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NYT: Democrats: ‘Our Brand Is Worse Than Trump’


Oh good. This sounds like they're going to abandon the social issues. /s

Their candidate, Jon Ossoff, raised about $25 million, mostly in small donations, and assertively courted right-of-center voters with promises of economic development and fiscal restraint.

So they would be doubling down on a losing strategy.

It's important to focus on these IMO but the key factor they are missing is not attacking the business leaders and shining a light on how much a class structure exists.

The number of small donations pouring should be a strong hint they can get funding without relying so much on the financial leaders of this country. Their own greed is getting in the way.

Their own inability to talk about class makes it impossible already to talk about identity and preserving independence from the capricious and fascist goals of those who want to enforce a white washed reformation christian society.
You can't have populism without Sanders in the DNC. How will you achieve it, by trying to convince the already cynical public that corporate Dems started caring about them and will change the country even though they haven't done it for years now? Let me make this clear, this is not about a few issues, The American public demands a complete change of course any means necessary (which partly explains Trump).

And Sanders lost because both corporate media and the DNC fought him tooth and nail in the beginning and his popularity only started growing exponentially at the end. Your statement that leftism is not popular in the US is factually incorrect given that Sanders is the most popular politician in the country.
Bernie was treated with fucking kids gloves. You think the way Clinton campaigned against him was bad? It wasn't even as vicious as her and Obama were to one another.
I have an ongoing concern they aren't going to learn the correct lessons from this and push further to the right to continuously fail at trying to win over disillusioned Trump voters, who really have no interest in voting for an establishment Democrat.
I have an ongoing concern they aren't going to learn the correct lessons from this and push further to the right to continuously fail at trying to win over disillusioned Trump voters, who really have no interest in voting for an establishment Democrat.

This is very interesting phrasing because it implies that disillusioned Trump voters will vote for far left candidates.

yeah the clinton campaign was pretty bad

Yeah, you'd have to be a remarkably terrible candidate to actually lose to the Clinton campaign.


Pretty much. No matter who wins the core is still rotten and will never be resolved amicably.
Even if the facists win and this country goes full on shit hole I would still rather do the right thing and support leaders who did the right thing and the correct policies for this country instead of giving in.

I think we take the advancement of civil rights for granted because our side has been winning those battles for the last few decades (it was never easy but we were generally winning). We seem to be going in the wrong direction now and maybe equality and the advancements of civil rights is a way to lose elections, but I would still rather go down swinging instead of capitulating to the facists.


I have an ongoing concern they aren't going to learn the correct lessons from this and push further to the right to continuously fail at trying to win over disillusioned Trump voters, who really have no interest in voting for an establishment Democrat.

If you don't succeed. Fail, fail again.


Only young, white, heterosexual males (the bulk of his fan base) who love socialist policies (that will benefit them most) are proud Americans.

yeah the clinton campaign was pretty bad

I must have imagined that time when Clinton blasted white supremacy and inequity in the justice system. I must have imagined her support for women's rights. I must have imagined her support for LGBT rights and her criticizing Trump's bigoted comments toward Muslims.

I'm just a dumb little gay minority person who can't see what's good for me. If I could, I would've supported Bernie.


Nope, this is a bad argument that should be avoided at all costs. This is how you lose elections.

The way I see it Trump is already campaigning to those bases and getting out the vote by existing.

And that's why Bernie Sanders won the primary and went on to become President, right?

My point was that he did well with the base that would've won him the election. I wasn't implying he could have won the primary off white working class vote.

It doesn't give you pause that Trump was some Bernie supporters' #2 candidate after Bernie himself? That doesn't tell you just a little bit about how exclusionary Bernie's "movement" was?

I live in a liberal state, but our upstate is basically Alabama here. I know these people that had trump and bernie as their main candidates. It didn't have anything to do with exclusionary shit, they wanted somone who could address the fact they had crappy jobs without blaming themselves.

When they looked at trump they thought they could do better financially by removing illegals and keeping jobs in America.

When they looked at Bernie they thought they could do better by raising taxes on the rich and giving the middle class a tax cut.

When they looked at Hillary...there was no unified catchy message about the economy from her. She was defending Wall St speeches and getting huge donations from banks at the time.
Sanders, Biden, and Obama are the only three popular politicians in the country right now. All three have one thing in common, authenticity or the perception of it.


