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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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Can Mexico just say "no, we're not allowing these people to enter our country, they are not Mexican citizens" and strip them of their citizenship?

Because Mexico sure as hell doesn't want to deal with almost a million people who don't speak the language of the country and know nothing about the country


No Scrubs

What kind of dumbass takes notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?


Exactly! Have none of these schmucks watched The Wire?


I don't want to sound glib in the face of the DACA elimination because I agree it's totally disgusting, but I still think it's funny it took you all of two hours to jump from "I've never said the Russia stories don't matter" to "we can NOT talk about Russia today, it can't matter right now!"

Fuck off dude.

My actual statement was that I've never made the "nothing will come of this post."

I just know the way our media works and the relative sexiness of this Russia story with a name like Manafort and dumbass notes. No one give a single fuck about these poor DACA people that FUCKING TRUSTED US.

This is awful. Nearly one million lives are going to be ruined. I've worked with these great people before, I just... I don't even know what's next for them? Honestly, I have no idea where they go or what support systems they can lean on.

Just to give you an example of a DACA kid I worked with - he came to the US just himself and his brother because he was tortured by rival drug gangs who consistently attacked them as they walked to school. I don't want to over-dramatize this or over-hype any xenophobic notions here, but honestly it was brutal. He consistently would get his face slashed by broken bottles by these gangs and lived in constant fear.

And this is just one of many stories of the countless people who fucking TRUSTED US.
I recall people saying that August would be an annoyingly quiet month of golfing. So little activity that we'd be hearing how presidential he was because nothing bad had happened. Of course, being a nazi sympathizer (in generous terms) still hasn't dissuaded people from jumping the gun on several pivot moments since. Anyway, that such a mess could be caused by easy tasks like vacationing and condemning murderous terrorists shows that hopes (or fears) for a stabilized normalcy to return give him too much credit.


Fuck off dude.

My actual statement was that I've never made the "nothing will come of this post."

I just know the way our media works and the relative sexiness of this Russia story with a name like Manafort and dumbass notes. No one give a single fuck about these poor DACA people that FUCKING TRUSTED US.

This is awful. Nearly one million lives are going to be ruined. I've worked with these great people before, I just... I don't even know what's next for them? Honestly, I have no idea where they go or what support systems they can lean on.

Just to give you an example of a DACA kid I worked with - he came to the US just himself and his brother because he was tortured by rival drug gangs who consistently attacked them as they walked to school. I don't want to over-dramatize this or over-hype any xenophobic notions here, but honestly it was brutal. He consistently would get his face slashed by broken bottles by these gangs and lived in constant fear.

And this is just one of many stories of the countless people who fucking TRUSTED US.

And would you have us do? He's President and it's totally within' his powers to do this. It's not like covering how horrific and unpopular one of his policies is has ever stopped him. He still went through with pulling out of Paris, the Muslim ban, pardoning Sheriff Joe, and on and on. As long he's in the WH there's dick all we can do. And guess what? The best shot at getting him out of there before 2020 is the Russia story.


Unconfirmed Member
"RNC," people. I guarantee this is much deeper than just Trump. As many of us have thought from the beginning, this isn't just Trump. There's a reason guys like Cotton, et al., will do anything to defend this stuff. They're intertwined.

I mean, this dude lives under the Republican umbrella:

It wouldn't surprise me to see more like him in that party.


Is this the first time RNC has popped up in the collusiongate? Time to subpoena Rinse Preibus?

That reminds me, when he was on his way out of the WH, there was a story about how Bannon wanted Priebus to either meet with Mueller or testify with one of the Intelligence Committees, with the implication that that testimony would throw Kushner on the bus re: Russia.

PBY said:
Fuck off dude.

My actual statement was that I've never made the "nothing will come of this post."

I mean, you've said that tons of times, but whatever.

I just know the way our media works and the relative sexiness of this Russia story with a name like Manafort and dumbass notes. No one give a single fuck about these poor DACA people that FUCKING TRUSTED US.

This is awful. Nearly one million lives are going to be ruined. I've worked with these great people before, I just... I don't even know what's next for them? Honestly, I have no idea where they go or what support systems they can lean on.

