbury". Match kept going and he kept saying 'kys'. Finally the other team guy said 'what does kys mean?" So the guy on my team said "Kill Yourself".

I"ll be honest that I was taken aback when I saw that's what he was conveying towards me for trivial stuff in a video game like missing a crossing pass or bumping into him while both of us went for the ball.

Figured he was maybe a bad apple so left after the match and joined a new lobby and once again people were toxic as hell and again using 'kys'.

I've been online gaming since it's inception and this is the first time someone told me to kill myself. I laughed it off and made a joke about it (after the guy asked what 'kys' meant I replied "Kissing you softly" and he lol'd before the teammate typed out what it really meant". But it's still a pretty serious thing in my opinion. As a parent I'm worried about bullying and the stories I've heard and what I've seen on the news of what it does to some kids and I just think it's wrong that this is so prevalent in games now.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Mute, report (if you can be bothered) and move on.

Or you can come back with something clever. That used to shut them up back in my day.

Halo 2

Random dude: "I fucked your mum last night"
Me: "I don't have a mum, my dad and I share yours"

Pretty much ended the banter right there.


I don't think you're overracting, and this kind of shit is really, really, really, REALLY stupid. I wish people had just a little bit of sense before vomiting shit through their mouths on the internet (wich includes online gaming). Yeah, this kind of stuff pisses me off as well... That's why I always mute everyone when I play with randoms.

Unfortunately I believe that there's not much you can do other than report the player. If you, for a coincidence, recorded it with the chat audio maybe you could make a more seve report. Not sure how much these things works though.
If i made a thread for everytime some douchebag tells me mean stuff online i would be permabanned for spamming the site, just move on and stop crying about it.

This post is basically a defense for having an open discussion about it then, isn't it? Shitty language like what I described doesn't offend me. I'd rather not see it, and I think it's worth talking about. That's all I'm saying dude, and you keep saying stop crying about it, I think I've said at least three times that 'I get it, I'm not crying myself to sleep.' You are ignoring the intent of the thread, or you don't understand.
I mean really?? What the hell?

And by the way, this is the third time IN A WEEK I've been told to kill myself while playing this game.

I love Rocket League. It's my favorite MP game, and has been for a year and a half. But you know what's not my favorite? Being told repeatedly to commit suicide!

I may be sheltered, as I don't play many MP games, but is this a common thing in MP titles? I mean are there folks demanding you 'end yourself' in Destiny matches if you miss that one bad guy in the corner? Overwatch? The Division?

The folks playing Rocket League sure are salty as fuck. And by the way, this was my TEAM MATE. And I had a higher score / goal total than him! STILL I should end my life!

Am I overreacting? I reported him for it. Even one of the opposing team mates posted 'Damn man lol' after he said that. I'm not in the wrong for thinking this is extreme, right? I won't be crying myself to sleep or anything, but I felt compelled to discuss.

No, you're not. Stuff like this should be an instant hour ban, followed by a day ban if it's repeated and just increase it as it continues until the user gets themselves perma banned. There's no good excuse for devs to not implement a system like this. The only reason this shit still flies is because the audience are complacent, 99% say yeah that's how it is, suck it up and move on, yet for instance were it someone being sexist or racist you're not going to be told to just suck it up. Ironically, the N word flies a whole lot on Rocket League too, along with homophobia. It's not effectively getting people bans clearly due to the frequency it continues at.

Unfortunately even this thread is evidence that people are complacent to it. The majority seem to agree you should suck it up, even if these words occasionally land on someone who may be legitimately having suicidal thoughts. It's a shame because people are happy to admit there's a problem in online gaming when it comes to sexual/racial descrimination, but to a degree some of it is an extension of the allowance of toxicity in the environments in the first place. At the end of the day it's a game, not a platform for harassment or spreading hate, we already have Twitter for that and the devs should definitely consider harsher punishments to foster a more positive community.
side note but it really pisses me off how normalized this shit is

reading this thread almost every other post is basically like, "ehh, just shrug it off that's just how it is"

makes me sad
Indeed. Really making gamers seem like a greeeeeeat bunch of people if this is just part of our "inherent nature" or whatever and can't be changed and just is what it is and something people have to accept. That people can't help but send death threats to every other person they interact with. Reallllly elevating that hobby, and making it really seem worth defending there and something others should really bother giving a try, that thing where people sending deaths threats even to people on their own team is some common-place thing that we just gotta accept.

