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Infamous: Second Son |OT| Smells Like Beanie Spirit


Go towards a drug bust, get higher than them and throw your smoke bomb. Easy stuff after that. There's a ton of drug busts with 3 guys stood around.

You can even do it from flat ground, as long as they're all close enough together. I did it in the room with the elevators in a parking structure. Threw the smoke bomb in, ran inside and did the move just from a regular jump.

Endo Punk

Patch should be out in the next few days. Please God I hope they increase the difficulty of Expert. I'm saving that playthrough for hero run with
paper powers

Why is this game called Second Son?

Just finished it and I think Infamous 2 is definitely the much better, meatier game. This feels kind of like Infamous 1 again. Good base, but pretty average game. Sequel could be good with more content and variety.

Well you see Delsin is Reggie's younger brother thus he is the second son...
Game really doesn't give any reason for it. I thought it would relate back to the first sons in infamous but nope.

Love infamous 2 but I think the simplicity in the control scheme makes SS the superior game to just have fun with powers.


Finished the game! Absolutely hated the last boss fight, ended up turning it down to easy just for the chance of swearing less.
Stop having your boss fights indoors with these controls/camera and a game built on roaming around. I was constantly getting stuck on those tiny trees on the sides, the rails, behind those electric signs, it was infuriating.
For me there was some fun overall in between a mediocre game.


Why is this game called Second Son?

Just finished it and I think Infamous 2 is definitely the much better, meatier game. This feels kind of like Infamous 1 again. Good base, but pretty average game. Sequel could be good with more content and variety.

Kessler/Cole was the leader of the First Sons/Conduit uprising

Delsin in this regard is the Second Son, taking down the DUP over the course of the game and basically leading a second uprising.


Gold Member
Im done! Well, for now at least. Completed my good playthrough, and I've also done everything else that isn't related to evil karma. Will come back in a while and do an evil playthrough.

All in all, I very much enjoyed this game. The story did sort of fizzle out after a while, and the enemy variety isn't great, but the gameplay is just so much fun that those flaws didn't bother me all that much. Although I did really only find two of the powers (smoke and
) all that enjoyable, since the others don't really let you quickly cover great distances in the air. And I love flying between buildings, high above the streets. So up until I got
I pretty much only used smoke, and after that I mostly used those two except when forced to use the others.

But yeah, still a great game that I enjoyed very much. 8/10, I think.


Finished the game! Absolutely hated the last boss fight, ended up turning it down to easy just for the chance of swearing less.
Stop having your boss fights indoors with these controls/camera and a game built on roaming around. I was constantly getting stuck on those tiny trees on the sides, the rails, behind those electric signs, it was infuriating.
For me there was some fun overall in between a mediocre game.

I thought the fight before the final boss was way harder.
Fighting Augustine while DUP people are infinitely spawning and shooting you from every direction. That was realllly frustrating for me. Final boss didn't seem bad after that.


Went through my first play through as a good guy and now am going back to finish up the trophies I missed as a bad guy.

It's a good game, but man those side missions are repetitive as hell. No variety whatsoever. Still I'm very glad to have played it and as a game in the launch window, it's more than satisfying.
Did you export the HD version from FB? It looks like it's the SD one.

Export as in download?


Yeah, I hit download HD. File size went from 143mb uploaded to 41.2mb downloaded. Did I do something wrong? It's my first time uploading a video from the PS4...


Junior Member
I thoroughly enjoyed the 20'ish hours it took me to platinum the game, but it has little staying power afterwards.

$3.50 per hour of entertainment isn't a bad deal though.


This game really grinds my gears with its incessant enemy spamming. You fight 325 DUP agents, get gunned down by number 326 and have to start all over again. Infamous more like Infamous. Enjoying this less than I initially thought I would.

Maybe play something else for a bit.


This game really grinds my gears with its incessant enemy spamming. You fight 325 DUP agents, get gunned down by number 326 and have to start all over again. Infamous more like Infamous. Enjoying this less than I initially thought I would.

Maybe play something else for a bit.

The game encourages you to be in motion when fighting, if you get complacent and stand still then 1 guy can easily take you down, because the AI in this game is accurate as hell, fortunately the AI isn't persistent(or unfortunately if you like a challenge :p), if you break LOS they most likely won't pursue you faster then you heal back to full health, abuse each power's dash ability basically.


For the second time, I had to restart a mission from the beginning because something decided not to trigger. I was taking pictures of Fetch's bra (bad Delsin!) when the game suddenly glitched, and the conversation that was supposed to occur after taking the picture didn't trigger. I took pictures of everything else I was supposed to, but the game still waited for me to trigger the other conversation, but the icon was gone because I already DID take a picture of it. Taking another picture of the general area didn't help. I couldn't even leave the area, because the game was forcing me into a walking state where I cannot jump or fall off a ledge.