I must have imagined that time when Clinton blasted white supremacy and inequity in the justice system. I must have imagined her support for women's rights. I must have imagined her support for LGBT rights and her criticizing Trump's bigoted comments toward Muslims.

I'm just a dumb little gay minority person who can't see what's good for me. If I could, I would've supported Bernie.

She ignored several battleground states that she performed poorly in during the primaries. You may have liked her and her positions, but the campaign was pretty bad.

(To be fair, Sanders' was too)
All the black people who saw that Bernie wasn't doing shit to reassure minorities must not be proud Americans. Only young, white, heterosexual males (the bulk of his fan base) who love socialist policies (that will benefit them most) are proud Americans.

The notion that redistributionist economic policies would disproportionately benefit young, white heterosexual males is objectively false.

Like, it couldn't possibly be more false.
Why is it so important to make Bernie into the antichrist? Policy wise he was literally just a moderate social democrat, the likes of which have made western and northern Europe into a pretty good place to live.


Bernie was treated with fucking kids gloves. You think the way Clinton campaigned against him was bad? It wasn't even as vicious as her and Obama were to one another.

Sure, kids gloves, that's why she used every resource of the entire DNC against him or why corporate media treated him as if he's not even a legitimate candidate.


Sanders, Biden, and Obama are the only three popular politicians in the country right now. All three have one thing in common, authenticity or the perception of it.
Donald Trump is massively unpopular and lies like a rug. The perception of authenticity doesn't correlate with political success.

To the question of who replaces Pelosi, what about Adam Schiff?

At least he can give a decent interview.
He's fine. Lots of experience, has clout.


They won't. But the far left will increasingly sit out on a Democratic party that keeps pushing further to the right.

Why can't it push left and right? You know, a 50 state strategy?

Let's be real, the platform has been moving left since 2004. Pelosi herself pushed hard for a Single Payer option ACA before the votes fell out.

The party isn't moving right, and there are no plans to move right. The debate is about tactics and how to win a majority back so the platform can be implemented.


All the black people who saw that Bernie wasn't doing shit to reassure minorities must not be proud Americans. Only young, white, heterosexual males (the bulk of his fan base) who love socialist policies (that will benefit them most) are proud Americans.

Didn't Bernie get more votes from young black people than Clinton?


I'm sorry, but this hand wringing over the special election losses in heavily Republican districts is beyond embarrassing at this point.
Why is it so important to make Bernie into the antichrist? Policy wise he was literally just a moderate social democrat, the likes of which have made western and northern Europe into a pretty good place to live.

Mostly it's just folks rolling their eyes at people acting like he's this magical hero who stands for all that is good and right in the world, and how people who like him demonize The Evil Corporate Democrats even though Sanders usually votes alongside them.
Most of the "Bernie stans" I know care a lot more about policy than the man

Bernie personality cultists definitely do exist, but they have no real power or influence within the Democratic party and the various institutions affiliated with it. Which is decidedly not the case for the ardently anti-Bernie team, despite the fact that they represent no more than 8-13% of the party.

Mr. X

I'm a glass half full kind of guy do it being close is amazing. We can win the swing districts with the same effort!
Pretty much every broad approach has been attempted at this point. There're campaigns that were Bernie-anoited, campaigns that were anti-Trump focused, campaigns that positioned themselves as far away from the DNC as possible, etc.

I'm amazed at this point anyone can look at things and really think there's some elegant solution at the national level, as if this is some math problem.
Of course. We uppity centrist identity politicking Democrats rejected the savior, so we must be punished forevermore.
Sanders has real issues that shouldn't be ignored but it is inaccurate to say that his base was entirely white men

if you want to be accurate, you should say that he failed to reach black and older Latino voters, unless you want to pretend all of his successes with Muslim, Native American, and Asian American voters just don't exist.
The American dream seems to be all the people, no matter your creed, ethnicity, gender or sexuality, equally free to submit to the 1%.

Finally someone gets it. Print that as a slogan and we are sure to win elections. Christ. Why is the left the only group with these fucking purity tests? Look it's quite simple: one side actively hates everything you stand for. Vote against that for the one party who is at least leaning in your direction. Is it ideal? No. At least protection and incrementalism is far better than going decades back.
Democrats need to forget about trying to peel off moderate republicans and focus on activating groups that normally sit out elections, especially young people, by pushing a message that excites them. A living wage, universal health care, affordable education. Make the rich pay their fair share. Black, Latino, gay and trans rights.

