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MAD MAX |OT| Beyond Thunderpoon

Ya'll weren't joking about this PC port. God damn.

Playing on maxed settings at 2715 x 1527. I've never gamed above 1080p before, everything looks gorgeous and runs at a locked 60 *drool*

Game itself seems great too, the combat feels awesome and I'm just on the mission to build my car.



So what's the point of upgrading all the strongholds? Why not just upgrade 1 and then teleport back to it whenever you need to restock and then teleport back? I know they have cooldowns but they are fast enough for me to never run out of ammo.

Seems kinda like an oversight.
This game is so fucking relaxing, for me. Which seems weird. I knew I'd be getting Mario Maker and this right around the same time. What's funny is that I thought I'd be bouncing from this game to Mario Maker for some lighthearted downtime, and going back to Max for some serious business. Turns out Mario Maker is a pure frustration machine, and I can lose myself for 3 or 4 hours without even blinking driving around the Wasteland and slaughtering War Boys.

The game is flawed, no doubt, but what it does right, it does REALLY right, or at least right enough for me that I keep going back to it. It's kinda like Alien: Isolation in that regard - an ambitious licensed game that cares about fidelity to its source in the ways that matter, that overreaches with that ambition in the gameplay from time to time.
So what's the point of upgrading all the strongholds? Why not just upgrade 1 and then teleport back to it whenever you need to restock and then teleport back? I know they have cooldowns but they are fast enough for me to never run out of ammo.

Seems kinda like an oversight.

You gain scrap from each stronghold.

Lego Boss

Just finished the story. Was surprised how straightforward the ending was in comparison to other battles, was expecting Scrotal Sac to come back from the dead!

However, the whole experience was stunning. For me it was one of those games which I wish I had never played so I could play it for the first time again.

I loved it to bits and it's the first action open world I've completed in years, including GTA V (although I ploughed 80 hours into it, which is about the same as I've put into MM).

I'm not sure if we'll see a sequel, but I think this will be looked upon favourably in the future.

Amazing. Congrats to all at Avalanche and WB on a truly great game.
Man! I wanted to like this game, but it never clicked with me. Unoriginal design in everything, with safe, monotonous gameplay, I dropped it after ten hours. I sure looked pretty though.


So what's the point of upgrading all the strongholds? Why not just upgrade 1 and then teleport back to it whenever you need to restock and then teleport back? I know they have cooldowns but they are fast enough for me to never run out of ammo.

Seems kinda like an oversight.

You get more scrap (and easier) from having the collection and scrap crews, and I think more from each stronghold the more built up it is.

You're not entirely wrong though; it's fairly obvious based on the previews of this game as opposed to the final version that strongholds were originally intended to be garages where you would have to go in order to upgrade/change the Magnum Opus. But at some point, presumably pretty late in development, they decided to abandon that and let you upgrade anywhere from the start menu. I imagine some of the upgrade mechanics were originally tied to stronghold upgrade progression, but that changed when they abandoned the concept of upgrading the car at garages.


hot damn that ending

I think they nailed those last story beats. Emotionally engaging, rarely does a revenge plot manage to carry me along that well, they did a great job with those final moments.

Does anyone know how well this game is doing sales-wise? I'm hoping to pick this up after I finish Batman Arkham Knight and MGS 5.
Steamspy shows ~350k owners on Steam.
hot damn that ending

I think they nailed those last story beats. Emotionally engaging, rarely does a revenge plot manage to carry me along that well, they did a great job with those final moments.

Steamspy shows ~350k owners on Steam.

That sounds pretty good to me. Over 1 million for sure with consoles included right?

Enjoy. It's a hell of a game. It was totally off my radar until I watched the movie, then I had to look into it. A surprise hit with me, on the level Sleeping Dogs was when it came out.

Thanks! I'm definitely going to savor it

Also here's an album of the screens I took on my new PC. I can't stop using photo mode!



It's hit sub £30 in the UK, and I am tempted.........

I'm a bit of an OCD, map icon loving, checklist ticking, open world whore, so I reckon this would hit the spot........

Is it still better to play on the XBO than the PS4?


