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Post PICTURES of your COLLECTION and SETUP (56k says "good god make it stop")










This is totally excluding most classic stuff - I have hundreds of atari, genesis, master system, NES, etc carts and related promo/plush/etc goods boxed up and/or at another location. I usually like to keep only the stuff that has a decent chance of getting played right by the tv, to avoid too much clutter. Also, the neo-geo cabinet and Spider-Man cabinet are mainly used for playing Jamma PCBs. I also have more music game controllers (Samba, Shakka to Tambourine, Drummania, etc) but those were too big to fit into the pics easily.


not an idiot
This is from a cheapo Kodak throwaway digital camera, but here's my current setup...

Where I'm posting this from, it's all top of the line (3.2 P4, 1 gig OCZ ram, Rator SATA HDD, IBM 20" flatscreen Trinitron etc)...

You can't see it, but this has a playstation hooked up to the little TV beside the bed, so I can play some oldie but goodies while getting ready to go to sleep. There's also a GameCube with a WaveBird Wireless controller hooked up to a 35" RCA TV on the right there. On top of it is a Sony DVD player.

My main room gaming setup. Xbox there, the games are in one of those cases, but I have quite a few. The set is a Sony Direct View HDTV 36" (36hs510) with a Yamaha Digital receiver and Eosone speakers with a JBL 500 watt powered sub...

EDIT: Edited out the other pics of my family and me for Fusebox, who was offended by them (below). Apologies.


Sorry for the extreme bad quality of the pics, these were taken with my PDA, and it doesn't have any flash.

My main room :

My bedroom :

Astal on my bedroom Panasonic LCD :
AniHawk said:
Good God, Bobby! That's a ton of games! All nicely organized too.

Most were bought "on the cheap," too - thanks Wario64! :D

Seriously, don't go thinking I'm rich or anything - most of those games were budget purchases, and almost all of the arcade games were found very cheap (usually broken) and then fixed up and restored.


shpankey said:
Here's our youngest daughter and her setup (27" Zenith with DVD). She suffers from debilitating seizures. In two months, we will be going to Houston for surgery to try and remove the damaged part that is causing the seizures (wish us luck, she is a beautiful child and we love her dearly!)...

Good luck with her! I hope she makes it through!


not an idiot
Fusebox said:
And no thanks to shpankey for completey fucking this thread up with the arse with the lamest home pics I've ever seen.

Do you think you are overreacting a tad? Anyhow, I apologize and I edited out the other pics of my family and me for ya. Sorry you got offended by them.


heh I have the exact same Ikea TV stand as bobbyconove's. This thread is inspiring me to re-arrange my apartment.. It's a single so everything is in one room but the TV stand is way too far from my sofa. Hmm maybe I should get one of those sofas that turn into a bed....


Well, even though I'm jealous about some of these collections, I'm happy about one thing. With few exceptions, all those rooms are so messy and cluttered and, well, packed with stuff. Doesn't look all that inviting to sit in a mess and play games to me, I can now appreciate my gaming room (=living room) even more. :p

And bobbyconover, I wish I had that Kururin poster. It rocks, I'm jealous. :(


AniHawk said:
By the way, BeOnEdge, what condition are the discs of PDSaga in, and where do you live?

flawless. where do i live? doesnt matter. you'd have to crack the safe i keep it and radient silvergun in.

"Well, even though I'm jealous about some of these collections, I'm happy about one thing. With few exceptions, all those rooms are so messy and cluttered and, well, packed with stuff. Doesn't look all that inviting to sit in a mess and play games to me, I can now appreciate my gaming room (=living room) even more. :p"

thats why u get a seperate game room!
You've got some rad promo stuff there, BeOnEdge. My favorite is definitely the Outrun poster - did you get that in Japan? I've only seen huge/awesome arcade posters like that over there, and they usually cost a mint. Amazingly I was able to get my Incredible Crisis poster (note that it's for the arcade version - published by Tecmo of all people) for something like 100 yen. I guess it's not considered too collectible over there! :)

flawless. where do i live? doesnt matter. you'd have to crack the safe i keep it and radient silvergun in.

