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Marvel's ANT-MAN Trailer #1

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An actor who I don't like is an actor who I don't like. I don't need two hours of the latest Shia LeBeouf film to tell you I'm probably not going to like him either. Your holier than thou attitude in this thread is hilarious though. How much context do I need for two one-liners anyway? Please enlighten me oh learned one.

In fairness to LeBeouf, he's pretty great in Fury.
Excited for the movie on the premise alone, but that trailer did nothing for me and kinda took it down a notch. Nothing looked bad.. just nothing looked all that special I suppose?


Well, since it's likely it's gonna be paired up with Tak3n, I'll see how some of the public thinks of this. I do remember they were ho hum about the GOTG teaser aside from the Middle Finger and Who?
Maybe he is in prison for trying to steal from Pym?

I like this angle. Scott is forced by the bad guy to steal from Pym, failed and got caught, Pym do background research, find Scott to be decent kind of guy, decide to recruit him for his own heist to save the world.

Scott personal motivation for this will still about his daughter, although maybe he will develop a more selfless motivation to be a hero as the movie progress.
I thought it was fine, not amazing or shit just fine.
-Glad it wasn't overly comedic that would been low picking for a character called ant-man.
-My favorite thing about the Altman character(who ever it is) is that they are men who have made mistakes but continue to do good. Seems from Kevin interview they are going for that.
I never even cared about Ant-man and thought it was a pretty lame character until that old trailer of him running down the hallway and down the barrel of a gun. That made me understand and see the potential for a hero like that so i'm reasonably looking forward to this. The trailer was pretty basic tho and didn't really tell you much about the tone or plot besides some generic "your special, save the world, for your daughter" stuff.

I have to say, i'm starting to really hate the feeling I get when it seems like films just shoehorn a vulnerable child in there to amp up the audiences emotional involvement. I honestly flashed back to Spider-man 3's Sandman and how every so often they would tap you on the shoulder and say "There's really no reason why you should give a shit about this character so don't forget about that cute, helpless little daughter of his that he's fighting for." I hope the "daughter" angle is more than just a box to check in a last ditch effort to get people more emotionally invested


It honestly looks fucking awesome. Bit jarring with the serious tone, then random humour just because it didn't seem to be pulled off right. Hyped though!

From the shots from the trailer, it looks like its well shot.


Online Ho Champ
when you hear a heist film, usually you had certain expectation for things like recruiting the group or scene planning the heist, or what they're trying to steal etc. none of that is featured in the trailer, so he does have a valid point about this didn't look like a heist film at all.

but I do like the focus on the daughter relationship because that is something new we haven't seen before in MCU.

not giving up on the movie just yet. will wait for trailer 2. and the few action shot they had do looks cool imo.

sounded like Pym was recruiting Lang from jail after his past caught up with him. The daughter relationship looks like the true motivation for his questionable behavior.
Man for a movie once to be directed by Edgar Wright and then come to a trailer like this...

Need to see a lot more, but that was not what I was really expecting. Tonally the trailer was weird as well. It was very intense and serious, but the 2 times Paul Rudd spoke or reacted it was jokey.
Having not read the comics this was pretty underwhelming. Needed to show him fighting someone or jumping like in the test footage. All we saw was some ant flying and him throwing a guy through some glass full size.

The comedic parts weren't funny either.

Will this be the green lantern of the marvel movie universe?


Trailer reminds me of the "Who?" joke from GOTG. As others have said, the tone should have switched immediately after Rudd says "huh".

The beginning was so generic and over dramatic I was sure that was about to happen.


They desperately need for the next trailer to riff on the Wright test footage in order to sell his powers beyond shrinking and riding ants.
Wasn't very interested but it's only the first trailer.

that test footage was much better IMO if only because it showed very quickly how this kind of power would be used. They show him shrink and hover on a wasp. A few seconds of either of these things being super useful would have been good

Dead Man

Which marvel movie?

All of them:

Funny white guy with esteem issues gets the girl, blows stuff up.

Paul Rudd is: Marvel Movie.


I like this angle. Scott is forced by the bad guy to steal from Pym, failed and got caught, Pym do background research, find Scott to be decent kind of guy, decide to recruit him for his own heist to save the world.

Scott personal motivation for this will still about his daughter, although maybe he will develop a more selfless motivation to be a hero as the movie progress.

Pretty much what I am assuming at the moment, hopefully the next trailer shows some more inspiring action.


They desperately need for the next trailer to riff on the Wright test footage in order to sell his powers beyond shrinking and riding ants.

Baby steps.

General public doesn't even know who Ant-Man is. This trailer just introduces people to the basic concept of Ant-Man: a superhero who rides ants. Next trailer will likely be exactly what you're describing.
Baby steps.

General public doesn't even know who Ant-Man is. This trailer just introduces people to the basic concept of Ant-Man: a superhero who rides ants. Next trailer will likely be exactly what you're describing.

And it's also poking fun at its premise in a ''we get it''; 4th wall-breaking kind of thing.

Whoever thought of putting that new lightsaber in the trailer for Episode 7 made a similar decision I take it. Put the weird stuff first so people get talking and get used to the concept, then you bring out the big guns.

looks like generic marvel movie #12.

