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NYT: Democrats: ‘Our Brand Is Worse Than Trump’

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Ugh, not a Cenk or TYT fan. They annoy me mostly. But I like the idea. And Justice Dems have announced a handful of candidates running against Dems already, including Pelosi and Manchin

They're a decent idea hypothetically but their current priorities and focus seem...out of whack. I guess they can try, although I doubt they'll succeed at what they're attempting


They want to primary Nancy Pelosi, a gifted leader and stalwart defender of civil rights.

They want to primary Joe Manchin, the only Democrat who could conceivably win in West Virginia and who will be important in determining the Senate's composition.

They're dumbasses.

Yup, that's a stupid idea if I ever saw one. Especially Manchin. We're fucking lucky we have any D in that state. Even if he's an asshole who may as well be Republican.


Is Pelosi like the new Hillary or something? What with this dislike of her? She's been great, just like Hillary would have been had she become president. Are people going to turn against every Democratic woman in a leadership position within the party?
A "gifted Leader" as the Democratic Party lays in ruins and have lost many seats at every level of government. Definition of insanity, etc etc.
Is running a far left neo socialist candidate no matter how many times America tells them "no go away we won't elect you".

Your quest to make this the party of the far left will Doom progressivism in this country if it succeeds.
This is nosense
Bernie showed us we can do this, as a movement
I’m running in CA-12 because it’s time for the 99% to be truly heard. It’s a big challenge to take on the House Democratic Leader and I’m humbled by the incredible support I’ve already received. We are all socialists. Medicare, Social Security, the military, police departments, fire departments, and public schools are all examples of economic socialism.

Police are part of socialism. Vote for me.
Have they solidly nailed down the reasons why they lost yet? It seems like there still isn't some common consensus on what happened from them.

And well if there it is it feels like that kind of discussion is held behind closed doors for some reason from us.


Is Pelosi like the new Hillary or something? What with this dislike of her? She's been great, just like Hillary would have been had she become president. Are people going to turn against every Democratic woman in a leadership position within the party?
Coming after gifted women is the new code for abandoning social issues.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Pelosi was also leader of the House Democrats in 2006 when the Party won everything.

Agassi completed the Career Grand Slam but I'm pretty sure he'd struggle to make the world top 700 right now.


Is Pelosi like the new Hillary or something? What with this dislike of her? She's been great, just like Hillary would have been had she become president. Are people going to turn against every Democratic woman in a leadership position within the party?

She was Hillary before Hillary. And now she's Hillary after Hillary.
Have they solidly nailed down the reasons why they lost yet? It seems like there still isn't some common consensus on what happened from them.

And well if there it is it feels like that kind of discussion is held behind closed doors for some reason from us.

The race's drawing national attention probably played a part because it enabled Republicans to energize their base nationwide. Next year, with hundreds of separate election, that won't happen as much.
So you don't even vote?

For someone who H8s memes you are really good at being one.

I said I wouldnt vote again until Democrats had control of the Supreme Court, I'm 43 so I will almost certainly be dead before that happens, so Hillary Clinton got the last vote I will probably ever cast. One of my least favorite politicians ever. She's a compulsive loser and I'm glad that the Statue of Happiness is the only statue she will ever get.


And they will get skull fucked. Pelosi is ridiculously popular in San Fran.

Edit: Nancy Pelosi is as far from a corporatist as possible. I'm convinced at this point you're just using that label as a bludgeon on whatever candidates you dislike.
Ask her about her position on HR676, and go back to her town hall when she's asked about corporations.she LITERALLY said we're corporatists.

Also your fresh new blood to fight Pelosi is a 71 year old white man.
And? What does that have to do with anything, other than hating an old white dude?
I said I wouldnt vote again until Democrats had control of the Supreme Court, I'm 43 so I will almost certainly be dead before that happens, so Hillary Clinton got the last vote I will probably ever cast. One of my least favorite politicians ever. She's a compulsive loser and I'm glad that the Statue of Happiness is the only statue she will ever get.

Like I said I think your username is a lie
There's portion of the Democrat Base that will object to this sentiment.

That whole message is also wholly better than, "I'm with her." Hell, its downright optimistic.

Should be "America deserves better!" or "You deserve better!"

