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R. Mika's popularity in Street Fighter is baffling


She's fun as a character, she looks really damn fun to play (have you watched the pax gameplay videos? She's awesome), she's hot as all hell, good lord that ass (yes I have no shame in admiting I like her ass) and her body type is surprisingly not all that common, even in fighting games, where I guess they would make most sense. Her costume is still trash, even with the changes, was hoping for a redesign, but eh, that's what alt costumes are there for. I can count in one hand the number of characters I still even care to choose default costume in SF IV. Most of them I just use one of the many alts.

Bearded Ryu is officially the hottest character in SF V tho.


LOL. Ivy has always been an amazing character with a very unique moveset. What's the problem with R.Mika ? Not everybody plays competitively. Played a lot of SFZ3 on Saturn and love all characters, R.Mika included.

People were just as hyped for previous reveals.


Mika isn't popular at all, otherwise she would've appeared in other SF games sooner. Since Capcom already recycled all the popular characters in SF4, now they're digging out lesser known characters from old games, like Nash and Birdie.


I love her because both her and her partner pay tribute to Japanese female wrestling which is wicked badass. People need to stop being mad or offended about every little thing. This isn't something to be up in arms against.
Y'all turning this into a "hot women" thread is not helping Mika's case, tbh.

I like Mika a lot, but I feel like they should have gone in the other direction with her outfit. I'm kind of amazed that it ends up looking more revealing than what she had on before.

Yeah, she looks like a wrestler, but that costume would still be borderline by wrestling standards.

As it stands, I kinda think her tag partner has a better character design than she does.
This is pretty much where I'm at. It's a bit unfortunate that threads like this are destined to turn out the same. What was supposed to be a defence for both Mika and Soul Calibur, ended up being yet another "What about this other hot person?" or "I won't apologise for liking cheesecake" thread. The latter is a valid opinion of course, but just know that it plays into the OPs point.

Mika still looks fun and cool, but I had hoped for a different direction with her redesign.

I love her because both her and her partner pay tribute to Japanese female wrestling which is wicked badass. People need to stop being mad or offended about every little thing. This isn't something to be up in arms against.
I don't think a lot of people are actually offended. At worst, I feel patronised. Much like how The Third Birthday ended up treating Aya Brea, it's an attempt to appeal to specific demographics in ways that cheapen the characterisation.


Salt is a spice, and variety is the spice of life. By this logic, Rainbow Mika is very valuable.

Seriously though, I think many people are just tired of convention. I always thought her being a bit out of place was a strength when half the cast are shotos. Her butt attacks also make me laugh, so there's that... I dunno, I just think she's fun (though I'll admit I never used her much in SFA3). I want more Alpha 3 and Third Strike faces than tired old SFII ones.

This victory dance is the best.


Geez if they ever made a King of fighters game with fully 3d models on next gen I can only imagine the reactions Mai would get.


Geez if they ever made a King of fighters game with fully 3d models on next gen I can only imagine the reactions Mai would get.
She would get none
Because there are female kof characters who get to be cool with clothes on. The issue is lack of variety not sexiness itself.


I don't understand the complaining over Mika's outfit. You have Zangief who is in wrestling tights. Urien, who is even LESS clothed than Mika.
I don't understand the complaining over Mika's outfit. You have Zangief who is in wrestling tights. Urien, who is even LESS clothed than Mika.

Or even Ryu, judging by the amount of "Ryu is hot!" comments in this thread.

(Justifiably so, too.)


Never really liked her in Alpha and enjoyed kickin her ass since that character just seemed dumb to me like Dan. I only met a couple of people who liked her over the years, so I didn't get the sudden "like" of the character. However, adding another character to the roster is good. Not someone I'll play, but will enjoy kicking her ass. Silly characters should exist to be destroyed. Heh, heh.

Mista Koo

Her popularity is mainly due to her long time absence.
Also her hips - and figure in general - are much wider and realistic than other female fighters in general.

