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Infamous: Second Son |OT| Smells Like Beanie Spirit


I can donwload to my PS4, but how will we go about playing it?

They call it a "free app" in the description. It'll probably show up as it's own menu icon and run as a self-contained music player.

On PS3, these soundtrack "apps" used to simply extract the audio tracks to be played on PS3 music player (or take off with a USB stick). But since PS4 doesn't have a music player, I assume that's how it'll work.

EDIT: FeiRR beat me to it!


It has a player... I'd prefer mp3s to listen to it without PS4 but it's a nice gift from SP. I dig game soundtracks.

Hopefully the OSTs can be transferred via USB port at some point, like on the PS3.



The framerate during the final boss is smoooooooooth. Jeez. I thought the game was smooth most of the time but then BAMM! 60fps!
Also they are clearly still chasing climbing the trash tower from the first game.

Ok game. Maybe my least favourite Infamous game though.

Going for more powers felt unnecessary. Infamous 1 and 2 felt tighter in that regard. Every power felt unique and useful especially in Infamous 1.

The whole game made me remember how awesome Infamous 1 was. It had a great villain, AMAZING ending, every new power felt like it was important, better overall story that was more over the top and comicbook-y with more better sub villains and characters. Zeke was a asshole who only rivalled Killzone 2's Rico in "I WANT TO KILL THIS DUDE". The city had a pretty dark, urban atmosphere.

If the make a Infamous 4 I hope they tone down the number of powers but go crazy with over the top villains like the first game.

Might try the evil path for fun and to kill time before trials.

The fact that Zeke redeemed himself in inFamous 2 is doubly awesome. Zeke is one of my favourite VG characters because of the way he develops.
It has a player... I'd prefer mp3s to listen to it without PS4 but it's a nice gift from SP. I dig game soundtracks.

They call it a "free app" in the description. It'll probably show up as it's own menu icon and run as a self-contained music player.

On PS3, these soundtrack "apps" used to simply extract the audio tracks to be played on PS3 music player (or take off with a USB stick). But since PS4 doesn't have a music player, I assume that's how it'll work.

EDIT: FeiRR beat me to it!

Ok, thank you.


sorry if this has been answered but i have a quick question. i think i know the answer. i just started my evil playthrough. on my good playthrough i got to pick my design for the district showdown billboards. on the evil playthrough i did not. is that a perk of going good or am i missing something on the evil run?


I'd be in the dick
sorry if this has been answered but i have a quick question. i think i know the answer. i just started my evil playthrough. on my good playthrough i got to pick my design for the district showdown billboards. on the evil playthrough i did not. is that a perk of going good or am i missing something on the evil run?
I got to pick my design on Evil. Maybe you just weren't paying attention?


More than a member.
sorry if this has been answered but i have a quick question. i think i know the answer. i just started my evil playthrough. on my good playthrough i got to pick my design for the district showdown billboards. on the evil playthrough i did not. is that a perk of going good or am i missing something on the evil run?
You pick it just after the Space needle fight


My first Playstation Platinum :O, when I beat it the second time on expert, I had every single blast shard from the city, was pretty funny upgrading every
concrete power
as I got it in the final fight, didn't die once. :)

Now I only need to finish up Paper Trail and that's it.

Also I really, really loved the evil ending. The facial animations and expressions really shined through there.

I do agree with most of the critiques though about the morality choices, neither good or evil choices feel particularly right in this game, since he acts the same playful way regardless of if you're a True Hero or Infamous.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I'm stuck on the browser game of Paper Trail.

Does anyone know what's the victim's wife's name? I really want to continue with this storyline, so help would be greatly appreciated.


Got the platinum last night. :). My first.

Overall it was a fun game, playing evil was more fun but I would have liked to see a bigger consequence of my choices, there really wasn't much different there. I'm enjoying the paper trail free dlc but I'll wait until it's all out before I finish any more of it. Would be nice if they supported the game for a while with more content to keep coming back to the game for more.


