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PS5 No enhanced patches?

C'mon man. While yes, I agree that many people, myself included, expect God of War, Bloodborne, TLOUII to get a 60fps patch. They have too. If some smaller games devs put them out for their games and Sony doesn't for their biggest, it'd be a huge disappointment. I can't imagine they'd do that. It'd be such a missed sizzle reel opportunity to have God of War and Bloodborne running at 4k/60fps at the start of their new conosle release. I'm 97% sure they'll not let that go by. They have to know that the player-base wants that and they are "for the players" as they like to say. I hope ALL their shit comes to PC. It absolutely should, AND it should get the treatment on PS5 as well.
C'mon man. While yes, I agree that many people, myself included, expect God of War, Bloodborne, TLOUII to get a 60fps patch. They have too. If some smaller games devs put them out for their games and Sony doesn't for their biggest, it'd be a huge disappointment. I can't imagine they'd do that. It'd be such a missed sizzle reel opportunity to have God of War and Bloodborne running at 4k/60fps at the start of their new console release. I'm 97% sure they'll not let that go by. They have to know that the player-base wants that and they are "for the players" as they like to say. I hope ALL their shit comes to PC. It absolutely should, AND it should get the treatment on PS5 as well.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
How disappointing.

So as it stands games will not be enhanced on a per game basis. What this means in reality is that;

- Only games with dynamic resolution will be "enhanced" to reach the resolution cap (which in many cases is less than on the One X version I.e Red Dead Redemtion 2).
- Only games with uncapped or an unstable frame rate will benefit from the increased power.

I honestly find this SUPER disappointing as enhanced patches were my most hyped feature. (Just imagine Uncharted 4 at 4k 60fps!).

Pretty sure I'm done with Playstation now with this and the price increase. Got some serious thinking to do now about whether I still want a PS5.

This is why I said we should be concerned about Sony's silence regarding its backwards compatability plans last week. Some people there told us a it was all in hand and not to be worried... 😉

Its not up to Sony to patch any games other than ones they develop themselves. That has to be approved by the publisher and/or developer as its their copyrighted property.

In either case if they don't feel like the effort is justified, or can't spare the manpower to do the work and resubmit it for QA, it aint happening.

Its that simple.


Sure but not from the original developers. Same as the way every PS2 game can play at 4k on the PC via emulators.

Every individual game doesn't work when emulating, that's the point I'm making. It requires 100 times the effort and you still get less playable games. Also, neither the X nor the PS5 are strong enough to emulate the one/ps4 so both company approaches depend on individual patching by the devs.
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How are you arriving at this? The new articles don't state that this is the case. It says that 'selected games' will benefit from boost mode.
I'm sure Bloodborne is in the TOP100 popular list that Sony tested themselves to make it work in PS5 BC Boost Mode.
For you, OP:


uses 'M$' - What year is it? Not 2002.
Every individual game doesn't work when emulating, that's the point I'm making. It requires 100 times the effort and you still get less playable games. Also, neither the X nor the PS5 are strong enough to emulate the one/ps4 so both company approaches depend on individual patching by the devs.
The Xbox team has a whole backwards compatibility team that are patching 4K Xbox one games with out the developers
I'm not sure why people seem to put so much value in how a new console runs old games. I also don't know how you expect it to just magically be better without developers doing work on it. Maybe it's just that I'm old and like generations but I want the games I enjoyed to be what they are, and then you move on. I mean would you have wanted Super Mario World remastered for N64 or something? No, it's perfect the way it is. Why are we in that mindset now?
Don't get one then if you feel they aren't catering to your needs but imo people want new games all while asking for their old games to be almost remade for new gen for free, how do people think studios get the time for this and pump out game after game especially with how long games take to make these days that's my opinion on the matter .


Very, very unlikely IMO. Would have been amazing to get it though.
C'mon man. While yes, I agree that many people, myself included, expect God of War, Bloodborne, TLOUII to get a 60fps patch. They have too. If some smaller games devs put them out for their games and Sony doesn't for their biggest, it'd be a huge disappointment. I can't imagine they'd do that. It'd be such a missed sizzle reel opportunity to have God of War and Bloodborne running at 4k/60fps at the start of their new console release. I'm 97% sure they'll not let that go by. They have to know that the player-base wants that and they are "for the players" as they like to say. I hope ALL their shit comes to PC. It absolutely should, AND it should get the treatment on PS5 as well.
If it is a 60fps patch I don't know.