Just to give you an example of a DACA kid I worked with - he came to the US just himself and his brother because he was tortured by rival drug gangs who consistently attacked them as they walked to school. I don't want to over-dramatize this or over-hype any xenophobic notions here, but honestly it was brutal. He consistently would get his face slashed by broken bottles by these gangs and lived in constant fear.

And this is just one of many stories of the countless people who fucking TRUSTED US.

Are you trying to convince me? I literally just said minutes ago this is one of the most heinous things he has done. But I'm capable of talking about Manafort and DACA at the same time. I'm doing it right now!


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Amazing connection with that Manafort story I'm seeing on Twitter:

Manafort took these notes on his smartphone.

Don Jr. tried to tell investigators that since Manafort was on this phone the whole time, it wasn't an important meeting.


And would you have us do? He's President and it's totally within' his powers to do this. It's not like covering how horrific and unpopular one of his policies is has ever stopped him. He still went through with pulling out of Paris, the Muslim ban, pardoning Sheriff Joe, and on and on. As long he's in the WH there's dick all we can do. And guess what? The best shot at getting him out of there before 2020 is the Russia story.

Nothing we can do except protest and try to figure out exactly how this will be implemented & seek to provide support for these people.

I just am expressing frustration at how such a massive story that will literally affect 1 million Americans is going to come and go without really registering.


It is possible that there can be a successful lawsuit against the administration for dropping DACA ?

Probably not since there was never any sort of legislation or legal guarantees attached to it. It was basically "tell us who are, pay your taxes, and we promise we won't deport! *wink*".
Wasn't there a story a while back about some Republican making a joke about the Russians paying the RNC and Paul Ryan said something to the effect of "hey this is off the record, he's not serious, we keep it in the family right?"


Probably not since there was never any sort of legislation or legal guarantees attached to it. It was basically "tell us who are, pay your taxes, and we promise we won't deport! *wink*".

They willingly gave up their information to the government. And now, based on that information they gave up in good faith, they're going to be rounded up and sent to a place where they (1) don't have a support system or safety net (2) may not speak the language (3) unclear job prospects, housing or even families in many cases.

^And the above is the BEST case in most situations. That doesn't take into account gangs or other criminal elements that prey on deportees.
It is possible that there can be a successful lawsuit against the administration for dropping DACA ?
DACA, itself, might not even be Constitutional.

They willingly gave up their information to the government. And now, based on that information they gave up in good faith, they're going to be rounded up and sent to a place where they (1) don't have a support system or safety net (2) may not speak the language (3) unclear job prospects, housing or even families in many cases.

^And the above is the BEST case in most situations. That doesn't take into account gangs or other criminal elements that prey on deportees.

I don't think the court cares about any of that, especially not for non-citizens.


Wasn't there a story a while back about some Republican making a joke about the Russians paying the RNC and Paul Ryan said something to the effect of "hey this is off the record, he's not serious, we keep it in the family right?"


KIEV, Ukraine — A month before Donald Trump clinched the Republican nomination, one of his closest allies in Congress — House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy — made a politically explosive assertion in a private conversation on Capitol Hill with his fellow GOP leaders: that Trump could be the beneficiary of payments from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy (R-Calif.) said, according to a recording of the June 15, 2016, exchange, which was listened to and verified by The Washington Post. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is a Californian Republican known in Congress as a fervent defender of Putin and Russia.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) immediately interjected, stopping the conversation from further exploring McCarthy’s assertion, and swore the Republicans present to secrecy.

Before the conversation, McCarthy and Ryan had emerged from separate talks at the Capitol with Ukrainian Prime Minister Vladi­mir Groysman, who had described a Kremlin tactic of financing populist politicians to undercut Eastern European democratic institutions.
Add some extra incentives to complete medicaid expansion in rest of the holdout states and I don't care if they call this trump care if they can pass it.
The only one of these states to not expand Medicaid is Virginia (McAuliffe's hands are tied by the GOP legislature), hopefully Northam can get it done with a bluer legislature.


Unconfirmed Member
Amazing connection with that Manafort story I'm seeing on Twitter:

Manafort took these notes on his smartphone.

Don Jr. tried to tell investigators that since Manafort was on this phone the whole time, it wasn't an important meeting.

The only one of these states to not expand Medicaid is Virginia (McAuliffe's hands are tied by the GOP legislature), hopefully Northam can get it done with a bluer legislature.

For sure. Specifically I meant more red holdout states, not states represented by the plan backers. Basically sweeten the pot until they can't not take it.