I don't understand the complaining over Mika's outfit. You have Zangief who is in wrestling tights. Urien, who is even LESS clothed than Mika.
It's not just about how much skin is being shown:


Samus on the left is more sexualized than the one on the right.


I'm happy to see her return. I think OP is taking his little fighting game a little too seriously, as I don't know how one can whine about Mika's look, while Chun Li's "Battle" outfit is a sexy dress.

Don't like her moves? Don't play as her. Sorry if she's soiling your ultra serious fighting game with demons and fireballs.


To me she's a terrible design and command grabs.

Honestly I would not be bothered a single bit if they made her show less skin or reduced her breast size into believable territory, but at the same time I am also not bothered by them not doing that. I only care about her moveset, and as long that is there I will be (hopefully) happy.


How come no one is bringing up this sexy ass beast. You ask me, I think some people had heart attacks when they saw this specimen today. He's showing more skin than she is.


Now that's one hell of a handsome alt for Ryu. Am I the only one reminded of Uncle Sensei from Divekick tho?



Her popularity is mainly due to her long time absence.
Also her hips - and figure in general - are much wider and realistic than other female fighters in general.

It's not just about how much skin is being shown:


Samus on the left is more sexualized than the one on the right.

All of the street fighter characters have exaggerated proportions.

We have designs like this that cater to women. Why no fuss raised over this?


Huge Nickleback Fan
Looks ridiculously cool. I'm not going to use her since i dont like grappler type character, but i'm sure grappler fans will like her.
I don't mind scantily clad characters in video games, but let's not act like Mika is anything more than transparent fan-service.

This is the problem, right here.

The existence of "fanservice" in a character doesn't magically erase all the character's other appealing attributes....unless you're sexist.

If you have a cool character and then add bewbs, that doesn't suddenly make the character "nothing but fanservice". The other cool stuff IS STILL THERE.


Looks ridiculously cool. I'm not going to use her since i dont like grappler type character, but i'm sure grappler fans will like her.

I don't really like grapplers myself, but she's so fast and her buttons look so satisfying, I can't wait to play her. HK all day.

She's also very offensive and her pressure seems insane (maybe too insane in the current build), so in a way she's more like Abel than Zangief, and Abel is a character that I always liked too, just never managed to learn him.
All of the street fighter characters have exaggerated proportions.

We have designs like this that cater to women. Why no fuss raised over this?
Because designs that cater to women are also usualy appealing to men too

The character you posted looks pretty fucking cool


I understand your frustration here OP...
With feminists going on a riot (or simply disapprove) every time some female character is oversexualised or shows to much skin, one would expend that R.Mika would be like a can of gasoline for a flame war.

The fact that they received R.Mika (a character who weaponised her ass) so well makes you feel that it's impossible to understand women.

After some brainstorming I think I can see their point.

For starters Capcom makes sure that their female fighters have always some muscle to show where their strength come from, unlike other Fighting games where they try to convince us that super-models can defeat pro-wrestlers with magic pirouettes .
One is famous for having strong and fast kicks. The other fights using Sumo... of all thing. Can you tell from their picture?

Secondly the character is clearly meant to represent Women's Wrestling, that as many people pointed here, like Male Wrestling is very over-the-top with very bizarre and skimpy clothes (and most likely also fake). Toning that down would make her less unrealistic, unlike most other female characters. It also helps that she is designed as a less serious character, so she avoids the trope of having dramatic female characters loosing their credibility because of a panty shot or skimpy outfit. Our attention will no longer be on her actions, but rather on her "assets". That's why the big 3 most poppular anime happen to be those that don't rely on fanservice to keep us hooked.

Finally... She's strong!
Or rather, they are strong! And they are not the type of strong videogame females who rely on weapons, magic or some imposible ancient martial art... They are Physically strong! In that trailer they are revealed kicking a guy's ass with their strength and that made the best first impresion.

