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My Spoiler-Free Dark Souls 3 Review

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I just finished Dark Souls 3 earlier today (English Xbox One Version) and wanted to start a review thread, so everyone who finished it could join in and players could get a few honest reviews before launch. Note that all of this is highly subjective and based on my previous experiences with the Souls series.

So, first of all, let me get this out of the way:

This is easily one of the best games to come out in recent years. It's easily better than Bloodborne and will probably end up being one of the best games of this generation. Dark Souls 3 is truly the Dark Souls 1 sequel everyone has been waiting for and more.

For a few reasons, I don't feel like it quite holds up to Dark Souls 1, but I'm sure that'll boil down to personal preference.

My personal ranking of the Souls games after finishing DS3 now would be DS1 -> DS3 -> DeS -> DS2 -> Bloodborne. Again, this is HIGHLY subjective. I loved Bloodborne for what it was, but the design choices that were made there (forcing players to effective run through the game with a single weapon, all armors effectively being the same, all builds feeling very similar to one another, etc. just killed the replay value) didn't agree with me at all. But let's stick with Dark Souls 3...

So, let's break it apart:

1) Difficulty: I was really surprised by that - This is a tough as nails game. I felt like it was harder than Dark Souls 1 (might also be because I finished Dark Souls 1 like 20 times already), but if you thought that this would be an easier game, think again: The beginning of DS3 is still a bit soft on you, but once you get to the mid / late stages, you better make sure you're a damn good Souls player or you'll get eaten alive. Some of the bosses in this game will probably go down as the hardest the series has ever seen. You'll experience shit like taking down a boss after 5 tries only to find out that that was only phase 1 and now you're faced with another full boss health bar when phase 2 is starting... I haven't played through the game with any online functionality, so I'm sure once you invite other players, the difficulty level will go way down again, but brace yourself if you want to do it all yourself, this game will do nasty things to you. Better bring some lube.

2) Layouts / Levels: Personally, I feel like Dark Souls 1 still takes the cake on this one. Dark Souls 1 to me was basically Zelda 1. Once you got through the tutorial part, you were free to go wherever you wanted, you could make your way to places like Blighttown, Valley of the Drakes, Tomb of Giants, etc. right away - The game taught you to not go there in the same way Zelda 1 did 20 years before: By placing enemies along the way that'll rip you apart, so you understand that you'll have to return later. Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 went into a different direction: The games ended up being far more linear. Yes, there are some side things to do apart from the critical path and sometimes you can choose to either do this or that area first, but it's a far cry from the direction Dark Souls 1 laid out. New players will probably be happy about that, but this kinda design definitely diminishes the crazy replay value you got out of Dark Souls 1 by trying to find better and better ways to get good equipment right at the start or to finish the game in a new and unique way. Again, DS1 worked like Zelda 1: Either enter the first dungeon or roam around and get the Master Sword right away. Dark Souls 3 feels more like the later Zeldas: There are some things to do apart from the critical path, but you're way more constrained. People who preferred Bloodborne over Souls will probably like this design choice, I felt like it was a step backwards.

3) Combat: I was really hoping for the combat system, especially the sword arts stuff to become a much bigger part of combat, so that the combat would become much more diverse and PVP more interesting. Sadly, I found that the Sword Arts system didn't really add that much to the (already fantastic) Dark Souls combat. I rarely used the Sword Arts skills and found quite a lot of them fairly useless. Granted, this might be due to the weapons I used to finish the game, but seeing how the Sword Arts stuff isn't adding a lot, I also didn't spec heavily into Attunement (the skill that enhances your mana bar). So yeah, we're once again dealing with the same old Dark Souls combat system: It's still as brilliant as ever, but little has changed. I think it could've been cool if the player could've unlocked various new skills for each weapon and customized that, so that even players with the same weapons could get way different playstyles. Just stuff like that would've helped to make the Dark Souls combat feel even deeper. Regarding PVE, the good old tricks still very much work: With most bosses and heavier enemies, you're usually well advised to just stay very close to them, wait for an opening and then start hitting them -> Rinse and Repeat. Now, sticking close to what you're good at is not a bad thing, but why not try to make the combat even better than it was before? The things that were added are nice little additions, but I definitely had high hopes for a more varied combat scheme this time around.