The focus should not be on red-herring reasonableness or on how scared everyone should be of Trump. Stop branding yourself as the party of incremental change.

To the extent that entrenched interests, be they big donors or party leaders, stand in the way of getting that message out, they are the problem.


Mostly it's just folks rolling their eyes at people acting like he's this magical hero who stands for all that is good and right in the world, and how people who like him demonize The Evil Corporate Democrats even though Sanders usually votes alongside them.

Bernie is quite frankly a very weak left candidate, but it was refreshing to see someone running who wasn't just alt-Republican


Oh will you stop. I'm as liberal and progressive as they come, I just don't want my issues shoved aside so you can wage your class war, am tired of being talked too like I'm the god damn equal to the GOP for not wanting Bernie Sanders and his disciples, and live in the reality of the situation that the vast majority of voting America is never going to be in favor of hard leftist candidates who will increase taxes.

This has nothing to do with sitting on a sinking ship. This has everything to do with people trying to fight seats they can't win and only doing damage in the process because they are really part of the Democratic party, they're party of Bernie's party.
You must. It be riding in he same boat I am. I voted for Hillary knowing it had to be done. But I'm also not willfully ignorant of her flaws. And if you ( in the same paragraph) complain about feeling like you're camped with the GOP for not supporting Sanders and then complain about raised taxes, you walked into that one.

The reality is, he's the most popular politician in America right now. So is most of his policies. The signs are there. I'm really not sure what you're arguing.
I'm a glass half full kind of guy do it being close is amazing. We can win the swing districts with the same effort!

I feel the same way. If we got this close in this districts, then Issa in CA, Comstock in VA, McSally in AZ, etc., will be toast.
Bernie is quite frankly a very weak left candidate, but it was refreshing to see someone running who wasn't just alt-Republican
Yeah if you're seeing elections and thinking any Dem that's not Bernie or better is an "alt-republican" you are ignorant.

Democratic policy and republican policy are not "closer than farther".

Look at Kansas versus New York if you need a fucking example.
I see the Bernie stans made another DNC thread about him

Perhaps because every time someone mentions it would be a good idea to run on a strong pro labor, socialist platform in areas we haven't tried because you know.. No one else is suggesting any other decent ideas it just turns into "Well Bernout lost so stfu", even if you aren't advocating clones of his to run across the country and saw many flaws in his approach

If people want to keep knocking the idea of large economic reforms being a direction to go people should probably suggest other ideas instead of just whining.

We are in a transition period right now and we hold no power. We have a chance to influence where the party wants to go and I think a manifesto that focuses on Civil Rights & Labor, that moves away from corporate ties and interests and makes legitimate attempts to clean up conflicts of interest that is killing Washington is a better plan than just telling people to shut up and vote for whatever D even if they suck or don't offer anything. It doesn't work and will continue to not work.


Donald Trump is massively unpopular and lies like a rug. The perception of authenticity doesn't correlate with political success.

He's fine. Lots of experience, has clout.

Trump's base still sees him as honest and loves him. That's all that matters in that regard. Even if it didn't, the GOP values party loyalty to a fault. As long as he won the primary he was gonna get votes.


Yeah if you're seeing elections and thinking any Dem that's not Bernie or better is an "alt-republican" you are ignorant.

Democratic policy and republican policy are not "closer than farther".

Look at Kansas versus New York if you need a fucking example.

I was exaggerating but your example is more indicative of regional politics than party policy


Bernie is quite frankly a very weak left candidate, but it was refreshing to see someone running who wasn't just alt-Republican
The House passed a bill that would have disenfranchised 24 million Americans from Health Insurance. The House Democrats all opposed that bill.

The Alt-Republicans in government are currently one of the things trying to protect us from getting fucked in the ass.


Ante Up
Do the Democrats have a discernible brand beyond, "We're not Trump"? As a casual observer, I don't know what these guys stand for beyond my assumption that they're on the opposite side of wherever the Republicans are (the Republicans have done a far better job of clearly broadcasting what they're about).
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