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Lets end this now, Gaming PC's DO NOT COST $2000


I'm so tired of the lame phrase used by fanboys to justify the purchase of a PC game on their console. "but...but...if want to spend thousands of dollars to play 'X' PC game that's also coming to a console', fine."


I spent $380 on my 1.9Ghz, 512MB RAM, 60Gig HDD, GeforceFX 5600 Ultra, along with a 15" monitor.

My cheap-o PC can run pretty much any game 60fps locked and it runs circles around Xbox,PS2, and GC combined.

So shut the hell up about gaming PC's costing 1000's dollars.
u know what, this is the kinda arguement i'd usually see myself in but tbh i don't care.

Let them buy inferior console version I don't care

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Insertia said:
....GeforceFX 5600 Ultra,....

How do you plan on playing the new FPS's coming out this year/next year?



Hey check out my game collection. I have like 60 PS2 games, and 45 Xbox games, and 38 Game Cube games.

"Umm, aren't most console games like $50 when they come out!"



PC gaming is more expensive then console gaming. It's not as expensive as people make it out to be, but anyway you look at it, it costs more then owning a console. $400 per year will keep you in a very adequate gaming PC.

What I find funny is people with a $3000 TV, a $2000 6.1 setup, and a monthly gaming budget of $300 complaining about having to buy a new videocard every 18 months.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Not to mention that online gaming is usually free, as long as you have broadband or dialup (hah, high ping bastards)

Then you have the ability to download mods for games like UT2K4 and stuff, patches, etc.


Slo said:
PC gaming is more expensive then console gaming. It's not as expensive as people make it out to be, but anyway you look at it, it costs more then owning a console. $400 per year will keep you in a very adequate gaming PC.

What I find funny is people with a $3000 TV, a $2000 6.1 setup, and a monthly gaming budget of $300 complaining about having to buy a new videocard every 18 months.

So true.

Also, this might be the best time ever in the history of PC gaming in buying a new videocard. While pricey (350-500 bucks) these cards are heads and shoulders above the previous gen. Not only will they play HL2 and Doom 3 with all the bells and whistles properly. They are going to destroy both games (HA HA Doom 3 and Half Life 2 iz teh dead!). Which means you are easily set for 2-3 years as games based on these two engines come out. Videocard technology is vastly outpacing all other computer hardware areas.


I don't plan on buying another video card for another 2 to 3 years. Half Life 2 and Doom3 will run fine on my system with the video options at medium, and it'll still look and play better then the Xbox counterpart.

Far Cry and UT2k4 run perfectly at high detail and i spent less then $400 on my system.
Mrbob said:
Also, this might be the best time ever in the history of PC gaming in buying a new videocard. While pricey (350-500 bucks) these cards are heads and shoulders above the previous gen. Not only will they play HL2 and Doom 3 with all the bells and whistles properly. They are going to destroy both games (HA HA Doom 3 and Half Life 2 iz teh dead!). Which means you are easily set for 2-3 years as games based on these two engines come out. Videocard technology is vastly outpacing all other computer hardware areas.


I've been kicking it with my Radeon 9500 Pro for about 1 1/2 years now, so I think if I get an X800XT soon, I won't need to change it out for at least 2 years. Of course, upgrading a video card practically twists my arm into upgrading my CPU, mobo, RAM, HD, etc.

I'm thinking an A64 3800+ system with 1 GB dual channel RAM and the X800XT might last for a little while. ;) Oh my, I can dream can't I?
"Far Cry and UT2k4 run perfectly at high detail and i spent less then $400 on my system."

I'm on your side, but I'm gonna have to call your bluff on that. DX9 games run like garbage on the 5600.


I agree, I got my computer for $1100 Canadian, but that was with monitor, printer and a large amount of programs. Plays games like a dream, I love my puter!


Insertia said:
I don't plan on buying another video card for another 2 to 3 years. Half Life 2 and Doom3 will run fine on my system with the video options at medium, and it'll still look and play better then the Xbox counterpart.

Far Cry and UT2k4 run perfectly at high detail and i spent less then $400 on my system.

There is no way in hell that 5600 is going to be useable for 2 to 3 years. Maybe if you had a Radeon 9600, but even then it's pushing it.


Setec Astronomer
I use my PC for basically everything except broadcast TV: Music, Games, Movies, Internet, Work, Graphics, etc...

Therefore, the money I put into my PC can't simply be described as a $1000~ gaming machine.


Tre said:
"Far Cry and UT2k4 run perfectly at high detail and i spent less then $400 on my system."

I'm on your side, but I'm gonna have to call your bluff on that. DX9 games run like garbage on the 5600.