But Cerny (and Sony) said in March that the TOP100 games in popularity where already tested to work in PS5 BC Boost Mode (that needs patch and allow enhancements over the PS4/PS4 Pro BC modes).

I'm sure all these games you guys are talking are included in that TOP100 list from March... it is probably bigger today.
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Most first party titles will receive framerate boosts on top of their PS4 Pro boosted features.

Sony have not officially confirmed whether patches for performance will or won't be a thing for the PS5, so I think you're jumping to conclusions OP.

And even still, I never get why people go through a whole gen, only to get annoyed that the brand spanking new gen will prioritize fresh new groundbreaking experiences rather than put all their efforts into upgrading old titles from as far back as 2016 in the case of the game you were anticipating a patch for in Uncharted 4.

I would love upgrades for all games and it will be slightly disappointing if they don't include some sort of boost feature for most games, however that won't make or break my hype for next gen, and imo it shouldn't break your hype either, just wait for the list of titles getting boosts my friend, PS5 will deliver new memorable experiences in the places of those games you don't get boosted.
I'm not sure why people seem to put so much value in how a new console runs old games. I also don't know how you expect it to just magically be better without developers doing work on it. Maybe it's just that I'm old and like generations but I want the games I enjoyed to be what they are, and then you move on. I mean would you have wanted Super Mario World remastered for N64 or something? No, it's perfect the way it is. Why are we in that mindset now?

It isn't magic dude. When I upgrade my GPU somehow all of my games "magically" perform better. It isn't a lot to ask. A console is just a PC.

Boss Mog

How disappointing.

So as it stands games will not be enhanced on a per game basis. What this means in reality is that;

- Only games with dynamic resolution will be "enhanced" to reach the resolution cap (which in many cases is less than on the One X version I.e Red Dead Redemtion 2).
- Only games with uncapped or an unstable frame rate will benefit from the increased power.

I honestly find this SUPER disappointing as enhanced patches were my most hyped feature. (Just imagine Uncharted 4 at 4k 60fps!).

Pretty sure I'm done with Playstation now with this and the price increase. Got some serious thinking to do now about whether I still want a PS5.

This is why I said we should be concerned about Sony's silence regarding its backwards compatability plans last week. Some people there told us a it was all in hand and not to be worried... 😉
I don't think you understood what was said, the stuff you're talking about is, without a patch, using the PS5 boost mode. Companies will be free to release patches for their PS4 games that would allow for higher resolution and framerates on games where those are locked. It's up to each publisher/developper to choose if they want to do that but I don't expect many will because patching last gen games won't be a priority for them, especially if they can sell you a "remaster" with the goodies you crave.
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Two companies with two different strategies, priorities and ways of making products. Just because one does it, doesn't mean the other can or should. Neither box is perfect. If this particular issue is a dealbreaker, fair play - there is a console that's better for your needs. Not sure your next gen preferences are threadworthy, though.
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If the ps4pro version had a lower resolution limit then yeah it will be worse than xbox series x version.

Sony really need to ask their developers to patch their exclusive games.

I'll definitely buy one sooner if they do.


uses 'M$' - What year is it? Not 2002.
I'm not sure why people seem to put so much value in how a new console runs old games. I also don't know how you expect it to just magically be better without developers doing work on it. Maybe it's just that I'm old and like generations but I want the games I enjoyed to be what they are, and then you move on. I mean would you have wanted Super Mario World remastered for N64 or something? No, it's perfect the way it is. Why are we in that mindset now?

This is why


some first party will be re-buy remastered editions
some third party will be free upgrades (Mk11, Witcher 3)
Going by your previous post with Gears, you're talking about Microsoft patching Microsoft games. Are they enhancing random third party games?

