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Official Xbox 360 Game Installs thread


After installing 8 games... I'm down to 40 GB of free space... ;_;

So awesome to only hear the fan and not the drive+fan for once. :lol
Psychotext said:
So has anyone here who had the audio problem with PGR4 tried it again since the update? If so, did it fix it?

That's what I'm trying right now...I didn't get prompted for an update when I ran it off the dvd just now though =/

Are the people getting said update not played it in awhile and it's just an older update maybe?
Seems like I found a fix for the PGR4 Audio issue! :

Delete your Xbox 360 system cache via Y, X, X, LB, RB, X, X under the memory menu

Remeber this just deletes all the updates for games and such so you'll just be prompted again to download them when you boot them up.

But yeah, this completely fixed the issue and I'M NOW OFFICIALLY FUCKING HAPPY!!!! :D

Please place in the OP if ya can...

EDIT: ....FUCK! Nevermind...seems like the issue is still very much there (>__<)
Seems like it pops up when you have actual other drivers around you. When your driving by yourself, the pops never occur



AgentOtaku said:
Seems like I found a fix for the PGR4 Audio issue! :

Delete your Xbox 360 system cache via Y, X, X, LB, RB, X, X under the memory menu

Remeber this just deletes all the updates for games and such so you'll just be prompted again to download them when you boot them up.

But yeah, this completely fixed the issue and I'M NOW OFFICIALLY FUCKING HAPPY!!!! :D

Please place in the OP if ya can...

EDIT: ....FUCK! Nevermind...seems like the issue is still very much there (>__<)
Seems like it pops up when you have actual other drivers around you. When your driving by yourself, the pops never occur


I'm playing PGR 4 right now, zero skipping, no patch or cache clearing done either where are you guys getting the error? Has to be dirty dvd lenses or something.
It's not skipping. It's pops in the audio similar to static

as I said, my DVD is clean and I've now tried mulitple installs as well as clearing the cache. I mean, I think I can deal with it at this point. Who knows, maybe it'll go away if I ever get a different HDD in the future


AgentOtaku said:
It's not skipping. It's pops in the audio similar to static

as I said, my DVD is clean and I've now tried mulitple installs as well as clearing the cache. I mean, I think I can deal with it at this point. Who knows, maybe it'll go away if I ever get a different HDD in the future

I didn't mean the dvd bro I mean the lense that reads the dvd, that could be your problem because that's what reads the disc to install.

If you are hearing all music with static then that must be isolated, I don't have any problem anywhere in the game atm, if i hear a problem I'll let everyone know.


Damn, maybe it was because my TV speakers are kind of weak, but when I used my headphones with PGR4 I can hear the popping sounds. And to top it off, the shadow that your car cast on the road is no longer there (although I think this is because of the update a while back, just didn't notice until now).


suprised how fast the install was. It seems about the same as one of the chaper MGS4 installs for the entire game of fallout 3.

much quieter, and definately faster.
Looked for one not on the list and dropped in on the drive:

Rumble Roses XX - 4.5GB -- and seems like 1/3 taken off loading times, though haven't played it for a while. But really benefits from not having to spin drive for each stage entrance (if you keep them on), post-fight load back to menu, etc.
Does anybody else get the feeling that installing games to the hard drive is a pre-cursor to MS selling full 360 games on the marketplace?
yoursisterspretty said:
Didn't see these two mentioned, so I tried them out.

Namco Museum Virtual Arcade - 3.4GB
Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged Vol.1 - 3.4GB

Why the hell is Unplugged 3.4 GB? All those games combined on Live Arcade can't be more than 500MB.
PhlivoSong said:
Does anybody else get the feeling that installing games to the hard drive is a pre-cursor to MS selling full 360 games on the marketplace?

I hope so. Having all your games at your finger tips without having to get up and put in a disc and without having to have a bunch of boxes and manuals lying around sounds ideal to me. I have enough plastic game junk lying around my house between all my consoles, controllers, and plastic peripherals. I'm ready to ditch physical media altogether.
Unregistered007 said:
why not ? PHONY is doing it.. oh I ment SONY...:lol :lol

Of course it is inevitable that they are going to do it. I guess what I meant is, installing games to the hard drive makes me think that it marketplace downloads may be coming sooner than I thought.
Been playing PGR4 for the last hour or so ....I find I can live with the pops that occur every now and then

Faster loadtimes, quiet 360 >>>>>>> occasional pop
Another one I didn't see in search of thread:

Dark Sector - 3.4 GB

Update: Chapter 6 loaded 10-11 secs with install versus 15-16 normal; reloaded fresh a few times each


Does everyone's "system" stuff takes away 6GB of available space from your HDD?