4) Innovation: I was a bit worried about From Software not being able to have enough time on DS3 - I mean, we've seen From releasing a new Souls game every year now since Dark Souls 2 and I personally would've loved to see them do a few cooler things. One of the things I always wanted to see in the Souls games was an actual change in the weapons when you upgrade them: Don't just tweak the specs, make them look and feel more powerful. None of that is there this time either, the weapons just get stronger and stronger. You also can't upgrade any armors anymore, which is a pity. In general, this very much felt like another Souls iteration: Great for people who just wanted more Souls, but in terms of bringing new stuff to the formula, DS3 adds very little.

5) Bosses: The cornerstone of every Souls game. Luckily, I think this is where Dark Souls 3 hit all the right notes: Many times your jaw will fall to the ground and you'll be flabbergasted about a boss just ripping you to pieces within a mere seconds.

Yes, some of you might be disappointed that we again see a lot of dudes in armors with big swords: There's definitely a lot of that in Dark Souls 3. There is a distinct lack of monsters and dragons and crazy creatures here. You'll not find anything like a Gaping Dragon or Khalameet or Manus in this game. While that's a slight bit disappointing, I was always more focused on the mechanical side of things here and wasn't that concerned with what the shape of the boss is and man, is this stuff ever good. Most of these bosses are ruthless and unless you're willing to dance to the death with them and use all your rolling and Souls skills, you'll get brutally fisted. While I was a bit disappointed with the first 4-5 bosses and them going down very quickly, the difficulty soon ramped up to crazy levels and some of these bosses gave me the hardest time I ever had with a Souls game. A lot of them took me a good 10-15 tries to finally nail them and yes, finally beating a boss still feels ever so satisfying.

6) Graphics: Let me preface this with the fact that I played version 1.0 and it seems like the patch that'll come out launch day will optimize the framerate quite a bit, but often times playing this game on Xbox One was a painful experience: Most of the time you play with somewhat stuttery 30fps, a lot of times during combat, the framerate dips down to probably around 20-25fps and in some of the mid- and later stage boss battles, the game dips so hard in performance that you actually start playing in slow motion. This is obviously a big issue and I hope From optimized the hell out of the game towards the end of development, which isn't unheard of.

That said, this game looks exactly what I hoped a Next-Gen Dark Souls would look like. There are quite a few environments that look utterly stunning and will want you to just put the controller down to stare at the scenery: This is easily the best looking Souls game ever made. Not just because of the tech behind it, but because of the Art Direction. The first time you'll reach that castle during snowfall, you will absolutely be stunned by the sheer beauty. There are a few areas where the look doesn't quite hold up, but it never ever repeats what Dark Souls 1 did, putting you into huge, empty, barren environments that look far worse than earlier areas of the game. It's a stunner through and through.

Verdict: I consider Dark Souls 3 to be the true sequel to Dark Souls 1 and everyone who loved that game will undoubtedly love Dark Souls 3. While it doesn't add a whole lot of new stuff to From's trusty formula, this game shows an incredible confidence in design and I'm pretty sure it'll keep players playing for years on end. I finished my first playthrough at level 92 after about 40 hours of playtime and I'm already going back in to try a Bow-only and a Sorc build next. This is easily a 9/10 game, a true classic and will easily end up being one of the defining games of this console generation. You've done it again, Miyazaki, you crazy bastard.


isn't it already "day 1" if its out in japan? or did they say something about there being a patch that addresses performance for the western release?

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
For "one of the best games to come out in recent years" it sure sounds from your write-up like the game is just more of the same. You didn't sound impressed by the levels or the combat or the innovation. So what exactly makes this the best game of the past few years?
While I don't really agree with some of the design choices you wish the series would have had, such as weapon upgrades I appreciate your review and I was actually hoping someone would make one of these threads so thank you for this OP.
Though the 1.02 update also raises the difficulty for the Xbox one version, so if you thought the game was difficult now, you're in for a ride OP
isn't it already "day 1" if its out in japan? or did they say something about there being a patch that addresses performance for the western release?
I don't think it's a performance update, just difficulty update for the English version. The Japanese version has the update since its been officially released, but the Xbox one English version doesn't because it hasnt been officially released.


