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It's getting really hard to feel enthusiastic for the new Forza Motorsport


As a big Forza fan since the series launched, I feel like every time they make a new announcement it does something to kill my enthusiasm for the upcoming reboot even more.

First there was the live services announcement that totally killed my anticipation, then they talked about plans to make the game a lot more grindy and time consuming to get to where I can do the type of things I traditionally enjoyed from the series, now they're talking about how it won't even have split screen anymore, with some plan to maybe add it at some later unannounced date, and who knows if that will ever happen.

It's like Turn 10 has not only lost it's way, but they are apparently doing everything they can to make the game more like Gran Turismo 7, and embracing all the flaws that I have against that game while adding new ones of their own, and I really have to question why I would even bother with this when I can just continue playing GT7, which probably has better physics and everything anyways.

It's just sad for me how this series that I enjoyed so much is going down this path, and it's crazy how some people keep trying to defend these decisions. The whole thing is just turning me off.

It's also made me realize how live services has created a situation where these games are so demanding and time consuming that I really only have time for just one of them when it comes to genres and niches.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief
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Reverse groomer.
I agree sort of. cutting drift and drag was one thing but splitscreen is making me lose faith.

That being said i'm still holding on for the singleplayer campaign & online multiplayer as those 2 aspects are what i want most out of this game, & it's what they've shown off the most. Not preordering but depending on review scores (from actual racing fans) I'll get it, sale or not
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I agree sort of. cutting drift and drag was one thing but splitscreen is making me lose faith.

That being said i'm still holding on for the singleplayer campaign & online multiplayer as those 2 aspects are what i want most out of this game, & it's what they've shown off the most. Not preordering but depending on review scores (from actual racing fans) I'll get it, sale or not

I mean even when it comes to the single player, the whole live services approach means it's probably going to become as grindy and time consuming as possible. That and I hate the concept of only being able to play a game when you are connected to some server, it's just a reliability and access issue that is most often unnecessary.


Reverse groomer.
the whole live services approach means it's probably going to become as grindy and time consuming as possible.
But i like grindy and time consuming in my racing campaigns.

an actual sense of progression and accomplishment works far more than recent games strategy of giving you cars up the wazoo and expecting you to be happy. It's not fun when you've basically reached the endgame after 3 hours of play. The early Gran Turismos had you progressing around the game where you were thinking about what cars to sell, which to buy, what parts to upgrade, etc. Money was hard to come by and easy to waste on something which might not have been worth it. You had to work to get the supercars, you were in for the long haul.

The issue comes in variety, is it grindy as in you're playing the exact same race over and over again to earn money or are you playing various events with challenges of their own in order to win money & other stuff? Will the game railroad you throughout a single objective or will you have freedom on which races to choose and when? Will the cars you buy be put to good use in many of the game's events or will they sit around in your garage waiting for use?

We've not seen much of FM8 besides the builders cup which looks pretty good on its own, minus the requirement of finishing previous races to unlock new ones.
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Wait, it’s now a live service game? Wtf? I’m more enraged than you OP…
Yup, that was a pretty big announcement and it was a devastating blow to both my enthusiasm and Forza fan status.
But i like grindy and time consuming in my racing campaigns.

an actual sense of progression and accomplishment works far more than recent games strategy of giving you cars up the wazoo and expecting you to be happy. It's not fun when you've basically reached the endgame after 3 hours of play. The early Gran Turismos had you progressing around the game where you were thinking about what cars to sell, which to buy, what parts to upgrade, etc. Money was hard to come by and easy to waste on something which might not have been worth it. You had to work to get the supercars, you were in for the long haul.

The issue comes in variety, is it grindy as in you're playing the exact same race over and over again to earn money or are you playing various events with challenges of their own in order to win money & other stuff? Will the game railroad you throughout a single objective or will you have freedom on which races to choose and when? Will the cars you buy be put to good use in many of the game's events or will they sit around in your garage waiting for use?

