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I was told to 'kill myself with a gun' tonight while playing Rocket League


Junior Member
"With a gun"

Usually they don't get this specific.
Idk bro today in overwatch told me "bro just that controller that you can't fucking use and choke your self with it like the cock you had last night", and what this kid didn't know was I had all the gold medals besides healing ;)

They can get preety specificic ;)
It's really unfortunate that games bring out the worse in people. Exspecially overwatch trolls are the worse.
Specifically for Rocket League, turn off text chat. You can leave quick chat on if you want, or turn it all off and play soccer cars blissfully ignorant of the vitriol that's out there.

Otherwise, this is the age we live in for most popular MP games. There are a lot of assholes in this world, and MP games give them a voice, anonymous or not. If possible, it's best to not internalize it or get riled up. Barring that, turn off chat if you can and use voice options with friends. Life's too short to let the assholes of the worlds get under your skin or get you down. Hell, I don't even accept messages from non-friends on either Steam or PSN because there's rarely anything good that can come from that.

These are just the sad realities of the internet. I'm of the opinion that this will never change without severe China-like government intervention, which I'm not sure is the best solution.
Well I don't think I need to be told to 'calm down,' I'm perfectly calm lol. But try and imagine not having that experience while playing the game and then in the span of a week being told to kill myself three times. That warrants an open discussion, doesn't it? That's what this is.

I mean yeah it would suck. In Halo if I won a game than someone on the enemy told me to kill myself I wouldnt take it seriously, because they salty and probably an asshole. I dont know how it is in Rocket League
Was this text chat or voice?


Normal stuff. First time I had this type of abuse was in 98 in Quake 2. It's the internet and it's easier now than ever before to just report and move on. Don't let idiots spoil your free time! They are angry, you just enjoy the next match/game.


Junior Member
Things like this are one of the reasons I have really moved away from competitive online gaming. Maybe I just handled the toxicity better when I was younger because I too participated in the shit spewing, but now that I know better I just choose not to participate.
The thing that allows them to get away with it is their anonymity. Literally no one would do this is if the cops would show up to their house afterwards.

These last two years have had people with their names and faces out in the public committing the most horrifying acts of verbal abuse on unwilling targets. Anonymity isn't nearly the factor as much as a total lack of consequences from the platforms that enable it and a society that shrugs it off as 'just the internet, get over it, grow a thick skin, etc.' We've normalized this type of behavior as inevitable. We shouldn't be.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Look. I get it. It's bad. But the simple fact of the matter is, that's how multiplayer games are, and you should probably not take it too seriously.


I was really worried about this kind of stuff when I let my son start playing multi-player games. Then he showed me how he turns off chat when he plays...problem solved (by himself which I was kinda proud of).
In defense of Psyonix, they have a pretty quick and effective way to mute shitty people like this. It's as quick as three button presses to mute specific players who use language like this.


Yeah like a lot of communities, Rocket League can have some real boogers. I would have just laughed at him in the chat.


First world problems right here. A kid online told you to kill yourself, man, i shed a tear , i really did.


FACT: It's always the people who are the worst at any given multi-player game who bitch and moan the most.

So, don't worry about it. They're losers.
First world problems right here. A kid online told you to kill yourself, man, i shed a tear , i really did.

You did? I didn't. Did you read my post? Do you not feel like this warrants at least a discussion, why this is a thing? If not, why are you in this thread?


Maybe grow a thicker skin and not get appalled and shocked at the culture of Internet anonymity. You know that guy was bred in a lab and is a 3rd generation of idiots and you should ask yourself, do you really care about his opinion?


You don't care about them so no need to care about their opinion whatever it is. Enjoy your game and play your best. And laugh at their anger/resentment/toxicities.
OP, you're not overreacting. Ignore the people telling you that, people tolerating this shit is why it has gotten as bad as it has.
Op I had the same stuff happen to me recently and it pissed me off aswell. It's a shame that most people just say 'thats online gaming allright' ... I think this behaviour is not ok and a 'report' button should be a mandatory thing for online games.

For rocket league apparently the report button doesnt even do anything i read on the RL forums. The game should at least have this person in your list of people you'll never play against again.


You did? I didn't. Did you read my post? Do you not feel like this warrants at least a discussion, why this is a thing? If not, why are you in this thread?

If i made a thread for everytime some douchebag tells me mean stuff online i would be permabanned for spamming the site, just move on and stop crying about it.


OP, you're not overreacting. Ignore the people telling you that, people tolerating this shit is why it has gotten as bad as it has.

Agreed. People shrugging their shoulders at this abhorrent behavior is why it's an integral part of gaming online nowadays.


side note but it really pisses me off how normalized this shit is

reading this thread almost every other post is basically like, "ehh, just shrug it off that's just how it is"

makes me sad
OP, you're not overreacting. Ignore the people telling you that, people tolerating this shit is why it has gotten as bad as it has.
Indeed. It's quite sad how quickly people have rushed to normalize this and just accept it for what it is. That type of behavior should never be tolerated or treated like it's normal or acceptable whatsoever. Never.


You should say this type of stuff on Twitter and then create a GoFundMe to help support making anti-online harassment YouTube videos.
LMAO. I don't understand how people can't embrace the salt. Embracing the salt adds a whole other element to the fun. There's nothing like hearing how angry people get over dumb shit.


It's pretty much why I never play with strangers ever. Get that every time I play Gears 4 or Overwatch.

Big ass sodium factories which only employ angry Americans who keep trying to figure out what minority but decide to call me every insult in the "white people dictionary" for online play.

Hell, I kinda want to play Rocket League just to see how bad is it.



Move on pal, this happens everywhere.

As a side note, Rocket league is hardly the worst offender online.
Shit like this has been going on since the dawn of internet gaming. Doesn't make this right or justified in anyway, just have to throw that armor on and ignore it.
The higher you get in competitive ranks, the worse it will get. At the bottom you have random people that just bought the game having fun being bad. As you rise in rank the players start getting really serious and shitty.


Jesus, people make no sense to me. I'd certainly report that.
I now take stuff like that seriously, especially with me almost killing myself a week ago. That is just disrespectful and I'm sorry this is happening to you, OP.
I don't want to hijack the thread, this is none of my business and I have no idea what the hell is going on but I really do hope that you manage to sort things out for yourself. Even if it takes some time. :)
Man, fuck the internet. I mean it's awesome, but fuck how people act on the internet.

Eh maybe just fuck people is what I'm getting at.


What a shitty attitude to have about it, it's because fuck all happens to them that this is allowed to continue.

And what a thread everytime this hapens will do to end this? Jerks being jerks, happens in real life happens online. Who gives a shit about what a kid say behind a computer screen. Its overeating.
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