While I don't really agree with some of the design choices you wish the series would have had, such as weapon upgrades I appreciate your review and I was actually hoping someone would make one of these threads so thank you for this OP.
Though the 1.02 update also raises the difficulty for the Xbox one version, so if you thought the game was difficult now, you're in for a ride OP.

What's this about? Was it really too easy? (please no one spoil things in here).


Combat is a step down from BB I feel. Slower and as you say the combat arts aren't useful. Seems like Miyazaki wanted melee to have a use for the mana bar beyond heals.
Circle strafing behind a shield and fishing for backstabs is par the course. Roll iframes have been buffed significantly to the point where you only need to time a roll as a boss attacks to be immune.

From what I've seen from the spells in the game, this is also another area that is lacking.
From Software should have taken the opportunity to add lots of newer spells with interesting effects. Instead I am picking up the exact same spells again from the last games.

Everything else is a step up from BB and completely trounces DkS2.
While I don't really agree with some of the design choices you wish the series would have had, such as weapon upgrades I appreciate your review and I was actually hoping someone would make one of these threads so thank you for this OP.
Though the 1.02 update also raises the difficulty for the Xbox one version, so if you thought the game was difficult now, you're in for a ride OP.

I wonder what From actually did to make the game easier though. My guess would be that they only tweaked the values of some of the earlier bosses and more difficult enemies, not tweak values that would affect the entire game. If that's the case and the game is even harder than it already was in 1.0, then holy shit, it'll easily be the hardest Souls game ever made.


I wonder what From actually did to make the game easier though. My guess would be that they only tweaked the values of some of the earlier bosses and more difficult enemies, not tweak values that would affect the entire game. If that's the case and the game is even harder than it already was in 1.0, then holy shit, it'll easily be the hardest Souls game ever made.

it is 100% verified that the xbox one english version is SUBSTANTIALLY easier than the 1.1 release

Mostly what changes is the dmg enemies do to you
People seem to be doing the same amount of damage

and its not just early game. It seems to get more noticeable as the game goes on
What's this about? Was it really too easy? (please no one spoil things in here).
I don't have the game, but from what I've read in the import OT. The Xbox One version is running the press version of the game which was toned down in difficultly so journalists weren't being destroyed while playing a couple weeks ago. The 1.01 update puts the game at its proper difficulty which is the Japanese version.


I can't agree with you OP because I enjoyed Bloodborne more than Dark Souls. Matter fact I find Demon's Souls to be a better game than Dark Souls. Just my two cents.


Definitely the true DS1 sequel

what makes this game inferior to DS1 for me is that the world as it brilliantly interconnected, hub area is separated and level design isn't constantly good like BB(some of them are trash like how
demon area and majority of catacombs are literally chalice dungeons. now compare those to DS1's catacombs and demon ruins

BB has the benefits of benefit more fresh and innovative to me overall and DS1 has the benefit of having much more content and replay value so, they are equal for me.

DS1 =10/10
DS3/BB = 9/10 ( if BB has more content and better everything online it probably would have been better than DS3 for me)
DeS = 8/10
DS 2 = 7.5/10

I'm not fatigued and I hope to see more From Souls games in the future.

What's this about? Was it really too easy? (please no one spoil things in here).

well, one boss one shoted me whith a grab move while having full hp(embered) and couldn't one shot peeve even though he had lower hp(not embered)
Thanks for the impressions. It'll be interesting to see where it lands on the Souls spectrum for me as my current ranking is already significantly different then your own.


What's this about? Was it really too easy? (please no one spoil things in here).

They reduced the damage taken in the unfinished version of the game for press events. I think by around 30-35% or so? Everyone who played the english xbox one version is not playing the game as intended and a day one patch is still being worked on. The Japanese and PC versions of the game are correct though.

Bloodborne the worst of all Souls games? Err..

