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President Trump advocates for Government shutdown in September


He's been there for a while. He can't get anything he wants past the House as it is.

The legislative filibuster is still in place and McConnell isn't getting rid of it anytime soon. He wants to maintain GOP control and given what the House wants to do to healthcare, allowing that shit past them will kill them in the midterm.

I'd hope so


The shutdown threat isn't even the worst part of these Tweets. He says that if the Republicans don't win enough seats in 2018 then we should just change the rules to let them pass whatever they want anyway.


"We need more time off, oh but still pay us our benefits and 6 figures tax payers". Are you joking. I really hate when governments try to do the whole shutdown thing. It has happened a couple of times here in Canada where the government in power at that time prorogue (ends current parliamentary session) Parliament early to avoid either a election or other things. Pieces of legislature or bills that could help the citizens of the country are either put on hold or are forgotten entirely because of it.

What? That means there will be an election because of a political impasse that might require a stronger majority to pass the vote.

It can result in a shift of policy as the administration could change hands, that is a major part of our democratic process, I don't know how you misunderstood it so badly lol


The opportunity for some crass whuddaboutism is too ripe here.

Like holy shit, can you imagine if Obama openly advocated for a shutdown?

The country would've exploded.

Shit is so fucking weird now.

White guy backed by Republicans. The weirdness is called privilege meets lust for power.


Trump is raging impotently because he's unable to get his budget through Congress. But he'll fold like a cheap suit and sign it anyway. Then he'll rage some more and vow to get his budget priorities done at some unspecified later date. But because he's a shitty negotiator with no experience at governing, it never happens.



This should be repeated. The guy wants to be a tyrant.

Trump gets frustrated he doesn't get his way and attacks instutions with the hope they will bend or break to his will. He is absolutely hellbent on attacking anything perceived as a block to his agenda; judges, parliamentary rules, media etc. Basically any check or balance. He shows no interest in actually negotiating except by threat, no interest in amending positions to get legislative victories.

There's a real risk he invokes a blatantly illegal power grab and / or constitutional crisis.

Keep resisting as much as possible folks, any way you can.


Man this asshole does not give a single fuck about checks and balances. He also doesn't give a shit that the majority of Americans are liberals or at least moderate and therefore we should have a seat at the table when it comes to determining how things should be. So fucked up. Next time liberals are in power we need to remember this shit. No more bending over backwards to appease people who won't even work with you in good faith.


He throws a tantrum every time he meets one of the checks and balances. He legitimately thinks being president makes him a king who can do whatever he wants.


Maybe another reason he is lashing out I heard on CNN that he doesn't have the votes for healthcare again.

That has got to sting. Good.


So the problem ISNT that his ideas don't have broad appeal and that state representatives are not agreeing with him. It's that when they don't agree with him, it shouldn't matter.


Like.....things are getting so bad that part of me wants this to happen. Maybe then most of the country will get a clue about how terrible Trump and his ilk are.

I don't get how people can actually believe this. We had a massive crash in 08 that should have taught us all how bad republicans and their ilk were. It worked for all of one election cycle and then the Republicans won more power than they'd had for decades.

When shit gets really bad the electorate doesn't get logical. They flail like narcissistic infants with a temper tantrum.


Spicey: "The President used the word shutdown in quotes to mean, broadly, golf and other trips to mar-a-lago. Why aren't we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time?"


You know what is infuriating. If anyone says that he advocated for a shutdown he will just pull the same shit he used when he accused obama of tapping him and state,"I didn't mean a literal shutdown, I used quotation marks! Totally different thing!"
This should be repeated. The guy wants to be a tyrant.

Trump gets frustrated he doesn't get his way and attacks instutions with the hope they will bend or break to his will. He is absolutely hellbent on attacking anything perceived as a block to his agenda; judges, parliamentary rules, media etc. Basically any check or balance. He shows no interest in actually negotiating except by threat, no interest in amending positions to get legislative victories.

There's a real risk he invokes a blatantly illegal power grab and / or constitutional crisis.

Keep resisting as much as possible folks, any way you can.

I don't think there's any doubt he will try something like this, but I'm much less worried about it than I once was. He doesn't have the capital or alliances for a real coup attempt.

Not to say we shouldn't be vigilante about such an attempt in the future, of course, but I'm less scared than I once was, at least at this point in time.


You know what is infuriating. If anyone says that he advocated for a shutdown he will just pull the same shit he used when he accused obama of tapping him and state,"I didn't mean a literal shutdown, I used quotation marks! Totally different thing!"

It'd be more fun if everyone just agreed and went along with him. Then his hopes for chaos would be so completely dashed and confusing to his brain that he would gain total zero gravity and just float off to his home planet.
I don't think there's any doubt he will try something like this, but I'm much less worried about it than I once was. He doesn't have the capital or alliances for a real coup attempt.

Not to say we shouldn't be vigilante about such an attempt in the future, of course, but I'm less scared than I once was, at least at this point in time.
It also feels like he will screw it up too if he does it.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Doesn't he realize that he is the president to the entire US, not just republicans?
There is no part of that sentence that he understands lol.

He doesn't understand that he's a president and not an emperor.

He doesn't understand that he needs to serve anyone besides himself.

He doesn't even understand that he needs Republicans on his side, much less anyone else in the US.


Everyone knows his threats lack teeth now so who cares. The bad thing about being a dumbass bully is that you overplay your hand and expose yourself.


I don't think there's any doubt he will try something like this, but I'm much less worried about it than I once was. He doesn't have the capital or alliances for a real coup attempt.