Mad Max has one of the best worlds i have seen in OW games. I am playing it for 26 hours and i am still discovering new things on map. Avalanche did extraordinary job in that department. Map is natural and full of details, from amazing dried sea floor to abandoned harbor and mountains on the other side of the map. Also putting your main goal on the opposite side from where you begin and making it visible from every part of the map is awesome.

Also i love what Avalanche did with lightning. It is mostly dynamic and they included Sub - Surface Scattering for skin.

I even like that there is no Story heavy main missions. And if they ever make Mad Max 2 i would love to see great Story heavy side missions with interesting characters and fraction system but no heavy main mission. I would be fine if game didn't have any main story at all but amazing side stories. I really hope that WB will be for Mad Max 2.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
You're not entirely wrong though; it's fairly obvious based on the previews of this game as opposed to the final version that strongholds were originally intended to be garages where you would have to go in order to upgrade/change the Magnum Opus. But at some point, presumably pretty late in development, they decided to abandon that and let you upgrade anywhere from the start menu. I imagine some of the upgrade mechanics were originally tied to stronghold upgrade progression, but that changed when they abandoned the concept of upgrading the car at garages.

Funny thing is that I always drove to a stronghold to upgrade the Magnum Opus. Never once did I upgrade outside of a stronghold as it just didn't feel right to me. If true, wish Avalanche would have kept it the original way.


zavvi.de sells it for 41€. Good price to get it? What games are comparable? i like the setting and some of the screenshots are gorgeous.


Gold Member
Funny thing is that I always drove to a stronghold to upgrade the Magnum Opus. Never once did I upgrade outside of a stronghold as it just didn't feel right to me. If true, wish Avalanche would have kept it the original way.

The game is such a bizarre mix of realism [driving costs fuel, limited ammo, sparse food/water] with ultra arcade-y "press start and go to the upgrade menu to upgrade Max's power level and ultra combo finisher move!".

I can see why they made it that you can adjust your car at any time, but I too drive to a stronghold for that.
The game is such a bizarre mix of realism [driving costs fuel, limited ammo, sparse food/water] with ultra arcade-y "press start and go to the upgrade menu to upgrade Max's power level and ultra combo finisher move!".

I can see why they made it that you can adjust your car at any time, but I too drive to a stronghold for that.

you guys drive all the way to strongholds instead of fast traveling?


you guys drive all the way to strongholds instead of fast traveling?

I did this for most of the game too. I'd bet at some point at lot of these decisions (amount of water, fast travel ability, amount of tokens) were tweaked last minute to make it skew easier. Would've loved a hardcore mode.


The game is such a bizarre mix of realism [driving costs fuel, limited ammo, sparse food/water] with ultra arcade-y "press start and go to the upgrade menu to upgrade Max's power level and ultra combo finisher move!".

I can see why they made it that you can adjust your car at any time, but I too drive to a stronghold for that.

I would say that Mad Max is one of the best balanced " survival" games in recent years. You will rarely be without resources but you will always think about them and be careful how to use them. Avalanche really nailed balance in that department.


I would say that Mad Max is one of the best balanced " survival" games in recent years. You will rarely be without resources but you will always think about them and be careful how to use them. Avalanche really nailed balance in that department.

Totally disagree with this. Barely a concern in the vast majority of gameplay.

About the only worry I had was if I had a fuel tank on hand in case I needed to blow up a door and there were none around.

And early on maintaining enough shotgun shells.


Man, I thought the sandstorms in MGSV were pretty good, but they feel like little dusty farts compared to the MIGHTY FUCKING THE SKY IS FALLING ARMAGEDDON-TYPE STORMS that are in this game.

Intense fucking stuff. I literally said holy shit out loud to deal with the madness when I was fighting a couple of war boys on the roof of a camp while one of those incredibly violent black storms with lightning was raging all around us.

Fantastic moment.

Felt the same way.
Man, I thought the sandstorms in MGSV were pretty good, but they feel like little dusty farts compared to the MIGHTY FUCKING THE SKY IS FALLING ARMAGEDDON-TYPE STORMS that are in this game.

Intense fucking stuff. I literally said holy shit out loud to deal with the madness when I was fighting a couple of war boys on the roof of a camp while one of those incredibly violent black storms with lightning was raging all around us.

Fantastic moment.


They're nuts! Can't see shit



Watching the storm wall slowly close in on you and then the world immediately shifting into a nightmarish hellscape is one of the coolest things in games this year.

