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Ps4 Pro discontinued


I sold mine 2 months before ps5 launch (to get more) for 320€ with 6 worthless games + 2 controllers.

Dunno if not having 4k drive were that big of a deal, they dont even sell 4k blurays anywhere.

Or at least not here, I checked most places that sell movies in my city and none had 4k blurays. Wanted to test one as never seen them, but I guess they are so rare that online order is only way to get them. (could be more widely available on other countries)

It is kind of funny that while PS4 pro sold around 250-280€ with one controller and no games, xbox one x had value of 100-150€ as used few months ago, sometimes they went for higher prices on our market sites/auctions, but usually even the 100€ ones were for sale multiple days.

Pro were the popular beast
Where do you live where they don’t sell 4K blu rays?


I thank my PS4 Pro for getting me back into gaming. It's currently sitting downstairs along with previous generations of consoles connected to measly 1080p cheap screen.

I kinda wish if they release final version of PS4 slim2 at 199 or less, with Pro enhancements. That would be a nice send off.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
This strange in a same way as discontinuing Xbox One X while still producing that piece of shit One S. Well I guess we got XSS, but at the same time, it was like a half-year ahead of launch of Series consoles.


Pro is/was a bad read on the market, not a total disaster but an underwhelming one for sure.

It felt so half assed, the price was fair but I feel the market would have paid 100 dollars more for an extra TF and 4 GBs more of ram (I realize this probly would have changed cerny's butterfly design philosophy or whatever but oh well)

Sony absolutely had the software pending to push sales of the hypothetical more premium unit to the market and the slim would have been just as popular.

Just an odd loud ass machine imo.
Underwhelming 'upgraded' console. It's finally dead. Hopefully Sony does a better job next gen if they decide for this path again.

If 4K checkerboard rendering took off with third parties, it could have provided much better value proposition.

For $399, the same launch price as the PS4 it was alright but I think they should have went farther with it like MS (charge $499 for better hardware and launch later if needed).

Pro is/was a bad read on the market, not a total disaster but an underwhelming one for sure.

The base PS4 was really solid for most of it's lifespan providing reliable 1080p gaming out of the gate. No one was really itching for an upgrade in 2016.
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I already suggest that. People say they're expensive, but Sony can make a way to reduce costs with AMD, not to mention a new redesign, if they wish.
You really, really don't get it. You keep acting like having a more powerful base model would somehow have some kind of value, when in reality litterally no one would buy it over an even cheaper PS4. People who don't already own a PS4 right now, are not interested in a Pro.

Look, you are not the target audience, so stop trying to have Sony design their hardware around what you ask for but wouldn't even pay for. People who want a PS4 but don't currently own one, are looking for the cheapest point of entry. I don't care how cheap you make the Pro, it would never be cheaper than the base PS4. Your refusal to acknowledge this, is just because you didn't understand who is suppose to buy it.
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You really, really don't get it. You keep acting like having a more powerful base model would somehow have some kind of value, when in reality litterally no one would buy it over an even cheaper PS4. People who don't already own a PS4 right now, are not interested in a Pro.

Look, you are not the target audience, so stop trying to have Sony design their hardware around what you ask for but wouldn't even pay for. People who want a PS4 but don't currently own one, are looking for the cheapest point of entry. I don't care how cheap you make the Pro, it would never be cheaper than the base PS4. Your refusal to acknowledge this, is just because you didn't understand who is suppose to buy it.

You made a good point, but PRO can replace base PS4 not only with redesign, but with name as well.

Sony can call the redesign PS4PRO into his new PS4. Nothing would change, the 'new pro' would be weaker than PS5, but still better than last PS4.

Microsoft did an amazing job with Xbox One X, smaller than the first Xbox One, so I can see Sony doing that if they wish. Needs to consider, making PRO like PS4 need not only match the noise, but the heat.

Again, they can do, thats not mean they want.


I recently purchased a 2nd hand PS4 Pro and sold my base PS4...I could have waited and held out for the PS5, but seeing as there will be a 2 year transition period anyway between 4 and 5, and with improved performance and extra storage, I thought why not jump in now, otherwise when it first came out I wasn't bothered...
My PS5 (DE) currently is the Silent PS4 Turbo I always wanted. Accumulated 110+ games through PS Plus that I never played because of the PS4's jet engine.