Richard from DF said they were working on a framerate doubling feature which would avoid devs having to step in for a 60 FPS cap on BC games.

That does little for the resolution, but keep in mind Series X will play One X games which usually had higher max resolution than PS4 Pro anyway.


So what was Mark Cerny on about with the "top 100 games will be enhanced by playtime" if he was just talking about minimal Boost mode on all games. It's really misleading.


Ok, so yet again, if something wasn't said, we assume it isn't happening and the rant about it creating new pointless threads. Great. Maybe wait for some confirmation?
I doubt sony are going to spend the reaources to create enhanced patches for games. I mean look at the spiderman situation. The writing is on the wall


uses 'M$' - What year is it? Not 2002.
Going by your previous post with Gears, you're talking about Microsoft patching Microsoft games. Are they enhancing random third party games?
They already have done a whole bunch of 360 games when the one x launched I don’t see why not with Xbox one games that never received resolution increases. Let’s hope Arkham knight gets a patch from the backwards compatibility team
It isn't magic dude. When I upgrade my GPU somehow all of my games "magically" perform better. It isn't a lot to ask. A console is just a PC.

Well yeah, like I said, I'm old fashioned is all. I realize I'm in the minority of this opinion. I liked a new generation seeming like an epic step forward, rather than just like a new model of cell phone that's a little better, a little faster. I have PS5 preordered, and yet I haven't been impressed with any graphics that I've seen for anything. Like the city in Spider-Man looks a little more vibrant now, I guess? Doesn't even feel worth the upgrade at this point but I got all swept up in the pre-order hype. >_>


They already have done a whole bunch of 360 games when the one x launched I don’t see why not with Xbox one games that never received resolution increases. Let’s hope Arkham knight gets a patch from the backwards compatibility team

Once again, emulation =/= hardware BC. I think I'm done with this thread, it just goes in circles. People are being deliberately obtuse at this point.


i didnt expect it for 3rd party games (although we are getting some for games like witcher 3) but its so annoying they wont do it for their more recent 1st party games.... i honestly thought GoT and TLOU2 would for sure get it, and was hopeful on GoW and UC4


I say this as an Xbox first gamer: remember you are really there for the games; everything else is extra.

If you love the first party games on PS (I know I do. Xbox first, does not mean Xbox only ;)), I wouldn't abandon them so quickly. Maybe this slows down you buyig a PS5 as soon as you would have, but in the end of the day the new games will still be world class.

For me, the reason why I am Xbox first is because I have always felt MS was the best for these type of things: OG Xbox - Xbox Live, 360 - stability of Live, Live party systems, media streaming, Xbox One - stumbled out of the gate (lol), but really brought forward the digital future with games going along with you, backwards compatibility, and now the forward thinking of Xbox Series X along with GamePass. Launch titles are usually not the best, but I know I am going to be able to continue to play through my library, with many of them being a lot better once on the XSX.

However, I will still get a PS5 down the road (more than likely when the new Horizon game comes out). PlayStation is not the first place I go to game, but there is still a lot of entertainment to be had there.
Well yeah, like I said, I'm old fashioned is all. I realize I'm in the minority of this opinion. I liked a new generation seeming like an epic step forward, rather than just like a new model of cell phone that's a little better, a little faster. I have PS5 preordered, and yet I haven't been impressed with any graphics that I've seen for anything. Like the city in Spider-Man looks a little more vibrant now, I guess? Doesn't even feel worth the upgrade at this point but I got all swept up in the pre-order hype. >_>

You are focusing on the wrong things. There are already millions of games out there, and the better they perform the more fun they are to play. Graphics do not make a game better, no matter what generation it is. You should be asking where is the next-gen gameplay.
Gears and ori are getting free 120 fps boosts also i think for forza horizon 4 is getting full 4k 60 I think these are the boosts the op is talking about and he's not wrong paying money for ps5 version of Spiderman is a dick move no matter how you see it when first party ms games are getting boosts for free


That's cool and nice that your saves transfer to PS5 also.

I would hope with BC games, the saves would transfer, there is nothing different with the game. The issue is when going from a PS4 game to a PS5 game and saved do not carry forward.
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