WTF is wrong with gaming, and wtf is wrong with people that that has become something that's so common and we just gotta "accept." Fuck that. There's nothing whatsoever tolerable or acceptable about that in the least. Even if that has become commonplace, that's by no means reason to just roll over and accept it. That only makes the problem worse, when you accept that as part of your culture or lingo or whatever. Death threats should not be acceptable or considered normal, no matter what. It's not a matter of having thick or thin skin, or something being common or rare, but having basic fucking human decency and respect for each other and even if that's rare, having it anyway and not tolerating otherwise because there's nothing to tolerate.

Some worth videogames must have, if this is truly some norm that we just gotta accept, for better or worth. What a joke. Must not be worth much if these are the type of people they inevitably attract, time after time, and not only does it attract them, they also attract leagues of people who don't do it themselves but are still more than happy to embrace the status quo and chide others for not doing the same because "that just is how is."

I mean, it's bad enough that online communities attract these types to begin with. But then attracting people who for whatever reason just embrace or accept this type of behavior as just the norm in any way on top of that? I can't begin to explain the mixture of pure rage and depression that makes me feel. I mean, I get it. People feel powerless to do anything about it. That's valid. But even if we can't do anything about it, that's still no reason to treat it like nothing and as if it doesn't matter at all, when this type of thing does have real effects on people and is terrible regardless of whether we can do anything about it or not and regardless of how common it is.


This happens in half of all pub Overwatch games on PC, same with CSGO and Dota 2, and CS:S and Dota before them.

Online gaming community outside of places like GAF is unbelievably toxic. It's not a myth that these people are angry and horrible, it's reality and has been for a really long time now.


Idk bro today in overwatch told me "bro just that controller that you can't fucking use and choke your self with it like the cock you had last night".


Peeps are getting more creative with their insults I see. In my day all you heard was variations of "Kill urself my man", "Delete your game" and "I fucked your mum/sister".

There does come a point where the insults stop bothering you and you brush them off and start laughing at them though, especially when they get creative, like that controller one gave me a good chuckle.
Lemme ask something: if this was about gamergate, you would totally sympathetic to the OP, right?

You can't just pick and choose which deplorable behaviors are acceptable, GAF.


Report and move on. Happens in every popular multiplayer game.

I've been reporting people with disgusting user names for over a year now and I bet not a single one of them has had action taken against them. Rocket League community was glorious when it first released, now it's a cesspool of AFK nob heads telling you to get cancer when you call them out.
What pleasure can a person derive from not participating in a game other than to avoid the AFK kick?


do they actually ban people for reporting? only thing I've done it for is if theres any racist or homophobic garbage...not that a short ban will prevent people from continuing to be shitty or anything though. I don't mind trolling/shit talking but I mostly just have chat off these days.


This is why I always mute voice chat in online games.

Games are so much better with out such people barking in your ear.


Lemme ask something: if this was about gamergate, you would totally sympathetic to the OP, right?

You can't just pick and choose which deplorable behaviors are acceptable, GAF.

Yeah I kind of agree. I think people have just given up on fighting against the toxicity in online gaming, I'm 28 and for literally as long as I can remember it's been like this. First hardcore competitive online game I played was CS 1.6 when I was 17 and it was the same thing more or less. Maybe not as frequent and the certainly weren't the actual murders that have happened since then, so it has escalated, but it's always been there.


People tell me to kill myself on text and voice chat every time I play competitive on Overwatch lol. You just get used to it.
No, you're not. Stuff like this should be an instant hour ban, followed by a day ban if it's repeated and just increase it as it continues until the user gets themselves perma banned. There's no good excuse for devs to not implement a system like this. The only reason this shit still flies is because the audience are complacent, 99% say yeah that's how it is, suck it up and move on, yet for instance were it someone being sexist or racist you're not going to be told to just suck it up. Ironically, the N word flies a whole lot on Rocket League too, along with homophobia. It's not effectively getting people bans clearly due to the frequency it continues at.

Unfortunately even this thread is evidence that people are complacent to it. The majority seem to agree you should suck it up, even if these words occasionally land on someone who may be legitimately having suicidal thoughts. It's a shame because people are happy to admit there's a problem in online gaming when it comes to sexual/racial descrimination, but to a degree some of it is an extension of the allowance of toxicity in the environments in the first place. At the end of the day it's a game, not a platform for harassment or spreading hate, we already have Twitter for that and the devs should definitely consider harsher punishments to foster a more positive community.

