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New Nintendo Direct to be broadcast tomorrow (Now-Spring 3DS/Wii U titles)

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Here's what you're getting:

-Mario Kart release month (maybe day)
-Kirby March date
-Mario Golf April date (these two could switch)
-a little bit of Smash info if we're lucky
-DKC trailer reiteration
-Maybe a touch of Yoshi's Island
-ALTTP and Mario 3 VC news (probably one of them)
-a little bit of eShop maybe
-Maybe one big surprise at the end (though I anticipate nothing as a result of the dickish spoiler bomb they dropped last time)

The huge one is in January


Price cut + MK8 bundle

I find it believable we might see another price cut by the time MK8 hits, but I doubt they will announce it so early. If there is indeed one planned we will only know about it at around a month or a couple of weeks before it happens or even later.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
My guess is that we see a new Smash character and everything else is underwhelming.

The most "exciting" thing I can see happening is an announcement of N64 games coming to Wii U VC.


Is Microsoft advertising Titanfall already? How about Sony and Infamous?

Have you seen Titanfall? They've been pushing those games since E3.

People buy expensive video game hardware for the games it can play and the games it will play in the future. They're not disposable one time use devices.


I guess we'll also know if Bayonetta 2 is coming out in spring. I have a feeling it's not.

Here's the Wii U games that have been hinted at as being spring, but are in no way confirmed to come out in spring:

Smash Bros
Bayonetta 2
Mario Kart 8

If all those hit in spring, dang: that's a solid lineup.


Sad day when people are clamoring for more info on something like Cranky Kong and nobody is clamoring for Star Fox, Metroid, F-Zero, Kid Icarus, or any of the other franchises that have gone the way of the dinosaur.

you need to get your sarcasm detector checked
dont get too hyped, expect more 3DS information and game announcements while Iwata and co. ignore talking about the Wii U's 2014 line up other than a few lame screenshots of mario kart and smash bros. maybe a small update on bayonetta 2. mostly expect much more please understand as usual.



Every time a Nintendo Direct is announced I hope for a SMT X FE trailer do it Iwata ...Im ok with an X trailer as well


WOW... some minutes ago, someone made a thread about the nintendo direct. He wrote: "Stomp like a goomba if old"
The first post was a picture with just that!! awesome.


Unconfirmed Member
I really hope Nintendo Europe will talk about Rune Factory 4.

More Kirby 3DS footage would be great too, and hopefully something related to Smash.


Expecting an international release date to Kirby Triple Deluxe. Maybe dates on Yoshi's New Island and Yarn Yoshi.


DK:TF, MK8, Mario Golf 3DS and Kirby 3DS happening. Probably get some Pokémon X/Y DLC news now that Pokémon Bank will be available soon. And then, the bombshell:

"Since the start of the Smash Brothers updates, we have only shown you characters returning for another round of battle. Today, we would like to change that. Please take a look."

New video plays. 2-3 new characters shown off along with the Final Smashes of Villager and Mega Man.

"Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U will be launching worldwide Summer 2014."
OK, time to speculate :
WiiU :
-release date and new gameplay for DK, Mario Kart, Bayonetta
-VC news
-Luigi's mansion U (Ho God I hope not)
-Perhaps new character for smash

-Yoshi's new Island
-SMT4 release date (EU)
-Layton VS AA release date
-waste of time presenting Miiverse and NNID fr 3DS

Announcement of the coming of the year of WALUIGI
Waluigi U, a military mature shooter where Wauigi invades Mushroom kingdom to avenge his brother Wario. Online, cross play with 3DS. Comes with a VR headset and a fake Waluigi moustache. out Tomorow, game of forever, WiiU sells like hot cake and Iwata laughs until the end of times.

I think I'm playing it safe.


This will be about everything they want to get out before next E3. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see a surprise in here.

I am stupidly excited - these things often let me down - but I just can't help it.

I'm hoping for a 3DS metroid - reggie wearing that pin followed so closely by this direct... He must have been teasing it. You don't just put on a metroid pin.
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