What I think happened is that, when taking pictures, the game puts you into this walking, can't jump, can't use powers state. There were gunshots when the game glitched, which makes me think that the game thought I was under attack for a split second while I was taking that picture, quickly taking me out and then putting me back into this walking state. Somewhere in between two flags, one flag says I took the picture (the one that shows me where to take the picture) and another saying that I didn't (the one that lets me progress the story).


Have played through for the good ending. Are the evil choices fun enough to justify a second playthrough?

I'm not done my evil playthrough, but there a couple of different missions, different conversations, and your upgrade tree is different. I feel like Smoke is way better when your evil.

Also, your controller glows red instead of blue. NEXT GEN!

Double D

Have played through for the good ending. Are the evil choices fun enough to justify a second playthrough?

I just finished my second playthrough on Expert/Evil, and didn't think the choices really made any difference. All the choices revolve around the "Good=subdue; Evil=kill" method. Aside from some cutscenes playing out a bit different, there's not much to see.

And I personally thought the evil powers were crap compared to the good ones. No slowmo, no glide/aim with L2. Honestly I'm sitting here trying to think of a plus when it comes to the 'evil' upgrades and can't come up with anything.

I will say, though, that if you want the expert trophy, evil is the way to do it. Pretty simple just mowing everyone down.


I haven't beat it yet, but it definitely has the same problems the original Assassin's Creed had. Just same 5 - 7 activities per sector and rinse and repeat and other open world games where variety isn't the forte.

I really wish they had come up with different animations for these activities. I'm pretty tired of the same sequence every time I tag a wall or when I blow up a DUP truck. That would really have made things less monotonous. I beat the original Infamous after the PSN outage and I think it had the same problem but I wasn't too bothered by it. It was still fun.

This is the 3rd game in this series, was Infamous 2?structured the same way? Second Son is unbelievably gorgeous, but asides from visuals this isn't a next gen game.


Just finished this game, and really enjoyed it-

* Likeable characters
* Excellent voice cast
* Decent writing - not an overly ambitious/original story, but well told
* Incredible visuals - great variety of locations, lighting, weather, day/night, facial animations, character models
* fun powers - there's some overlap, but fun overall
* Good pacing / game length; looking forward to 2nd play-through as 'evil'
* Being from Seattle, great to see landmarks, both authentic and lookalikes (Mann's vs, Dicks Drive-in)
* Not a lot of profanity! I have an 8 year old that I play games with, and this is a fun sandbox game where he can watch me play or play himself, where there aren't f-bombs being thrown around just to make the game 'edgy'.


I keep seeing "not next gen" can you please elaborate on what you think a next gen game is?

I meant that we could have had Second Son on PS3 (not as pretty of course) The gameplay didn't evolve in any way in my eyes at least. We're early this gen so obviously more is to come.
Just finished this game, and really enjoyed it-

* Likeable characters
* Excellent voice cast
* Decent writing - not an overly ambitious/original story, but well told
* Incredible visuals - great variety of locations, lighting, weather, day/night, facial animations, character models
* fun powers - there's some overlap, but fun overall
* Good pacing / game length; looking forward to 2nd play-through as 'evil'
* Being from Seattle, great to see landmarks, both authentic and lookalikes (Mann's vs, Dicks Drive-in)
* Not a lot of profanity! I have an 8 year old that I play games with, and this is a fun sandbox game where he can watch me play or play himself, where there aren't f-bombs being thrown around just to make the game 'edgy'.
One thing I kept looking for was Pike's Alley, but never could find it. I remember them showing it off in a screenshot with the gum wall. Where is this in the game?
About to cross the bridge, though I'll probably clean up the north shore before I move over. I'm shocked at how much I like the characters in Second Son, especially after the unfortunate catfights filling in for character development in Infamous 2. It really makes the whole thing a much more enjoyable experience, even though in theory I'm doing many of the same things I was doing in previous Infamous games.


I haven't beat it yet, but it definitely has the same problems the original Assassin's Creed had. Just same 5 - 7 activities per sector and rinse and repeat and other open world games where variety isn't the forte.

I really wish they had come up with different animations for these activities. I'm pretty tired of the same sequence every time I tag a wall or when I blow up a DUP truck. That would really have made things less monotonous. I beat the original Infamous after the PSN outage and I think it had the same problem but I wasn't too bothered by it. It was still fun.

This is the 3rd game in this series, was Infamous 2?structured the same way? Second Son is unbelievably gorgeous, but asides from visuals this isn't a next gen game.

Yep. The sidequests remind me of AC1. Just like AC1 they made a gorgeous city, solid gameplay mechanics, and...no content so you just do simple repetitive things over and over and it's boring.