Thank you for contributing to the discussion.

Your post reminded me of another fact. The dude that typed this to me, did also call me the N word. Multiple times. This was all the same match. I mean come on, that is pretty heavy for a five minute Rocket League match lol. And once again this thread wasn't started so I could ask for tissues or a shoulder to cry on. It's to discuss this behavior, and what methods devs can implement to lessen or eradicate it. It's a discussion, not a pity party.
This happens in half of all pub Overwatch games on PC, same with CSGO and Dota 2, and CS:S and Dota before them.

Online gaming community outside of places like GAF is unbelievably toxic. It's not a myth that these people are angry and horrible, it's reality and has been for a really long time now.

I wanted to say something along the lines of "You must be new around here," but in the 6 months since your account creation, you've posted just about as many times as I have in the last 6 years, so...

I'll just say that, for a community that is apparently not toxic, we've had to close a shit ton of threads. I suppose I'm just glad the mods and admins have seemingly prevented the newly-envigorated American white nationalist movement from establishing a foothold here, at least publicly.
This happens in like every online MP game. Nothing new and you shouldn't be worried. I'd report it and move on. I have got so many during the halo 3 days cause I had a negative KD but still rekt everyone in ranked when I eventually got good enough to get 48 high skill. Comments ranged from kill yourself to you're a nerd that plays all day so please give up your existence, etc.


Party chat is your friend. Don't have to listen to pubbies when playing online.

First thing I used to do when I played a LoL match was /ignore all. Worked great


First tragedy, then farce.
RL is the worst community. I've consistently had rage quits, insults and assholes as team mates more than any game I've ever played, and. In my mid 30s and have been playing multi forever.


I wanted to say something along the lines of "You must be new around here," but in the 6 months since your account creation, you've posted just about as many times as I have in the last 6 years, so...

I'll just say that, for a community that is apparently not toxic, we've had to close a shit ton of threads. I suppose I'm just glad the mods and admins have seemingly prevented the newly-envigorated American white nationalist movement from establishing a foothold here, at least publicly.

You're right, my point is just that it's not as bad here as almost everywhere else. I'm worried for the future though, nationalism could eventually steamroll the efforts of the mods.


This post is basically a defense for having an open discussion about it then, isn't it? Shitty language like what I described doesn't offend me. I'd rather not see it, and I think it's worth talking about. That's all I'm saying dude, and you keep saying stop crying about it, I think I've said at least three times that 'I get it, I'm not crying myself to sleep.' You are ignoring the intent of the thread, or you don't understand.

Upseted you so much that you made a thread about it, the dude that insulted won.

Next time laugh at them and see the reaction, just try it.


Trucker Sexologist
These last two years have had people with their names and faces out in the public committing the most horrifying acts of verbal abuse on unwilling targets. Anonymity isn't nearly the factor as much as a total lack of consequences from the platforms that enable it and a society that shrugs it off as 'just the internet, get over it, grow a thick skin, etc.' We've normalized this type of behavior as inevitable. We shouldn't be.
With anonymity the worst they can do is ban the account. But the asshat in question can just re-roll another account and continue asshatting. They can't ban the person. It's the same reason why cheating is still a problem.

And enforcing the rules usually requires a review, which is resource intensive. Companies that don't want these problems typically just remove any chat features.
There was a time when I would have said Rocket League was better than most MP communities, but damn now I don't know. These people are ridiculously salty. Yesterday I had my doubles teammate harassing me in chat the entire time and we ended up winning 4-2, we each got 2 goals. And he never shut up. And it wasn't even ranked. I accidentally bumped him during what he called a dribble (questionable) in the first 15 seconds and he fuckin lost it.


RL is the worst community. I've consistently had rage quits, insults and assholes as team mates more than any game I've ever played, and. In my mid 30s and have been playing multi forever.

I take it you've never played a MOBA


I believe that people telling strangers online to kill themselves sucks, but when the hell did gamers become so sensitive? Like, seriously, it's always been like this, we can't have a fucking post on gaf every time this happens.

Those are people mad at you cause you're better than them at playing the game, or they're just frustrated because their real life sucks. Or they're just 14.

I don't think we should focus on this, not even when they make sexist/racist/homophobic remarks. Mute, move on.
Sorry you dealt with someone like that OP. It's not uncommon, but it's better now than it was 5 or so years ago. I know most people who say it are just caught in the moment and are harmless. That doesn't make it okay, but it explains a bit.

