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Phil Spencer: Starfield being 30fps is a "creative choice", not a hardware issue.


Didn't i hear the same thing about the "Order 1886". It' cinematic, or something.

Stupid on both accounts.
Easier to say that then saying we over estimated the power of the new consoles. Pretty sure nd spouted a similar line about uncharted 4 despite that being advertised at 60fps. I mean, look at the amount of compromises 343 had to make for halo 5 to get that at a dynamic 1080p 60fps
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Of course it is. That's common sense. When you're designing a game around a piece of hardware, obviously the capabilities of that hardware (and how far you want to push it) are taken into consideration.

If they wanted to scale back systems, scale, lighting, texture detail, ambient occlusion, resolution etc.. etc.. they could've made a game that ran at 60fps on Series X.

That's not what this game is though.

Again, buy a high end PC if you want 4k/60 visuals. We're only going to continue to see these concessions more and more on these consoles as the generation goes on.


And thank GOD for this creative decision! I can't wait for other devs to smarten up and do the same thing. Gamers want to be wowed!


People make me laugh. During the presentations, enthusiasts were "woo looks so great" and fanboys from "the other side" were like "mmmh... nothing to say..." and since we know it's locked at 30fps people are like "omg no I'm not touching this shit" come on you didn't even notice during a 45 FUCKING MINUTES SHOWCASE OF THE GAME, while it was obvious it was 30fps with come quite huge drops (game is unfinished though).

I believe in 30fps as a creative choice, but yes it is because they couldn't get it locked at 60. Between a game going from 60 to 40, 30s, yeah it is better to lock at a stable 30fps.

Yes it's not great in 2023 but honestly if the animations are made to look smooth at 30fps it will be great.

And we have a proof that that choice is, indeed, a creative choice. It is 4K30fps. They could have a 1080p60 mode, that's for sure, but they didn't want to scratch on the graphical fidelity. That is a choice. We have the right to disagree this choice but also we have to admit that it's an honest choice.

And I am a person who ALWAYS chose framerate over fidelity (like I'm doing right now on FFXVI).

To me the only problems I see in this game is the same since decades, the animations of the NPCs that have barely improved, and the faces animations too. When you see those, you're sure you're in a Bethesda game.

Oh, and enough of those people, "duh I made a wordpress blog once so let me tell you, with all that knowledge I gained, how to develop a AAA game". Please, shut up, that's embarrassing.


... Said no-one in the history of time, until Now!
What they mean is, they could run at 60, if they reduced the quality of the image. But they didn't want to as that would affect their creative vision, so went with lower refresh, better image quality.

In space, no-one can see the reduced frame rate


Oh boy but all these cross gen games ran at 60fps on my console what gives? I hope we're going to get a patch that let's us unlock the framecap, but that's about it. They obviously used the additional time to enhance the graphics but you have to make compromises at some point. Get used to it, this isn't going to get better the longer this generation is going to last.


Same guy released redfall as creative choice ...
60fps for Redfall is late to the game because they switched to an updated engine during development and didn't get 60fps for console done on time. They never said they chose not to do 60fps in the game for creative reasons.
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People make me laugh. During the presentations, enthusiasts were "woo looks so great" and fanboys from "the other side" were like "mmmh... nothing to say..." and since we know it's locked at 30fps people are like "omg no I'm not touching this shit" come on you didn't even notice during a 45 FUCKING MINUTES SHOWCASE OF THE GAME, while it was obvious it was 30fps with come quite huge drops (game is unfinished though).

I believe in 30fps as a creative choice, but yes it is because they couldn't get it locked at 60. Between a game going from 60 to 40, 30s, yeah it is better to lock at a stable 30fps.

Yes it's not great in 2023 but honestly if the animations are made to look smooth at 30fps it will be great.

And we have a proof that that choice is, indeed, a creative choice. It is 4K30fps. They could have a 1080p60 mode, that's for sure, but they didn't want to scratch on the graphical fidelity. That is a choice. We have the right to disagree this choice but also we have to admit that it's an honest choice.

And I am a person who ALWAYS chose framerate over fidelity (like I'm doing right now on FFXVI).

To me the only problems I see in this game is the same since decades, the animations of the NPCs that have barely improved, and the faces animations too. When you see those, you're sure you're in a Bethesda game.

Oh, and enough of those people, "duh I made a wordpress blog once so let me tell you, with all that knowledge I gained, how to develop a AAA game". Please, shut up, that's embarrassing.
Come on man, what are you talking about? It looked under 20fps in the presentatiion (if not single digits a few times). It's a bethesda game, we've done this song and dance for over 20 years now.


It's crazy how many people are trying to justifing not having the option for 60 fps on console in 2023. What's even the point of these current gen consoles if we can't at least get the option for 60 fps with the fast loading?

Jesus people, have some standards.