It's not a souls game, though.
For "one of the best games to come out in recent years" it sure sounds from your write-up like the game is just more of the same. You didn't sound impressed by the levels or the combat or the innovation. So what exactly makes this the best game of the past few years?

That was my take away as well. Your first few sentences had me super excited...then you spent a lot of time saying how good it was...but Dark Souls 1 did it all better. Maybe Dark Souls 1 is just as much as a gem as it appeared to be while first playing it. I feel a little bummed thinking that From software will spend all of this time just chasing that high but never quite being able to reach it. At least, that's why I enjoyed Bloodborne a WHOLE lot as it felt like a new beast that still had the DNA from Dark Souls.

It was weird to play Dark Souls around the time it came out. It just felt like one of those sea change moments. I always wondered what it would be like to play through a newly released game that would end up being one of the absolute classics to the video game pantheon.
DS2 better than BB... common now. :)

I know I'm being super hard on Bloodborne here, but seriously, how many times did you play thorugh the game compared to Dark Souls 1? I finished Dark Souls 1 around 20 times, different builds, every playthrough felt quite different. Bloodborne completely dropped the ball there: All builds felt very similar, everything was just heavily focused on Melee, the RPG aspects felt like they were added late in the game, etc. - Yes, Bloodborne is a brilliant game, but I never felt like it captured the same magic the Souls games usually have. Dark Souls 2 very much is a flawed game, but due to that, I still preferred it over BB.


I know I'm being super hard on Bloodborne here, but seriously, how many times did you play thorugh the game compared to Dark Souls 1? I finished Dark Souls 1 around 20 times, different builds, every playthrough felt quite different. Bloodborne completely dropped the ball there: All builds felt very similar, everything was just heavily focused on Melee, the RPG aspects felt like they were added late in the game, etc. - Yes, Bloodborne is a brilliant game, but I never felt like it captured the same magic the Souls games usually have. Dark Souls 2 very much is a flawed game, but due to that, I still preferred it over BB.

Can't disagree with anything you just said. But I did like BB much more than DS2. That said, you have me even more hyped about DS3 than I already am. Thanks for the review!


Tears in the rain
I know I'm being super hard on Bloodborne here, but seriously, how many times did you play thorugh the game compared to Dark Souls 1? I finished Dark Souls 1 around 20 times, different builds, every playthrough felt quite different. Bloodborne completely dropped the ball there: All builds felt very similar, everything was just heavily focused on Melee, the RPG aspects felt like they were added late in the game, etc. - Yes, Bloodborne is a brilliant game, but I never felt like it captured the same magic the Souls games usually have. Dark Souls 2 very much is a flawed game, but due to that, I still preferred it over BB.

Way more than DS1. Only slightly less than DS2 which is the worst From Soft game in recent years (while being an outstanding game in it's own right).


Played all of them, bloodborne easily better than them all, have a hark time going back to souls after BB. Guess your opinion doesn't align with mine but its good to see DS3 is still highly rated.


It is From's golden calf. Why would they kill it?
Maybe the games leads step away/ it is all B team all the time. But i highly doubt this is the last souls-like game they make

It's done for now. It will come back in time, and even sooner if whatever FROM makes next isn't a success.
I wish I got the same kick out of Dark 1's interconnected world as other people. Yeah, being able to choose multiple paths at the start is nice, but it doesn't make up for the individual areas themselves generally being a step down from other games in the series (imo). Plus the back half can be a mess. I could never rate it above Demon's or Bloodborne for its lack of consistency alone.

Good to hear that you liked it. Kind of strange that you can't upgrade armor though.

Being unable to upgrade armor is a brilliant choice. Armor is generally of little effectiveness anyway, so using upgrade materials on it always feels like a drag; eliminating that option also frees up materials to be used on weapons, which see more significant and tangible upgrades with each reinforcement. Also, fashion Souls boys.
Glad to hear you enjoyed it. A hard as nails dungeon crawler is hard to ignore. My second most anticipated game behind Star Fox Zero.


We're 16 days away from Western release and some people have already finished the game.

Fuck everything.


Not a mod, just a bot.
We can't allow individual users to post review threads while discussion is still heavy on the forum, sorry. There's just too many users with opinions.
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