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New Quantum Break Impressions & Previews


This look so good.

Alan Wake presented its shooting in kind of a ho hum way but man blowing enemies away with a shotgun was excellent.

I like the NBC tv serial approach and the way it blends in cinematics. It's funny and unique.
Oh my, just know that the GamesRadar dude is by far and large the person in the gameplay videos most confident at the game, the second one being IGN but by somewhat of a margin.

It's very interesting to observe how they play the game in the videos and how that may color their opinion of the game. Most of the GIF's people are making in this topic are from GameRadar's video though since they seem to have the most mastery of the game's mechanics, time skills, and general playing. The others get swamped a lot, hide behind cover too much, etc.

I'm not very good at shooters though hahahahah but yeah I'll check the videos later today i think. haven't been sold on this game so far, but PC plus some decent previews might twist my arm
Seeing all the powers, that seems like a lot of fun zipping around everywhere, creating bubbles, shoulder bashing, and crowd manipulating. I can't wait to see what I can do with it.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
So tempted to grab a nice little meal and watch all these videos while enjoying them all.

Might have to contain myself to one or two though.

Remedy really looks to have made such an amazing game, wow.


Game looks really good. How game stand graphically compared to previous previews during last year? Any proper comparisons? Some members said here there is a downgrade.

This already beat it imho.

IMO no. Nathan Drake looks much better during cut-scenes than Aiden in those shots in your post.


Looks decent. Don't know why it slight reminds me of inFAMOUS Second Son though. And wish they did not use recognizable actors.

Also, it's funny how the threads not focusing on impressions of what kind of game this is or actual gameplay are bigger than this damn thread.


Looks decent. Don't know why it slight reminds me of inFAMOUS Second Son though. And wish they did not use recognizable actors.

Also, it's funny how the threads not focusing on impressions of what kind of game this is or actual gameplay are bigger than this damn thread.

I had the same impression as you. Upon analyzing a bit more of the footage shown I guess it's because of the way the protagonists stand still and some running animation that looks strangely familiar.

Edit: A few images to illustrate:


Gameplay just looks so fun, can't wait to move around enemies and play with all different powers. I also hope they announce some cool collectors editions.


Game looks really good. How game stand graphically compared to previous previews during last year? Any proper comparisons? Some members said here there is a downgrade.

IMO no. Nathan Drake looks much better during cut-scenes than Aiden in those shots in your post.

I'm sure you'll be happy if there is a downgrade.

Of course you don't think it looks better. Even if it did...I'm not sure you would say so...or visit the thread. Unless the Conduit I know has changed....in that case, nm. :p

I'd expect UC4 to set a pretty good standard and it won't surprise me if it's more impressive visually. I mean, lets at least be honest across the board here, lol.

Direct feed?
Looks 1080p with film grain and other post-processing, low AF though :(

Remedy love their film grain and cinematic looks. Hopefully the option to toggle grain will be in it. Maybe on the PC build at least.
Game looks really good. How game stand graphically compared to previous previews during last year? Any proper comparisons? Some members said here there is a downgrade.

IMO no. Nathan Drake looks much better during cut-scenes than Aiden in those shots in your post.



Looks good and Remedy seems at the top of their game here. Alan Wake/AN were good but the shooting at times felt a little flat and one note. It seems like they're going for a lot of variety and less passive shooting here that makes it more in common with Max Payne than a cover shooter.


My goodness, I'm so excited! Bullet time 2.0! I also love that the cast feels very strong, even if the story turns out to feel a bit lackluster. The gameplay is mesmerizing- time shields, dashes, melee - in my veins!


Shooting isn't as viscerally satisfying as in some games for whatever reason. Like, when shooting someone point blank, the bullets are just sort of absorbed into the opposing model.


I had the same impression as you. Upon analyzing a bit more of the footage shown I guess it's because of the way the protagonists stand still and some running animation that looks strangely familiar.

Edit: A few images to illustrate:

And the smoke dash like animations.


Love me some time travel. While not the most unique shooter ideas, Remedy know how to make damn good shooters with time toys. Hopefully MS markets the hell out of it because it deserves massive sales...just so we can get AW2!