Got the platinum last night. :). My first.

Overall it was a fun game, playing evil was more fun but I would have liked to see a bigger consequence of my choices, there really wasn't much different there. I'm enjoying the paper trail free dlc but I'll wait until it's all out before I finish any more of it. Would be nice if they supported the game for a while with more content to keep coming back to the game for more.

Nice got mines a couple days back awesome game I kinda beat it fast but I enjoyed every moment. Definitely worth the 60 bucks. Can't wait for the next one or some cool DLC. I recently traded mines in for the Gamestop 40 dollar deal before April 20th and put my cash I got form it towards Watch Dogs


I have to say I'm a bit disappointed they don't even mention the stuttering/micro freezes a lot of people are dealing with. I know not everyone seems to see it, but there are a lot who do that sent Sucker Punch videos at their request. Perhaps the cap will help, but I'm not so confident.


Anyone have any clue when Paper Trail will be over and we will get her power? Is it suppose to be 6 parts?
They said weekly update during 6 weeks. I would say 7 part since the fisrt one was aviable day one. For the power, we don't know but it will be really disapointing if the don't get it.

The photo mode is a greeat idea.
Photo Mode is great news.

The check for unstoppable is cool as well ( but a little late ).

I just hope that paper trail will deliver in the end :)


Hell yeah, I've been saving my 2nd playthrough for the new patch. So this is great timing.

edit- and holy shit the photo mode looks incredible


Yo. Newbie here.

Guys I can't get past the first ten minutes without starting over again. The fucking music is so killer and those facial expressions.



So, is anyone talking about the concept art recently released by one of the Sucker Punch team? Check it all out HERE.

Aside from just being really freakin' cool, there's a lot of stuff relating to glass powers, from illustrations of environments and enemies to possible attacks as a power usable by Delsin. I really like this shot of an enemy glass-fortress:



I'd be in the dick
So, is anyone talking about the concept art recently released by one of the Sucker Punch team? Check it all out HERE.

Aside from just being really freakin' cool, there's a lot of stuff relating to glass powers, from illustrations of environments and enemies to possible attacks as a power usable by Delsin. I really like this shot of an enemy glass-fortress:

Oh god I wish this had made it in.


So, is anyone talking about the concept art recently released by one of the Sucker Punch team? Check it all out HERE.

Aside from just being really freakin' cool, there's a lot of stuff relating to glass powers, from illustrations of environments and enemies to possible attacks as a power usable by Delsin. I really like this shot of an enemy glass-fortress:

According to Audio logs, the Glass power was a close contender with the concrete power the DUP uses in game, but it lost out, maybe they had to switch to a new power after the events in Seattle?
So, is anyone talking about the concept art recently released by one of the Sucker Punch team? Check it all out HERE.

Aside from just being really freakin' cool, there's a lot of stuff relating to glass powers, from illustrations of environments and enemies to possible attacks as a power usable by Delsin. I really like this shot of an enemy glass-fortress:

Great find. Some of the art is wallpaper worthy but the most intriguing things were detailed designs for glass and wire powers. The glass traversal thing looks really cool - almost spiderman like. I hope they use these ideas in a sequel - take Delsin to Vegas and make him lose his existing powers and gain a new set.




I'd be in the dick
Great find. Some of the art is wallpaper worthy but the most intriguing things were detailed designs for glass and wire powers. The glass traversal thing looks really cool - almost spiderman like. I hope they use these ideas in a sequel - take Delsin to Vegas and make him lose his existing powers and gain a new set.



I hope this stuff makes it into the DLC or a sequel. It's too good to go unused.


i'm enjoying this game, it's just way too repetitive.

like, just moving around is what has been the most fun. flying, dashing, running up walls. i can do that for days.

but the side-missions are just a bore.
According to Audio logs, the Glass power was a close contender with the concrete power the DUP uses in game, but it lost out, maybe they had to switch to a new power after the events in Seattle?