Don't need no PS4 Pro.
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Slim to be discontinued next?
if they do it will be replaced by another PS4 model. they aren't discontinuing the entire PS4 line up just yet lol.

PS3 discontinued in 2016 (11 year life span, 87.4m sold)
PS2 discontinued in 2013 (13 year life span, 155m sold)
PS1 discontinued in 2006 (12 year life span, 102m sold)

PS4 is currently 7 years old and has shipped 113.6m. The PS4 will be sold for at least a few years to come yet. The PS4 Pro is likely to be discontinued because it's more expensive and if you want better performance then you can just get a PS5. it makes sense to cut it off and just sell Slim PS4s. if Sony can cut costs down on the PS4 then they might release a Super Slim PS4 but i doubt it.

Surprised it took so long. No market for a premium model once a more premium model comes along.
the PS5 only came out a month ago and it's hard to get hold of one. if this rumor is true then it might be too early for sony to discontinue it but since it's a rumor we don't know if or when they will.
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I sold mine for $250 via eBay last week. It's obsolete now; the PS5 can play PS4 games at least as good as the Pro or better, without sounding like a jet engine.


One X is also discontinued, so either buy the basic or buy the new. That is the model.
The thing is that Xbox still has the Series S as the 'medium' model. If Sony really discontinues the Pro, then it's going to be a choice between a very weak and a powerful console. Not a good one if someone doesn't want or can't buy the PS5 yet.


Sold mine for 250 cash once I got my ps5. It was a decent machine but gimped in a lot of ways.. felt like a half measure. The no inclusion of a 4k drive being the biggest wtf.

Mine was at least quiet but I didn't get a launch unit

My PS5 doesn't have a 4k drive either lol.

But I agree. The Pro promoted 4k, there was no DD version, and the system not being able to run those movies was weird. Other half measures were the CPU, and the fact it just felt less sturdy than the old PS4. Not to mention the extreme fan noise. Would lock up a ton if I kept it on the MW menu for too long, because it ran too hot. I hated this system.

The thing is that Xbox still has the Series S as the 'medium' model. If Sony really discontinues the Pro, then it's going to be a choice between a very weak and a powerful console. Not a good one if someone doesn't want or can't buy the PS5 yet.

Doesn't matter. PS5 DD is only 100 bucks more and won't be out of stock forever. I have both S and PS5 DD and the difference between them is staggering for only 100 bucks difference (the PS5 feels like a top end console, which it is), and I love the S mind you. Sony also doesn't have to come with different performance modes, there is simply one hardware.

Digital prices and used games aside, the PS5 DD is the absolute best deal here.
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The thing is that Xbox still has the Series S as the 'medium' model. If Sony really discontinues the Pro, then it's going to be a choice between a very weak and a powerful console. Not a good one if someone doesn't want or can't buy the PS5 yet.

I think they care about price point. A cheap price model and a premium model.
Very stupid of Sony if this is the case. They should keep selling the PS4 (after dropping in price) for another 3 years at least.
Nah, the pro consoles are aimed at enthusiasts, keep the base console around as a cheap "kids" alternative during the transition.

There are plenty of used pro machines for people who want an in-between.


Makes sense, the PS4 pro was to serve the 4K market, which the PS5 has now taken over.
I'd like to see a superslim base PS4 that's around the same size as the PS2 slim. Should be possible if AMD move the PS4's APU to 7nm

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Smart decision by Sony to discontinue the PS4 Pro if they weren't going to drop the price of it because it makes no sense to pay $400 for PS4 Pro when you can buy a digital edition of PS5 for the same price or the disc edition for $500.


I'd get a cheap bloodbornestation for 150 USD tops. Hopefully they can put together a digital ultra slim ps4 for that price in 2021 for us in peripheral regions.
The ps4 doesn't make sense at 300 usd in 2021.
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Maybe that website saw that most players who were ordering the 'high end PS' instead of the cheapest one now shifted to PS5, so maybe they decided to focus on both PS5 skus and base PS4.

I'd understand it, specially until Pro gets (if it ever gets) a significant price cut that would make it more appealing as the cheaper entry price point PS. Unless Pro gets a very low price very similar to base PS4 (which I also think needs a price cut) I doubt many people would see it as something appealing.

why not discontinue the base ps4? and make the pro de base ps4
Because when people goes to buy a PS they mostly prefer 'the best/more powerful/future proof' one (in the past it was the Pro, now it's the PS5) or the cheapest one (base PS4).