DACA, itself, might not even be Constitutional.

I don't think the court cares about any of that, especially not for non-citizens.

I agree with you on the legal theory here (I'm a lawyer, but not super well versed in this kind of con law).

However - its a fucking disaster that they let this program run, TOOK THEIR FUCKING MONEY AND PERSONAL RECORDS and now, "get fucked."

It really shows the dangers of implementing policy without formal legislation, but shit, not sure what else is the alternative? I guess people just banked on bad people having a baseline of conscience.


Unconfirmed Member
They willingly gave up their information to the government. And now, based on that information they gave up in good faith, they're going to be rounded up and sent to a place where they (1) don't have a support system or safety net (2) may not speak the language (3) unclear job prospects, housing or even families in many cases.

^And the above is the BEST case in most situations. That doesn't take into account gangs or other criminal elements that prey on deportees.

That's an interesting point. There's definitely a case for people already in the program to stay in it.
What kind of dumbass takes notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?
Gotta keep track of the money comes in and ensure that the other party pays.

That's the only reason I can think of why you make a ledger

But you're supposed to destroy it when the other party makes their payments


TIL I learned that after Mark Sanford's scandal while governor...he was re elected to the House? Are there really so few good candidates for federal government these days?


Also, I assume Trump is announcing the end of DACA today/tomorrow because the Texas AG and other states said they would sue the administration if the program's fate wasn't announced by Sept. 5.


TIL I learned that after Mark Sanford's scandal while governor...he was re elected to the House? Are there really so few good candidates for federal government these days?

Ran against Colbert's sister in the special election iirc
Obviously ending DACA is an incredibly monstrous move that will lead to disaster and needs a bigger spotlight shining on it.

That doesn't mean we also shouldn't talk about Russia, which is also a major news story with horrific repercussions.

And frankly, the constant refrain of "stop talking about Russia because we need to focus on X," which was also being pushed during the lead up to the health care votes, is obnoxious. This is a community for political discussion, there's almost always going to be multiple stories worthy of discussion at any given time.


Obviously ending DACA is an incredibly monstrous move that will lead to disaster and needs a bigger spotlight shining on it.

That doesn't mean we also shouldn't talk about Russia, which is also a major news story with horrific repercussions.

And frankly, the constant refrain of "stop talking about Russia because we need to focus on X," which was also being pushed during the lead up to the health care votes, is obnoxious. This is a community for political discussion, there's almost always going to be multiple stories worthy of discussion at any given time.
It's the exact same impulse that's behind white identity politics when they're complaining that we're talking to much about issue X/Y/Z instead.

Not everything will be about "you". And that's fine!
Something has to be done to fix congress. DACA was a measure put in place by Obama with widespread bi-partisan support, but congress was broken, so he had to do it in a roundabout way that he might not have had the legal power to even do, and put the situation in a very fragile place.

In an actual functioning government, the wide spread bi-partisan support of DACA would bring Congress to immediately codify it into law after Trump ends it. But there's no hope for that, even though most Congressmen probably support DACA and would vote Yes for it. This doesn't even have to do with a Republican majority. A Republican majority would pass DACA as law right now. But it won't ever be written and won't ever be put up to a vote.

It's ridiculous. This isn't how our government is set up to function. One branch can't just check out and never do anything. It's why we're seeing the president and the courts seize more power. The country has to function, and when one branch gives up, the other ones pick up the slack.
Well I hope something can be done about it , but I image a few organizations might challenge rescinding the order through the courts anyway even if it is seemingly unconstitutional now.

Since Trump's base is steadying declining I image Trump is going cater to a even smaller base.
UPDATE: Adding to the list of promo tweets for Trump properties/services during Harvey:

12.) Pouring foundations for a new clubhouse.

Today we moved 1-step closer to completing the #NewClubhouse at @TrumpFerryPoint! 350 tons of concrete has just been poured for the footings

13.) Advertisement for Trump National NY Golf Course

Our 7,291 yd course @TrumpNationalNY challenges all players beginning with the downhill par 4 on hole 1 to the tricky putting surface on 18.

The promo:donation ratio is still undefined.


Man I hope that supposed "nuclear" story is on the way for tomorrow. Or Tuesday.

But I expect more Manafort details to emerge by the end of the day.
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