Looks decent. Don't know why it slight reminds me of inFAMOUS Second Son though. And wish they did not use recognizable actors.

Also, it's funny how the threads not focusing on impressions of what kind of game this is or actual gameplay are bigger than this damn thread.

It sounds like them bringing in the actors they have has helped tremendously with the live action portion of the game.


I don't know why, but nothing about this game looks interesting to me... Especially the time travel parts, they just look like they will lose their "Cool" feeling fast and turn out to be boring and cheap.
With regards to gameplay variation and time powers, I have some interview responses to the Telegraph that may provide some insight :).


We’ve seen some explosive gameplay so far. Will there be a focus on action or will we see some temporal puzzles in there too?

Kyle Rowley, Lead Game Designer: We've spent a lot of our efforts on making the core moment-to-moment gameplay as fun, exciting and unique as possible, and it's true that a large percentage of that takes place in combat, where the time powers we've created really come into their own. However, we're always looking to improve on our previous work and even internally at Remedy we knew that maybe players became a bit fatigued with the pacing and variety of the gameplay in past games – especially so with Alan Wake.

With that in mind, we've tried to increase the number of player verbs and as a consequence, diversify the type of gameplay players get to experience. As seen in previous footage we've shown, we've spent some considerable effort on creating these epic, destructive, adventuring and platforming spaces where time is literally stuttering, fracturing and breaking around the player. These are more high-octane set pieces that really get the heart pumping! Then on the other side of the spectrum – to balance things out a bit – we have some calmer, quieter moments where the player can really explore and take in the amazing artwork and optional story content the team has created – we even threw in some puzzles for good measure.

The time powers look fierce, how do you balance making Jack (and the player) feel powerful without unbalancing challenge.

Rowley: This is something we've seen commented on a few times and it ties into a couple of things. The first is from a narrative perspective; this is a super-hero style origin story that we're telling in Quantum Break, so Jack obviously has powers which make him a bit super-hero like. The second ties into how we as designers and developers make our games. We spend a lot of time in the early stages thinking "How do we want the player to feel here? What emotion are we trying to evoke?"

In Quantum Break it was important to us that as a player, you feel empowered and feel like a badass. I'll always remember when I was playing Knights of the Old Republic 2 and at the end of the game, you have all these awesome powers – you're storming towards an enemy base and force-lighting all these helpless enemies. Cries of "he's too powerful, ahhhh" really made me feel like I was some supreme being, and it made me feel like I was the most terrifying Sith Lord to ever grace the galaxy, and that everyone should fear me. So when developing Quantum Break, we've tried to ensure the core mechanics have been designed to make you really feel like you're powerful, like you can control time, like you're special in some way, and that taking down enemies feels satisfying.

That being said, Monarch aren’t slouches – they hit hard and they're very aggressive in pushing the player out of cover, flanking etc. Players will really need to make use of the more defensive powers in order to survive – hell I helped design the game and I'm still getting owned!


I'm sure you'll be happy if there is a downgrade.

Of course you don't think it looks better. Even if it did...I'm not sure you would say so...or visit the thread. Unless the Conduit I know has changed....in that case, nm. :p

I'd expect UC4 to set a pretty good standard and it won't surprise me if it's more impressive visually. I mean, lets at least be honest across the board here, lol.

May i ask you why you did't say anything to member eden, hm? Maybe he's wrong. Oh yes...

I disagree.

I disagree with your disagree.

Nathan Drake





So do we know what the footage was running on, l always thought it looked a bit too good for Xbox one game in the previous footage is this Xbox one or PC?. We are going to have to get them to tell us each time they show it now I don't want bait and switch like other third party devs do.

May i ask you why you did't say anything to member eden, hm? Maybe he's wrong. Oh yes...

I disagree with your disagree.

Nathan Drake




Don't worry uncharted still looks better than quantum break on xbox one...that won't change

So do we know what the footage was running on, l always thought it looked a bit too good for Xbox one game in the previous footage is this Xbox one or PC?. We are going to have to get them to tell us each time they show it now I don't want bait and switch like other third party devs do.

This is clearly xbox one. Pc version will destroy what's been shown in the iq department
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