That said, a similar situation as your post happened to me the other day and it was the most hilarious thing. Playing doubles, my friend and I against two guys not partied up.

We go up 1-0 and the goalie completely missed it. "Sorry!" in the chat. His partner is silent.
We go up 2-0 and the goalie completely missed it. "Sorry!" in the chat. His partner is silent.
We go up 3-0 and the goalie was seriously so off the mark I started laughing. "Sorry!" in the chat. His partner just chats out "K Y S" (Kill yourself)
We go up 4-0 and the goalie just fucked up again. 2nd guy was like half a second too late on blocking it. "omg K Y S"
We go up 5-0 and the guy just goes "K M S" and then leaves a minute later.

My buddy and I were howling laughing. Tears everywhere. Just way too good.
Lemme ask something: if this was about gamergate, you would totally sympathetic to the OP, right?

You can't just pick and choose which deplorable behaviors are acceptable, GAF.

This. It's vile and deplorable behavior. Some of the reactions in the thread are disgusting.

Mr Clutch

I have found that Rocket League has some of the trolliest players....last night for instance, I played against a dude that would insult me and my buddy whenever we made a goal or complimented his goals. He then proceeded to challenge us to rematches when we beat him and declared we would never win against him again (which we did...many times) he revered himself as a golden god and just spat insults the entire time.

Edit: I forgot he kept telling us to bake him cakes and pies so I asked if he was hungry. I socred a goal and told him I made him a goal sandwich...not my proudest moment, but it made me feel better.


Disgusting but that's competitive games for you. Online thugs and armchair badasses in virtually every game.

Fixed that for you, this is not exclusive to online games. People talk shit in Sports, real competitive games, I remember watching a chess match when I was in HS many moons ago in which one kid told the other about all the nasty he had done to his opponents mother.

You have to change a lot about how many people interact when in competitive situations because as it stands people will look to do anything they can to make you lose focus in order to gain the upper hand. You'd also have to fix the fact that many groups are perfectly accepting of pretty heavy trash with very little that is considered off limits because it's simply viewed as not being a serious comment.
"Grow a thicker skin"
"It's just banter" (AKA, the 'locker room' talk defense)
"Ignore and move on"

Really disappointed with these responses and expected more thoughtful replies from GAF. It's long overdue that we held these companies to the fire for allowing toxic behavior to flourish unchecked.
What will happen from a 500 page write up?

I guess Sony could let you record and send it in and ban them but do we really want to get people banned for saying it damn after they die.

Seems best to let the user handle it which they do..


It gets worse if you make it seem that the shit that comes from their mouth is getting to you. If you've been playing online games for a while you wouldn't be surprised by this.

Any online game that involves a way to communicate to other people has people like this in it. The best thing to do is to ignore/block/mute them and enjoy the game.


Its toxic, so much toxic shit is spewed just about everywhere, I mean you can look at the Presidents twitter account if you don't think it is widespread or its just kids.

People need to show some love, it shouldn't be a no respect for anyone mentality.


Disappointed to see that some are suggesting that this is somehow about "toughness" in one form or another.

For me, this is simply about whether I would condone behaviour like this or whether I'd rather it wasn't something that people had to endure, however much it does or doesn't upset them. If things like this happen on a closed system, like the console networks, then I'm pretty sure that they're also in breach of the Terms of Service for any of them.

It wouldn't upset me and I wouldn't even think about responding to the person who did it, I'd calmly report the incident, dismiss it from my thoughts and simply move on.
I've reached a point where I ignore the bad sports. I'm just as competitive as anybody and I don't like losing, but it's just a video game. If a game can get them that shitty then their life probably sucks and you're already a better person. Doesn't excuse it and I'd like for something to be done since this behavior really does bother a lot of people, but I personally just move on. OP you are better than them, though I know that's not good enough as far as solving the problem.

Perhaps we should entertain more severe consequences for multiple reports. I'm not sure what the solution is when anonymity is integral to the Internet we have today

"Grow a thicker skin"
"It's just banter" (AKA, the 'locker room' talk defense)
"Ignore and move on"

Really disappointed with these responses and expected more thoughtful replies from GAF. It's long overdue that we held these companies to the fire for allowing toxic behavior to flourish unchecked.

I am all for making some solutions happen. How do we do that though? Voting with our wallets isn't good enough I don't think. Money is honestly the the best way to get to them and it'd be near impossible to get the gaming community to rally and boycott. I'm open minded to solutions though.
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