Infamous 2 has a lot more variety. The main missions are longer and more interesting and the side stuff is pretty fun (like Infamous Festival of Blood has you searching for hidden messages in the city that you can only see in vampire vision with hidden arrow trails leading you to the messages). SS is definitely a step back in gameplay for a step forward in graphics (which unfortunately is a common theme in year 1/2 games on a new system) hopefully the sequel is a much better game. Infamous 2 and Festival of Blood are great games.


Well just beat it the Third power was unexpected and quite cool to use. Still the last few boss fights were pretty much an exercise in repetition.

Very surprised they couldn't come up with some more creative things to do in the game overall and boss fights in general.



just finished, fun game. i had a lot more fun with this than with infamous 2. i think movement was more fluid and responsive here, and that made a big difference.

augustine -
i thought her character arc was pretty limp. her weird justification for her behavior..."i captured the kid to show the government it could be done..." seemed really half baked. a little more development would have added a lot.
Restarted the game on Expert as an evil dude after beating the game and getting all of the (possible) trophies being good, and man, the difficulty change really does make a difference. Fights feel like fights. Think this'll be my first platinum.
This game is pure joy, the best Infamous i have played. The history and characters (specially Delsin) are very likeable. Its a game i always play with a smile. And besides graphically is the best i have seen so far (plus the IQ thanks to the SMAA t2x solution is so good...). It makes me very optimist about future PS4 games, more even taking into account this is also an open world game.
Also the controls are the greatest of all open world games all around, in sensitiveness and lag ( i am looking at you ACIV ). Another thing to remark is that the new motion capture equiptment of Suker Punch really is paying off, in cinematics/story telling (the two previous games were a little archaic in this regard) this game is there at almost Naughty Dog top level.


Is there a way to change the controls with Vita remote play? My thumbs keep hitting the lower part of the touchscreen and i wanna set the rocket and grenade powers to the top portion of the screen.


just finished, fun game. i had a lot more fun with this than with infamous 2. i think movement was more fluid and responsive here, and that made a big difference.

augustine -
i thought her character arc was pretty limp. her weird justification for her behavior..."i captured the kid to show the government it could be done..." seemed really half baked. a little more development would have added a lot.
Huh? Augustine
captured the kid to convince the doops that she's on their side, that conduits have their uses and to avoid ending up in a cage with the rest of them.
I thought she was an expertly executed villain. She's such a complete piece of trash, it was a joy watching her be super shitty. I loved her and her weirdly low-res face.

Double D

Is it weird that I'm having more fun with paper trials than with the actual story of the game.

No I think the paper trail stuff is great. What stinks is I hear people saying they think it's too much of a bother to go set up an account and use a computer, etc. I'll be honest, I put it off for a while because of the same reasons, but once I finally bit the bullet it's actually really cool and wish more games did things like this.

I haven't tried using Vita as a second screen. Does it have any functionality? Thinking maybe that would a have been a better device to handle the 'computer' stuff. Then again, I guess not everyone has a vita.
Beat the game 100% Good karma playthrough

not going to bother with evil powers. Really loved the game A LOT! Just zipping around the city is so much fun in these games. I would love to play the first two infamous games on PS4 at 1080p and 60 FPS

beautiful artstyle and graphics
fun powers
travelling around the city is fun
destroying the dup architecture is fun

forgettable missions
underused characters
generic story line (the first infamous had an amazing story..Dat ending!)
poor sound design
poor pedestrian AI (they don't really respond to your moves and the cars sometimes just freeze)
time of day lasts too long
poor weather effects
the boss fights here are mediocre
climbing the Augustine tower was lame compared to the tower in the first game

overall 8/10 since the powers are just fun to use

infamous 1 = infamous 2 >> infamous second son >>>> infamous dracula DLC


The soundtrack is showing up as free on the store... Was this planned, or just a nice little surprise?

Yes, it's FREE. As a thanks for supporting the spectacular launch of inFAMOUS Second Son, the team at Sucker Punch Productions and PlayStation want to say THANKS for all your support in the form of this free app featuring the awesome music of inFAMOUS Second Son.

I sure hope that'll come to EU store as well, and they won't leave us empty-handed like usual. Still waiting for my 10€ store credit, like the rest of the Europeans.
This marks the second week since the patch was announced, which they said would take a couple weeks. Hoping it shows up any day now!

The free OST is a great treat!
I've beaten both karma paths and once the update is out I'll finish my expert run. Amazing game. Definitely wish there were more to actually *do* in the city. I also hate how gimped and (relatively) less fun the good power sets are, especially the third ability.


More than a member.
Played 50% on evil side

So much better. Feel so powerfull. Smoke kinda sucked with good. Now u can turn to ashes with simple r2 lock push
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