Also, the wind during those is some of the best sound design I've heard in a game this year, too. Really makes you feel like Max could get picked up and blown straight into the side of a cliff at any second.


Neo Member
Glad to see this game is still getting some play. I can't wait to go back to it after I finish MGS. I'm about 15 hours in. I like how Max starts out looking like a pathetic wastelander and you can slowly build him up and he ends up turning into a bad ass road warrior as you level him up.


47 hours logged with PC version and still enjoying it lol, admittedly I'm starting to focus more on the wasteland & story missions now and less random scrap collecting but the game has has been a blast to play.



A word of warning to those who play with a plasma television: I got a permanent screen burn from the shivs and shotgun hud at the lower right corner of the screen. Static white icons for 5-6 hours a day, 3 days in a row without other material seemed to ruin my 65" Panasonic VT60. :/

I can't believe it, the tv is like 2 years old and I've gamed a lot with it without any serious image retention issues, and also had plasma before this without ever having these issues.


A word of warning to those who play with a plasma television: I got a permanent screen burn from the shivs and shotgun hud at the lower right corner of the screen. Static white icons for 5-6 hours a day, 3 days in a row without other material seemed to ruin my 65" Panasonic VT60. :/

I can't believe it, the tv is like 2 years old and I've gamed a lot with it without any serious image retention issues, and also had plasma before this without ever having these issues.

Shit, man. Sorry to hear it. I've still got Demon's Souls burns on one of my screens.

Hope it can get sorted out somehow.


A word of warning to those who play with a plasma television: I got a permanent screen burn from the shivs and shotgun hud at the lower right corner of the screen. Static white icons for 5-6 hours a day, 3 days in a row without other material seemed to ruin my 65" Panasonic VT60. :/

I can't believe it, the tv is like 2 years old and I've gamed a lot with it without any serious image retention issues, and also had plasma before this without ever having these issues.

I must have played Mad Max with similar intensity on my panasonic plasma (tx-p50g30y), but got no burn-in. Sorry to hear about your situation :(

I usually go to the menu screen or turn off the tv when I take a break, though


Gold Member
A word of warning to those who play with a plasma television: I got a permanent screen burn from the shivs and shotgun hud at the lower right corner of the screen. Static white icons for 5-6 hours a day, 3 days in a row without other material seemed to ruin my 65" Panasonic VT60. :/

I can't believe it, the tv is like 2 years old and I've gamed a lot with it without any serious image retention issues, and also had plasma before this without ever having these issues.

Sorry to hear. I game on a 60in Samsung Plasma and played MM for 4 or 5hr stints without issue. Maybe run a screen wipe images for a few hours (fairly sure you can find some good ones to download on the net).


"You can also try running a white snowy screen at high contrast for several hours. You can achieve this by selecting the antenna input, assuming you can use it disconnected. There are also some very good calibration discs like the ones Scott referred to and the Disney WOW Blu-Ray, which not only offer effective screen washers, but also have test patterns you can use to help keep the performance of your set at it's best. A properly adjusted plasma is less likely to experience stubborn IR, as long as you don't display static images for long viewing periods"


Gold Member
Just bought this game after seeing the GB quicklook. Looks pretty good. Any tips going in?

Be sure to take your time looking for scraps as soon as possible, you'll be thankful later when upgrades cost an ungodly amount.

Also - if the car handles like ass it's not the controls but the suspension/tires. Upgrade them for better handling.


I feel like I'm doing something wrong with trying to kill the War Crier in camps. When surrounded by a group of enemies it can be really tricky to aim my shotgun at the War Crier and not auto lock on to the enemies, is there something I'm missing?

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
So how are you guys playing this? Slowly clearing each territory or just skipping all side activities and focusing on the story? I've opted to do everything as I find it fun to play so all the extras stuff is just more content instead of being tedious.


I feel like I'm doing something wrong with trying to kill the War Crier in camps. When surrounded by a group of enemies it can be really tricky to aim my shotgun at the War Crier and not auto lock on to the enemies, is there something I'm missing?

Just remember to take your time. The slow-mo doesn't have a time limit. Just roll around and then immediately aim and you should have enough time before someone tries to strike you,
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