We've not seen much of FM8 besides the builders cup which looks pretty good on its own, minus the requirement of finishing previous races to unlock new ones.
I mean if it works for you more power to ya, but for me I guess I just always had different goals and reasons for enjoying Forza games. My thing has always been being a tuner, I just really enjoy trying to create ideal class optimized versions of various cars and coming up with new radical builds like engine and RWD/AWD swaps and making it work. Having to grind away forever just to get cars, and then needing to grind away at driving those cars just to upgrade them really throws a wrench in my playstyle and what I always found so appealing about the franchise.

Like I grind away at GT7 because I really enjoy the attention to detail they have given all the cars, and being able to do time attack laps with custom built/tuned creations is where I get my satisfaction. I mean yeah, it's a live services game and I hate how grindy it can be, but I am willing to put up with it just because I really enjoy their car/driving simulation. In order for this new Forza to standout to me, and draw me away from that, especially considering how invested I have become, it's going to need to do a lot of things better than GT7, and I just don't see that happening.

Vox Machina

As someone who has never played the series (tried Horizon a couple of times and bounced off the progression each time, never played mainline Forza) I'm excited that it's finally coming to PC so I can give it a shot. Everything I've seen of it looks great so far. Sorry it might be going down a path thats worse for you personally, but I am glad they're opening it up to new audiences. Game's gonna look absolutely incredible on my monitor.


Gold Member
As a big Forza fan since the series launched, I feel like every time they make a new announcement it does something to kill my enthusiasm for the upcoming reboot even more.

First there was the live services announcement that totally killed my anticipation, then they talked about plans to make the game a lot more grindy and time consuming to get to where I can do the type of things I traditionally enjoyed from the series, now they're talking about how it won't even have split screen anymore, with some plan to maybe add it at some later unannounced date, and who knows if that will ever happen.

It's like Turn 10 has not only lost it's way, but they are apparently doing everything they can to make the game more like Gran Turismo 7, and embracing all the flaws that I have against that game while adding new ones of their own, and I really have to question why I would even bother with this when I can just continue playing GT7, which probably has better physics and everything anyways.

It's just sad for me how this series that I enjoyed so much is going down this path, and it's crazy how some people keep trying to defend these decisions. The whole thing is just turning me off.

It's also made me realize how live services has created a situation where these games are so demanding and time consuming that I really only have time for just one of them when it comes to genres and niches.
What makes Gran Turismo superior to Forza Motorsport for you?


I'm looking forward to it. I've played the OG Forza Motorsport, FM2 and FM5, so it has been a while since I've played a FM game and I'm not burned out on the series. The progression system sounds fine to me. Racing games such as this always have a grind to them.


What makes Gran Turismo superior to Forza Motorsport for you?
Wheel support has always been a ton better in GT vs Forza. Hell, it pretty much sucked in Horizon and wasnr particularly good on Forza proper.

And despite all the GT series issues, wheel support has been there since PS2 days.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons

I mean if it works for you more power to ya, but for me I guess I just always had different goals and reasons for enjoying Forza games. My thing has always been being a tuner, I just really enjoy trying to create ideal class optimized versions of various cars and coming up with new radical builds like engine and RWD/AWD swaps and making it work.
Car Points are the resource used to install upgrades and are only earned through in-game progression by driving and levelling up the car. You are not locked into any choice you make with your build as you can easily uninstall a part and regain those Car Points to use elsewhere.

This new approach to car building in Forza Motorsport gives players agency, adds tons of replay value and encourages experimentation. Because you aren’t spending credits on upgrades, you no longer are forced to decide between buying a cool new car or upgrading your existing car.

Having to grind away forever just to get cars, and then needing to grind away at driving those cars just to upgrade them really throws a wrench in my playstyle and what I always found so appealing about the franchise.
This new approach to car building in Forza Motorsport gives players agency, adds tons of replay value and encourages experimentation. Because you aren’t spending credits on upgrades, you no longer are forced to decide between buying a cool new car or upgrading your existing car.

To assist with this, we’ve reduced the credit cost of acquiring cars – the most expensive car now is now in the hundreds of thousands instead of millions of credits as it was in Forza Motorsport 7.