I like to think of this as an analogue to what actually happened during development--like Sucker Punch tried to make glass work in the game but couldn't for whatever reason, and so had to shelve it for now. In the meantime, they make an audio log that has that development easter egg in it.

Anyways, finished the game today and played through all the Paper Trail stuff up to the end of part 4. It might not be "truly next-gen" in that it's a game that plays like a PS3 game, but whatever. Best Infamous for sure, possibly best PS4 game at the moment. Sucker Punch should be proud. I think my personal favourite thing about the game is that traversal is so much easier than in other Infamous games. Saints Row IV thrashed the previous Infamous games so thoroughly with its "superhero running around the city" stuff that Second Son had to make some improvements.

As for Paper Trail, I really like the idea of it (mix in-game stuff with web-based puzzles that interact with one another!) but the execution is occasionally weak. Too many puzzles are tedious. Other times I'd figured out what I needed to do, only to discover that because of transcription or reading errors I'd missed getting the right ID and had to look it up anyways. And too many of the puzzles rely on "find this case number in this document and type it in manually into our website like a chump." But as a proof of concept, I like it. I especially liked how one of the puzzles
asked you to print out and make an origami dove, though that's one of the puzzles where the instructions weren't clear enough and I made it backwards so all the numbers were hidden. Awesome.


I was disappointed when I got to the transition to the 2nd half of the map the
boss fight
(At the bridge)
She keeps taunting you to use Neon, so I didn't use Neon the whole fight, I died and it gave me full smoke ammo / power, and I took out the boss. At the end of the battle the cutscene the DUP lady was like I knew you had Neon powers.

I guess they didn't think anyone would try to pull that off ? :(

Edit: I overall totally enjoyed the game, and working through my Expert difficulty Evil play through now.
I was disappointed when I got to the transition to the 2nd half of the map the
boss fight
(At the bridge)
She keeps taunting you to use Neon, so I didn't use Neon the whole fight, I died and it gave me full smoke ammo / power, and I took out the boss. At the end of the battle the cutscene the DUP lady was like I knew you had Neon powers.

I guess they didn't think anyone would try to pull that off ? :(

Edit: I overall totally enjoyed the game, and working through my Expert difficulty Evil play through now.

Damn I was thinking of testing this but I just didn't want to put in the time. Sad that they didn't put something in for people who completed this. I enjoyed my good play through also, I don't think the evil play through is as good though.
Just snagged the Platinum last night. Man, what a fantastic game.

And just prior to my platinum I snagged a pretty awesome fight. Everything seemed to be clicking just right in this one (minor spoilers). When I posted this video up, I grinned when I saw that this is what sold a friend of mine on buying a PS4. ;)

(As usual, be sure to click the "HD" option) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10203217657259945&l=967788462602366366
No executions!? And using
evil side video
? C'mon, Shadow!

Aha, great fight. Gosh, watching that makes me want to pop the game in now. I'm waiting till the update hits tomorrow, though!


well not really...yet
I was disappointed when I got to the transition to the 2nd half of the map the
boss fight
(At the bridge)
She keeps taunting you to use Neon, so I didn't use Neon the whole fight, I died and it gave me full smoke ammo / power, and I took out the boss. At the end of the battle the cutscene the DUP lady was like I knew you had Neon powers.

I guess they didn't think anyone would try to pull that off ? :(

Edit: I overall totally enjoyed the game, and working through my Expert difficulty Evil play through now.
lol, I did the same thing. Was disappointing they just ignored the fact that you didnt.


Great find. Some of the art is wallpaper worthy but the most intriguing things were detailed designs for glass and wire powers. The glass traversal thing looks really cool - almost spiderman like. I hope they use these ideas in a sequel - take Delsin to Vegas and make him lose his existing powers and gain a new set.




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