Believe what you want, but I just loaded UT2004 up at 1152x864 with all detail set to highest and it ran with no problem.


Insertia said:
Believe what you want, but I just loaded UT2004 up at 1152x864 with all detail set to highest and it ran with no problem.

UT2004 uses no dx9 effects. Hell, I don't even think it uses any dx8 effects.
Comparing PC performance is like fishing, everyone's got a fucking 'story'.



My mobile Athlon 2400 and GF4TI4200 can run the Unreal 3.0 technology demo at over 60FPS sustained.

I don't know what shoddy tech Epic used at GDC and E3....
who gives a shit how much a gaming PC costs.. some people dont want to play games on their PC, and would rather play on their TV, with a controller, sitting on their couch..

you frigging dorks that drop the "its better on PC" lines in every xbox thread are lame.
LuckyBrand said:
who gives a shit how much a gaming PC costs.. some people dont want to play games on their PC, and would rather play on their TV, with a controller, sitting on their couch..

you frigging dorks that drop the "its better on PC" lines in every xbox thread are lame.

Ever heard of a comfortable chair? A huge monitor? That FPS's play better with a keyboard and mouse?

you frigging dorks that try so hard to defend console gaming in every PC thread are lame.


Hitokage said:
I use my PC for basically everything except broadcast TV: Music, Games, Movies, Internet, Work, Graphics, etc...

Therefore, the money I put into my PC can't simply be described as a $1000~ gaming machine.


I had to upgrade my 1,8 GHz Celery, 256 MB SDRAM, Geforce 2 MX system (rofl) in less than a year from purchase because not only could I not run the latest games at a decent clip, but I couldn't even render my CAD projects properly.

I recently had to remove 512 out of a gig of memory from my PC for stability issues. Not only does it affect my gaming, it also affects video encoding, the same CAD programs I was running before ( I have to severely limit the analysis points or it won't work at all), music mixing (larger files), CD/DVD burning and plain ol'multitasking that I can think of off the top of my head. A high end PC is mighty nice for games, but it also kicks the shit out of a lot of other things.

Bullshit on having to upgrade each year. I'll be fine to 2006 with my current setup and it'll be more than capable with all of those games, contrary to popular belief, non-max settings are still playable.

But honestly your hobby is your hobby, who cares how much you spend on what, you pay what you can. Don't hate on those of us with the desire and resources to indulge in the hobby. Go yell at people that collect cars or stamps. They don't even have good graphics.

LuckyBrand said:
you frigging dorks that drop the "its better on PC" lines in every xbox thread are lame.

Ahaha... it's not PC Fanboys saying this. ;)


I love how it's not a problem blowing 1,000 + dollars on a decent TV that supports Progressive Scan, but spending money for a computer is.


Setec Astronomer
The Faceless Master said:
why spend $500 on a video card every 6 months, that's 20-50 more games you could have bought on a console...
Even better, spend far less every couple years. :p


Yes, playing games comfortable in front of a computer IS possible. But I think there's too much money and work required in order to attain that comfort. A good chair, a BIG monitor, a good computer table, a comfortable mouse and keyboard.

And with all of that, I still think it's at least as comfortable to sit in a sofa with just a joypad. :p

Also, PC games tend to freeze etc a lot more than console games. And there's more work involved before actually playing the games: install, setup and that you may run into trouble because your hardware configuration is wrong/lacking. And if you run into trouble, you need to be able to figure exactly what is wrong too.

Xbox is actually a much better "computer" for me. It can do everything a PC can (that I usually need) sans internet browsing. It's always connected to my network at home, so it's like my junior PC. :p


What should be ended are pathetic threads like this. WTF do you care what a person plays his/her games on? If they play their "PC games" with the console version what the hell does that have to do with you? There is absolutely no reason to why you should be posting as stupid as this. There should be no reason to why a person can't play PC games on their consoles.


Grandma's Chippy
Slo said:
$400 per year will keep you in a very adequate gaming PC.

Lets see....

In 1997 I bought a new PC that cost me around $1100 so my wife and I could play games together on a LAN or online at the same time.

In 1999 I upgraded it to 512mb RAM to help play an online game smoother. That cost me $54.

That same year my video card died due to a power surge and I bought a 32mb (lol) TNT card for $114.

Since then I have played every game that has come out that I can think of and only ONCE did I consider upgrading...but I "tweaked" a little and my problem went away.

In 2002 Morrowind brought my video card to it's knees so I spent $94 on a card that had better 3D support.

