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President Trump advocates for Government shutdown in September





Donnie is so used to bullying his way in business that it's all he seems to know. Unfortunately for him (but fortunately for us), the bully pulpit as president is something that needs to be used sparingly to be effective. He uses it for bloody everything and its lost all impact.


"All of these checks and balances things are a huge pain in the ass. Why should judges and senators stop me from doing what I want? I won! That means I get to do what I want! Obama did what he wanted! Why can't I?"


New day, new bullshit. Absolutely unbelievable.

Keep doing your jobs*, Congress and judiciary branch.

*You're still not off my shit list, Congress, but at least this budget is mostly sensible​.


Those quotation marks are going to factor into Spicer's explanation.

Given how quotations turned "wiretapped" into "possibly legally acquired some surveillance info on associates of mine during conversations they were had with foreign agents", I can imagine "shutdown" will become something like "responsibly negotiate a compromise that meets my needs without risking a government shutdown"
Why can't they stop this guy from Tweeting?

Trump makes me feel sorry for the GOP, they have their work cut out for them with this guy.


No Scrubs
How long until he is in the negatives on political capital ?

He's been there for a while. He can't get anything he wants past the House as it is.

That's one thing Mcconell has flat out said no to.

The legislative filibuster is still in place and McConnell isn't getting rid of it anytime soon. He wants to maintain GOP control and given what the House wants to do to healthcare, allowing that shit past them will kill them in the midterm.


Isn't advocating something that would be harmful to American Citizens considered treason?


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

You would have to lock a lot of people up, if it were


Unconfirmed Member
Don't want to make a different thread but does anyone have good book recommendations that concern important political events and ruled cases in this country, as well as its inner workings and all things I should know? I don't think I'm nearly as privy to how my country operates as I should be.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
That only happens if congressional republicans feel like Trump is hurting their chances of getting reelected. That is the only way. I think he could start WW3 and have bombs dropping on US soil and they would support him if the polls say it is good for them. I have zero confidence in most politicians to actually do what is right versus doing what will get them reelected.
Yep. As Rubens do Amaral (Brazilian writer/journalist) once wrote sardonically concerning certain politicians: "they're convinced that in politics there's only one shame: to lose".


Like.....things are getting so bad that part of me wants this to happen. Maybe then most of the country will get a clue about how terrible Trump and his ilk are.


Hahaha trying to force the filibuster nuke on McConnell.

Do it, you fucking moron. Let the American people really see that your party has no real solutions for anything but your wealthy benefactors.

Like.....things are getting so bad that part of me wants this to happen. Maybe then most of the country will get a clue about how terrible Trump and his ilk are.

I've basically come to embrace this view. It's the only way.


His ego wont allow him to quit

I am sure Pence is working out how to offer a graceful exit to Trump so he can become president instead. would not be surprised if the rest of the GOP are in on this too. prolly don't want to impeach him tho
"We need more time off, oh but still pay us our benefits and 6 figures tax payers". Are you joking. I really hate when governments try to do the whole shutdown thing. It has happened a couple of times here in Canada where the government in power at that time prorogue (ends current parliamentary session) Parliament early to avoid either a election or other things. Pieces of legislature or bills that could help the citizens of the country are either put on hold or are forgotten entirely because of it.


He really wants to be a dictator. Not even hiding it anymore. We need to impeach this fucker already.

Does he even know what a shutdown even means? Probably thinks he won't have to do anything and go back to playing golf and ruining companies.


You ever think Spicer just wakes up, turns on his phone, sees the tweet, and just goes back to bed

I always figured he had to medicated to hell and back to deal with that, either that or illicit drugs. Maybe both, I'd have to go for both if I were him.
the worst part about this to me?

if obama said it, fox news would have a fucking situation room dedicated to covering king obama trying to seize power by shutting down america
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