So you're saying a Marvel movie looks like a Marvel movie? Crazy concept eh?

Half-joking. It's too early to tell, but that teaser didn't do anything to hype me up. Ant-Man was the first Marvel film that I was hyped for until Wright left. I'm hoping they can win me back with another trailer that shows more visual comedy and more action. Less of the HIGH MARVEL STAKES stuff.


It looks alright but it also feels, at least from this trailer, like a generic super hero movie. i can only imagine the tone and style had Edgar Wright stayed on.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
I was expecting a more comedic trailer given the "Ant sized preview" and the poster, but probably didn't want to make it too similar to GotG's.
It was serviceable, and cool to see he'll actually ride ants :D

Edgar Wright beats his wife.

From the director of Yes Man
And Hollywood classic spirit fingers Bring It On.

Main character's only two lines are jokes and people say it's too serious?

Just like the Age of Ultron trailer, the first one is gonna be heavy on the drama, but it wasn't Batman serious.
People also like to forget how fucking serious Iron Man 3's trailers were.

That looks like a bland marvel movie. Like no identity.
*insert Yes Man joke here*

It is painful to look at such boring tv level generic cinematopgraphy knowing what we nearly got.
Will this garbage ever get old I wonder...

What's wrong with Thor 2? I enjoyed it,
and Elektra as well :p

On a side note, I do wonder, since Marvel is under the Disney banner now, that having a worldwide gross equivalent to Captain America: First Avenger's 375$ mill will be viewed as a failure for Marvel if that is what ANT MAN's final tally is?
Marvel has been under the Disney banner since August 2009, also the movie will definitely make more than The First Avenger (also a lot of people expected GotG to pull between those and Thor 1's numbers as well)

Doesn't seem like you can ever please people with these trailers.
Of course not, but one would expect that at this point people would have learnt not to actually trust a trailer.

I wonder if this movie will do poorly because the expectation that is has to topple the big bombastic comic movies that came and will out. How do you build an origin story and then have presumably a focused one on one action sequence to end the film on?

Also with Avengers do you think that people will watch Ultron and then come back 2-3 months later to see another comic book movie or will they have their fill?
Don't see why not, remember that Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises were released within a similar timeframe and both did spectacular numbers.

Last line made me laugh. I think Douglas and Rudd are going to kill it in.

I see plenty of "tone is too serious" remarks from people who I guess forget Marvel's other 10 movies.
This, seriously this.

"Eat crow again"? What other movie did people have to eat crow from? Aside from Captain America 2, all of Marvel's movies since Iron Man 1 have been terrible.
You must be as high as Franco is in your avatar.

Someone really needs to make a Marvel Bingo card for these. It needs "Looks like a TV show" "This is the one that will flop" and for Ant-man only "This would have been better if Wright was still making it".
Considering the comments that were floating when Derrickson was announced as Strange's director, that last one could be used in general.
Also I'll add "I'm tired of comic book movies" and "Iron Man 1 was the only good one".

Obviously everyone knew it was going to be a hit when the trailers aired.
Yep, revisionist history was quite funny with GotG.

I can't remember - which one was GotG's first teaser like this? Did it capture any of the comedic notes of the actual movie?
It had the "...who?" and blurred middle finger, probably others I can't remember.

Oh no, us Marvel film fans were. A lot of GAFfers on the other hand...
IIRC the reception to the GotG teaser on GAF was mostly positive.

Apparently the fastest, most fool-proof way to rock-hard, glistening washaboard abs is to be cast in a Marvel movie.
It really is impressive.

Well this one is probably true. Wright is the best action/comedy director working.
I like his style, but that is debatable.

Did not know that Peyton Reed was hired because of his box office draw, interesting.
Probably just because he's a Yes Man *wink wink nudge*
For fun:
- Edgar Wright movies
1	Hot Fuzz	Rog.	$80.6
2	Scott Pilgrim vs. the World	Uni.	$47.7
3	The World's End	Focus	$46.1
4	Shaun of the Dead	Rog.	$30.0
- Peyton Reed movies
1	Yes Man	WB	$223.2
2	The Break-Up	Uni.	$205.0
3	Bring It On	Uni.	$90.4
4	Down with Love	Fox	$39.5

The CG looks somewhat cheap and the production values seem kind of low, I feel like Arrow is able to have similar production values despite being a show.

Also being in 16:9 instead of 22:9 isn't helping.

Arrow spends all its budget on flips, Felicity's dresses, and the new age.

Impossible for a MCU movie to tank, still, theres no way this one makes more than any of the THOR's.
It'll make more money than The Incredible Hulk, Captain America The First Avenger and Thor 1, beyond that is anyone's guess.

If only we have some rock soundtrack like the Iron Man trailers, I think the first trailers of the three Iron Man films had AC/DC.

Also, expect to see more during the Super Bowl.
IM3's trailers were devoid of AC/DC, as was the movie :(

Not being Edgar Wright.

Instead of getting 2 hours of Iron Fist, you're going to be getting 13 hours.
And some more, how many episodes is The Defenders going to be again?


Not much to see in this trailer, but I love that you can still see Rudd's eyes through the helmet. Great little touch.
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