You" speaks any everybody on a personal level. You can be anybody and the message rings clear, cause everybody, given their lot in life and regardless of what hardships they must endure, DOES DESERVE BETTER, especially than what we've had and what we are currently facing under Trump.
I said I wouldnt vote again until Democrats had control of the Supreme Court, I'm 43 so I will almost certainly be dead before that happens, so Hillary Clinton got the last vote I will probably ever cast. One of my least favorite politicians ever. She's a compulsive loser and I'm glad that the Statue of Happiness is the only statue she will ever get.
So you don't give a shit in any way and just wanna post to let us all know you just don't give a fuck

Ask her about her position on HR676, and go back to her town hall when she's asked about corporations.she LITERALLY said we're corporatists.

And? What does that have to do with anything, other than hating an old white dude?

Is this your answer to everything? Just yelling corporatist at everybody? The world isn't a College Democrats meetup so you might want to broaden your horizons a bit.


She was Hillary before Hillary. And now she's Hillary after Hillary.

Completely disingenuous, people attack Schumer all the time

They want to primary Nancy Pelosi, a gifted leader and stalwart defender of civil rights.

They want to primary Joe Manchin, the only Democrat who could conceivably win in West Virginia and who will be important in determining the Senate's composition.

They're dumbasses.

Lol so since you didn't get your pipe dream you're taking your ball and going home.

Yeah, like I said, you really don't care since you didn't get what you want.

Democrats everybody.


Dems definitely drawing the wrong conclusions from last night's defeat. The results from GA6 and SC5 reinforce a +10-15% swing towards Democrats that will lead to a Democratic majority House in 2018. There is literally no reason to panic. I am also not convinced that Ossoff was a great candidate. The fact that he didn't even live in the district he wanted to represent is ridiculous no matter how you trivialize it. He also shied away from hitting Handel on Trump and healthcare and didn't show a strong platform.
Is running a far left neo socialist candidate no matter how many times America tells them "no go away we won't elect you".

Your quest to make this the party of the far left will Doom progressivism in this country if it succeeds.
Progressivism is already doomed under this leadership and your concerned about "Don't rock the boat it'll hurt Pelosi's feelings."

It's basically impossible for the party to be in worse shape than it is right now.

So what if Pelosi gets primaried. Regardless of whether she wins or loses we'll get a stronger more active representative from it.

Republicans will primary their own party all day long and its only made them that much stronger.

I don't even dislike Pelosi and think she did a fine job as speaker.
If you want to see a liberal SC but aren't willing to vote for it, you're not just a freeloader, you're actively preventing that dream from happening.

I'm 43. Do you not get it? I'm too old to have any hope of ever seeing a left leaning Supreme Court in my lifetime. It will not happen in the short amount of time a 43 year old man has left on the earth. Anyone who is 43 has very little chance of it happening in their lifetime.
Completely disingenuous, people attack Schumer all the time


You probably think you want to make things better.

Putting a Republican in Joe Manchin's seat would make things worse. If Joe Manchin, a Democrat, could realistically win in West Virginia, you run Joe Manchin.

At least make your snark informed.
At least mounting a primary challenge to Pelosi isn't actively hurting your own cause, the seat would be blue if you nominated a wooden chair. Going after Manchin is just dumb, he's actually accomplished what Ossoff couldn't by winning Trump voters.


Dems biggest problem besides strong candidates for leadership is they need to stop freaking out so much on every loss, and keep pushing a message. Ossoff winning that election was a long shot, and the fact that he got as close as he did was a good sign. It's called progress, which is what they're supposed to be about.

But then when the whole party freaks out over it it makes them look weak as fuck and disorganized, and just looking for the next big "thing" or "message" that will give them the win, rather than just continuing to push and work their ass off every chance they can to build a stronger base.

It really makes them look lazy and that they want/expect something handed to them, which will just make the R's chokehold on them much strong and even push some of their own base away because it doesn't give them anything firm to believe in.

Say what you will about R ideals, but that party has certainly given their voters strong ideals that they will unshakably believe and vote for.