Do you really keep them both in a safe? I have both of mine just wedged in the middle of big stacks of games. I guess I should probably think about setting them aside.


bobbyconover said:
You've got some rad promo stuff there, BeOnEdge. My favorite is definitely the Outrun poster - did you get that in Japan? I've only seen huge/awesome arcade posters like that over there, and they usually cost a mint. Amazingly I was able to get my Incredible Crisis poster (note that it's for the arcade version - published by Tecmo of all people) for something like 100 yen. I guess it's not considered too collectible over there! :)

Do you really keep them both in a safe? I have both of mine just wedged in the middle of big stacks of games. I guess I should probably think about setting them aside.

friend used to work at EA. his boss needed to get rid of it and i ended up with it. i was kidding about the safe. :) the stuff i have usually turns up on ebay every now and then and i'm always tempted to get doubles. hahahahaha.


Weird seeing so many games stored horizontally. I'm so paranoid storing my games like that because if they're stored like that the discs warp. All my games (and movie DVDs) are stored vertically in bookshelves and drawers.


Damn bobby, here I thought you were about my age when we met at E3 and you must have a fucking palace to house all that stuff!


evolutionseed said:

I think I spotted a bong in this pick. Does anyone else see it?

Uh, if we're looking at the same thing, I think that's the stand for the rear speaker. The other one is on a stand, while this one looks like its situatied on the couch for one reason or another.





That's my DVD, manga and music collection (and GBA heh). My console games are all stuck in a little container for taking back to school so I dont have anything impressive to take a picture of. Might clear off another part of the shelf and put them up there.. dunno.


Dont have pics of my collection just my set up in my bedroom. Camera broke so I cant take pics of the set up in the living room


Meier said:
Damn bobby, here I thought you were about my age when we met at E3 and you must have a fucking palace to house all that stuff!

Naw, I'm only a couple years older than you. I hate to shatter the illusion, but I'm living in a 2-car garage that has been converted into a makeshift apartment. I'm kinda embarrassed to admit that the arcade games (with the exceptions of Joust, Neo Geo and a half-working Pac-Man cocktail) are very tightly packed into what was formerly my bedroom - the bed had t be dismantled and removed to make room for more games - back at my mom's house. The other old games are housed in what used to be my bedroom at my dad's house. I'm basically riding it as long as I can until they finally snap and make me get my ridiculous amounts of stuff out of their houses, at which time I'll be screwed unless I cough up the dough to rent some kind of storage unit. :D
johnjohnson said:
I knew that the american Super Nintendo was extremly ugly, but not that it was THAT ugly.

For some bizarre reason, only that one top piece of the casing turns horribly yellow over time. Mine is the exact same way, as are many others that I've seen. It sucks. :(
Ehh, well it's a convenient piece of furniture.


I'm a collector who values quality over quantity and I'm obsessive about the condition of my games, so 90% of my stuff is tucked away in towel-padded drawers. But oh well, here's an extra shelf.


The copy of Panzar Saga is sealed. And that's a picture of me riding a camel.

BeOnEdge: You have the normal blue version of What's Shenmue, nice. I have the ORANGE version. BWAHAHAHAHA
Friend said:
I thought that yellow top was just a lame paint job.

I thought it was gold paint..

And there are some simply incredible game collections. But like someone mentioned, there are a lot of very cluttered messy rooms..


The Take Out Bandit said:
Wow, now I don't feel so bad about all of the shit I've got laying about.


Here's an excerpt from my Saturn collection. Fighting games:


Thanks guys, you've really put things into perspective for me. ^_^

I just need to clean up all the kibble laying about, and I'll have a nice looking pad.

i can only respect this collection !

two thumbs up


Unconfirmed Member
bobbyconover said:
For some bizarre reason, only that one top piece of the casing turns horribly yellow over time. Mine is the exact same way, as are many others that I've seen. It sucks. :(
Yeah, mine did the same thing, though it's not as bad as the one posted. It's just sort of got a brownish tint to the top piece.


Littleberu said:
Omgwtf. Why all these PS2? Like 12 PS2. Why so many?

Hehe, actually its just one PS2. I was bored so me and my brother decided to have some fun.

Digital Camera + camera tripod + 1x PS2 + 1x GC + Photoshop = fun. :D

The game collection (although hard to see) is genuine, not much to show off compared to the other posted here though. :(
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