In the end, that Character is a Win-Win for all of us!
Us guys can enjoy her skimpy over-the-top fighting style, while the girls got a female fighter that looks realisticly strong and avoid the tropes, so they wont bitch about it.


For me its a great character, I love the new design, dont mind that its sexuallized... but I cant defend that Super with a straight face.


Unlimited Capacity
Sexed up character in fighting game popularity is baffling. Scientist can't pinpoint why anyone likes her.



Read an article from a feminist defending her character, and I'm just at a loss.

Never mind the fact that she was terrible and unfun in Alpha 3 (one of the weakest characters in the game for those who haven't played), but isn't she a little transparent to anyone? I mean, she's basically like a woman from a Dead or Alive or Soul Calibur game shoved into Street Fighter. I know that she's a wrestler, and I know that wrestling girls are supposed to be exploitative, but that doesn't make it any less exploitative.

She's a character designed from the ground up to appeal to the male gaze, which is where most of her support from over the years has come from. Almost no one who wanted this character back over the years was hyped about her moveset, they mostly just talked about her ass, but when you tell them as much they try to argue what a well thought out character she is.

I don't mind scantily clad characters in video games, but let's not act like Mika is anything more than transparent fan-service. No one playing Soul Calibur is pretending Ivy is anything more than she appears, so the same should apply here. Mika is just another E cupped, huge hipped, tiny-waisted fighting game girl, so the support she is getting from people who normally come down on that sort of thing is confusing.

I mean, she literally has a move where she and her equally busty friend smother her opponent with their asses as an attack, it's so out of place. It's like something out of a harem anime, but nope it's in Street Fighter, and apparently everyone loves it.

I don't like Harlee Quinn, but I don't sit and try to figure out why there are people who don't agree with me on it. People like this character, and it may not be only for looks as you seem to assume here. May be for move set, or may be for quirkiness, who knows. But people like her. Just because you don't, doesn't mean you need to know why others do.


I think that her SF5 version feels enough like an actual lady wrestler, amped up in a SF style way, with changes to her physique, outfit, and moveset that I don't have a problem with her anymore. I always thought she sucked in alpha 3, design and movewise (she looked too much like a weird fetish design, and not actually strong or having any personality) but now she seems fine.

I think they should dial Cammy back a bit. it doesn't make sense for her character. They've written nothing around her mostly-nude design, where with R.Mika she actually has personality to where it doesn't bother me. Cammy's problem is that It seems like she's "unaware" that she's shoving a big thong-butt in the camera all the time, which is why it feels weird. If she was sassy or cognizant of it, or anything at all really, that'd stop being so awkward. They don't even write her as BEING oblivious to it. It's just a random design element because of that, and that's kind of a failing of the character designers.


Übermatik;177212255 said:
I think her design is atrocious, from an artistic perspective.

For me, the changes they made to her suit feel like they're designed around her muscular anatomy, and feels more like an actual wrestler design (save for the goofy hair, which you can't really fault an anime style character for at that point) Getting rid of the dumb hearts on the boobs helps a bit, too.
For me, the changes they made to her suit feel like they're designed around her muscular anatomy, and feels more like an actual wrestler design (save for the goofy hair, which you can't really fault an anime style character for at that point) Getting rid of the dumb hearts on the boobs helps a bit, too.

Oh yeah, her design has improved, but it makes little difference in the grand scheme of things. Just compare her aesthetic to that of Juri's.


Always loved the double fist pump she does after her level 2 grab super.

I love how hype she gets about...everything, lol.

Late replying to this but hell yeah haha. This woman is just... happy. Love characters like this.

Second main, decided.

All I need now is Juri and I'll have plenty to practice for tourneys.


It's hilarious to me how R.Mika, a character so many say is unpopular/waste of a slot/etc, has garnered BY FAR the most discussion in an SF5 character reveal.
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