I'm 43. Do you not get it? I'm too old to have any hope of ever seeing a left leaning Supreme Court in my lifetime. It will not happen in the short amount of time a 43 year old man has left on the earth. Anyone who is 43 has very little chance of it happening in their lifetime.
US Life Expectancy is nearly 79 years.
At least mounting a primary challenge to Pelosi isn't actively hurting your own cause, the seat would be blue if you nominated a wooden chair. Going after Manchin is just dumb, he's actually accomplished what Ossoff couldn't by winning.
Because justice Dems are just like Bernie.

They only care about the party when they can manipulate it tp their own means, not the coalition it represents.


They're a decent idea hypothetically but their current priorities and focus seem...out of whack. I guess they can try, although I doubt they'll succeed at what they're attempting
I mean, when the Democratic Party has been destroyed at every level, and the only message they have right now is "VALUES!" Russia, and more platitudes, somebody has to do something.
Is running a far left neo socialist candidate no matter how many times America tells them "no go away we won't elect you".

Your quest to make this the party of the far left will Doom progressivism in this country if it succeeds.
Yet, social positions are picking up steam, Single Payer is more popular than it's ever been, even among Republican voters and independents

Multiple states have bills, one just got vetoes by its Republican Gov, and California may just be the first state to pass it. /shrug
Pelosi was also leader of the House Democrats in 2006 when the Party won everything.
So are you like, forgetting the years after that?


At least mounting a primary challenge to Pelosi isn't actively hurting your own cause, the seat would be blue if you nominated a wooden chair. Going after Manchin is just dumb, he's actually accomplished what Ossoff couldn't by winning Trump voters.

I feel the same. Running against safe seats hurts no one. If Pelosi is as beloved as some people here claim, then shouldn't this be a non-issue?


You probably think you want to make things better.

Putting a Republican in Joe Manchin's seat would make things worse. If Joe Manchin, a Democrat, could realistically win in West Virginia, you run Joe Manchin.

At least make your snark informed.

Classic liberal response - if I don't agree it must be uninformed

Stay winning
"we're capitalists and that's just the way it is"

How dare she correctly identify the country's economic system and suggest we work within it to improve people's lives. Good politicians promise unicorns and fairies and say that we can snap our fingers and move toward socialist utopia.
How dare she correctly identify the country's economic system and suggest we work within it to improve people's lives. Good politicians promise unicorns and fairies and say that we can snap our fingers and move toward socialist utopia.

Good politicians don't desperately bow down to the status quo and praise CEOs for their regressive measures when the youth of the country clearly wants to move away from capitalism.

Democrats are so fucking scared of change.

My hot take: last year, starting with Bernie, a group of young white heterosexual malcontents decided that a party focused on women and minorities should change itself to accommodate them. (Whom do you think "economic issues" benefit most?) They've been taught from birth that they should control everything and everything should be about them, so why not the Democratic Party?

I honestly can't tell if you're (a) seriously arguing that "economic issues" primarily benefit young, white heterosexual men, or (b) arguing that they don't but that they're still somehow predominantly a concern of young, white heterosexual men despite the fact that they disproportionately benefit the opposite demographics.


Joe Manchin is the most liberal we are probably gonna get out of West Virginia. That's disappointing for some, sure, it's disappointing to me too, but that's what West Virginia wants. I guess you could try to primary him but I don't think there is a big enough progressive base in West Virginia to carry that person to victory.
At least mounting a primary challenge to Pelosi isn't actively hurting your own cause, the seat would be blue if you nominated a wooden chair. Going after Manchin is just dumb, he's actually accomplished what Ossoff couldn't by winning Trump voters.

I mean Pelosi is good at what she does

Replacing her with a guy whose claim to fame is I sued the State of California because I believed Sanders was being suppressed doesn't strike me as replacing quality with quality

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
My point is that the success of the Democratic party in elections is not dependent on whether Nancy Pelosi is leader of the House Democrats.

It is dependent at the point a lot of marginal voters dislike Pelosi and at the point she can be tied (however unfarily) to potential House candidates.
Because justice Dems are just like Bernie.

They only care about the party when they can manipulate it tp their own means, not the coalition it represents.
Bernie always has and always will care more about the coalition than the cocktail party of losers you're so desperate to get invited to.

Your team is fine being on the sinking titanic as long as they have first class seats.
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