Like I grind away at GT7 because I really enjoy the attention to detail they have given all the cars, and being able to do time attack laps with custom built/tuned creations is where I get my satisfaction.
Time Attack will be available at launch, where you can build a car to the best of your chosen PI class and attempt to set the fastest possible time. Just like Builders Cup, the cars you bring into Time Attack are always levelling up.

I mean yeah, it's a live services game and I hate how grindy it can be, but I am willing to put up with it just because I really enjoy their car/driving simulation. In order for this new Forza to standout to me, and draw me away from that, especially considering how invested I have become, it's going to need to do a lot of things better than GT7, and I just don't see that happening.
We’ve already told you that the physics leap in Forza Motorsport is bigger than Forza Motorsport 5, 6 and 7 combined. This 48x improvement in tire fidelity results in a more fun and rewarding driving experience with how the car accelerates, corners, and brakes.

We’ve also overhauled our vehicle dynamics including the tire model with soft, medium and hard compounds, realistic suspension, braking and weight modeling that includes fuel and supports ballast adjustments. These improvements add more depth to driving and encourage new players to find and exceed their limits. Finally, there are massive improvements to our AI so it can keep up with the fastest drivers in our community. We’ll have more to share on that later!



Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I can’t find anything about this being a live service game. Are you sure you understand what that term means?
I feel like we would’ve heard this as big news from many news sources if it was true.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
All the above came from the official site btw.
Yes, everything I have heard about the game sounds like a dream. Gaining progression on TURNS? So my experience with the car always counts, not just when I win? Tracking how well I do on each turn and telling me, so when I really fucking nail it I don't just have a vague sense I did but I can see the concrete proof it was an improvement? Getting a stock of what is basically store credit that just increases how much of my car I can freely swap around as much as I like instead of needing to grind races for money to drop millions on parts to have that freedom? Having an assortment of dedicated series to different types of car to really appreciate each one, journey with it in races made for it? Fucking amazing, all of it.

Reading the OP it sounds like this huge assumption being made that it's going the way of a F2P mobile game or something. There is no reason to believe that.
If you ask me, Forza's biggest selling point is its setting, not necessarily the cars, since those are mostly the same in every game, barring some third party DLC inclusions like Hot Wheels, LEGO, or Cyberpunk 2077.

Just look at all the people begging for the next Forza Horizon game to be set in Japan.


Speak for yourself, I'm pretty excited about the new competitive approach to multiplayer (as someone who wants a similar experience to iRacing but without paying the subscription) and not getting a Bugatti or Koenigsegg 10 minutes into the game.


Gold Member
Car Points are the resource used to install upgrades and are only earned through in-game progression by driving and levelling up the car. You are not locked into any choice you make with your build as you can easily uninstall a part and regain those Car Points to use elsewhere.

This new approach to car building in Forza Motorsport gives players agency, adds tons of replay value and encourages experimentation. Because you aren’t spending credits on upgrades, you no longer are forced to decide between buying a cool new car or upgrading your existing car.

This new approach to car building in Forza Motorsport gives players agency, adds tons of replay value and encourages experimentation. Because you aren’t spending credits on upgrades, you no longer are forced to decide between buying a cool new car or upgrading your existing car.

To assist with this, we’ve reduced the credit cost of acquiring cars – the most expensive car now is now in the hundreds of thousands instead of millions of credits as it was in Forza Motorsport 7.
I hate this so much. Part of the fun of these types of games is getting attached to a car and having to make those decisions, building up to the best cars. Not just getting reams of money and acquiring supercars with no effort. I can't say I am surprised, MS has been moving in this direction for a while, and Forza Horizon is obviously designed for zoomers with the attention span of a gnat, but yea, I hate this.
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Most of the FM community have moved on to more serious sim racing titles and/or other games.

They lost their way after FM5 and there's no evidence that they are looking to return to anything that made FM1-4 what they were. It is what it is, but with Le Man's Ultimate coming later this year and Assetto Corsa 2 next year personally I find it difficult to get too upset about things, not even worth discussing what's gone wrong beyond what I've already said here and on the FM forums up until this point.