Not to say we shouldn't be vigilante about such an attempt in the future, of course, but I'm less scared than I once was, at least at this point in time.

Yeah, I'm not too concerned about Trump being able to really pull off anything substantial during his presidency. The main damage he's doing is sowing distrust and resentment against our democracy's institutions within a not insignificant portion of the electorate.

And of course, he's still Commander in Chief of the US military.


I don't think there's any doubt he will try something like this, but I'm much less worried about it than I once was. He doesn't have the capital or alliances for a real coup attempt.

Not to say we shouldn't be vigilante about such an attempt in the future, of course, but I'm less scared than I once was, at least at this point in time.

He certainly doesn't come across as the type to put all the pieces together. You can imagine him trying by accident and incompetence and invoking a complete constitutional crisis. Especially with republicans being completely spinless.

Anyway, that's why it's so important to keep up the engagement and the activities and to connect to others who have some fight in them, just in case. And to have practiced suppressing the fear and invoking courage if it ever becomes necessary
It also feels like he will screw it up too if he does it too.

Even if he does manage to pull something off, you have to think: he doesn't have control over his party in the least, they can't even get a bill passed the House. It's harder to gauge where he stands with the military, but the fact that he often has conflicting views with McMasters and Mattis tells me it's not as solid as it seems despite his apparent willingness to give them unlimited funding. And while he obviously has a vocal base around him, the majority of the nation is not with him, and it's very obvious.

Of course, the wind could change, so we have to stay vigilante, it's still early.


I hate how people keep misinterpreting his words by focusing on the direct implications of the actual things he says! So unfair. Seems like the kind of thing Obama would do.

This should be repeated. The guy wants to be a tyrant.

Trump gets frustrated he doesn't get his way and attacks instutions with the hope they will bend or break to his will. He is absolutely hellbent on attacking anything perceived as a block to his agenda; judges, parliamentary rules, media etc. Basically any check or balance. He shows no interest in actually negotiating except by threat, no interest in amending positions to get legislative victories.

There's a real risk he invokes a blatantly illegal power grab and / or constitutional crisis.

Keep resisting as much as possible folks, any way you can.
All we need to do to ensure a peaceful transition of power is to usher him out with a televised award ceremony where he's presented with a golden trophy in the shape of his penis (actual size x10) with a plaque that says "World's Greatest President" in Comic Sans.


I'm starting to believe this is Trump's way to see how the media will interpret and publish his tweets.

If you know, he was actually thinking about the importance of his words.


All we need to do to ensure a peaceful transition of power is to usher him out with a televised award ceremony where he's presented with a golden trophy in the shape of his penis (actual size x10) with a plaque that says "World's Greatest President" in Comic Sans.

"A term so great there only needed to be one " [queue music]

I hope so...
The stupidest thing about is that it's not even really about the Democrats right now. The GOP can't pass shit because of shit within their own party. Even if they do manage to get more seats, it's not going to stop that core issue. I mean, lol, could you imagine if they did manage to get a supermajority, and they still couldn't get enough votes to pass that healthcare bill. I hope we don't come to that, obviously, would rather not flirt with that chance, but the idea is just utterly hilarious. Until you get sad thinking that these people are actually in charge of the government.


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account

The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need 60 votes in the Senate which are not there! We....

You can always tell when Donald learns something new. He quickly plugs it in a tweet or an interview, thinking it makes him look knowledgeable, no matter if it's a widely known fact or not.

It's like the word "archaic" that he obviously learned a few days ago and now he can't stop using it.
Doesn't he realize that he is the president to the entire US, not just republicans?

I mean, just last week he handed out electoral maps to journalists again (for some reason) and said, "...that's the final map of the numbers. It's pretty good, right? The red is obviously us."

"The great uniter", this guy. Us vs them.


"We need more time off, oh but still pay us our benefits and 6 figures tax payers". Are you joking. I really hate when governments try to do the whole shutdown thing. It has happened a couple of times here in Canada where the government in power at that time prorogue (ends current parliamentary session) Parliament early to avoid either a election or other things. Pieces of legislature or bills that could help the citizens of the country are either put on hold or are forgotten entirely because of it.

Simply, that is incorrect. When Harper prorogued parliament it just ended the session, it's a stalling tactic.

When there's a government shutdown in the US, public employees are locked out and stop getting paid.

For Canada, public employees are unaffected.


While government shutdowns prior to the 1995–1996 shutdowns had very mild effects, a full federal government shutdown causes a large number of civilian federal employees to be furloughed. Active duty military personnel (those on Title 10 status) and employees excepted by the Antideficiency Act are not furloughed, but may not be paid as scheduled[7][8] for the period of the furlough. During a government shutdown, furloughed government employees are prohibited from even checking their e-mail from home. To enforce this prohibition, many agencies require employees to return their government-issued electronic devices for the duration of the shutdown.[9]

Economic data shows that despite the inconvenience arising from a protracted government shutdown (such as the one seen in 2013), any GDP damage or falling job market confidence that results can be managed with relative ease. For example, despite seeing payment delayed to 1.3 million workers, and 800,000 employees locked out,[10] confidence in the job market recovered within a month of the 2013 shutdown,[11][12] and GDP growth slowed only 0.1-0.2%.[10]


He needs a break does he.



This man has been a failure from the start. If he hadn't been born into enormous wealth, he'd be donning a mustard-stained wifebeater shirt, throwing empty beer cans at loud kids, while yelling racial slurs from his shitty trailer. He's a massive fuckup. His entire administration has been a joke. I hope his name carries its shit stain for all of American history.
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