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Pope had secret meeting with Kim Davis, Kentucky County Clerk

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Kim Davis, Kentucky County Clerk, Met Pope Francis

This was reported in the main "Kim Davis thread" but I thought it should get more exposure, as it definitely changes my opinion about the current Pope.

Pope Francis met privately in Washington last week with Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who defied a court order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, a Vatican spokesman confirmed on Wednesday.

Ms. Davis, the clerk in Rowan County, has been at the center of a nationwide controversy over whether government employees and private businesses have a legal right to refuse to serve same-sex couples. She spent five days in jail for disobeying a federal court order to issue the licenses.

On Tuesday night, her lawyer, Mathew D. Staver, said in a telephone interview that Ms. Davis and her husband, Joe, were sneaked into the Vatican Embassy by car on Thursday afternoon. Francis gave her rosaries and told her to “stay strong,” the lawyer said. The couple met for about 15 minutes with the pope, who was accompanied by security guards, aides and photographers. Mr. Staver said he expected to receive photographs of the meeting from the Vatican soon.

On Wednesday, the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, confirmed that the meeting took place, but he declined to elaborate. “I do not deny that the meeting took place, but I have no other comments to add,” he said.

Ms. Davis described the meeting in an interview on Wednesday with ABC News.

“I put my hand out and he reached and he grabbed it, and I hugged him and he hugged me,” Ms. Davis said. “And he said, ‘Thank you for your courage.’ ”

“I was crying. I had tears coming out of my eyes,” she said. “I’m just a nobody, so it was really humbling to think he would want to meet or know me.”

Mr. Staver, her lawyer, said Vatican officials had been aware of Ms. Davis, and that the meeting had been arranged through them — not through bishops or the bishops’ conference in the United States. He would not identify the Vatican officials.

Ms. Davis and her husband were in Washington anyway to receive an award from the Family Research Council, a conservative advocacy group, in recognition of her stand against same-sex marriage.

During Ms. Davis’s visit to the Vatican Embassy, “the pope came to her and held out his hand,” Mr. Staver said.

Ms. Davis asked the pope to pray for her, which he said he would, and then the pope asked Ms. Davis to pray for him, Mr. Staver said. They spoke in English, he said, and the pope gave the Davises two rosaries. Ms. Davis gave the rosaries to her mother and father, who are Catholics.

Ms. Davis is an Apostolic Christian, a form of Pentecostal Christianity.

“He thanked her for her courage and told her, ‘Stay strong,’ ” Mr. Staver said.

Just when I was starting to have some respect for the pope. Up yours, Pope.


Aw, that's sweet. I assumed Davis was a typical southern protestant who thinks all catholics are diseased agents of satan.


I imagine his popeularity will decrease.



World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Disappointing but not surprising given the church's official view on homosexuality and this pope's comments on transsexuals


formerly sane
This woman deserves none of the attention she is being given

So what, you're an adult by now the lesson of life and that this world doesn't work on merit or what you deserve should be quite apparent.

As for pope this guy is a bit savy in shady way. I'm with other gaffers he's playing the right cards but still supports the same regressive and oppressive religion that the rest of them do.

How do these so-called "secret meetings" end up being the most reported events ever?

Its only known after the fact. Had the pope had this out during the week I'm sure a place like fox news or alternatives sites would've have mentioned how the pope was playing to progressives at the meet at the whitehouse and then does something totally opposite with Davis. If people don't want to see his actions as what they are, owell.
Aw, that's sweet. I assumed Davis was a typical southern protestant who thinks all catholics are diseased agents of satan.

Aye, surprised to hear this... Assumed she would think that the Pope is the Harlot of Rome / anti-Christ / etc

This doesn't even make sense on any level. Lost any hope of this being a not terrible pope.

It makes sense in that the Church is against gay marriage, and the Pope is the head of the Catholic church, and is also against gay marriage. Pope also spoke out against other things the church is against, like the death penalty. So, I think it makes sense from that perspective, though sort of surprised that Francis would go out of his way to endorse or portray this lady being a contientious objector when she's simply not doing her job.

The Llama

And all the goodwill the Pope just built up with many people just disappeared.
I still have a more favorable than unfavorable opinion of him though.
She can believe what she wants, but as a public official you can't pass your religion onto someone else rights as a citizen.

Why is it so hard to understand.

Screw this ignorant is bliss culture.
So not secret after all, especially when it comes to Kim Davis. What a weird PR stunt. Why meet her in secret? So he can be controversy-free while he visits the US?
Well no matter what the Pope thinks people will always use their religion to justify their own bigotry so actually this doesn't matter.

Plus maybe "Stay strong" just means he wants her to keep lifting, gettin' those gains.
If the bible states that divorce is a huge sin, then why does it get a free pass but homosexuality doesn't?

Divorce does not get a free pass in the Catholic church. Divorce is forbidden. In fact, this is what split the Catholic Church during the reign of King Henry the VIII, when the Church would not grant him an annulment in his marriage, so Henry founded the Anglican (Episcopalean in the US today) Church


It's not that simple. The Pope is about mercy, forgiveness and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone," in fact this is more or less his platform with homosexuality and why he does not see himself fit to judge. I would imagine he specifically visited her on those terms because she got a right ass-kicking from the court of public opinion.

Ultimately, regardless of the things he does, he's still a conservative religious figure. He's a paragon of his faith, not necessarily of all belief systems.


Divorce does not get a free pass in the Catholic church. Divorce is forbidden. In fact, this is what split the Catholic Church during the reign of King Henry the VIII, when the Church would not grant him an annulment in his marriage, so Henry founded the Anglican (Episcopalean) Church in the US.

So Kim gets a face to face blessing from the big cheese of the catholic church, even though she herself has been through a few divorces? Wouldn't this be the equivalent of the Pope meeting with a married gay person to pat them on the pack for refusing to grant a divorce certificate?


formerly sane
If the bible states that divorce is a huge sin, then why does it get a free pass but homosexuality doesn't?

Cause much like adultery, tattoos and a whole host of other issues if people were held to standards very few people would be left. Also cause in this world the weakest and most vulnerable people are always the most oppressed or bullied.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So should I hate the pope this week or is he still #bestpope? Tell me what to think internets!

This is particularly bad, because it is advocating for a Theocracy.

It's one thing for the Church to hold certain views, even if they are not rationally based. However it's another to advocate, even indirectly, for government employees or elected officials to hold their religion above government.
So, in terms of Sin Tiers:

1. Murder - HELL
2. Homosexuality - HELL
3. Abortion - HELL
4. Rape/Sexual Abuse - Probation
5. Divorce - Probation
6. Masturbation - $5 per offense
7. Everything else can be forgiven with a donation to the church or sending your kids to Catholic School.

Thanks, GOD.
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