Looking more and more like sayonara.

Haven't Forza and gt been live service games for years now?

Yes they have and they are worse off for it in terms of the core experience.
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I’ll give it a shot on gamepass but I’m more of a Forza Horizon fan. I’m hoping it has a better single player career mode than GT7.
I’m not really sure what you’re trying to say OP. Both Forza and GT have been live service games for awhile now. Both are grindy and have been for awhile now. You’re basically saying you don’t want live service racers, but go on to say you love playing GT7. You say you don’t want to grind, but go on to say you have to grind in GT7 but don’t mind it. You say lack of split screen is a big deal, but you love GT7, which has a broken split screen mode so shitty, it might as well not even have it.

So I guess you’re just not a FM fan and more of a GT fan. That’s fine.


Meh it'll probably be fun. Won't look as good on my Series S unfortunately but I'll take what I can get. As long as the framerate is solid I'm not bothered as much about resolution since I've been banished to my mini office and my 27 inch 1080p monitor anyway.

I'd say the bigger problem is the pattern of Xbox being seemingly incapable of releasing a relatively large game without some sort of mini (or sometimes major) controversy about bugs or missing features, poor performance, but then being adamant to the very last second that it will release on time anyway and then delaying it.
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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I hate this so much. Part of the fun of these types of games is getting attached to a car and having to make those decisions, building up to the best cars. Not just getting reams of money and acquiring supercars with no effort. I can't say I am surprised, MS has been moving in this direction for a while, and Forza Horizon is obviously designed for zoomers with the attention span of a gnat, but yea, I hate this.
Orrrrr people who are doing the grind for their real life possessions, who feel they already did to purchase access to the content in this game, who have, besides their responsibilities, diverse interests not only IRL but also in games. I described this credit system to my coworker who plays games and loves cars but has 4 kids and he was pleased to hear some developers are considering the needs of people like him without abundant time to play.


Moderated wildly
Just try it on gamepass day one and see what you think.

I've never played split screen so none of that bothers me, I would much rather have a more robust online multiplayer game, which they said they've focused on. So we will see.

I'm just looking forward to pulling my wheel out again and getting on the track.


They could have made the best Forza ever by having the location in Japan , but just refuse to do so . What a missed opportunity .
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FM8 being announced as a live service game wasn't a surprise imo. What actually surprised me was the always online requirement since Horizon is still playable in offline mode.

I'm picking up the standard version and playing how I like it without the pressure to own all the content or complete everything from the current playlist.


Gold Member
I'm more into the Horizon series, but I'm looking forward to playing FM8 via GP. Curious to see how it will hold up on Steam Deck.


Gold Member
Most of the FM community have moved on to more serious sim racing titles and/or other games.

They lost their way after FM5 and there's no evidence that they are looking to return to anything that made FM1-4 what they were. It is what it is, but with Le Man's Ultimate coming later this year and Assetto Corsa 2 next year personally I find it difficult to get too upset about things, not even worth discussing what's gone wrong beyond what I've already said here and on the FM forums up until this point.

Looking more and more like sayonara.

Yes they have and they are worse off for it in terms of the core experience.
Moved on have they? Thanks for the info 🤣


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I mean even when it comes to the single player, the whole live services approach means it's probably going to become as grindy and time consuming as possible.

They literally said the exact opposite of that.
Theyve reduced the price of cars exponentially and the upgrade system has been simplified to the point you can "sell back" parts to install different ones.
For spec races you can rent cars so you dont even have to purchase them.

Forza Motorsport has been Live Service since Forza Motorsport 3.....what the F are you on about?

As for Split-Screen.....be real and I mean be real, whens the last time you actually used FMs Split-Screen feature.
Cuz it was barebones in FM4(the best of the bunch) and simply wasnt fun going forward.

P.S Have you been watching any of the Forza Monthlys?.....Cuz it seems you have alot of misinformation.
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