In 2003 I ran into the first game that would not run at all on my system and ONLY because I didn't have DX9 support (Deux Ex II). So that is when I decided to buy myself a new computer and let my wife have the current one (She had been using one we bought in 1994). So I built my new system for $900 including a 19" flat screen and my wife is using my old one and we shelved her old one for now until I set it up in our daughter's room.

Since my run in with Deux Ex II I have not had any other issues with the old one. It has run Far Cry, Thief III, and UT2K4 more recently but also a lot of other games in the last year.

So lets total this up.

Not counting initial computer cost, I spent $262 upgrading my system over the course of almost 7 years.

So YES...computers are more expensive than consoles (DUH)

YES you will have to upgrade stuff on occasion (memory & vid card being teh top ones)

NO you don't need a completely new computer every few years (I have been averaging one every 6-7 years) usually small upgrades are enough to last a while.

NO a good gaming system that will last you 5+ years will NOT cost you thousands (unless for some reason you buy stuff that is just released and therefore pricey).

YES you will be able to enjoy free updates, free patches, free online play (95% of the games), thriving Mod communities, built in broadband support, full customization, emulation of consoles (had to say that ;P) and games that are much cheaper.

YES consoles play a lot of the same games, and a ton more unique ones that you will never see on your PC.

NO you can't expect your PC game to look and run just like your friends does on his computer as is the case with consoles.

NO you won't have to pay an average of 25% to 35% more for your games AND have to pay for any updates to them (HD downloads for Xbox excluded of course :D)

You either like PC gaming, or you don't.


Insertia said:

I spent $380 on my 1.9Ghz, 512MB RAM, 60Gig HDD, GeforceFX 5600 Ultra, along with a 15" monitor.

My cheap-o PC can run pretty much any game 60fps locked and it runs circles around Xbox,PS2, and GC combined.

So shut the hell up about gaming PC's costing 1000's dollars.

Any game at 60FPS ?? I'd like to see you run Far Cry or UT2K4 or anything from after 2003 for that matter with such a crappy set-up. Okay, if you are content at running them at a shitty resolution without all the graphic eye-candy you might pull it off but then what's the point ?


Slo said:
What I find funny is people with a $3000 TV, a $2000 6.1 setup, and a monthly gaming budget of $300 complaining about having to buy a new videocard every 18 months.

Just to be clear, those people with the h0t5sh17 gear aren't buying, say, a new $400 widget every year and a half because it isn't powerful enough to run the latest string of DVD releases.

There's a sharp difference between spending something short of $10k on a home theater setup and having it last for years and having to drop about $400 and change on a new piece of hardware between every few major game releases.

If you add up the cost of your initial gaming PC purchase (or however much you spent building the core unit), and then tally up how much you spend on subsequent upgrades over the course, of, say, a console generation, you might hit that $2000 mark, depending on how much you want to impress people you've never met in UT4.


Grandma's Chippy
And just to play both sides....since I play both consoles AND PC...

With a console you don't have to worry about spyware or viruses totally raping your system and trashing your saved games!

With consoles you can pick it up and take it with you much easier for some great gaming away from home.

With consoles you don't have to deal with every other game being either a FPS, RTS, or Sim.

With consoles you don't need to have a ton of space dedicated to them, they are usually fairly compact.

Some people like console gaming, some don't.


The Faceless Master said:
why spend $500 on a video card every 6 months, that's 20-50 more games you could have bought on a console...

You are going to buy 50 console games for $500? You really like the bargain bin trash like Big Callhailiaeas Big Game Hunt EH? :D But you really shouldn't bring up the software price argument. PC game prices drop much quicker than console prices. Two months after release PC games, even popular ones, you can usually find on sale for 30 bucks or less. Popular console games cost 50. MAYBE 45-40 if you get one on sale. So we'll give both the benefit of the doubt. 20 PC games at 20 bucks each and 20 console games at 40 each. You just spent 800 dollars on console games versus 400 dollars on PC games. But then again you probably wouldn't buy as many PC games as console games because the shelf life of a PC game is longer than 5-7 days (Of course even some console games has some exceptions to this). :D

PC-Xbox-PS2 --> Holy Trinity
Culex said:
I love how it's not a problem blowing 1,000 + dollars on a decent TV that supports Progressive Scan, but spending money for a computer is.

To be fair, I think the TV will outlast the PC. ;) I spent close to $2000 on my HDTV, but I also use it for DVDs mostly.

But, you're right, I just don't understand how people can blow money on displays, surround sound setups, the high price of most console games that people seem to buy by the assload, and then bitch about an "expensive" PC.
BeOnEdge said:
yeah. dvds, games, TV and most important...COMFORT.

I don't know about you Be, but my computer chair kicks ass, man. I can sit in it longer than I can a couch without getting back aches.
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