To discontinue base PS4 instead of the Pro would make sense only if made at the same time Pro gets a big price cut to put it where base PS4 was, and a big enough price distance compared to the discless PS5.
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Makes sense. Expensive, and sells way less than slim. Kinda pointless to keep it going.
Not at all. Performance will suffer even more on base PS4 in the close future. That's definitely terrible for who won't go soon to the next gen and they should replace the PS4 slim with a PS4 pro slim for such people.


Pro is/was a bad read on the market, not a total disaster but an underwhelming one for sure.

It felt so half assed, the price was fair but I feel the market would have paid 100 dollars more for an extra TF and 4 GBs more of ram (I realize this probly would have changed cerny's butterfly design philosophy or whatever but oh well)

Sony absolutely had the software pending to push sales of the hypothetical more premium unit to the market and the slim would have been just as popular.

Just an odd loud ass machine imo.
I really don't get it all the fuss around the PS4 pro specs. For the 2016 was really a respectable hardware. Furthermore I don't think the quantity of multiplat which show dramatic improvement in the one X is that enormous (I have both); there are surely, but it happens even to see the one X point too high, at the price of worst performance compared the pro and I would say in the equal quantity we see some games improve notably in the one x. I find personally this underwhelming narrative incredibly ungenerous in my opinion, especially considered the difference in the raw power/age.
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I really don't get it all the fuss around the PS4 pro specs. For the 2016 was really a respectable hardware. Furthermore I don't think the quantity of multiplat which show dramatic improvement in the one X is that enormous (I have both); there are surely, but it happens even to see the one X point too high, at the price of worst performance compared the pro and I would say in the equal quantity we see some games improve notably in the one x. I find personally this underwhelming narrative incredibly ungenerous in my opinion, especially considered the difference in the raw power/age.

As I said, the price was fair, but this was a premium console, as another user said, no1 was itching for an upgrade in 2016

The general impression of ps4pro was lukewarm, I've never seen many threads or polls speak too favorable of it.

its also really loud, but I at least like the way it looks when it's vertical

one design flaw I never got into was the rear usb port, if you plugged a Sony headset dongle in the back and played a game that ran the system hot the dongle would throttle and audio would skip, super shit design flaw.

Thing felt half assed.
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Pro is/was a bad read on the market, not a total disaster but an underwhelming one for sure.

It felt so half assed, the price was fair but I feel the market would have paid 100 dollars more for an extra TF and 4 GBs more of ram (I realize this probly would have changed cerny's butterfly design philosophy or whatever but oh well)

Sony absolutely had the software pending to push sales of the hypothetical more premium unit to the market and the slim would have been just as popular.

Just an odd loud ass machine imo.

Both Xb1X and Ps4pro were half assed, they both still had Jaguar so 60 FPS was a dream, they just plugged a gap for 4k TVs but still at 30 FPS.

There was no point, you could have 100 TF and teh Jaguar would still meant 30 FPS, pointless.

All Jaguar consoles need to die now.
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Both Xb1X and Ps4pro were half assed, they both still had Jaguar so 60 FPS was a dream, they just plugged a gap for 4k TVs but still at 30 FPS.

There was no point, you could have 100 TF and teh Jaguar would still meant 30 FPS, pointless.

All Jaguar consoles need to die now.

Eh, at least the one X could add anisotropic texture filtering.

Yes the jags were a real letdown, the entire gen, but I can tolerate 30fps cause I play alot of n64 and 3ds lol

I think they did alright tho, the ps4 gen had alot more 60* fps games than the 1 before it, it seems.
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As I said, the price was fair, but this was a premium console, as another user said, no1 was itching for an upgrade in 2016

The general impression of ps4pro was lukewarm, I've never seen many threads or polls speak too favorable of it.

its also really loud, but I at least like the way it looks when it's vertical

one design flaw I never got into was the rear usb port, if you plugged a Sony headset dongle in the back and played a game that ran the system hot the dongle would throttle and audio would skip, super shit design flaw.

Thing felt half assed.
It's premium console at 399 in 2016. That was what you could have. And it prevents to play PS4 games at shitty fps or resolution in a 4k output. Has never been intended to substitute the base console (as the one X) but to use in 4k setup. I'm recently passed from a 22 " Samsung TV 1080p monitor to an 28" LG 4k HDR and man PS4 pro it's definitely worthy for such monitor.
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