I was doing some housekeeping last night to make space for installs and I realize I only got about 14GB of space. After accounting for DLCs and other miscellaneous stuff, I've only got about 9GB of space, allowing me to maintain only one game install at any time. This really sucks.

EDIT: And if all these system crap takes up so much space, how is it done on HDD-less Arcade consoles?


ElyrionX said:
Does everyone's "system" stuff takes away 6GB of available space from your HDD?

I was doing some housekeeping last night to make space for installs and I realize I only got about 14GB of space. After accounting for DLCs and other miscellaneous stuff, I've only got about 9GB of space, allowing me to maintain only one game install at any time. This really sucks.

EDIT: And if all these system crap takes up so much space, how is it done on HDD-less Arcade consoles?

Guessing, most of space use for HDD caching in games.


bish gets all the credit :)
Approximately 7 GB is reserved for system use; approximately 4 GB of that portion is reserved for game title caching and other hard drive specific elements in games that support the hard drive, and an additional 2 GB is reserved for use by the Xbox 360 backwards-compatibility software.


alr1ghtstart said:
Approximately 7 GB is reserved for system use; approximately 4 GB of that portion is reserved for game title caching and other hard drive specific elements in games that support the hard drive, and an additional 2 GB is reserved for use by the Xbox 360 backwards-compatibility software.

I already knew this as I can only install 2 discs at a time, on top of my girlfriends Oblivion expansion pack, but it still makes me :( That's a fucking ridiculous amount of space reserved.


The 2GB HDD space reserved for backwards compatibility software should be optional. Not everyone cares about playing Halo 2 on their Xbox 360.


Confirmed Asshole
Installed skate, load times virtually the same (didn't measure them, I don't see the point), only exception: Clothes - they basically barely loaded at all before, now it's all smooth. Install size: 6.5GB


gdt5016 said:
Any update on COD 4 online?

What about it?

It's a bit faster but it wasn't like cod 4 wasn't fastish enough already :p if you don't want to hear the drive spinning the dvd I guess it's worth it, the loadtimes aren't noticeably faster for this.


Raiden IV - 3.4 gb
Raiden Fighters Aces - 3.4 gb
Shikigami no Shiro 3 - 3.4 gb
Tengai Makyou Ziria - Harukanaru Jipang - 6.0 gb

Looks like 3.4 gb is the minimum amount for an installation.

Also I noted something weird when I installed RFA: when I pressed the "Install to Hard Disk", the system started waiting for Live quite a while.

Maybe NXE checks from Live how to install the game or something?

Anyway, I'm happy that I can fit all those 3 shooters in one 20gb HDD! :D


kiryogi said:
Idolm@ster - 5.1 GB

Idolm@ster Live 4 U - 5.9 GB

Thanks for those. I was going to test those out today after I'm done working. I'm only left with Tengai Makyou Ziria in my JP catalog, which I'm gonna test out after 5pm. (installed during lunch break)


Junior Member
manzo said:
Also I noted something weird when I installed RFA: when I pressed the "Install to Hard Disk", the system started waiting for Live quite a while.

Maybe NXE checks from Live how to install the game or something?

it was probably loading the background image.


Alright seems like I had read on here in one of the NXE threads that the tearing saw no improvement in Fallout 3 (x360) with an install. So I decided to give that a run through since it has essentially been my only complaint thus far. Played all night last and I can conclusively say it helps 100%. While I would experience normal tearing without it installed after the install I experienced from what I could tell zero tearing. I intentionally ran it through the ringer to stress test it as well. So it is either gone altogether or very near to gone from my conclusions.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
I played about 2 hours of Bioshock last night and one thing I've noticed is that there seems to be a LOT more texture pop in. Sometimes the first aid kits will take 10 to 15 seconds for the texture to pop in place, and similar random things will also do that. It's odd, and I never noticed any texture pop in prior to installing it to disk. That said, it's such a minor issue, and having my 360 be quiet and not sound like a turbo jet is well worth that one small inconvenience.


I posted this in the main thread, but I'll put it here as well for those who are interested:

I installed Mass Effect and the difference to me was night and day. Before, Mass Effect would have disc read issues almost constantly and sound like a space ship taking off. Now, the game is much smoother than before and I can actually hear what's going on. The pop in seems to have been reduced somewhat as well, and overall the differences are enough that I'm going to have to pick up a 120 GB drive. RPG installs will be a must.


DaCocoBrova said:

The OP already started that by listing some games with load time reductions. We need it to keep getting updated though, and note all the games that stuffer from it as well.


Zzoram said:
The OP already started that by listing some games with load time reductions. We need it to keep getting updated though, and note all the games that stuffer from it as well.

ok I see. good deal. I guess we just all need to do our homework and help with the list.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
True. Benefit from a performance standpoint...was the point.
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