My eyes are pretty well attuned to what I'm looking at; especially First person camera action footage from years of carmack games. So the question is: why did they feel the need to render the showcase footage at double that frame-rate? or it isn't player footage if it is a artistic choice? And isn't because they lack the dev resources to deliver a non-cross gen looking game visual at 60fps.


People who want 60+ fps in every game should buy PC. That's why it exists. Well that, and milion other reasons. Like porn.
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Writes a lot, says very little
I mean....I could believe this if this was a game that was in 3rd person only or something, but this is a title that is also in FPS, so....kinda odd to make it sound like 30 fps is a design choice in that respect.

I think Starfield has a lot working parts and maybe to get it running as smooth as they can with everything going on, fully featured, it must be this on Series X. Maybe with Series Pro, Series Elite (what ever they call it) , they'll have some 4K 60 type thing to market it or something.

Day 1 on PC =)


What i learned after launch of next gen about Xbox Series X is that:

- It's not the most powerful console ever - Sure is, even if just sligthly better than PS5.
- 60fps is not its Standard output. - Most games run at 60fps, just like 1080p was the standard for PS4, yet there are a few games that have a 900p internal res. It's the exception, not the rule.
- It doesn't eat monsters for breakfast. - That's a play of words for Xbox One X being a monster. Series X eats Xbox One X for breakfast, no doubt.
- Xbox heads are bunch of Bullshitters. - Heads of all companies are, even your precious Sony.



We can stop pretending now.


If the game can run 1440p or 4K at 30 fps, then it can most certainly can run at 1080p/60. The problem is even at 1080p I bet its not a stable 60 fps and has too many dips.

Expected from their old ass engine. So you get 30fps but no way its a locked 30.


So... less responsive gameplay and worse motion quality is now a feature? Why no stuttering for a more photographic experience?


60fps for Redfall is late to the game because they switched to an updated engine during development and didn't get 60fps for console done on time. They never said they chose not to do 60fps in the game for creative reasons.
I was referring to gutter shit not 60 fps...


So are they are locking pc at 30 too in order to leverage this creativity? If they don't wouldn't pc players be getting short-changed?


We’ve had basically this same thread every few months and the same pathetic jackasses always fill it up with the same old joke and nonsense.

At its current fidelity, they couldn’t have locked it at 60fps. With some lower fidelity they might have. What’s to discuss beyond the what’s already in the other threads? Can we lock this or does this need to keep getting bumped non-stop due to Phil Spencer being in the title?

In short, we need 2 separate 30FPS threads? Why?
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I'm puzzled at the role Xbox itself plays in MS's gaming plans. Their best "games" are simulators, MSFS is a chore without dedicated controllers. I'd imagine racing sims are the same. For games like Starfield, definitive performance will be on PC, along with mods.

What's the point of an Xbox console? An entry level box for people that can't afford or can't be bothered with PCs? A box for people that just want to play the certain kinds of game that you don't need dedicated controllers for? A defined spec developers can be assured of, that sets the floor of a generation of games?

Is it really not possible to spec and build a PC for that price? I'd be happy paying a little extra for an "Xbox" that was a PC. I don't clearly see the point of dedicated consoles, at least for people like me.

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If that's the sacrifice they need to make for stupid high resolution, then it's understandable.

I play my games in 1080p though so I'd like my frames back.
Seriously, all these games need to have separate settings for 1080p. I'm sure the console knows your display resolution and can adjust visuals accordingly. Or have sliders. I only have a 1080p tv and my pc monitor is 1080p. I get max fps from everything on pc and ps5/xbx should do 1080p without issue.


Can’t Git Gud
After playing ff16 demo, I am again a believer that 30fps can be done ok. I was starting to loose hope with all these terrible 30fps modes with input lag so high you can play blindfolded…. And to help with that 30fps, ff16 also got that good quality motion blur. No judder.

I am not confident Bethesda will make 30fps well though. I will play it on pc anyway
The XSX,a 12TF console,is doing 4K@30fps. The XSS, a 4TF console is doing 1440p@30fps... so you trying to say that with 3x the power they couldn't get the Series X version to run at 1440p@60fps? Or if that's too much use some sort of reconstruction from ~1200p up 1440p and run that at 60fps.

Unless what they are calling 4K@30fps is not even native 4K and is being reconstructed from 1440p or something or the game is crippled by the CPU.
You just discovered the truth that Microsoft is trying hard to hide, this is NOT running at native 4k at all, it is being reconstructed from a much lower resolution. They have no choice creative or other wise, trying to upscale a 720P image to gain 60 fps is not going to work!!!!


So, he's telling me on Series S this game can run at 60fps - 1080p/1440p? and becauce creative choice the game runs at 30?
Welp, this is a new term they are using? instead of saying "the game runs like crap" they use "creative choice"?
So, after Todd and Spencer claims I demand them to show me Series S gameplay.
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